1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 6579 ers, by abolishing certain deficiency judgments, and by pro­ for New York City art projects; to the Committee on Appro­ viding a moratorium on foreclosures; to the Committee on priations. Banking and Currency. 8359. By Mr. SUTPHIN: Petition of the Retail Grocers By Mr. VINSON of Georgia: Association of New Jersey, urging the defeat of the Cummings H. R. 9848. A bill to authorize /"the construction or ac­ bill <H. R. 9654), uniess amended to provide certain quotas; to quisition of naval aircraft, the construction of certain pub­ the Committee on Agriculture. lic works, and for other purposes; to the Committee on 8360. Also, petition of the New Jersey State Identification Naval Affairs. Association, endorsing the policies and practices of the Fed­ By Mr. VOORHIS of California: eral Bureau of Investig-ation, and urging that their Represent­ H. R. 9849. A bill to require the registration of certain atives in Congress encourage work of the Federal Bureau of organizations carrying on activities within the United States, Investigation; to the Committee on Rules. and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 8361. Also, petition of the Great Council of the United By Mr. MAY: States of the Improved Order of Red Men, agreeing with and H. R. 9850. A bill to expedite the strengthening of the congratulating Brother Dies and the members of his com­ national defense; to the Committee on Military Affairs. mittee, and offering the assistance of their membership By Mr. ROMJUE: should it be needed; to the Committee on Rules. H. R. 9851. A bill authorizing special arrangements in the 8362. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the international transportation of mail within the Territory of Alaska; to union, United Automobile Workers of America, Local No. 265, the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. Evansville, Ind., petitioning consideration of their resolution By Mr. KELLER: with reference to Senate bill 591, United States Housing H. J. Res. 550. Joint resolution to .provide for the use and Authority program; to the Committee on Banking and Cur­ disposition of the bequest of the late Justice Oliver Wen­ rency. dell Holmes to the United States, and for other purposes; 8363. Also, petition of the Searchers, Jewish Community to the Committee on the Library. Center, Los Angeles, Calif., petitioning consideration of their By Mr. CRAWFORD: resolution with reference to the antialien bills; to the Com­ H. Res. 495. Resolution authorizing the Committee on mittee on Foreign Affairs. Banking and Currency to obtain names of holders, buyers, 8364. Also, petition of the Minnesota Conference of the and sellers of securities and commodities on May 1, 1940, Evangelical Church, Fairbault, Minn., petitioning considera­ and between May 1 and May 21, 1940, and to obtain other tion of their resolution with reference to the Neely bill, con­ data; to the Committee on Rules. cerning block-booking and blind-selling; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 8365. Also, petition of the Mutual Association of Postal PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Employees, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa., petitioning consideration Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private bills and resolutions of their resolution with reference to Senate bill 1305 and were introduced and severally referred as follows: House bill 3517, concerning education; to the Committee on By Mr. BARRY: Education. H. R. 9852. A bill for the relief of Harry Cosby Vaughan; to the Comrnittee on Naval Affairs. SENATE By Mr. D'ALESANDRO: H. R. 9853. A bill for the relief of Thomas Shaefer Hamlin; WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1940 to the Committee on Naval Affairs. (Legislative day of Wednesday, April 24, 1940) By Mr. MAAS: The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration H. R. 9854. A bill to authorize certain officers and enlisted of the recess. men of the United States Navy, and the United States Marine The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the ·corps, the Naval Reserve, and the Marine Corps Reserve, to following prayer: accept such medals, orders, decorations, and presents as have been tendered them by foreign governments; to the Commit­ , 0 Father of mercies and God of all comfort, whose patience tee on Naval Affairs. is ever great toward us, who waitest for us unprovoked and By Mr. SCHAFER of Wisconsin: undismayed while we tarry and stumble on in a dull and H. R. 9855. A bill for the relief of John F. Cantiene; to the lifeless way, repeating our errors and our follies: Quicken Committee on Claims. in us, we beseech Thee, the sense of the mystery of the spiritual side of life by making us aware of the moral ex­ tremes whose capacities for good and evil are folded within PETITIONS, ETC. us. By the quick compulsion of Thy will arouse us from our Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions and papers were: lethargy, that we may conquer the lust of ease by closL'1g our laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: ears to the voice of privilege and by hearkening only to the 8355. By Mr. KEOGH: Petition of the National Society of call of duty. Grant that the unifying power of God may Mural Painters, New York City, protesting against the pro... direct us in all our ways and inspire us in heart and mind posed curtailment of funds for New York City art projects; to and purpose, that we may be worthy of Thy love, worthy of the Committee on Appropriations. the ideals bequeathed by our forefathers, and worthy of the 8356. By Mr. LYNCH: Petition of the commissioner of docks high destiny to which as a nation Thou, our God, hast called of the city of New York, opposing Senate Joint Resolution 92, us. We ask it in our Saviour's name. Amen. introduced by Senator NYE, as it will strip States of sub­ merged and reclaimed lands, and New York City piers are THE JOURNAL built on lands under water and the resolution is potentially On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, the dangerous to city of New York ownership; to the Committee reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calendar day on the Public Lands. of Tuesday, May 21, 1940, was dispensed with, and the Journal 8357. By Mr. MERRITT: Resolution of the Roland Ger­ was approved. man-American Democratic Society, Inc., stating that the CALL OF THE ROLL executive committee of the Roland Society condemns the Mr. MINTON. I suggest the absence of a quorum. ruthless invasion of the peace-loving countries of Denmark The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. and Norway as well as the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxem- The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Senators , bourg; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. · answered to their names: Adams Austin Barkley Brown 8358. By Mr. PFEIFER: Petition of the National Society of Andrews Bailey Bilbo Bulow Mural Painters, New York City, opposing curtailment of funds Ashurst Barbour Bone Burke LXXXVI--414 6580 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 22 Byrd Guft'ey McKellar Slattery nection with naval aerial surveys and flight checking of Byrnes Gurney McNary Smathers Capper Hale Maloney Smith aviation charts; Caraway Harrison Mead Stewart S. 3016. An act to amend the act approved February 15, Chandler Hatch Miller Taft Chavez Hayden Minton Thomas, Idaho 1929, entitled "An act to permit certain warrant officers to Clark, Idaho Herring Murray Thomas, Okla. count all active service rendered under temporary appoint­ Clark, Mo. Hill Neely Thomas, Utah in Connally Holt Norris Townsend ments as warrant or commissioned officers the Regular Danaher Hughes Nye Vandenberg Navy, or as warrant or commissioned officers in the United Davis Johnson, Calif. Overton VanNuys States Naval Reserve Force, for purpose of promotion to chief Donahey Johnson, Colo. Pepper Wagner Ellender King Pittman . Walsh warrant rank," so as to permit service in the National Naval George La Follette Reynolds White Volunteers to be counted for purposes of promotion; Gerry Lee Russell Wiley Gibson Lucas Schwartz S. 3017. An act to amend the act entitled "An act to au­ Gillette Lundeen Sheppard thorize an exchange of lands between the Richmond, Fred­ Glass McCarran Shipstead ericksburg & Potomac Railroad Co. and the United states at Mr. MINTON. I announce that the Senator from Wash­ Quantico, Va.," approved June 24, 1935 (49 Stat. 395), so as ington [Mr. ScB:wELLENBACH] is absent from the Senate to permit the removal of certain encumbrances on the lands because of illness in his family. concerned; The Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. GREEN] is unavoid­ S. 3183. An act to extend the time for completing the con­ ably detained. struction of a bridge across the Mississippi River at or near The Senator from Alabama [Mr. BANKHEAD], the Senator La Crosse, Wis.; from West Virginia [Mr. HoLT], the Senators from Maryland S. 3254. An act to extend the times for commencing and [Mr. RADCLIFFE and MrA TYDINGS], the Senator from Missouri completing the construction of a bridge across the Missis­ [Mr. TRUMAN], the Senator from Wyoming [Mr. O'MAHONEY], sippi River at or near Friar Point, Miss., and Helena, Ark.; and the Senator from Montana [Mr. WHEELER] are neces­ S. 3530. An act to prohibit the exportation of tobacco seeds sarily absent. and plants, except for experimental purposes; The Senator from California [Mr. DoWNEY] is detained on S. 3561. An act to extend the times for commencing and official business for the Committee on B~.nking and Currency. completing the construction of a bridge across the Ohio River Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from Massa­ at or near Mauckport, Harrison County, Ind.; chusetts [Mr.
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