PPLLAAIINN EENNGGLLIISSHH FFOORR LLAATTIINN EEXXPPRREESSSSIIOONNSS Ab Initio - from the inception Ejusdem Generis - a word of general Actus Reus - guilty act meaning following a list of specific examples This Plain English lexicon is meant to Ad Hoc - for this specific purpose is to be read not in its wildest meaning but is serve as a guide to some common Ad Idem - of same mind/in agreement instead to be limited to matters of the same Latin expressions used in legal Ad Infinitum - without limit/ without end class or nature as the examples listed parlance. Ad Litem - for the suit Erratum - an error Amicus Curiae - a person assisting the court Ex Ante - before the event Ante - before Ex Debito Justitiae - something that is due as Audi Alteram Partem - right to be heard a matter of right Ex Gratia - as a matter of favour/ without Bona Fide - in good faith obligation/ not legally necessary Caveat Emptor - buyer beware Ex Officio - by virtue of the office Causa Causans - the immediate cause Ex Parte - by one party only Causa Sine Qua Non - a cause without which Ex Post Facto - after the event the thing or event cannot happen Forum Conveniens - appropriate forum Certiorari - a form of judicial review where a Forum Non Conveniens - inappropriate court considers a legal decision of an forum administrative tribunal, judicial office or Functus Officio - office terminated (having organisation. The review court then decides discharged duty) whether the decision was regular Compos Mentis - of sound mind Habeas Corpus - produce the person/ for Contra Proferentem - an ambiguity in a production of the person document is resolved against the person who Ibid - in the same place. The term is often drafted the document used in footnotes to refer to a work cited in Coram - before/ in the presence of a person the previous footnote (s) C.A.V. (Cur. Adv. Vult.) - the court has taken Ignorantia Juris Non Excusat - ignorance of time to consider its judgement the law is no excuse De Bene Esse - something that is done In Camera - in private Prepared by provisionally In Curia - in open court Law Reform Committee De Facto - in fact / in reality In Extenso - at full length De Jure - by right / as a matter of law In Limine - something to be decided by the Singapore Academy of Law 3 St. Andrews Road, Third Level De Minimis - something so insignificant that court before proceeding further a court may disregard it when deciding a case In Pari Delicto - equally at fault City Hall, Singapore 178958 De Novo - for new In Pari Materia - on the same subject / relating to the same matter PPLLAAIINN EENNGGLLIISSHH FFOORR LLAATTIINN EEXXPPRREESSSSIIOONNSS In Personam - against the person Mutatis Mutandis - with the necessary Quantum Valebat - the reasonable value of In Re - in the matter of modifications goods and materials supplied by one person In Rem - against / in respect of the thing for another, as assessed by the court, in the Nemo Judex In Parte Sua - no man should Infra - below absence of an agreement judge a case in which he is party Inter Alia - among other things Quaere - to raise as a question or issue Non Compos Mentis - of unsound mind Inter Alios - among other persons Non Est Factum - not his deed. A plea that an Ratio Decidendi - point decided Inter Partes - among parties agreement (originally a deed) mentioned in Res Integra - a new or undecided question of Inter Se - among / between themselves the pleading was not the act of the defendant law In Situ - in its original situation Novus Actus Interveniens - an intervening Res Judicata - an issue already adjudged Intra - within cause that disturbs the natural cause of events upon Intra Vires - within the power of between the wrongful act and the final injury Res Ipsa Loquitur - the thing speaks for itself Ipso Facto - by the fact Restitutio In Integrum - restoration to the Obiter Dictum - observations made in a Jurat - certificate of person empowered to previous condition judgement other than on the point decided administer oath or affirmation Semble - it appears Pari Delicto - of equal fault Lex - law / body of laws Sine Die - without any fixed date Pari Passu - equally without preference Lex Causae - law applicable to a claim Sub Judice - in the course of trial Per - as stated by/statement made by Lex Domicilii - law of a country where a Subpoena Ad Testificum - an order to testify Per Curiam - by the court person has a permanent and fixed home Subpoena Duces Tecum - an order to Per Incuriam - through inadvertence Lex Fori - law of the court hearing the claim produce documents Per Pro (pp) - through another Lex Loci - law of the place where something Sui Generis - something of its own kind Post - after has happened /peculiar Praecipe - a written order to the court registry Lex Loci Delicti - law of the place where the Sui Juris - of full age and capacity for inspection or issue of a document wrong is committed Supra - above Prima Facie - on its face Lex Situs - law of the place where the Pro Rata - proportionate division according to Ultra Vires - beyond the power property is situated interest Lex Loci Solutionis - law of the place where Vide - see/ refer to Pro Tanto - to the extent of the contract is to be performed Volenti Non Fit Injuria - a person who Pro Tempore (Pro Tem) - for the time being Locus in quo - the place in which knowingly accepts a risk or dangerous or temporarily Mala Fides - in bad faith situation cannot claim compensation for any Qua - in the capacity of resulting injury Mandamus - procedure by which a higher Quantum Meruit - the reasonable value of Voir Dire - the hearing of evidence and court orders a lower court or government services performed by one person for another, argument in the course of a trial to decide official to perform its or his duties in the as assessed by the court, in absence of an whether a prior statement or other piece of correct manner according to law agreement evidence is admissible Mens Rea - guilty mind .
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