Complete Songs Chetyre pesni na slova E. Dolmatovskogo Four Songs to Lyrics by E. Dolmatovsky 3 Rodina slyshit The Motherland Hears Compact Disc 28 Rodina s lïshiT , Rodina zna yet, The MoTherland hears, The MoTherland knows Gde v oblakah e yo sïn prole tayeT. Where her son flies Through The clouds. Dva romansa na slova M. Lermontova Two Romances to Lyrics by M. Lermontov S druzhesko y lasko y, WiTh friendly embrace, nezhno y liubovyu wiTh lender love, 1 Utro na Kavkaze A Morning In The Caucasus Alïmi zviozdami bashen moskovskih, she waTches over you. SveTayeT -vyoTsa dikoy pelenoy The day is breaking. The nighT’s misT swirls in a wild Bashen kremliovskih WiTh The scarleT sTars of Moscow’s Towers, veil Sm oT ri T ona za Tobo yu . of The Kremlin’s lowers. Vokrug lesisTïh gor Tuman nochnoy; Round The wooded mounTains; Rodina s lïshiT , Rodina zna yel, The MoTherland hears, The MoTherland knows Yescho u nog Kavkaza Tishina; AT The fooT of The Caucasus iT is sTill silenT; Kak nelegko e yo sïn pobezhda yeT. How hard iT is for her son To win, MolchiT Tabun, reka zhurchi T odna. The herd is quieT, The river alone is murmuring, No ne sdayoTsa buT he who is brave and who is righT VoT na skale novorozhdionn ïy luch and There on a rock, a new-born ray of lighT Pravïy i smelïy! never gives up. Zardelsia vdrug, prorezavshis’ mezh Tuch, appears suddenly ouT of The clouds, blushing, Vseyu sud’boy svoyey fï uTverzhdayesh, WiTh all your faTe you mainTain, I rozovïy po rechke i shaTram and iTs pink radiance spreads over The river Tï zaschischayesh you defend Razlilsia blesk, i sveTiT Tam i Tam: and The TenTs, shining here and There: Mira velikoye delo. The greaT cause of peace. Tak devushki, kupayasia f Teni, Likewise, young maids baThing in The shade Rodina slïshiT, Rodina znayeT, The MoTherland hears, The MoTherland knows Kogda uvidiaT yunoshu oni, all blush, and casT Their glance downward, ChTo eyo syn na doroge vsTrechayeT, WhaT her son has To face on his way, Krasne yuT fse, k zemle sklonia yuT vzor: when They see a young lad; Kak Tï skvoz’ Tuchi how you Thread your way No kak bezha T’, ko l’ blizok mi lïy vor!… buT how can They run away, when The lovely Thief is so PuT’ probivayesh. Through Thunder-clouds. near!… Skol’ko by chornaya buria ne zlilas’, However fierce The black sTorm may be, ShTo b ni sluchilos’ – whaTever may happen – 2 Ballada Ballad Bud’ nepreklonnïm, Tovarisch! remain sTaunch, Comrade! Nad morem krasaviTsa-deva sidiT; The beauTiful maiden siTs by The sea, I k drugu, laskayasia, Tak govoriT: and she says To her friend so sweeTly: 4Vïruchi menia Rescue Me «DosTan’ ozherel’ye, spusTisia na dno; “Pluck my necklace from The sea boTTom, ProTekli za ogradoy koliuchey My young days were spenT Sevodnia v puchinu upalo ono! for iT was dropped There Today! moyi molo ïe goda. behind barbed wire. Tï eTim dokazhesh svoyu mne liubof!’» Thus you will prove your love To me!” Zalivayas’ slezoyu goriuchey, Shedding biTTer Tears, Vskipela lihaya u yunoshi krof’, The lad’s boiling blood runs hoT, nashi devushki peli Togda: our girls used To sing: I um yevo obnial nevol’nïy nedug, his mind is obsessed wiTh an unwiTTing afflicTion, «Nedrugov gonia, “Driving ouT The enemy, On v pennuyu bezdnu kidaeTsa vdrug. And he suddenly plunges inTo The foaming abyss. vïruchi menia, rescue me, lz bezdnï perlovïe brïzgi leTiaT, Pearly splashes rise from The abyss, kak v chudesnoy skazke, like in a fairy Tale, I volnï TesniaTsa, i mchaTsa nazad, The waves clash, and reTreaT, rï Tsar’ molodo y O young knighT, I snova prihodiaT i o bereg byuT, and arrive again, and beaT againsT The shore, s krasnoyu zvezdo y wiTh a red sTar VoT milova druga oni prinesuT. In a momenT, They will bring back The loving friend. na zelionoy kaske» on your green helmeT.” O schas Ty e! On zhiv, on skalu uhvalil, Oh happiness! He is alive, he has gripped The rock, Mï v ro dn ïye lachugi vernulis’, We wenT back To The ruins of our homes, V ruke ozhere l’ye, no mrachen kak bï l. The necklace is in his hand, buT he is gloomy. v pechal’nuyu nashu sTranu. To our sad counTry. On veri boiTsa usTalïm nogam, He is scared To TrusT his weary feeT, Na kamniah obezdolennïh uliTs I sing on The sTones of widowed sTreeTs, I vlazhnïye kudri beguT po plecham… His weT locks sTlick To his shoulders… ya poyu, kak pevala v plenu: like I used To sing in prison: «Skazhu, ne liubliu il’ liubliu ya Tebia, “Tell me now, have I noT proved my love To you? «Nedrugov gonia, “Driving ouT The enemy, Dlia perlov prekrasnoy i zhizn’ ne schadia, I did noT spare my life for my beauTy’s pearls, vïruchi menia, rescue me, Po slovu spusTilsia na chornoye dno devoTedly, I plunged down To The black seabed, kak v chudesnoy skazke, like in a fairy Tale, V kora llovom gro Te lezha la ono. – and found The necklace in a coral groTTo. – rïT sar’ molodo y O young knighT, Voz’mi», i pechal’nïy on vzor usTremil Take iT,” and he casT a sad glance s krasnoyu zvezdo y wiTh a red sTar Na To, shTo dorozhe on zhizni liubil. To The one he loved more Than his life. na zelionoy kaske» on your green helmeT.” OTveT bïl: «O milïy, o yunosha moy, The answer was, “Oh sweeT one, oh my darling, DosTan’, yesli liubish, korall dorogoy». if you love me, pluck me a precious coral.” S dushoy beznadiozhnoy mladoy udaleTs The daring hero, hopeless in his hearT, Prïgnul, ChTob nayTi il’ korall, il’ koneTs. plunged in To find a coral, or his deaTh. lz bezdnï perlovïe brïzgi leTiaT, Pearly splashes rise from The abyss, l volnï TesniaTsa, i mchaTsa nazad, The waves clash, and reTreaT, I snova prihodiaT i o bereg byuT, and arrive again, and beaT againsT The shore, No milova druga oni ne nesuT. BuT They do noT bring back The loving friend. 1 5 Liubit – ne li ubit Loves – Or Loves Not Chetïre monologa na slova A. Pushkina Four Monologues to Words by A. Pushkin Yes T’ devushek mnogo u nas v gorodke, There are many girls in our Town, 7 Otrivok A Fragment No Ta, shTo vsTrechayeT s TsveTami v ruke, buT The one who meeTs you wiTh flowers in her hand, V yevreyskoy hizhine lampada In The Jewish huT, a pale lamp V Tebia vliublena, is in love wiTh you. V odnom uglu b ledna goriT, burns in a comer; No znay, shTo ona BuT she will noT Try To Tell her forTune Pered lampadoyu sTarik AT The lamp, an old man gada T’ na romashke ne budeT. plucking daisy peTals. ChiTaeT Bib li yu. Se dïye is reading The Bible. LiubiT – ne liubiT, (S)he loves me – (s)he loves me noT, Na knigu padayuT vlasï. His grey hair hangs down onTo The book. LiubiT – ne liubiT, (S)he loves me – (s)he loves me noT, Nad kol ïbe li yu pusToy A young Jewess weeps LiubiT – ne li ubiT… (S)he loves me – (s)he loves me noT… Yevreyka placheT molodaya. over an empTy cradle. Geroyam fsegda prepodnosiaT Tsve Tï, Heroes are always greeTed wiTh flowers, SidiT v drugom uglu, glavoy In anoTher corner, a young Jew Ya veriu, shTo sTanesh geroyem i Tï. And I believe you Too will be a hero. Poniknuf, molod oy yevrey, siTs wiTh his head down, Ne sTanu gada T’, I won’T Try To Tell your forTune, Gluboko v dumu pogruzho nn ïy. deep in his ThoughTs. No budu ya zhda T’, BuT I’ll be waiTing, V pechal’noy hizhine sTarushka An old woman cooks a laTe supper I serdTse nichTo ne osTudiT. And noThing will cool my hearT. GoToviT pozdniuyu Trapezu. in ThaT sad huT. LiubiT – ne liubiT, (S)he loves me – (s)he loves me noT, STarik, zak rïf sviaTuyu knigy, The old man closes The holy book LiubiT – ne liubiT, (S)he loves me – (s)he loves me noT, Zas Tiozhki mednïye somknu l. and fasTens iTs copper clasps. LiubiT – ne li ubiT… (S)he loves me – (s)he loves me noT… STaruha sTaviT bednïy uzhin The old woman puTs The meagre supper Yes T’ devushek mnogo, no Tol’ko odna, There are many girls, buT only one of Them Na sTol i vsiu semyu z ovi oT . on The Table, and calls The whole family. Bït’ mozheT, naveki v Tebia v li ublena. may be in love wiTh you for all Time. NikTo neydioT, zabyv o pische. No one comes, They neglecT The meals. S liubovyu bol’shoy When love is greaT, TekuT v bezmolvii chasy. Hours run on in silence. S oTkrïToy dushoy when souls are open, Usnulo vsio pod sen’yu nochi. All is asleep in The shade of nighT, Dlia schasTya vsTrechayuTsa liudi. people meeT for happiness. Yevreyskoy hizhinï odnoy The Jewish huT alone LiubiT – ne liubiT, (S)he loves me – (s)he loves me noT, Ne poseTil OTradnïy son. has amiable sleep bypassed. LiubiT – ne liubiT, (S)he loves me – (s)he loves me noT, Na kolokol’ne gorodskoy The Town belfry’s clock LiubiT – ne liubiT… (S)he loves me – (s)he loves me noT… ByoT polnach. – Vdrug rukoy Tiazholoy sTrikes midnighT. – Suddenly, a heavy hand STu chaTsa k nim. Semya vzdrognula, knocks aT The door. The family sTarTs, 6 Kolibel’naya Lullaby Mlad oy yevrey vsTayoT i dver’ The young Jew Then geTs up and, Spi, mo y horoshiy, spi mo y rodnoy.
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