Third Series, Vol. LIX, No.30 Monday, September 5, 1966 Bhadra 14, 1888 (Saka) CONTENTS No. lO-Monday, September 5, 1966/Bhadra 14, 1888 (Saka) COLUMNS Obituary Reference- (Shri Murli Manohar) 9173-77 Oral Answers to Questipns- -Short Notice Questions Nos. 27, 28 and 29 .9177-921 5 Calling Attention to Matter QfUrgent Public Importance- Reported Damage to foodgrains while in railtransit. 9215-16 Re. Calling Attention Notice (Query). 9216-20,9266 Re. Question of Privilege . 9221-29 Papers Laid on the Table . 9229-30 Comminee on Government Assurances- Minutes. Messages from Rajya Sabha . Petition Re. Constittltion (Amendment) Bill Public Accounts Committee Fifty-Seventh Report Statement Re. Future of Managing Agency System- Shri G. S. Pathak Statement Re. Accident to lAC Caravillenear Santa Cruz- Shri C. M. Poonacha . Correction of Answer to S. Q. No. 361 Re. Vfgyan Mandirs. Re. Statement by Member Under Direction 115 and Correction of Answer to S. Q. No. 634 Re. Das Commission Report' . 9252-54 Personal Explanation by Member under Rule 357 Re. reference to speech of the Minister of ParliamentarY Affairs. 92 54-55 Shri Madhu Limaye . 9254-55 Shri Satya Narayan Sinha . 9255 Detention of Members- (Shri Dasaratha Deb and Shri Biren Duna). 9255-64 D!lhi Pan:hayat S:lm;ties and Nyaya Panchayats B;:l-I1't:rod~ced 9264~ RailWay Property (Unlawful Possession) Bill .9267-9341 Motion to Consider, a'S passed by Rajya Sabha .9267-9341 ShriRane • 9267-68 Shri Sarioo Pandey . 9269-72 Shri Vishwa Nath Pandey 9273-74 Shri Onkar Lal Berwa 9274-77 Shri Hhnatsingka . '. 9277-79 Shri Ram Se'Wak Yadav 9279-83 Shri Muthiah . 9283-85 Shri Priya Gupta . 9285-89 Shri Sinhasan Singh 9292-94 Shri U. M. Trivedi . 9294-96 Shri S. K. Patil. .92 98-9304 Clauses 2 to 8 9307-41 Half-an":.Hour Discussion Re. Grievances ofC.H.S. Doctors. 9341-sS Shri D. C. Sharma 9341-46 Dr. Sushiia Nayar . 9352-58 -The sign + marked above the narneof a Member indicates that the question Wall acrually asked on the Hoor of the House by him. 1641 (Ai) LSD-l LOK SABRA DEBATES 91 7'4- LOI: SABRA the backward districts of Uttar Pra- desh in matters of education etc. Monday, Septembe-r 5, 1966jBhadra However, during the struggle for 14, 1888 (Saka) freedom in 1942-43, the anti-foreign nIle sentiments reached white. heat The Lc>k Sabha met at Eleven of in the district. This was all mainly the Clock because of the solid work done by Shri Murli Manohar and his other [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] patriot friends. Shri Murli Manohar OBITUARY REFERENCB will be long remembered in his area for his constructive work as ChairmBD of the Municipal Board of Ballia and Mr. Speaker: I have to inform the in various other uplift activities. Sir, HOlll!e of the sad demise of Shri I pay my respectful homage to the Murli Manohar who passed away at memory of this stalwart fighter for New Delhi on the 4th September, freedom and I hope the House will l!H1l1 at the age of 71. join me in offering condl:>lences te the bereaved family. Shri Murli Manohar was a sitting Member of this House from the Shri U. M. Trivedi (ldandsaur): Ballia constituency of TJttar Pradesh. Mr. Speaker, Sir, yesterday morninc He was also a Member of the· First I heard the very sad neWII about the Lok Sabha during the years 1952 to demise of Shri Murli Manohar. a 1957. very unassuming gentleman. an old man of 72 years. who never made himself very conspicuoUII in the We deeply mourn the loss of this House but whose activities of a con- friend and I am sure the House will structive nafure were well !mown to join me in conveying our condolences many. He leaves behind him a . to the bereaved family. mourning family of relatives. I and my party join in the sentiments ex- The Leader of the BolISe (Shri pressed by Shri Satya i'larayan Sinha, Satya Narayan Sinha): Mr. Speaker, the Leader of the House, and I requeet Sir, I and Members of this that our sentiments may be conveyed Holll!e learnt with great shock and to the bereaved family. sorrow about the sad and sudden demise of a Member of our House, ~ ~ q,q~ (~): ~ Shri Murli Manohar. Shri Murli ~~, ~ ~ ~ ~ f.ru;; ~ Manohar was one of those persons who had been drawn into the free- ~ Tf 'fT<: ~ mit ..rtm 'liT ~ dom struggle from the earliest times. ~ gm ~ I ~ ~ f.t; ~ rornm- His holy pUgrimages to prison in the ~~mrif,~~~~~~ call1!e of fight for freedom started in 1921. He participated in all other ~~~~~'fTif$~ freedom movements and went through ~ ;;f\q;r 'I>l1'f it ,!mrU ott ~ ;rfr all the sufferings eheerfully. As you ~ ott I ~ mtf ~ ~ <Tgif iii' know, Sir, he represented Ballia Constituency in the Lok Sabha. ~ m if ~R ~ ~;;f\q;r­ Ballia is normally regarded as one of 'I>l1'fit~~$Wll'~~t 9175 Obituary Reference SEPI'EMBER 5, 1966 Obituary Reference 91 7 ~~~~il;~~..rn:m-u f<t; ";jif <n: fm '1lif 'liT ~ mn: ~~i\''iiT~if~~~1 ~11;'1> ~~I ~~1t'r.o'<fif(f~~flffi~ ~ i'\m if $ mtft ~ Q:~ ~ ~ ~ $ 7O~il; "'11T'f m'lfllTm ~ 'liT ~ f<rofw 'fiT l!im ~<mf ~ ~~~m'IiT'Sf!l('ifrnifl rn ~ m?f ~ 'fifT~ ~ I it it ~ ;ffi:it ~ 'A'fifT, wf.\" lffi rn ~ 'IiR ~ rn wf.\" lffi ~r ...R ~ ~ or~~'Ift<mi~~~or ~ qf:oo<: il; 'Sffu" 'A'Rt ~~iRT lA>C m'f<f 'Ii1ID ~ I ~il '" 't'!';nq f~ ( Shri Ranga (Chittoor): I associate mrurnr ): myself with the sentiments that have ~ ~, ~ ~t 11~ <miT been expressed by my colleagues. I f'lQ"f'l<li<1Q il; RTa<!> "I ~ am- was told by my friends from Uttar ~ ~r Cf1Iit<;r <r.t I "'"if 11~ Pradesh that he was one of their best comrades. He was a patriot. Thougla 'It'iiT it 'AR:~ o;m:nr f~!!T, <fT ~ he was not a very active member of ~r if'Iif<;r 'liT erG ~QT1T f~T I q~ this House, he was one of the leaden 1921,1930,1932, 1939rn 1942 of the Bar where he was practisine. We are all extremely sorry that he it~~ I 1fi"lf~1fi"lf~rr.pm:~~ passed away so suddenly. I join m?f ;it.,. i\' if I ~ ~ <¢r.,. "I others in mourning the death of thill very dear friend. ~ '1 0 'fro i\' ~ ~ 11t<1" ~ ~~gwt I fitK'lfT~;;fr~ ~.r.r f<t;,n, ~ ~ ~~ il; ~ ~ f~<n" ~ "@'{~ tmlf: (m:rot'lft) : ~~'lT«1t~qa:r'lfr;r@'~ I :a-;r W.;lffi 11Q:~, ~1!f <ITi! ~ 11if~ If.:" ~ 1921 ~~Wof~~~ 11;'1> ~ ...n: ~rmf~ ~ if I i ~ >fT, 'f'iTf<I; ~;;it ~ m 70" if; f.w'f ~ <!fu"!!T if; orf7ff 1/n: l!11 WIft f<t>!!T, ~ ~ il; ~ ~ ron- I 1l ~~ l1Q'1'\ '!it <!go ~R; g I ~ '1>;<;T ~ ~ 'l; lIfu wr.rT >sr~ m<ra- 'f>W wHr ~ itmil il; fut1: ~ ~ ~I ~ mitit I ~ 'liT ~ ~ i!T ~ ~ ~ I ~ ";jif if; ,"f~,!<a (~~): ~ f;jf" it lIfu 'A'fift ~r 'Qfuf ~T~, it '1ft ";jif il; m~ ~, it ~ ~ <n: 'Sfm mm<m: ~ I it '1fT .;r<f.r lffi ~t 'Qll:: ~ 70'1 il; 'Sff, 'llif ~ <n:9i ~ >srT ~ ~ il; lffu >.r4rnor .;rfuf ~CIT ~ 1/n:~!I'n: ~ ~ ~ mqa 'f>W ~ $ ~ 'SfT'fi1T ~ ~ f<t; ~ ";jif '1ft -miff '1ft qf,~ if; 'Sff<f 'I"'!'ft ~iRT lA>C 'f>W ~ I ~ I ~ m~irU<nfifOf~~ I mfFf ~~~il;m~~l!Ti\'~ Wff~~qf~>fTI·~~il; Shri Nambiar (Tiruchirapalli): 11;'1> 'Sff~=r ~ if I ~ ~ <n: I associate myseH with the sentiments expressed here on the sad demise of ~1mf 'IiT'f i\' 'lgff ~ ~ f~ Shri Murli Manohar. He was one of ~ ~ ~T PIfiffu~fuiT <ffi~ i\' ....n: the oldest members of this House ~ ~fC~~ i\' 'iiT <!gff flffi- and he had to his credit much sacri- fice and suffering for the cause of the ~T~ifl ~~~$~ freedom of this country. We all feel 'if<11l!;~1 ~f~<n:<rnT~>fT very sad at his demise. 91 77 Oral Answers BHADRA 14, 1888 (SAKA) Oral Answe1's Mr. SpeaJ[er: The House nmy 'f.Tlf crt <roT ~ 'for W ~ I it ll"Q" "1fT stand in silence for a Ehort while to express its sorrow. ~~~Pf;~~<r.TW'fTIT ~,~T ~'f f'1':~ <f.T mf~ ~ ~ The Members then stood in silence for a short while. Wtl 11.11 hrs. 61"0 "@(~f~ lfQ" ~ ~­ 'flffiiI; ~ f~1i ,!f<1fT ;;rR <rTcr ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS <iT if SHORT NOTICE QUESTIONS ~ - f~ f~it wf~ tfQ"T1TaT crt ~ • tror <f'I;" 'Ili1: ~t f"{1f <'Tm 'Ili1: f~m: Sale Of Forged Railway Tickets "!fA ;;rffi~, ~ 'fTIT ~ MT ~ I + ~'fT'Ili1:~if~~Wgl1;~1 S.N.Q. 21. Shri Vishwa Nath Pandey: Shri Ram Harth Yadav: Shr! Brij Basi LaI: 1Ift~~: it~~' Shri Tula Ram: ~Pf;W~if?i..qfGlild ;r~,&~ Shri Baswant: <r.T 'lCIT 0f'TTliT ~, ~ Shri D. C. Sharma: 'lit it ;;m;ft WR: . m;;rffi ~ I Will the Minister of Railways be pleased to state: (a) whether it is· a fact that the WT 0 "@( ~ fut: l1;'I> ~ ifim:r vigilance cell of the Rail way Board f'sIWr m, ~ ~ ~ I ~ If\: 'lit has unearthed a gang responsible for ~ f.!;m 'flIT I ~ If\: l1;'I> ~ lIelling forged railway tickets in the f1r<;ft, various parts of the country; and l1;'I> mitqfu<!; ~ ~ 'Ili1: (b) if so, the reaction of Govern- 'Ili1: m ;;m: Wlf 'ifti f1r<;ft &I 'Ili1: ment thereto? i<'fT'Ii qtf~ 'lit fi:r.r, ~ li"i 'lit flr.rr I The Minister of state In the MIDIs- try of Railways (Dr.
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