Newsletter 08 (April-Mai 2012) Eurolinguistics Newsletter No. 8 (April-Mai 2012) The Eurolinguistic Circle of Mannheim (ELAMA, e. V.) on behalf of The Eurolinguistic Association (ELA) Editorial Dear Eurolinguists, This eighth issue of the News- letter contains three confer- ence reports: First, we report on the Roma Convegno 2011, which was a major event with more than 40 papers and three different programmes be- tween April 18-20 at three different universities in Rome. Second, we report on the Fig. 1: Monument to Victor Emanuel II and Trajan‟s Column in Rome smaller conference in Božava the naming of people and tional language (e.g. Italian as on the Island of Dugi Otok in places from food denota- a Radio and TV language), the Adriatic Sea outside the tions; c) the role of bread and but also the important role of city of Zadar, 18-20 May. local changes in how it is eat- local dialects and the great en over the past 50 years; d) value of linguistic varieties, Third and finally, we also the food at Papal Banquets populist language and differ- give a short report on the and its names between the ent registers for everyday Transeurasian symposium Renaissance and the Baroque; communication were dis- held at the University of Leu- e) the presentation of Medi- cussed. The whole spectrum ven in Belgium between 21- terranean diet; f) the connec- of further papers cannot be 23 September, 2011. tion between food and tour- discussed here (See the de- ism in Italy; g) the culinary tailed account, also in 1.1-1.5 Under the common topic metaphors between the An- below). Suffice it here to “Language, Culture and Iden- cient and Modern World; h) mention the characteristics of tity”, the Roma Convegno the importance of food names the Second Session at „La 2011 was started at the Tor and gastronomics for the Sapienza‟ besides the very Vergata University on April economy in different Europe- popular performance of the 18 with 12 papers on “Eating an countries (See the more Neapolitan comedian Ales- and Identity” in multidiscipli- detailed report below in 1.1- sandro Siani. nary and interdisciplinary 1.5). perspectives. It was not so The second main programme much the food itself which The next day, on April 19, at at “La Sapienza” was, howev- was focused upon, but rather „La Sapienza‟, nine papers on er, of a more serious nature its cultural, historical and tra- different topics were offered: under the heading of “Trans- ditional heritage and evidence “Eurolinguistics and Commu- lation and Interpretation”: 1) of its special status in Italy: a) nication”, opening with the Language as a Tool of Cate- business and marketing; b) importance of a unified na- gorization; 2) Doctor – non- Eurolinguistic Association (ELA)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………1 Newsletter 08 (April-Mai 2012) Native Patient Interaction; 3) cluded the session at the Uni- disciplines. With Eurolinguis- Problems of Financing a TV versità Tre. tics in its own right it had show or a Documentary. In very little to do. all, there were nine papers presented on the second day However, the 2011 Con- (April 19) at „La Sapienza‟ in vegno can otherwise be the first morning session. said to have been a great success among the partici- Another nine papers were pating students, professors held in the second session of and non- academics, when the afternoon (April 19) at „La it comes to making Euro- Sapienza‟, where other topics linguistics known as a new such as 4) Linguistic Certifi- alternative view of Europe cation (TOESP) were dis- and its languages and cul- cussed; 5) Common features tures, and not only the of Cognitive and Latent Eu- traditional national lan- ropeanization; 6) Identity, guages but instead com- Language and Intercultural plemented with a multi- Writers; 7) Areal linguistics tude of other aspects., i.e. and Suprasegmental Patterns; Fig. 2: Roman inscription “AVGUSTO.SACR” aspects of the use of Euro- on a Palatine wall 8) The Language of Promo- pean languages in cook- tion and Cooperation at the ing, diet, the media (film, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Whereas more than 40 papers radio, TV, internet communi- Rome.The third day (April in all were presented on the cation, theatre), business, 20) at the Università Tre was topics: “Language Culture marketing, financing, politics, devoted to the overall topic and Identity (at Tor Vergata tourism, language teaching, “Cultural Identities, Idioms Univ.), Eurolinguistics and linguistic certification, gender and Languages of Global Communication (at „La Sapi- roles etc. I think that in this Communication” in a number enzà‟) and Cultural Identities, respect the 2011 Convegno of papers: 9) Hegemonic and Idioms and Global Communi- had its best success: To make Minority Languages; 10) cation (at Università Tre), Europe a popular idea again LSJeuropean – an Interna- there were only a few papers in the distressing days of bank tional Common Language for with explicit formal linguistic and currency crises! Europe; 11) Tourism and aspects in an ethnic, geo- Language; 12) Imagination as graphical, structural or histor- However, this rich flora of the a Performative Act; 13) Euro- ical sense. different use of languages in pean Lexicography; 14) Lin- all these spheres of cultural guistic Repertoire and Identi- The majority of the papers active-ties would be more ty; 15) Evolution of Women‟s presented in Rome could adequately labelled with a Language; 16) Anglicization therefore be said to have been different title like Euro- and English-Indianization; overwhelmingly of a liter- pästik ‘Europeanistics’, 17) Dialectic Relationship ary/esthetic and stylis- whereas Eurolinguistics between Identity, Language tic/emotional/social orienta- would be better defined in a and Culture; 18) Media and tion. With the exception of more limited sense as the sci- Otherness and the Advent of the ELA-papers, the term Eu- ence of language and a sci- the Homo Digitalis; 19) Na- rolinguistics was used as a ence per se with emphasis on tional Identity and Gender cover-term at the 2011 Con- the linguistic structures and Nationality. vegno for all sorts of other their function in space, time After this series of lectures a disparate topics which belong and social dimensions. round-table discussion con- more to literary and esthetic Eurolinguistic Association (ELA)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………2 Newsletter 08 (April-Mai 2012) Finally, I also extend my guage, Culture and Identity”. Feast of Africa Festival, Me- thanks to Dr Laura Ferrarotti Each day of the conference dusa Film, Radio Chat, the and Ms Simona Seghezz, both took place at a different Ro- Comparative Humanities University of Rome “La Sapi- man university and was lead Center, and many others. enza”, for assisting in writing by one of the three conference the report on the 2011 Con- coordinators, most of whom As a general premise, com- vegno in Rome. Also, I am are Association members. munication is the means very grateful to Mrs Agnes These three coordinators were through which cultural identi- Milovan-Solter at the Univer- Manuela Cipri of the Universi- ty is formed and defined; sity of Zagreb for contributing ty of Rome „La Sapienza‟, through communication the the report on the Božava Francesca Dragotto of the individual expresses his/her Symposium in May 2011. University of Rome „Tor own identity as well as the Vergata‟ and Marinella Rocca identity of others. Language is Last but not least, I also send Longo of the University of the most obvious means of my thanks to my colleague Rome „Tre‟. communication and is more and friend, Prof. Gaetano than a mere form of verbal Castorina, whose energetic The main objective of the expression; its function is contribution to the cause of conference was to demon- much broader: language helps Eurolinguistics in Italy and strate the importance of the us define territories, ethnic A.E.S. among colleagues and common thread between cul- groups, and nationalities. Fur- students in Rome made all ture, language and identity in thermore, it is a means of these Convegni between the daily lives of human be- communication through visu- 2005-2011 possible in coope- ings. In order to illustrate the- al, deixis, cognitive and in ration with ELA(MA) inside se links, each university was general semiotic elements; Italy and other Europe- given an interconnected topic these elements employ a vari- minded organizations outside to present. Amongst the vari- ety of media that embody the Italy: France (Lille) and Spain complex picture of identi- (Murcia). Without his person- ty. The wealth and com- al organizational talent and plexity of technological financial support to our com- developments has created mon Eurolinguistics cam- an environment of rich paign south of the Alps, the communicative and ex- spread of information on Eu- pressive possibilities. Par- rolinguistics would not have adoxically, this wealth of been possible. information may lead to (PSU) incommunication due to an abundance of resources. 1. The Roma Con- The disgregation of cultur- vegno (April 18-20, al identity, due to the 2011) wealth of information and stimuli from numerous languages and idioms, is Language Culture and Iden- analogous to a greenhouse tity Fig. 3: View of pine trees and a bulwark on effect, given that, a com- the Palatine in Rome munication block, where Introduction ous sponsors at the confer- there is no fruitful exchange ence were: the Minister of amongst these cultures, may The Eurolinguistic-Sud As- Heritage and Culture, the risk the loss of these specific sociation sponsored a three- Province of Rome, the Asso- identities. Through the course day conference entitled “Lan- ciation „Learn to be Free‟, the of the conference attempts Eurolinguistic Association (ELA)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 Newsletter 08 (April-Mai 2012) were made to answer crucial and linguistic identity is a crucial questions which are currently concept.
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