'ra^e,.,'oq fJpurrurlerdIo sllnscrcq1 (aDnuuuo)pue aDJolV etq Surpnlcur) seues (tggt) s.uuqlue8 lo Jequnu c uror3 scrrads urplral otepouluoJJu ol paltelc st?,\\'lussu4 Deplolpq)lnd uo\ces 'asoql Jo euO pezluSotereJe,r t;xcl cueueiur1ur ,,irau.+o roqrunu o qarq,r utnlJrJyJo uorlErrJrsselc ,teu c pesodordpeq (Z/6t) lcssu1 ill6l ot rorrd uortJostJunsrp c sE suonrJrJrssclc(9861 T 8/61) s,^etpedur poldcttc surtao1o1y erl l lnq dnori l€crlrlreuu sc pezruSoce.l ueeq Buo\rqamluuuo) aql sepoll,{qdtuerrncop Jo snonuUuoJqtl,r ,rJrJy.+o sorJeds^\eJ ,{lo^rtulor oql elrpouurocco ol 'qluog ('qtueg) aDiDlVpuu'qtuefi aDnuuuo) 'seuas o,rl pazru8o...r(tggl) uuqlueg r,l,n.'y.lo luJuIrJI ..urLUltlnvlr\ nr,'lJ,, l]ururuJq|lol Jql ur uolsnl]urro-} elqr]ln?^u.ru seucu eqt luqt os pezll€ur.toleq ot peeutuqt esoqt,{luo'Jleq pJpnlJur 'elnuru ?Jpscllsr.rolculrqo eseqt qlr,r s:rr:ds ylelog suoqcelbrdelrl uroq Jo selccsol pecnpereru qclq,nrJo'sfur,r olrsoddolueururo:d Surur.to1 puu sulels eql uo luclinocpJcqtre eir qrrqmsepo11f,qd {q PeTrrelJuJl]tlcorl lsourpuu uerlultsnv ulslselA ur cruropucJlll lcdrd s^rq]ul pepnlJursorJeds aqJ uo!lJnpor}rI 'lcrlrdXtottol enJ'DlDuplddDy to o^tlsloJ '( esolce lpul'l Draldlp V uo pasrq) Ipuald H DUD!tt\ouapllltV puu'DllDliq yJo a^Dulelasolc u ''\tueguatdornol;l nnn)V nlnLuaDVol pctulersuees puu lcuqxe Xlqrssod sr selceds slrll : llent{ C i^llqnp^ V rol pepl^o.rdsr uorldulsop V urls^uhtrDlltuDrnt J\1^pull usrolr'\tr(lput1) DJaM{rDld 'rD^ 'qluoB DsolnpuDl;lttl.tu^'DtDlD lu^ '{lotlnlu 'sorler.nr^lnoj Sursr.rclurocsu po,rer^,rou sr ..,^ercedsotltpuu po.-sossr ,{lleuq s| .tfl dDIDIDV .lo^tt()uoxq eqJ urlsr:tyTuolnntotaldy puc urlsul{ '!urlsr?r\l 'urlslll 'ut!:olN nuDliJulwutnr y s-a$DJrxV'urlsul,\l si./a../?r,y tr t2litliq V Dlou2lddo V 'utlsrjr\I '( nqtuDrlat J\1^ DtDlt) V Uluog DlqDit r\1^ DdrD)oltoilDrpt y u{s) ur1su1,tfi'ruau 'dsqns 'soricdi-qns 'paqrrcsep puu DlnruaDdsqns o^\l i^csudutooqatq,r urlsl?l l DlntuaDV',{1euruu e)EDtlD)V lr\ uxul or-;rcodsullur,rouo,{\1 puu serccds,reuue,leg 'suorlcololdc}rl-uJoq'qnurur lo 'sflur,\\ salBosol pocnpareil] g.lq,r Jo elrsoddolueururrtrd fluruuol puu i^uals aql uo lueJlnJep teqlle err qcrqA\sepoll,{qd ,{q paT.uelJr,)r-tllDt)n)y1o selleds uur;u.r1slrVurots^orl,1 :'lrulapuc ue,role lo1 pepr,lord eJEsuortdu.soc (EfrOt)Ott-tqt :(Z)0l pti^l^nN (auepros^ourrll:olrsoururn8cl) rxr:1snourpo11{qdu pucsnourpuliloll^qd uurltrtsnv u.rolsc/A ouros lo ^utouox|J g 1 ,{uulycrsr;41oDaJy urlsulr'\trU g lcErlsqv zl]9 rrnrr)snvur.rsaa ouroJ fOt yoa od 'tu.ura8[uDt! pun.]pun uortD^josuoJ Jo tUiutund.0 \llnurqj.H uxrp.qsnvn.r.l:-./{ ullsul,ril d B (aeaplosoull I :ausourun8a.I) ExEl snoulpoll,{qdu puB snoulpulroll,{qd .tI uBllEJlsny uralsaa\ eruosJo ,{ruouoxEJ ,tuella)sJtr{,lrwy (!6bL) b1L t\ L :(Z)0t urst{nN NuytsiaVol.10, No.2 (1995) cladistic analysesof Acacia by chappill and Maslin (1995) suggestthat both the pulchelloidea and Alatae are polyphyletic assemblages;decurrent phyllodes werc interpretedas a highly homoplastic pettigrew feature. This result is consistentwith the findings of and watson (1975) and indicaie that it is unlikely the Alatae or continuae will be recognizedas formal, higher-ordercategories in future classifications. "phyllocladinous There are six speciesincluded below under the heading taxa". Although these speciesall have decurent phyllodes that lbrm prominent,opposite wings along the stemsihey are not all closely related to one another. Acacia bifaria sp. nov. and its close relative A. glaucopterq Benth. difrer significantly from the others,particularly in carpologicalfeatures; these two speciesare related to the A. merraLlii F . M'ell . groupwhose members do not have winged stemsand only rarely have decurrent phyllodes. Acacitl applanata sp. nov. is closely related to A. willdetlowiena H. wendl. and taxonomicallynot far tiom A. alqtaR.Br. The preciseaffinitie s of A. pterocdulon sp. nov. are not a)togetherclear. Bentharn's( 1864)classification included three species where the phyllodes were reduced to scales; thesewere incfudedin seriesPungentes subseries AphylLae Benth, (A. spinescensBenth.) and series calamlfurmes subseriessubaphyllae Benth. (A. tetragonocarpaMeisn. and A. restiacea Benth,). Neither ofthese subserieshas been recognized in the recentclassifications of,4c acia and there areno indications that aphyllodinous taxa (of which there are about five now recognized) represent a monophyletic group. "Aphyllodinous of the five speciesincluded below underthe heading taxa" only A. cummingiana sp nov. has all its phyllodes reducedto horizontally flattened scales (like those found in A. tetragonocarpd). It seemslikely that in thesetwo speciesat leastthe scalesare homologous to fused phyllodes and stipules(see note underA. cummingiana). wh)le A. aemula sp.nov. has for the most part normal phyllodes (which closely resemblethe branchlets)a few terminal ones are sometimes reducedto horizontally flattenedscales . rn A. carens sp,nov. and A. cerastessp. nov. the phyllodes are very rudimentary and are representedby minute, stipule-like or horn-like projections, Acacia volubilis F. Muell., which like A. aemula has distant, normal phyllodes which resemble the branchlets,is included within this group for comparativepurposes because the name had until now commonly been misapplied to some of the new speciesdescribed in this paper. Methods The taxa included in this paper are a'anged alphabeticallyunder two headings,phyllocladinous taxa and Aphyllodinous taxa. My approach to both typification and the application of rank are discussedelsewhere (Maslin and Cowan 1994a,Cowan and Maslin 1995). Phyllocladinous taxa l. Acacia afata R. Br. in W.T.Aiton, Hortus Kew. ed. 2, 5: 464 (1g13) (R. Mimosa alqta Br.) Poir. Encycl. Meth. (Bot.) suppl. 5: 530 (1817), nom.lnval. (combinationnot actually made); Prlllodoce arata (R. Br.) Link, Handbuch2: r32 (rg3r); Acacia qhta var.penuina 'slu€r.r?n. €seqlJo snpls eql uJ+uoc ol pep€eueJe serpnlsJeq nJ :(,reuo8urtrl Jo lsps porBIl€rus p ot polcrJlseJ)osorypuDlSq JE^ot perllEJeqlo eqt pue (,{11o8ur6rueu e^JesegEJoIC 8uruur11nl eql ol potartsol) ualdKlold Jp^ ot psrtl€ ouo 'pazruSoaoJ '^lluuorllppv oJBsluErJ€r\ I"rurolur o,rl ,{teuv,r ,,,reue sE pequcsep st (deqcuua pu€ setus^JeJ -€qqeauA) Dqtuouai rE^ puv patceJJnseJeJeq sr (Jequrn8ot{ re€u ol p€lculser) uslet{ ( lpur.I) ',{lluonbosuoC ua|dtiDld rEL o1Dlti rc^ s€ peurcuJeJlsq,r urqlr,r p€lepouuroccr?^lrsee eq louuec qued Io quou lsnl suolPur {puuuluoperd peJJnccoqcrq,r sepoll,(qdsnoncouur + 'Uos leqleJ 'eFJEl qlrA\sluuld lEqt tuop ^e ew?aeq]l DI2lo yJo lueule erl ,.€rlej]sny;o e:o1g,,oqt Suuedojdur'J€Ae,roH 'lclllsrp uolplereg oql ur Suruncco sercedseql Jo l.uroJe^.qrurlsrp eqt ot perldde ueeq 3uo1 seq 'qtuag oso1npuolStqJp etutu eq1 sercedseql urqtr^\ paztuSocerueeq ,4puerppuq serlerJulo,rl esnvcaq,{ldrurs peldope ueeqseq puu ?cuarua^uocro IuBJ u s€ pesnsr ,{1eucr1 uxel JsJr1lroJ IupJ etrutrdordduue sr srqlJr uruuecsuol uelpuepun eq uacserpnls JoqInJ lrlun uorlplrJrsstlcurrJolur ue se pa^\or^eq plnoqs srqt 'Je^e,roq:sanor.rc,t:no1sasrrdruoca1r:/" yeJeq psurlep sy oxot ctllcadsotlul 'e^.rJu lcJlueJsnor^qo uu puu urBruur roddn str SuoluselBuu Suueeq-pur13 lueururold erou ro euo Sur,ruqsepo11,(qd eqllo uorlrodeer"t eql .{q peqstn8utlstp,{lrpueJ lsour sr tr qcrq,r wo4 DuDu$ouapnlt^V ot peleloJsr DtDloDlJooV saltlu{{V '1?rluJlsnvuJelsel& '^uEqlv lse,tqlnos ol qlnos (uolplBJeDJo quou url 0/ r) ,{ro8erg od r.uorJsJncxc) uolwqutste 'el€ll!ff '8uol 'crldrlle u x s t-s z o1 'anbrlqo ',{rruq 'tu1;'pearnc 'snoacElsruc 3uo1qo o1asre^susrl .rpaas lclql surBruur ,{lasuep ,{l1vurou 'apr^\ '8uol 'stclrdDs uru lf-g ruc g-Z spoT snoludesou?Bxtlo7'.qnc? ot esnlqo spnq eql 'snoreu-S sJaaoll ueplo? ol olrq^\ 'peJa,\\oll-91-y':u1nqo13 spDaq '.esoltd ,{Dror.ls ol snollelnsJrq '8uol 'seluec€.r 'lrxp Jo snoJqrlS (uur ZI-t ur seuDeuos ted Z f,1lsowsalcunpa4 lnds Jsln8ueul 'apo11fqd D Jo xedE tE palsnlrs ,4llEruJouqc€e lueururoJd 1o uoruod eaJIJo ut8ruur lvrxupu 3uo1a 'snoncouur 'ol€urcun t-l spuolj snor^qoe^Jou IEJluec ol asourdsslurod luordr Jo/puBoluurtuncs '8uol seruDeruos urur 91-g sepo11,{qdJo uoruod eeq :sur8J€uruo snolnprJqEcs-ele1ncreqn1Xluoruruoc 'snollalnsrq-otnsJrqro esolrd o1 snorqslS'uoal8 'etrlnpun ,{pqBlls'snoecuuoc ,{lurql 'uor8e.r 'apt,r 8uu€eq-eouecseJouuruo lse,rojt?u (uru g7-7,{ypnsn sBuL$eql',roleq lxeu eql ol Sutpuelxe auo qcueq1r,tr s8ur,Lr elsoddo 3u[urog puetruer:ncep {1snow;rq 'seqcuEJqqlr^\ snorurtuocsapo Kqd 'snonJouur o1esourds ,ralrdrts esonxeHuelJo slelqcuBJg IIBIuJ Z r ol s4r?lqspeqouEJq-qcnhtr l ^ u) pelta ' 'rct euou.snd,1J (9n8I ) 6 :9t8 I uer,11se8nequegeg X) qro1 rueesye 1to11o1o4o73 o1o1pyi 'tpltuqrs 'V't 'DgH 'iigT qreq xe ueurcads oloq'.suotltJol V se ur uapr€8 'tpruqcs .V ctuutoqIe^ouEH tu peluarllnc:srd,{-; Gbgl) 96V: LZttolC V I T loJ,eesDSoUpuDlStun 'A 'y{g pue ) tE ed.{lo1ce1osrpue ed{1o1celt0t,r p?tunotusuerurceds SunrnrJ '.olcalost 'esuarlB]lsnv psP eluets .adlsoltalotod E't :trc, ['ou ua ugf SvJeeq pue .,g-Z0gl !I0gl JelL, peprt leeqs uo ueurrcedsSuue,rog puuq lq8u .reddn - lNg) utrolg J JequreJeq 'eIl€rtsnv ',{ueq1y'rnoqrug 'llrH uJelsal6 p,{oU ssecuud ,{lotp^Jesqo,, .rllflrJ(JDldDsowrn,,:(9661 '(WgI) ,uu€tuqe-I.J.C .usreN uB,{^oJpuE ulls€I aes) adgotcaT lD\ul rltou V I Ssrerd Id I ur 'urrsrl c9t t t ,{us e.st1,l,rrrry I d g 154 NuytsiaVol.10, No. 2 (1995) Key to vlrieties of A, alat r l. Free portion of phyllodes with 2 or 3 gland-bearingangles, sha4rly pungent; heads4-7-flowered ....... lb. var. bigland.ulosa la. Free portion of phyllodes with I gland-bearingangle (rarely 2 or 3 rn var. tetfanth4)....... .,.................,...2 2. Heads4-flowered; free portion of phyllodes 10-70 mm long, innocuous or scarcelypungent................. ,......,,ld. yar.tetrantha 2a.Heads more than 4-flowered ......................................3 3. Free portion phyllodes of 5-20 mm long, sharply pungent . Ia. yar. q.h,a 3a. Free portion of phyllodes l0-70 mm long, acuminateto caudate- acuminate,innocuous or slightlypungent ................
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