Board of Trustees 2017-2018 Budget Workshop July 25, 2017 Revised 7/25/17 TABLE OF CONTENTS Revised 7/25/17 Budget Workshop: I. General Fund Budget Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget Scenarios 5 Proposed 2017-2018 Budget 6-8 Three-Year Financial Forecast 9 Significant Income and Expenditure Changes $15,000+ 10 II. Projects and Technology Requests FY 2017-2018 Projects 12 Requested Technology 13-14 Required Technology 15-18 III. Salary Information Salary Increases for Fiscal Years 1984-2017 20 Health Coverage Review for Employees 21 Salary Comparison Among Texas Community Colleges, Full-Time 22 Salary Comparison of Texas Community Colleges, Part-Time 23 MCC Faculty (Fall 2000-2016) 24 IV. Tax Information Schedule if Tax Increase is Over 0% 26 Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase – 5% Increase 27 Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase – 5.407% Increase 28 Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase – 7.99% Increase 29 Notice of Tax Revenue Increase (Assumes 5% Increase) 30-31 Notice of Tax Revenue Increase (Assumes 5.407% Increase) 32-33 Notice of Tax Revenue Increase (Assumes 7.99% Increase) 34-35 Taxpayer Information for FY 2018 Effect of Tax Increase 36 Comparison of Taxing Districts' Current Tax Rates 37 MCC Effective and Approved Tax Rates 38 M&O Tax Rate All Texas Community Colleges (TACC Survey) 39 Total Tax Rate All Texas Community Colleges (TACC Survey) 40 Consumer Price Index (CPI) Data 41 V. Tuition and Fees Tuition & Fee Increases 1994-2017 43 Tuition & Fees (Semester Credit Hour) All Texas Community Colleges 44 VI. Faculty Council & Administrative Staff Advisory Committee Recommendations Faculty Council Compensation Committee Report for 2017-2018 46 Administrative Staff Advisory Committee Report 47-49 VII. Capital Improvement Fund Master Facilities Plan Budget 51 Capital Improvement Fund Fiscal Years 2004-2018 52 VIII. MCC Organizational Charts MCC Organizational Chart (Persons reporting to President) 54 MCC Organizational Chart (VP’s and Directors) 55 President’s Division 56 Vice President, Finance & Administration Division 57 Vice President, Instruction Division 58 Dean, Arts & Sciences 59 Dean, Health Professions 60 Dean, Workforce & Public Service 61 Vice President, Research, Effectiveness & Information Technology Division 62 Vice President, Student Success Division 63 IX. Strategic Plan and Annual Priorities MCC Strategic Plan 2014-2015 to 2018-2019 65 MCC Annual Priorities 66 I. General Fund Budget Revised 7/25/17 McLennan Community College - 2017-2018 Fiscal Year Budget Analysis FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 Version #4 - Scenario #1 Version #4 - Scenario #2 Version #4 - Scenario #3 INCOME $ 53,397,203 $ 53,397,203 $ 53,397,203 EXPENDITURES 55,870,903 55,870,903 55,870,903 NET ($2,473,700) ($2,473,700) ($2,473,700) PROJECTED INCOME ADJUSTMENTS Taxes - Proposed Tax Revenue Change 5.00% 1,364,762 5.407% 1,434,898 7.99% 1,880,015 Income Adjustment - - - Tuition Increase - beginning Summer 2018 $0 - $0 - $0 - Tuition Increase - beginning Spring 2018 $0 - $0 - $0 - TOTAL PROJECTED INCOME ADJUSTMENTS 1,364,762 1,434,898 1,880,015 ADJUSTED NET INCOME $ 54,761,965 $ 54,832,101 $ 55,277,218 SALARIES - ALL SALARIES BELOW INCLUDED IN BUDGET Faculty schedule annual increment $140,000 Faculty earned credit $40,000 Education Adjustments for Staff $75,000 (75,000) (75,000) (75,000) Salary Adjustments $250,000 (200,000) (200,000) (200,000) Part-time and Overload Faculty (3% - $155,037) 3.00% 0 3.00% 0 3.00% 0 Faculty (3% - $241,067) 3.00% 0 3.00% 0 3.00% 0 Support Staff (3% - $134,119) 3.00% 0 3.00% 0 3.00% 0 Administrators (3% - $433,017) 3.00% 0 3.00% 0 3.00% 0 Total Change in Salary Dollars from Budget $ (275,000) $ (275,000) $ (275,000) Tax collection expenses due to increase $13,648 $14,349 $18,800 Additional expenditure budget cuts from Scenario #1 ($197,586) ($178,151) ($62,485) Unobligated contingency of $1,300,000 $0 $0 $0 Benefits (state funding to return to 50%) ($300,000) ($300,000) ($300,000) Projects budget of $500,000 ($350,000) ($350,000) ($200,000) Infrastructure $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 Required technology of $1,343,579 $0 $0 $0 Requested technology of $300,000 ($150,000) ($150,000) ($25,000) NET EXPENDITURE CHANGES ($1,108,938) ($1,038,802) ($593,685) ADJUSTED NET EXPENDITURES $ 54,761,965 $ 54,832,101 $ 55,277,218 TOTAL ADJUSTED INCOME $ 54,761,965 $ 54,832,101 $ 55,277,218 TOTAL ADJUSTED EXPENDITURES $ 54,761,965 $ 54,832,101 $ 55,277,218 Net 0 0 0 Increase Beginning With the Spring 2018 Semester TUITION INCREASE ANALYSIS TABLE Increase Per Summer I Hrs Summer II Hrs Fall Hrs Spring Hrs Annual Spr/Smr Semester Hr 17,860 10,909 79,079 70,771 Proj. Total Proj. Total $ 1 $ 17,860 $ 10,909 $ 79,079 $ 70,771 $ 178,619 $ 99,540 Semester hours are reduced for debt service and TPEG $ 3 $ 53,580 $ 32,727 $ 237,237 $ 212,313 $ 535,857 $ 298,620 $ 5 $ 89,300 $ 54,545 $ 395,395 $ 353,855 $ 893,095 $ 497,700 $ 10 $ 178,600 $ 109,090 $ 790,790 $ 707,710 $ 1,786,190 $ 995,400 $ 12 $ 214,320 $ 130,908 $ 948,948 $ 849,252 $ 2,143,428 $ 1, 194,480 TAX ANALYSIS TABLE Percentage Additional M&O Debt Total M&O & Increase M&O Rate Serv. Rate Debt Service Based on Certified Valuation of $15,990,719,672 Effective Rate $ 503,134 $ 0.107766 $ 0.035305 $ 0.143071 5.00% $ 1,364,762 $ 0.113154 $ 0.035305 $ 0.148459 Budgeted M & O Taxes for 2017 at $16,729,425 value Current Rate 5.407% $ 1,434,898 $ 0.113593 $ 0.035305 $ 0.148898 Calculated effective rate for tax increases $.112102 7.99% $ 1,880,015 $ 0.116377 $ 0.035305 $ 0.151682 2017 approved M&O rate $.112102 + I&S rate $.036797 = $.148899 Rollback 8% $ 1,881,739 $ 0.116387 $ 0.035305 $ 0.151692 COST OF SALARY INCREASE BY CATEGORY Category Salaries 1% 1.75% 2% 2.5% 3% PT/Overload $ 5,167,905 $ 51,679 $ 90,438 $ 103,358 $ 129,198 $ 155,037 Faculty $ 14,433,887 $ 144,339 $ 252,593 $ 288,678 $ 360,847 $ 433,017 Support Staff $ 4,470,635 $ 44,706 $ 78,236 $ 89,413 $ 111,766 $ 134,119 Administrators and all classes of administrative staff $ 8,035,582 $ 80,356 $ 140,623 $ 160,712 $ 200,890 $ 241,067 Total $ 32,108,009 $ 321,080 $ 561,890 $ 642,160 $ 802,700 $ 963,240 McLennan Community College 2017-2018 Budget Workshop Page 5 McLennan Community College PROPOSED 2017-2018 BUDGET (7/12/17 VERSION) ORIGINAL REVISED PROPOSED DIFFERENCE DIFFERENCE 16-17 BUDGET BUDGET 16-17 17-18 BUDGET TO ORIGINAL TO REVISED INCOME: 11010 State Appropriations $12,099,893 $12,099,893 $12,343,260 $243,367 $243,367 13010-16 Tuition 22,142,615 22,355,782 22,017,778 (124,837) (338,004) 13050 Fees-Credit 3,081,345 3,081,345 2,981,739 (99,606) (99,606) 13055-75 Fees-Non Credit 1,791,610 1,538,170 1,264,745 (526,865) (273,425) 13210 Taxes/Current Operations 16,479,425 16,479,425 16,479,425 0 0 13220 Interest Income 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 13222 Grants, Donations, Etc. 113,045 113,045 154,668 41,623 41,623 13230 Other Income 963,200 1,031,751 915,908 (47,292) (115,843) 13250 Miscellaneous Income 353,207 353,207 356,469 3,262 3,262 15520 Bookstore 400,000 400,000 405,000 5,000 5,000 15540 Vending Machines 39,000 39,000 39,400 400 400 15550 Intercollegiate Tickets 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 15570 Copy Machines 35,000 35,000 25,000 (10,000) (10,000) 15580 Bosque River Stage 500 500 500 0 0 15599 Miscellaneous 5,000 5,000 2,550 (2,450) (2,450) 602 RSVP-Local 37,061 37,061 37,061 0 0 880010 Debt Retirement-Credit (2,533,447) (2,533,447) (2,326,300) 207,147 207,147 880020 Debt Retirement-Cont Ed (240,000) (240,000) (240,000) 0 0 880025 Scholarship Set Aside (1,087,000) (1,087,000) (1,087,000) 0 0 890005 Transfer from Operating Fund 0 0 TOTAL INCOME $53,707,454 $53,735,732 $53,397,203 ($310,251) ($338,529) Transfer from CF Surplus $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Transfer from Operating Surplus $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ADJUSTED INCOME $53,707,454 $53,735,732 $53,397,203 ($310,251) ($338,529) EXPENDITURES: 101001 Board of Trustees $47,520 $47,520 $47,520 $0 $0 101005 Presidents Office 317,083 317,083 317,083 0 0 101007 Administrative Services 97,872 97,872 97,872 0 0 101009 Professional & Organizational Development 49,143 49,143 49,143 0 0 101010 Institutional Effectiveness 176,419 176,419 204,874 28,455 28,455 101011 Research, Planning, & Technology 190,986 190,986 198,322 7,336 7,336 101012 Grants/Planning 95,637 95,637 95,637 0 0 101013 Program Review & Planning 65,216 65,216 85,773 20,557 20,557 101015 Executive Director/MCC Foundation 219,178 219,178 209,710 (9,468) (9,468) 101016 Alumni Association 50,770 50,770 50,770 0 0 101017 Multicultural Services 3,900 3,900 3,900 0 0 101020 Vice President, Instruction 217,982 217,982 215,385 (2,597) (2,597) 101023 EEO 12,020 12,020 12,020 0 0 101025 Vice President, Finance & Administration 672,928 672,928 715,511 42,583 42,583 101028 Financial Services 356,124 356,124 312,292 (43,832) (43,832) 101029 Student Accounts Receivable 218,516 218,516 214,939 (3,577) (3,577) 101030 Human Resources 228,557 228,557 234,934 6,377 6,377 101040 Wellness 39,942 39,942 39,942 0 0 101045 Administrative Systems 137,842 137,842 170,688 32,846 32,846 101046 Web Development 160,843 160,843 160,303 (540) (540) 101047 Information Systems 2,000,660 2,176,118 2,218,063 217,403 41,945 101048 Client Systems 315,650 315,650 315,650 0 0 101049 Campus Card Office 74,552 74,552 37,495 (37,057) (37,057) DIVISION TOTAL $5,749,340 $5,924,798 $6,007,826 $258,486 $83,028 102011 Student Admissions $226,581 $226,581 $226,581 $0 $0 102012 Director, Admissions/Recruitment 118,713 118,713 118,941 228 228 102013 Student Assessment 214,019 214,019 203,089 (10,930) (10,930) 102015 Student Records 378,830 378,830 380,585 1,755 1,755 102017 Student Recruitment
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