CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES 7 HIMACHAL PRADESH PAPER 1 of 1987 HOUSEHOLDS AND HOUSEHOLD POPULATION BY LANGUAGE MAINLY SPOKEN IN THE HOUSEHOLD K. L. NEGI of the Indian Administrative Service, Director of Census Operations, Himachal Pradesh CONTENTS Page FOREWORD (v) PREFACE <vii) Note on the Language data 1 Fly-leaf 3 Table HH-16 Households and Household population by language mainly Part A (i) spoken in the Household (inclusive of varIants grouped under each) specified in Schedule VIn to the Constitution of India in each State/District 6 Table HH-16 Households and Household population by language mainly Part A (Ii) spoken in the Household (inclusive of variants grouped under each) specIfied in Schedule VIII to the Constitution of India in each State/DIstrict/TehsillTown 18 Table HH-16 Households and Household population by language mainly Part B (i) spoken in the Household (Inclusive of variants where grouped) other than those specIfied in Schedule VIII to the Constitution of India in each State/DistrIct 86 Table HH-16 Households and Household population by language mainly Part B eii) spoken in the Household (inclusIVe of variants where grouped) other than those spectfied in Schedule VIII to the Constitution of India 10 each State/District/TehsiJ/Town 98 (iii) FOREWORD This volume contains the data on language col1ected through the Household Schedule canvassed 1D the 198 I Census. The informatIon pertaIns to language malllly spoken in the household. The presentahon is based on the same principles a5 were adopted 1D the 1971 cen ... us presentatIon of language/mother-tongue data The table presented which comes III the series of househokl tables of 1981 Census TabulatIOn Plan bears the number HH-I6 (A&B). Table HH-16 Part A relates to languages specified in the Schedule VIn to the ConstitutIon of India Table HH-16 part B relates to languages other than those specIfied 1D the Schedule VIII to the ConstitutIOn of IndIa Table HH-16 Part A IS further sub-divIded lOto two sub-divIsions, Part A (1) and Part A (11), Part A (I) relatmg to State and Dlstnct level data and Purt A(il) relating to state. dlstnct, tahsIL sub-tahsIl, arban agglomeratIOn, town and urban area level data. Slmtlarly, Part-B has also got two sub-dlvmons, Part B (I) and Part B (11) relatlDg to state and dIstrIct and state, district. tahsil. sub-tahsIl. urban agglomeratIOn, town and urban area level respectively. The note and fly-leaf precedmg the tables give the background and explam the features of the tables. The concepts and defimtlOns are also discussed 10 the fly-leaf which the reader will find useful. The 1981 Census of India was very ably orgamsed and conducted by my predecessor Shn P. Padmanabha. I A S The data presented 1D thiS volume were InItially processed ID the Census Directorates 1D States/UDlon TerrItones. The tables were then scrutIDlsed In the Language and Census DIVIsions of the Registrar General's Office I am grateful to my co))eagues In the Directorates and 1D the Registrar General's Office who rook part 10 the huge task of 1981 Census enumeratIOn and processlOg of data Dr. B.P. Mahapatra, Deputy Registrar General (Language) took Immense palOS 10 scrutlDlsmg the language data. The names of hiS colleagues who assisted him In thiS task are given separately Shn N Rama Rao, Assistant Registrar General, (C&T) has given the gUidance and coordIDated the work relating to tabulatIOn of these data He was aSSISted by Shri R P. Tomar, Deputy Duector of Census OperatIOns. Shri Mahal SlOgh, InvestIgator and hiS colleagues ID the Census DIVJSlOn, whose names are gIven separately, ably coord mated the m-tlow and out-flow of language data among the Census DIrec­ torates, Language DIVIsIon at Calcutta and the Registrar General's Office 10 DelhI In the Census DIrecto­ rate Shn K C Sun, Deputy-DIrector of Census OperatIOns and hiS colleagues have also scrutmlsed the tables 10 detail. Shn B P Jam, ASSistant DIrector (PrmtlDg) ensured pnntmg of thiS volume qUickly. I thank all these officers VS. VERMA NEW DELHI Registrar General, IndIa July 21, 1987 (V) PREFACE ThIS paper contams data on language mainly spoken in the household colJected during the 1981 Census through Part-I of the Household Schedule. The language data, thus collected are presented upto tahsIl, sub-tahsIl, urban agglomaratlOn, town and urban area level of the State In this volume The table which forms part of the household series tables of the 1981 Census IS entitled Table HH-16-Households and household populatIon by language mainly spoken in the household (inclusive of variants grouped under each). The table IS diVIded IDto two parts-Part A and Part B Part A relates to languages specIfied 10 Schedule VIn to the ConstitutIon of Indm and Part B relates to other than those specIfied 10 Schedule VIII to the Constitution of India Part A IS agam sub-dIvided mto two Parts-Part ACt) relatmg to state and district level and Part A(n) relatIng to state, district. tahSIl. sub-tabstl, urban agglomeration, town and urban area level SImIlarly Part B(I) relates to state and dlstnct level and Part B(ll) relates to state, district, tahstl, sub-tahsIl, urban agglomerattob, town and urban area level of the State. The tabulation of these data was done manually under the guidance of office of the Registrar General, India. As mentioned 1D the note on the language data contamed 1D this volume, thIS table includes houseless households but excludes mstitutional households The DIrector of Census Operations, HImachal ~radesh, Shri K.L. Negl, I.A S , under whose gUidance, the 1981 Census was car ned out deserves all credIt for the success of the census operations but he had to leave the orgamsatlOn for taklDg up o~her important assIgnments before the paper In question could be made ready for the press. We must record our deepest sense of gratltude to Sbri P Padmanabha, I A S., the former Registrar General, IndIa and Shrt V.S Verma, I A.S., the present RegIstrar General, IndIa. Dr. B P. Mahapatra, Deputy Registrar General (Language) and hIS colleagues deserve our thanks for patIently scrutinising the language data. Our thanks are due to Shri N. Rama Rao, ASSIstant Registrar General (Census & Tabula­ tIOn) and Shn R P. Tomar, Deputy Due(...tQr of Census OperatIOns, for their valuable gUldance in prepar­ Ing this paper Shn Mahal Smgh, InvestIgator and hiS collegues III the Census DIVISIon, whose names are gIven separately. ably coordmated the ipflow and outflow of the language data among the headquarters. Language Dlvlsion at Calcutta and the Duectorates In pnntmg thIS volume Shri B. P. Jam, ASSistant Dtrector (Ptg.) and hiS colleagues 1D Prmtmg DlvlsIon have helped in seemg the volume through the press. They all deserve our thanks. In our own Office, we received the maxJmum cooperatIOn and ~sslst~nce at every stage from our staff who worked dlhgently and WIth devotion. Here. we would place on -record our appreciation to the contnbutlon of Shn D.N. Sharma, AssIs_tant DIrector and Shn TN. Bharat. Investigator. The namea of the other staff who have a~slsted m thIS work are gIven separately III thiS volume. K. C. SURI SHIMLA Deputy DIrector of Census Operations 12th. November] 987 Himachal Pradesh (VII) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 0fI.kle ·of,tbll Registrar Geoeral, In ... Census Dil'ision 1. Shri S.S. Bhardwaj. Statistical Assistut 2. Smt. A. Tangri. Computor 3. Smt. Anila Mehdiratta, Computor 4. Smt. Kanchan Batra, Assistant Compiler 5. Shri Vijay Kumar, Assistant Compiler 6 Kum. Anuradha Datta, Assistant Compiletr Laquage Division 1. Smt. Krishna Choudhuri, Investigator (L) 2. Smt. Tapati Ghosh. Investigator (L) 3. Dr. S.P. Datta. Research Officer (L) 4. Shn S.P. Srivastava, Investigator (L) 5. Dr. M.K. KauI. S.T.A. 6. Shri J.e. Datta, ADCO (T) 7. Smt. Gaud Bose. Statistical Assistant 8. Shri Madhu Sudan Ghosh, UDC 9. Smt. MIra Bhowmick, Computor 10. Shrj K.C. Karmakar. Senior Stenographer 11. Smt. Mua Roy, Senior Stenographer Printing Division Shri S. L. Chaturvedi, Printing Insp~or Census Directorate of Himachal Pradesh 1. Shri. P.C. Naini, Investigator 2. Shri Harbans SlOgh, StatIstical Assistant 3. Shn C.M. Azad. Statistical Assistant 4. Smt. Usha kumari. Computor S. ShrI Ani! Kumar Thakur, Assistant Compiler 6. Kum. Neema, Assistant Compilor (viii) NOTE ON THE LANGUAGE DATA In the 1981 Census a new questIon on the 'Language mamly spoken m the Household' was asked in the Household Schedule alongwIth the two usual language questIOns on 'mother tongue' and 'other languages known' 10 the IndlVidual SlIp ThIs mformatlOn adds not only a new dImensIOn to the language profile of the country but a useful one, for It prOVIdes a dynamIC aspect of the language behaVIOur as agaInst the more or less stable pIcture thrown up by the mother tongue data The mstItutlOnal households whIch are ImgUlstically heterogenous and mayor may not have a umform household language are excluded from these data Out of the total number of households of 783,794 the number of IllstltutlOnal house­ holds IS only 1,312 wIth 23,243 populatIon 1 e only 0 54 per cent of total population. QuestlOn 5 on 'Language mainly spoken III the household' in the Household Schedule was canvassed In all the households other than InstItutIOnal households. The raw returns were rather unusuaI1y large. All these returns were scrutlllIzed followmg usual ImgUlstIc methods mcludmg studYIng 'language speCImens' and undertakmg field lDvestigations. The dJstnbutJOn of the 1981 household populatIOn by language grouped lOt(i) Scheduled languages and languages other than Scheduled are shown below.
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