. f ■ n?; > ■..» > • **/ •r ? s. i M i-'t WEDNESDAY,, DECEMBER 14, 1965 PAGE THIRTY-TWO Bloodmobile Here Tomofirow at Masonic Temple^ 1:4S~6:30 p.m. Areragc Deity Net Preee Ron Far the Week B aM The Weather ' Dm. le. IMS 1 FoiMeat at O. S. Waatkar Beeaea Partly claady, eoldar tonight and ■ I •'h. 1 1 ,9 2 3 Friday. Few scattered anew flnr- rlea In weatem section*. Law to-' iraf Rm AeilS night mid JIOs, High tomorrow lew at Clrealetlae Aianchetler^A City 0/ Village Ckarm^ SO*. VOL. LXXV, NO. $4 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15.1965 (ClaiaifIM AivarMalig on Paga M) PRICE FIVB CENTS Rayburn Says House Spurned Boy <x Slays Three R u s s i a ,-.1- •■■'''. To. Pass School Aid For Revenge 'Vandergrift. Pa., Dec. 16 Early Next Session {JP)— A 17-year-old love-sick , >4,. j . y.'. 4 youth who killed the. parents J.- si-' >. and uncle of £ girl who u r s Washington, Dec. 16 (AV-^P^aker of the House Rayburn spumed him Was shot «nd (D-Tex) said today Democratic leaders will press for an oaptured by a police posse to­ early jecision in the House on federal school aid legislation day aftef « brief gun battle. >as soon as Congress returns in January. He predicted eventual State police .aaid the youth was puiaga of aoma form of w taken into custody gfter wounding ment aMiatanca to the atate* for w W irr 1 the police chief Of nearby Apollo. construction of more achoolhoiises. Chief Gua Zanos waa shot in the A Hotiae battle ia in prospect Israeli Warned side of the face. He was not re­ Tells NATO of ever diaputed feature* of a acnool ported in aerloua condlUoa. ^ " aid bill already approved by the The posse cloeed in on Jolm Fal­ Houac Education Committee. The On New Raids lon* after he shot and wounded consegregatton in aome aouthem Zanos in a anow-covered, w o^ed In JVlideast and Asia •cHoOI aj^ema. Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 15 <Pi— arts about four miles north of VAh- '______ __________ . -s JCItM Cteaaroom Shortage Prime Minister Gamal Abdel dergrift and SO miles northeast-of Rayburn, honetheleaa, aaid in an Nasser said today Egypt "will Mayor^Elect Pittsburgh. '• Paris, Dec. 15 (JP)—U.S. Secretary of State Dulles told the Interview he expected the Houae to take action if another Israeli Suffer* Head Wound NATO Council of Ministers today the East-West Cold War diapoae of the achool taaue "early,'* attack occurs." Mr*. Beatrice K. Corliss, 45, Fallone, state police aaid, suf is on ajrain after nearly a year of Soviet policy zig-zagging. A t H A L E Y S In the coming aeaaion, and added: Nasser declared the peace­ has been elected mayor of fered a head wound and was be< “ I think we'll get a achool bill, ful attitud' taken by the Arab Gloucester, Mast., by the City lisved seriously wounded. He was The American Secretary, discussing the trends and motives bccauae it'a becoming more and countries "will not continue Council. Mrs. Corliss, mother cornered by a posse of otftcen on of Rus.<tian policy in J965, declared the new rulers of the V more evident there ia a aerloua so long as Israel is .aggrM- of three children, will be the a ridge not far from hia bUaM, Soviet Union have opened dangerous new Cold War fronts W AND SAVE WITH ctaaaroom ahortage.” aive." first woman chief executive in where he had taken refuge MMM in the Middle. East and South Asia. 'Some form of federal achool con- He made the comment to the S$ years since Gloucester a tree stump. atrucUon aid wan endoraed by a reporters as he left the presi­ One state policeman in the posse He added, however, that the 16-nation Atlantic Alliance 3-1 margin by the White Houae became a city, ■ /(A P Wire- dency. He said he had notified photo). fired about 10 ahot into the etump. had overcome greater dangers in the past by remaining ever FESTIVE HOklDAY GIFT Conference on Education last the Britlah and American Thep he fired twice more as Fat- vigilant and united. month. * G!v« her a gift she's sure to appreciate! ambassador* of his warning, lone poked his head around the DuJJes spoke at the opening of the first council meeting L E G R E E N Make them feel warm, nafnpered ... and loved, where- Shortly before Congreaa ad­ and also will send it to D.N, stump. r . r- ever they play their fiivorite role of “lady at leisure. journed last August, the House Secretary General Dag Ham- 11 Men Saved Witnesses standing out of rang* since last summter’s Big Four summit conference at Geneva Give the gift a w ^an really wants—a robe from EducaUon Committee approved a marakjold. reported there waa another out­ and the foreign ministers’ subsequent deadlock in the Swiss ZEPHYRETTE. RAIN COAT four-year program for diatribution burst of gunfire, before one of the city. our holiday collec ' of a 11,600,000,000 among the states ^Damascus, Syria; Dec, 16 policemen said he thought he Also attending th* annual year- Vinyl plastic rainwear . llfashions silver lining for for new achool construcUon. The In Atlantic by heard a dull thud. cloudy and rainy days. Our smartly styled raincoats GIVEN WITH CASH SALES (P)—Syria will denland com­ end meeting *f NATO foreign, de­ biU would also authorize the gov­ Membeni of the posse circled fense and finance mlnlatera were* ernment to underwrite state and pensation for damaga inflicted Russia Pushing S with a flair. Shell love ’em! 100% on civlliana during last Sun­ around behind the etump and U.S. Defense Secretary Wilson and to $ |g 9 8 local financing of additional build­ Plane, Taiiker crept up to capture Fallone. waterproof, permanently welded sr 7 n O ing- day night's Israeli raid on Treasury Secretary Humphrey. seams, lightweight. Easy to pack. ^ .^ 0 Syrian territory, parliamen­ “They found him bleeding from Will Fix 1$$$ Goala Arms Buildup: Before the House can act on it, Miami. Fia., Dec. 15 (je\—Eleven wounds on the left side o f the face, Colors: Clear and light blue. Sizes however, it must be cleared by the tary sources said tdday. They The ministers of th e; 6-year- estimated the damage at a men whose 104-foot motor vessel >but were unable to say immediate­ rules committee. Refusal of the ly whether he had been hit by one old alliance gathered at their S ,M , L. million Syrian pounds ($400,- sank in the storm-tossed Atlantic Palais dll Chaillot heaquarters to Admiral Biurke t|. rule* group to act—and it has sev­ 000), , 75 milea northeast of Miami ar­ of two bullets, nor could they de­ Also an assortment of other styles available in green, eral powerful southern members— rived her* safely today after termine accurately whether he review their program of political and military cooMtistfam during light blue and red. White trim at $4.95. r eouid delay the bill indefinitely. a dramatic resciM by a Coast had been hit by police gunfire. Washington, Dec. 16 (Ph-AOm. Rep. Smith (D-Va), chairman of any proposal to deny funds to Guard plane and a tanker. Officers said he might have tried 1955. and to set new goals for 1$S6. Arleigh Burke, chief of sntfnl Ex-Czar of Bookies Arrested They opened a three-day con­ SPORT8WEAB—SECOND FLOOR the rules group, aaid he has not states not practicing racial inte­ ."We’re lucky to be alive." said to shoot himself.. operation*, aaid today "thnm in yet been requested to act by gration in their achools. Capt. William C. Alvers of Miami, Fallone was breathing heavily Harry Gross, formar Mf-Ume bopkmaldng king in Nlw 'York, ference ^ t h a debate aeektng an- attempts to dodge camera while in police car i^ter he was arrested ewers to The new challengea o f the nothing to Indicate that th* Soviet Chairman Barden (D-NC) of Uie Such an anti-segregation pro­ who was plucksd from a lifeboat a* he waa carried down the hill to UnioiT' la Slowing down in her Education Committee. posal ah'eady has been drafted by with 10 others after two hours of a police cruiser. He appeared to be in New Orleans in connection With a grand larceny charge In New Communist powers in th e. world York. Police said Gross and his brother, Jack, were arrested In power struggle. , " aimament efforta." > tiut he said "We 8outbcmera’\ Rep. Powell (D-NY), Powell has battling against giant waves. In critical condition. The Ruaaian Navy, already tha would question any Ineluaion of an' "It was so rough we damn near When he arrived at the hospital a downtown hotel. (AP Wltephoto). DukSa recalled that whan tha' TOILETRIES, Etc I I. NATO Council mot a year ago l.t ssooad ranking sea powar o f tha anti-segregation amendment — (OmitiBaed m Page Tweaty-seveB) swamped a few times.” Alvers in Kittannlng he was still con­ MTOrld, “ la atlll growing, nnd.grow- IP T H I l i r f A said, "but' the morale of the men scious.'Ms was taken Immediately in the ahadow . of .. fkndst HAZEL BISHOP VANITY LIPSTICK .\... $ 1.25 piari was fine. W c kept busy rowing slid, Into th4 emei’gency rbom. tiir*reata of awful thing, to come " >ra th* National Presa Club. no V telling Jokes. Wg were rowing .§i|d A* o f f ic ^ closed In.
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