INDEX THIS Index contains no reference to the Introductory Tables which pre­ sent a summary of the Finanoe and Commerce of the United Kingdom, British India, the British Colonies, the various countries of Europe, the United States of America, and Japan. AAC AFR ACHEN, 620, 703 Acklin's Island, 261 A Aalborg (Denmark), 517 Aconcagua, 471 Aalesund, 1090 Acre (Bolivia), 455, 456 Aargau, 1107 Adamawa, 212 Aarhus (Denmark), 517 Adana (town), 1127 Abaca (Bahamas), 261 - (vilayet), 1126 Abbas Hilmi, Khedive, 1153 Adelaide, 809 ; University, 810 Abdul-Hamid II., 1121 Aden, 108, 129 Abdur Rahman Khan, 362 Adis Abeba, 359, 360 Abeokuta (W. Africa), 230 Admiralty Island (W. Pacific), 656 Abercorn (Cent. Africa), 220 Adolf, Grand Duke of Luxemburg, Aberdeen, 22; University, 34 Adrar, 850, 1069 Aberystwith College, 34 Adrianople (town), 1127 Abo (Finland), 966, 1019 - (vilayet), 1126 Abomey, 600 Adua, 359 Abruzzi, 764 Adulis Bay (Red Sea), 598 Abyssinia, area, 359 JEtolia, 736 - books of reference, 360 Afghanistan, area, 361 - commerce, 360 - army, 363 - education, 359 - books of reference, 365 - minerals, 359 - currency, 364 - money, 360 - exports, 364 - population, 359 - government, 362 - reigning king, 359 - imports, 364 - religion, 359, 1158 - justice, 362 - roads, railways, 360 - land cultivation, 363 - tillage, 360 - manufactures, 364 - towns, 359 - mining, 363 - weights and measures, 360 - origin of the Afghans, 362 Abuna (Coptic), 359 - population, 362 Acajutla (Salvador), 1032 - products, 363 Acanceh (Mexico), 835 - reigning sovereign, 362 Acarnania, 736 - revenue, 363 Accra, 230 - trade, 364 .Achaia, 736 :- trade routes, 364 Achikulak, 966 Africa, Central, Protectorate, 193 4 M 2 1260 TIlE STATESMAN'S YEAH-BOOK) 1901 AFR ALT Africa East (British), 194 Aldernry, governulCut, 1'1; popnla- -- -- (German), 654 tion, 2G -,-- - Italian, 801, 802 Alerntejo 928 ---- - Portuguese, 941 Aleppo (vilayet), 1126 -- South-Vi! est (German), 653 town, 1127 ; trade, l1a9 - (Turkish), 1127 Alessandria, 768 _.- West (British), 2:JO Alexander I. (Servia), 1037 -- (French), 598 , Alexandria, 1157, 1168 -- German, 651 Alexandropol, 966 -- colonies in, British, 180 Alexinatz, 1039 -- French, 578, 58;3 Alfonso XIII. (Spain), 1054 - German, 651 Algarve, 928 -- - Italian, 801 Algeria, agriculture, 58/) --- - Portuguese, 939- 94 2 --- area, 584 -- - Spanish, 1058, 1069 Algeria, army, 55H, 585 Agaiia (Ladrones), 1236 --- bank, 588 Acrn 135 --- books of reference, 5SB ("\V. Africa}, 600 "---- commerce, 587 Agra.m (Zagrab), 414; University, --- crime, 585 416 -- defence, 585 Aguascalientes (Mexico), state, 834; I ---- finance, 585 town, 835 -- governnwnt, 583 Ahmadabad, 135 -- industry, 586 Airnaks (trihe), 362 - instruction, 54_7, 584 Ainus (Japan), 809 - ruining, 586 Aitutaki Island, 348 - n--:oncy, weights, and measures, 588 Aix, faculties, 547 - population, 584 Ajmere, 129, 136, 147 ; town, 135 - posts and telegraphs, 571, 588 - forests, 1[,0 - railways, 588 127 - religion, 534 Akamagaseki, 810 - shipping, 588 Akassa, 213 - telegraphs, 588 Akermann, 966 Algiers, 557, 584 Aksum, 359 - schools, 54i, 584 Akuse (W. Africa), 230 Alhucemas Islands, 852, 1058 Alabama, area and population, 1185; Alicante, 1058 cotton, 1209; instruction, 1193; Aligarh, 135 public land, 1206; representation, Allada (W. Africa), 600 1180 Allahabad, 135; University, 137 Alafi Island, 609 Allegheny (U.S.A.), 1188, 1190. Alagoas (Brazil), 460, 461 Almeria, 1058 Alajuela (Costa Rica), 509, 51] Alost, population, 438 Alaska, 1185 Alsace-Lorraine, area, 61o, 659 Albany (W. Australia), 319 - constitution, 659 Albany (U.S.A.), 1188,1190 - finance, 660 Albany Forts (W. Australia), 317 - instruction, 660 Al bay (Philippines), 1235 - justice and crime, 660 Albert, King (Saxony), 719 - population, 616, 659 Albert, Prince (Monaco), 844 - production and industry, 660 Alberta (Canada), 239 - railway, 661 Albrecht, Prince (Brunswick), 675 - religion, 660 Albury (N.S.W.), 274 - representation (Imperial), 614 Alcoy (Spain), 1058 - Statthalter, 659 Aldabra Island, 204 Altenburg, 713 INDEX 1261 AT.a' ARG Altona, 620, 703 Antipodes Islands 348, 354 Alwar, 131, 134; town, 135 I Antivari, 847, 848 Amapala, 755 Antofagasta (prov.), 471 AInazonas (Brazil), 460, 461 -- (town), 454, 456, 457, 471, 472, Ambado C\V. Africa), 597 477 Ambala, 135 Autsiraue (Madagascar}, 592 A mba-Mariam, 359 Antwerp, province, 436 Ambato (Ecuador), 528 - town, 438, 442 Ambriz (W. Africa), 940 Apeldoorn, 862 Alnerica, British colonies in, 235 Apia (Samoa), 657 - French colonies in, 578,606 Apostles' Battery (Jamaica), 263 Amhara, 359 Appenzell (cantons), 1107 Amiens, 541 Apulia, 764 Amritsar, 135 Aqua-town (Kamerull), 653 Amoy,490 Aquila degli Abruzzi, 768 Amsterdam, 860, 875; university, Arabia, 1127 863 Arad, 384, 414 - Island, 597 Aral Lake (region), 963 Amur region, 963 Arauco, 471 - schools, 970 Arcadia, 736 - shipping, 1012 Archipelago (Turkish), 1126 Anchorite Island (West Pacific), 656 Arequipa, 917 ; University, 918 Ancona, 768 Arezzo, 768 Ancud, 471 Argao (Philipl)ines), 1235 Andaman Islands, 127,129:1150,170 Argentine Republic, agriculture, 372 Andijan, 966 - area, 367 Andorra, 577 - army, 370 Andros Island, 261 - banks, 375 Angdaphorang (Bhutan), 452 - books of reference, 377 Angeles (Chile), 471 - cattle industry, 372 Angers, 541 - commerce, 372 Angol, 471 - constitution, 366 Angola, H39, 940 currency and credit, 375 Angora (vilayet), 1126 - debt, 370 Angouan Island, 596, 597 -- defence, 370 Angoulerne, 541 - diplomatic representatives, 376 Angra (Azores), 92g - emigration, 368 Angra Peqnella, 653 - exports, 372-374 Anguilla, 264, 265, 267, 268 -- finance, 369 Anhalt, area, 616, 662 government, 366 - constitution, 662 -.- -local, 366 - finance, 662 --.. immigration, 368 - Imperial representation, 614 i-imports, 372-·374 - population, 616, 662 - instruction, 368 - reigning duke, 661 -- Jewish Colony, 372 Anhul, 488 - justice, 369 Ankober, 359 -- land under cultivation, 372 Annabon, 1069 - money, weights, and measures, 376 Annam, 577, 580 navy, 371 Antalo, 359 -- population, 367 Antananarivo, 592, 593 - posts and telegraphs, 375 Antibes, fortress, 554 - president, 366 Antigua, 264, 265, 267, 268 - production and industry, 372 Antioquia (Colombia), 498, 500 - railways, 375 1262 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 190] AHa AUS Argentine Republic) religion, 368 Atjeh (Sumatra), 88] - revenue and expenditure, 369, 370 I Atlanta (lJ.S.A.), lIDO -- shipping and navigation, 374 Attiea, 736 - Welsh Colony (Chubut), 372 Atui Island, 348 Argolis, 736 Auckland Islands, 348 Arica, 454, 917 Auckland, N. Z. (district), 335 Arikis (Cook Islands), 348 - town, population, 336 Arizona, 1185, 1206 -- shipping, 346 Arkansas, 1180, 1185, 1198, 120G, - University College, 837 Armenia, 1126 Augsburg, 671 Arnawai (Afghauistan), 3Gl Aussig, 396 Arnhem, 862 Australasia and Oceania, 270 Arnstadt, 727 - French colonies in, 578, 608 Arolsen, 728 Australia (see under Queensland, Arras (fortress), 554 South Australia, Victoria, &c.) Arta, 736 Australia, Commonwealth of, 270 Artigas (Uruguay), 1243 - area, 271 Aruba Island (W. Indies), 890 - constituent states, 270 Arnwimi (Congo), 505 - constitution, 270 Asaba, 213 --- government, 271 Ascension Island, 180 population, 271 Aseo]i Pice no, 768 Austria, agriculture, 403 Ascotan (Bolivia), 457 - area, 394 Ashanti (W. Africa), 230 - banks, 408 Asia, British colonies in, 108 - births, deaths, and marriages, 395 - French colonies in, 577, 580 - books of reference, 429 - Portuguese colonies in, 939 - breweries, 406 - Russian dependencies in, 1022 - canals, 406 - Turkish, 1126 i-constitution, 391 Asia Minor, 1126 - currency and credit, 408 Asmar, 361, 363 - debt, 402 Asmara, 801 - emigration, 396 Assab, 801 - finance, 401 Assam, agricultu re, 147-1 50 - fisheries, 405 - area, 129 - forestry, 404 - births and deaths, 134 - government, 391 - finance, 141, 143 - -local, 393 - forests, 150 -- provincial, 393 - justice, 138 - instruction, 397 - Lieut. -Governor, 127 - justice and crime, 399 - population, 129 - manufactures, 405 - religion, 136 - mining and minerals, 404 - roads, 159 - ministry, 392 Assiniboia, 239 - occupation of the people, 395 Assinie (W. Africa), 600 - pauperism, 400 Assiut, 1156 - population, 394 Assuan, 1172 - posts and telegraphs, 407 Assumption Island, 204 - production, 403 Astrakhan, 966 - railways, 407 Asuncion (Paraguay), 899-902 - Reichsrath, 391 Atacama, 471 - reigning sovereign, 379 Atakpame (Togoland), 652 - religion, 396 Atha.basca. (Canada), 239 - revenue and expenditure, 401 Athens, 737 ; University, 738 403 INDEX A.US BAIt Austria, rivers and canals, 406 Baden, towns, 664 - royal family, 379 - (town), 664 - shipping and. navigation, 406 Bafulabe (W. Africa), 599 -- sovereigns since 1282, 380 Bagamoyo (E. Africa), 654 - towns, 396 Bagdad (town), 1127 ; trade, 1139 - universities, 398 - (vilayet), 1126 Austria-Hungary, 379 (see also under Bagh, 168 Austria, and IIungary.) Bagida (Togoland), 652 - army, 384 I Bagirmi, 5HO - Bank of, 390 Bahamas, 260, 267, 268 - books of reference, 428 ! Bahawulpur, 132 - commerce, 388 , Bahia (state), 4f30, 461, 465 - constitution, 381 (town), 461, 466, 467 - customs valuation, 388 Bahour, 580 - debt, 383 Bahrein Islands, 109 - defence, 384 Baikal, Lake, 1013 -- diplomatic representatives, 426 Bajaur, 361, 363 - exports, 388-389 Baker Is. (Pacific), 355 - finance, 382 Baku, 966 - fortresses, 384 Bakundi, 212 - frontier, 384 Bali (E. Indies), 881 - government, 381 Ballarat, 289 - imports, 388-389 Baltic Islands (Danish), 516 - ministry, 382 Baltic (provinces
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