Relevé épidém. hebd. 1 1967, 42, 265-276 N° 23 Wkly Epidem. Rec. j ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION GENÈVE GENEVA RELEVE EPIDEMIOLOGIQUE HEBDOMADAIRE WEEKLY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RECORD Notifications et informations se rapportant à l’application Notifications under and information on the application of the du Règlement sanitaire international et notes relatives à la International Sanitary Regulations and notes on current incidence fréquence de certaines maladies of certain diseases Service de la Quarantaine internationale International Quarantine Service Adresse télégraphique: EPXDNATIONS GENÈVE Telegraphic Address: EPIDNATIONS GENÈVE Télex 22335 Telex 22335 9 JUIN 1967 42e ANNÉE — 42nd YEAR 9 JUNE 1967 MALADIES QUARANTENAIRES — QUARANTINABLE DISEASES Territoires infectés aN 8 juiN 1967 — Infected areas as on 8 June 1967 Notifications reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire international Notifications received under the International Sanitary Regulations relating concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou les territoires où la présence to infected local areas and to areas in which the presence of quarantinable de maladies quarantenaires a été signalée (voir page 260). diseases was reported (sec page 260). a = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de l’article 3 à la a = Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été notifiée Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notified aux termes des articles 4, 5 et 9 a) : under Articles 4, 5 and 9 (a) : A = pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A — during the period indicated under the heading of each disease; B = antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; B — prior to the period indicated under the heading of each disease; X = territoires nouvellement infectés. X = newly infected areas. PESTE — PLAGUE New Mexico, State Long-Khanh, Province INDE — INDIA De Baca, County . B 12.XII.66 Xuatüoc, District . B 13.V 21.V-8.VI McKinley, County . B 30.VI.66 Ahmedabad (A) .... a 8.IV Rio Arriba, County . a 28.VI.66 Phuoc-Long, Province Calcutta (PA) (excl. A) . n 17.in.56 Hyderabad (A )............... ■ 31.XII.66 Afrique — Africa San Miguel, County . ■ 1.VIII.66 X Phuocbinh, District . A27.V Santa Fe, County .... ■ 2.VIII.66 Madras (PA) (excl. A) . ■ 12.VI.65 Valencia, County . B 30.VI.66 CONGO, RÉP. DÉM./DEM. REP. Phu-Yen, Province Thuyhoa, District . A 27.V Andhra Pradesh, State ■ Kivu, Province . A 31.V PÉROU — PERU Anantapur, District . 29.IV Pleiku, Province . B 6.V Chittoor, District .... ■ 3.IX.66 n Orientale, Province . B 2S.HI Piura, Dep. Hyderabad, District . 13.IV Quang-Ngai, Province Karimnagar, District . B l.IV B 2S.II Khammam, District . B 8.IV Morropon, Province . B 13.11 Binhson, District .... A27.V a KENYA Camthanh, District . A27.V Kumool, District .... 28.1 Mahbubnagar, District . ■ 6.V Eastern Province Ducpho, District .... A 27.V Moduc, District............... A27.V xNellore, District .... n 6.V Machakos, County . B 20.IV Nghiahanh, District. B 13.V Warangal, District . B 25.HI Asie — Asia Sontinh, District .... A 27.V West Godavari, District . B 25.HI Tunghia, District .... A27.V Bihar, State Amérique — America VIET-NAM, REP. Thua-Thien, Province Bhagalpur, District . , . B 8.IV X Darbhanga, District . n 29.IV D a la t( A ) ....................... B 13.V H u é .............................. A 27.V BRÉSIL — BRAZIL X Hazaribagh, District . n 29.IV Danang ( P ) ................... A 3.VI Huongthuy, District . A 27.V ■ Huongtra, District . A 27.V X Monghir, District .... 22.IV Alagoas, State Nhatrang (P A )............... B 13.V Muzaffarpur, District . ■ 22.IV Saïgon (excl. PA) .... A 3.VI Phuloc, District .... B 13.V Palmeira dos Indios, Dep. B 27.1 X Santal Parganas, District ■ 29.IV Phuvang, District .... B 6.V n X A27.V XSinghbhum, District . 22.IV Ceara, State Binh-Dinh, Province Vinhloc, District .... Ipueiras, Dep.................... B 9.1 Quinhon, District .... A 27.V Gujarat, State X Binh-Long, Province . A27.V Ahmedabad, District . B 13.V Baroda, District .... H 4.III ÉTATS-UNIS D'AMÉRIQUE Darlac, Province CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Banm ethuot................... A27.V 21.V-8.VI Madras, State Arizona, State Chingleput, District . ■ 16.VII.66 Khanh-Hoa Province Coimbatore, District . ■ 1.X.66 Navajo, County...... ■ 18.VII.66 Camranh, District . B 13.V Asie — Asia Dharmapuri, District . ■ 2.X.65 Vinhxuong, District , . B 13.V Madurai, District . , n 12.XII.64 California, State North Arcot, District . n 16.VII.66 Fresno, County .... a 10.VI.66 Kien-Giang Province BIRMANIE — BURMA Ramanathapuram, District ■ 11.11 n Kem, C o u n ty ...... ■ 10.VI.66 Rachgia, District .... B 6.V Salem, D istrict............... 16.VII.66 Lassen, County...... ■ 10.VI.66 X Rangoon (PA) (excl. A) . A 3.VI South Arcot, District . £ 8JLV n Madera, County .... ■ 10.VI.66 Lam-Dong, Province Thanjavur, District . 9.1.65 Shasta, County...... ■ 10.VI.66 Irrawaddy, Division Tiruchirapalli, District B 25.HI Tulare, County..... ■ 10.VI.66 Baoloc, District .... B 13.V Bassein, District .... B 20.V Tirunelveli, District . ■ 6.m.65 — 266 — Maharashtra, State Samut Songkhram, Province PÉROU — PERU GHANA Bhandara, District . ■ 18.111 Àmphawa, District . B20.V Huanuco, Dep. Accra ( P A ) ................... a 31.III Dhulia, District .... B 15.IV Samut Songkhram, District A27.V Leoncio Prado, Province B 21.IX.66 Jalgaon, District .... ■ 13.V Srisaket, Province Brong-Ahafo, Region Nagpur, District .... n 17.IV San Martin, Dep. B 10.1 Sunyani, District .... ■ 5.V Nasik, District............... ■ 1.1V XKhunhan, District. A 3.VI XParbhani, District . ■ 27.V Eastern Region Sangli, District .... n 21.V.66 VIET-NAM, REP. West Akim, District . ■ 14.1V Mysore, State Nhatrang (PA) . A 3.VI VARIOLE — SMALLPOX XBellary, District .... n 27.V Saigon (PA) (excl. A) . A 3.VI GUINÉE — GUINEA Chitradurga, District . a 4. III Bac-Lieu, Province. B 6.V 7.V-8.VI X Dharwar, District . B20.V Conakry ( P A ) ............... A. 21. y Gulbarga, District . ■ 5.V Binh-Dinh, Province Afrique — Africa xDabola, Région .... A20.V Kolar, District............... ■ 18.11 Quinhon, District .... A 27.V HAUTE-VOI-TA — UPPER VOLTA Mysore, District .... n ll.IV Chuong-Thien, Province A 27 .V AFRIQUE DU SUD 1 Raichur, District .... n 18.111 XFada N ’Gourma, Cercle . Darlac, Province SOUTH AFRICA1 B 26.IV X Tumkur, District .... ■ 27. V Gaoua, Cercle ............... B 12.IV B anm ethuot................... B 13.V Orissa, State Natal, Province XKaya, Cercle................... B 26.IV Kalahandi, District . ■ 22,1V Dinh-Tuong, Province Ingwavuma, District . B 7.V.65 KENYA Rajasthan, State X Mytho, District .... A 27 .V Transvaal, Province Alwar, District .... B 29.IV Khanh-Hoa, Province Barbeton, District . , B 7.VI.6S Nyanza, Province Camlam, District . Uttar Pradesh, State B 13.V Johannesburg, District . B 26.IV.65 XKisii, County (excl. Kisu- Vinhxuong, District . B 13.V Letaba, District .... B 3.V.65 mu (A ))....................... A 3.VI Almora, District .... ■ 29.IV Nelspruit, District . B 7.VT.65 X South Nyanza, County . A 3.VI XBudaun, District .... B 29.IV Phong-Dinh, Province Pilgrim’s Rest, District . B 7.VI.65 Deoria, District .... n 15.1V Cantho, District .... B 20.V Warmbatbs, District . B 4.VI.65 Rift Valley, Province a 22,1V Etawah, District .... Thua-Thien, Province Zoutpansberg, District . B 4.V1.65 Kericho, County .... B 6.V Faizabad, District . ■ 20. V H u é .............................. Kheri, D istrict................ ■ 13. V A T I.N 1 Aucune information reçue depuis le/ X Huongthuy, District . A 27 .V LIBÉRIA — LIBERIA . ■ 15.III.Sj West Bengal, State X Huongtra, District . A27.V No information received since: 7.VI.65. xBurdwan, District . B 22.IV X Phongdien, District . A 27.V MALAWI Howrah, District .... n 25.11 X Phuloc, District .... A 27.V BURUNDI Southern Province . B 6.V 24-Parganas, District . n 25.11 X Phutü, District .... A27.V xBubanza, Province . A 5.VI X Phuvang, District .... A 27 .V X Quangdien, District . A Tl.N CAMEROUN — CAMEROON MALI INDONÉSIE — INDONESIA X Vinhloc, District .... A 27.V Cameroun oriental Bamako, Région Sumatera-Barat, Province Banamba, Cercle .... Logoné-et-Chari, Dép, B 31.1 B 13.1V Padangpariaman, Regency B 25.11 Gao, Région FIÈVRE JAUNE — YELLOW FEVER CONGO (Brazzaville) Ansongo, Cercle .... B 13.IV NÉPAL — NEPAL Brazzaville (PA) .... B 5.IX.66 Mopti, Région Katmandu (A ) ............... B 10.V.66 12.m-8.VI Pointe-Noire (PA) . a 26.IX.62 Bandiagara, Cercle . B 6.V Afrique — Africa Bouenza-Louesse, Préf. Ségou, Région PAKISTAN S ib iti.............................. B 1.VIII.65 San, C e r c le ................... B 27.IV East Pakistan ANGOLA....................... ■ 27.V.59 Lêfinï, Préf. Sikasso, Région Dacca, Division Koutiala, Cercle .... CONGO, RÉP. DÉM./DEM. REP. D jam b ala....................... B 5.XII.65 B 6.V Faridpur, District . B l.IV Territoire situé au nord du Likouala, Préf. MOZAMBIQUE Khulna, Division 10° S. — Territory North a 16.X.62 Bakerganj, District . B l.IV of 10° S...................................n 11.XII.56 Mossaka, Préf. Niassa, District Jessore, District .... B 25,111 Loukolela, S. Préf. Vila Cabral, Deleg. S. ■ 29.VU.fl GHANA ....................... ■ 1.X.56 B 2I.IU.66 Mossaka, S. Préf. .... ■ 13.VII.62 Tete, District .... ■ 4.XI.ÜI PHILIPPINES NIGÉRIA — NIGERIA. ■ 1.X.56 Niari, Préf. Zambèzia, District . ■ 28.IU.61 X C e b u ( P ) ....................... ■ 13.V Kibangou, S. Préf. « S.X.62 Davao ( P ) ....................... n 29.IV SIERRA LEONE . n 1.X.56 Kimongo, S. Préf. B 5.IX.65 NIGER Manila (PA) (excl. A) . a 11.VII.63 SOUDAN — SUDAN Niari-Bouenza, Préf. Birni N ’Konni, Cercle Luzon, Group M adingou....................... B 7.11.65 Bimi N ’Konni, Cire. A 7.V X P asay.............................
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