ConneCting Øresund Kattegat SkagerraK Cooperation projeCts in interreg iV a 1 CONTeNT INTRODUCTION 3 PROgRamme aRea 4 PROgRamme PRIORITIes 5 NUmbeR Of PROjeCTs aPPROveD 6 PROjeCT aReas 6 fINaNCIal OveRvIew 7 maRITIme IssUes 8 HealTH CaRe IssUes 10 INfRasTRUCTURe, TRaNsPORT aND PlaNNINg 12 bUsINess DevelOPmeNT aND eNTRePReNeURsHIP 14 TOURIsm aND bRaNDINg 16 safeTy IssUes 18 skIlls aND labOUR maRkeT 20 PROjeCT lIsT 22 CONTaCT INfORmaTION 34 2 INTRODUCTION a short story about the programme With this brochure we want to give you some highlights We have furthermore gathered a list of all our 59 approved from the Interreg IV A Oresund–Kattegat–Skagerrak pro- full-scale projects to date. From this list you can see that gramme, a programme involving Sweden, Denmark and the projects cover a variety of topics, involve many actors Norway. The aim with this programme is to encourage and and plan to develop a range of solutions and models to ben- support cross-border co-operation in the southwestern efit the Oresund–Kattegat–Skagerrak area. part of Scandinavia. The programme area shares many of The brochure is developed by the joint technical secre- the same problems and challenges. By working together tariat. The brochure covers a period from March 2008 to and exchanging knowledge and experiences a sustainable June 2010. and balanced future will be secured for the whole region. It is our hope that the brochure shows the diversity in Funding from the European Regional Development Fund the project portfolio as well as the possibilities of cross- is one of the important means to enhance this development border cooperation within the framework of an EU-pro- and to encourage partners to work across the border. gramme. In this brochure we present 7 ongoing projects co- financed by the Oresund–Kattegat–Skagerrak programme. September 2010 struCture of the interreg iV a oresund–Kattegat–sKagerraK–programme The Interreg Iv a Oresund–kattegat–skagerrak–programme 2007–2013 aims at increased co-operation across the borders of the Oresund– kattegat–skagerrak–area. The programme provides funding for cross-border co-operation projects. altogether 105 milllion euros from the european Regional Development fund will co-fund projects in the participating regions of Denmark and sweden by 2013, and in addition to the european funding Norway contributes with 15 million euro, which enables cooperation across the region in projects with partners from Danmark, sweden and Norway. 3 PROgRamme aRea The region is connected by the oceans Kattegat, Skagerrak and Oresund. The region inhabits 9 million Scandinavians and covers an area of 125 588 km2, including three countries and two capital cities along the coast. As the map shows the programme is split into three project areas: Kattegat–Skagerrak, Oresund and Oresund–Kattegat–Skagerrak. Kattegat–sKagerraK oresund oresund–Kattegat–sKagerraK 4 PROgRamme PRIORITIes The programme’s vision is to create a region which is at- tractive and competitive, and characterised by know ledge- priority 2: tying the region together based cooperation and sustainable development. The pro- This priority focuses on creating a physically and organisation- gramme’s broad objectives are to: ally homogeneous region, while making it easier to cooperate and share resources. • Increase sustainable economic growth and contribute to for example: the EU’s regional development objectives; • develop information systems, products and services for road users and other travellers ; • Develop a physically and organisationally homogeneous • develop a safer and more sustainable transport system; region by stimulating cooperation and common use of • encourage cooperation between the region’s health services; and resources; and • develop greater cooperation on maritime safety issues. • Increase integration by improving the mobility of people and businesses. The Programme is structured according to three priority priority 3: promote eVeryday integration axes and each project should contribute to one of the pro- The aim is to eliminate barriers and encourage and improve gramme priorities: contacts across borders for people, businesses and organisa- tions and strengthen a common identity in the region. for example: priority 1: promote sustainable eConomiC growth • develop common training programmes; The aim of the priority is to improve conditions for growth and • labour market initiatives and; sustainable competitiveness based on the region’s existing • encourage cooperation between tourist organisations, schools strengths. Projects will focus on stimulating growth promoting and cultural institutions activities in the areas of trade, research and education, as well as in the wider economy. for example: • produce common innovation strategies; • improve guidance services for small and medium–sized enter- prises; • encourage joint development and marketing of regional events; • foster cooperation between clusters and research institutes; and • encourage cooperation on sustainable tourism. 5 NUmbeR Of PROjeCTs aPPROveD The programme has approved 59 full scale projects and in addition to this a number of small scale projects. In this brochure the focus is on the 59 projects. The figures below show the numbers of full scale projects according to priority and to project area. number of projeCts per priority number of projeCts per projeCt area 7 sustainable economic growth (21 projects) 9 Oresund–kattegat–skagerrak (7 projects) 21 Tying the region together (29 projects) Oresund (30 projects) 22 everyday integration (9 projects) kattegat/skagerrak (22 projects) 30 29 PROjeCT aReas In the programme we work with 11 themes. The themes show the working areas of the projects. In the brochure we have chosen to split the 7 interviews into our themes. The themes are: Business development and entrepreneurship Skills and labour market Infrastructure, transport and planning Tourism and branding Environment and energy Culture and media Maritime issues Health Care issues Innovation, research and development Safety issues Education 6 fINaNCIal OveRvIew Budget The programme has a total funding of 120 MEUR, this figure includes both funding from the European Development Fund as well as funding from Norway. funding per priority priority total budget € budget erdf € budget norway € 1. sustainable economic growth 56.935.263 49.834.543 7.100.720 2. Tying the region together 43.820.909 36.720.189 7.100.720 3. everyday integration 19.938.030 18.360.093 1.577.937 total € 120.694.202 104.914.825 15.779.377 Allocated Funds The programme has allocated about 53% of the funding at this stage of the programme. alloCated funds per priority priority total budget € budget erdf € budget norway € allocated funds € % 1. sustainable economic growth 56.935.263 49.834.543 7.100.720 32.472.093 57% 2. Tying the region together 43.820.909 36.720.189 7.100.720 27.728.902 63% 3. everyday integration 19.938.030 18.360.093 1.577.937 4.176.652 21% total € 120.694.202 104.914.825 15.779.377 64.377.647 53% alloCated funds per projeCt area priority total budget* € budget erdf € budget norway € allocated funds € % Oresund–kattegat skagerrak 13.647.357 10.491.482 3.155.875 10.256.618 75% kattegat–skagerrak 54.589.432 41.965.930 12.623.502 33.483.388 61% Oresund 52.457.413 52.457.413 0 20.637.641 39% total € 120.694.202 104.914.825 15.779.377 64.377.647 53% *budget per project area is indikative 7 bäRkRafTIgT RäkfIske I skageRRak sustainable use of shrimps in sKagerraK 8 m aritime issues kaTTegaT–skageRRak The key actors in the fishing industry funding to help find new ways to The partnership consists of various will work together to find new solu- work with a sustainable use of this relevant actors in the region and re- tions for sustainable shrimp fishing significant natural resource. search institutions co-operate with in the Kattegat/Skagerrak mari- The new information will be used management authorities and rep- time region. Based on a joint analysis to enhance the quality of the decision resentatives from the fishing indus- of existing as well as new data the making process regarding how to try. Even individual fishermen are actors will provide updated infor- implement sustainable shrimp fishing involved in the project as they have mation regarding the total quantity in Skagerrak. The project will gather valuable knowledge about the actual of shrimps in Skagerrak. existing information, work in clusters, conditions of the fishing waters. The results of this analysis will be and use modern DNA technology to Since the partnership involves a used as an important input to for- identify local quantities of shrimps. broad variety of actors it should be mulate a sustainable development Also, the project aims to integrate possible to use the results of the sci- plan for the future shrimp fishing in this knowledge in a new and im- entific research more effectively than Skagerrak. proved model, which can be used as would have been possible otherwise. In economic terms shrimp fishing a tool for the drawing up of a sus- in the Kattegat/Skagerrak region is tainable development plan for the the most important of all the fisher- future shrimp fishing in Skagerrak. projeCt title ies with a firsthand value of approxi- With climate change many dif- bärkraftigt räkfiske i skagerrak mately 50 MEURO (SEK 500 milj.) ferent factors can affect the future per year. Further, a high percent- amount of shrimps in the sea. Today, projeCt budget age of the population in Denmark, it is not possible to determine whether Total budget: 1 840 004 eUR eRDf: 438 731 eUR Sweden and Norway live in the there is one or several different spe- INTeRReg (Norway) 381 000 eUR coastal areas and shrimp fishing is cies of shrimps in Skagerrak and projeCt duration definitely an important economic the ambition of the project is to 01 jul 2010 – 30 jun 2013 resource that feeds many families. find out as much as possible about However, the amount of shrimps the shrimps and disseminate the in the sea differs from year to year, information widely in order to make which in turn influences the fishing sure that shrimps may continue to quotas and the price of fresh be an important part of the cultural shrimps.
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