PUBLICATIONS Marcel Ausloos School of Business, University of Leicester, Brookfield, Leicester, LE2 1RQ, UK e-mail address: [email protected] April 3, 2020 URL: http://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/management/people/professor- marcel-ausloos 1 Edited books/proceedings • MAGNETIC PHASE TRANSITIONS, Proceedings of a Workshop at the Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy, July 1-13, 1983. Editors: M. Ausloos and R.J. Elliott, Springer Series in Solid State Sciences, vol. 48, 1983, 103 figures, VII, 269 pages. ASIN: 0-3871-2842-5 • FLUCTUATION PHENOMENA IN HIGH TEMPERATURE SUPER- CONDUCTORS, Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Work- shop at the International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, Aug. 5-9, 1996. Editors: M. Ausloos and A. A. Varlamov, in NATO ASI Partnership Sub-Series 3: High Technology -vol. 32, Kluwer, Dor- drecht, 1997, xi, 456 pages. ISBN: 0-7923-4575-4 • SYMMETRY AND PAIRING IN SUPERCONDUCTORS, Proceed- ings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Yalta, Ukraine, April 29-May 2, 1999. Editors: M. Ausloos and S. Kruchinin, in NATO ASI Partnership Sub-Series 3: High Technology-vol 63, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1999, xi, 410 pages. ISBN: 0-7923-5520-2 • NANO-CRYSTALLINE AND THIN FILM MAGNETIC OXIDES, Pro- ceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Sept. 27-Oct. 3, 1999. Editors: I. Nedkov and M. Ausloos, in NATO ASI Partnership Sub-Series 3: High Technology-vol. 72, Kluwer, Dor- drecht, 1999, xv, 380 pages. ISBN: 0-7923-5872-4 • WHEN MATERIALS MATTER. ANALYZING, PREDICTING AND PREVENTING DISASTERS, E-Proceedings of a Materials Research Society Spring Meeting Symposium, San Francisco, CA, April 2000. Editors: M. Ausloos, A. J. Hurd and M. P. Marder, vol. 630, MRS, Warendale, 2000. ASIN: 1-55899-538-2 http://www.mrs.org/publications/epubs/proceedings/spring2000/gg/ • SUPERMATERIALS, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Supermaterials, Giens, Hy`eres,France, Sept. 19-23, 1999. R. Cloots, M. Ausloos, M. Pekala, A. J. Hurd, and G. Vacquier, Eds. NATO Science Series II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry,- vol. 8, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2000, xii, 228 pages. ISBN 0-7923-6808-8; ISBN: 0-7923-6809-6 2 • IEC2002, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOPHYSICS CONFERENCE, BALI, H. E. Stanley, M. Ausloos, J. Kertesz, R. N. Mantegna, J. A. Scheinkman, and H. Takayasu, eds (Elsevier, Amster- dam, 2003) Physica A 324 (1-2) • THE LOGISTIC MAP AND THE ROUTE TO CHAOS. From the Beginnings to Modern Applications, M. Ausloos and M. Dirickx, Eds. (Springer, Berlin, 2006), xx, 411 pages. ISBN 3-540-28366-8 • 8TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUC- TIVITY, 16-20 September 2007, Brussels, Belgium, S. Hoste and M. Ausloos, Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 97, 2008; 336 pa- pers; copublication with Superconductor Science and Technology 21 (2008) 030301 • STATISTICAL MECHANICS OF COMPLEX AND DISORDERED SYSTEMS, M. Ausloos and J. Mi_skiewicz, Eds., Entropy, Special Issue (MDPI, Zurich, 2017). • ECONO- AND SOCIOPHYSICS IN TURBULENT WORLD, Physica A 513 Special Issue, Edited by M. Ausloos, D. Grech, T. Di Matteo, R. Kutner, C. Schinckus, H.E. Stanley (Elsevier, 2019). 3 1. M. Ausloos and K. Kawasaki, Comment on Marcelja' s Resistivity of Anti-ferromagnets above the N´eelTemperature, Journal of Physics C 4 (1971) L132-133. 2. M. Ausloos and E.N. Foo, Effects of Resonant States on the Exchange Interaction in Alloys, Journal of Physics C 4 (1971) L251-254. 3. E.N. Foo, H. Amar and M. Ausloos, Coherent Potential Approximation for Alloys with Random off-diagonal Elements, Physical Review B 4 (1971) 3350-3359. 4. M. Ausloos, On the Thermoelectric Power of Antiferromagnets in the vicinity of the N´eelTemperature, Proc. IUPAP Chicago Conf. on Statistical Mechanics, vol. III (1971) 42-45. 5. M. Ausloos and B. Lalevic, Calculation of the solubility limits in dilute Beryllium alloys, Physica Status Solidi (a) 7 (1971) K51-K53. 6. M. Ausloos, Perturbation-Variation Potential for Disordered Systems, Physics Letters A 36 (1971) 185-186. 7. E.N. Foo and M. Ausloos, Electronic Density of States in Disordered Alloys, Journal of Non Cryst. Solids 8-10 (1972) 134-139. 8. M. Ausloos and S.M. Lo, Seebeck Coefficients at Ordering Tempera- ture, IEEE Trans. Magn. 8 (1972) 276. 9. E.N. Foo, S. M. Bose and M. Ausloos, Generalized Cluster Theory of Coherent Potential Approximation for Disordered Systems, Physical Review B 7 (1973) 3454-3463. 10. M. Ausloos, Hall Coefficient of Magnetic Metals near a Phase Tran- sition, in Phase Transitions-1973, L.E.Cross Ed., Pergamon Press (1974) pp. 439-445. 11. M. Ausloos and B. Lalevic, Solubility of Noble Metals in hcp metals: a test for the validity of Pseudopotentials, Applied Physics 6 (1975) 229-232. 12. M. Ausloos, On a structural Phase Transition in Ytterbium, Physica Status Solidi (b) 73 (1976) 211-221. 13. M. Ausloos and B. Lalevic, On the cleavage plane of Beryllium, Solid State Communications 18 (1976) 709-711. 14. M. Ausloos, Renormalized Density of States by Conduction Electron- localized Spin Scattering, Physica Status. Solidi (b) 73 (1976) 469-474. 15. M. Ausloos, Dislocation Energy Factors in Beryllium, Solid State Communications 18 (1976) 1187-1188. 16. M. Ausloos, Temperature and Density Dependent Aschroft-Lekner Structure Factor for Liquid Metals, Physics Letters 55 A (1976) 368-370. 4 17. M. Ausloos, Modified Carnahan-Starling Equation of State for Fused Hard Spheres, Journal of Chemical Physics 64 (1976) 3490-3491. 18. W. Slusark, Jr., B. Lalevic, and M. Ausloos, Optical Properties of Cosputtered Gold-Chromium Alloy Films, Journal of Applied Physics 48 (1977) 248-255. 19. M. Ausloos and P. Clippe, Statistical Mechanics of Classical Amor- phous Magnets in Three Dimensions, Journal of Physics C: Solid State 9 (1976) L351-353. 20. M. Ausloos, Effective number of conduction Electrons in Antifer- romagnetic Metals near TN , Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics 6 (1976) 1723-1730. 21. M. Ausloos, Thermodynamics of Amorphous Magnetic Metals and Alloys at High Temperature, Proceedings A.I.P. 34 (1976) 304-306. 22. M. Ausloos, Anomaly in the Seebeck Coefficient near the Spin Order- ing Temperature of Magnetic Metals, Solid State Communications 21 (1977) 373-375. 23. M. Ausloos, On the N´eelTemperature (and Critical Exponents) De- termined from Electronic Transport Coefficient in (Magnetic) Metals, Phys- ica B 86-88 (1977) 338-340. 24. M. Ausloos and P. Clippe, Fused Hard Sphere Equation of State near the close packed Limit, Journal of Chemical Physics 67 (1977) 624-626. 25. M. Ausloos and P. Clippe, On the Convergence of Zwanzig Perturba- tion Expansion for Liquids, Journal of Chemical Physics 67 (1977) 188-194. 26. M. Ausloos, Note on Measurements of the Electrical Resistivity of Cr-Mn Alloys, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 5 (1977) 156- 160. 27. M. Ausloos, P. Clippe and Ph. Kinet, Phase Diagram and Statistical Mechanics of Amorphous Magnetic Insulators, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 7 (1978) 185-187. 28. M. Ausloos, P. Clippe and A. A. Lucas, Infrared Active Modes in Large Clusters of Spheres, Physical Review B 18 (1978) 7176-7185. 29. J.P. Vigneron and M. Ausloos, Theory of Cyclotron Resonance at a Model Interface in a Transverse Magnetic Field, Physical Review B 18 (1978) 1464-1473. 30. A. Pekalski and M. Ausloos, Physical Properties of a Spin Model described by an Effective Hamiltonian with Two Kinds of Random Magnetic Bonds, Solid State Communications 26 (1978) 977-980. 5 31. M. Ausloos, Relation between the Mori-Green-Kubo formulae and their Boltzmann approximation for electronic transport coefficients, Journal of Physics A 11 (1978) 1621-1632. 32. M. Droz, M. Ausloos and J.D. Gunton, Some Difficulties Associated with Parameter Dependent Renormalization Group Transformations, Physi- cal Review B 18 (1978) 388-393. 33. J.B. Sousa, M.M. Amado, R.P. Pinto, J.M. Moreira, M.E. Braga and M. Ausloos, Anomalous Critical Behaviour of Transport Properties in Antiferromagnetic Cr-Al Alloys, Journal of Physics 39, S8 (1978) 792-793. 34. M. Ausloos, P. Clippe, R. Evrard and R. Verhaeghe, Zwanzig' s Perturbation Theory for the Triangular Potential Fluid, Molecular Physics 37 (1979) 643-658. 35. J.B. Sousa, M.M. Amado, R.P. Pinto, J.M. Moreira, M.E. Braga, M. Ausloos, J.P. Leburton, P. Clippe, J. Van Hay and P. Morin, Critical Behaviour of Transport Coefficients at a Structural Ferromagnetic Transition, Journal of Physics Colloques, 40(C5) 42-43 (1979). 36. J.B. Sousa, M. M. Amado, R.P. Pinto, J.M. Moreira, M. E. Braga, M. Ausloos, and P. Clippe, Critical Behaviour of the Electrical Resistivity at the Spin Reorientation Transition of Pure Gadolinium, Journal of Physics F 9 (1979) L77-L81. 37. J.B. Sousa, R.S. Pinto, M.M. Amado, J.M. Moreira, M.E. Braga, M. Ausloos and I. Balberg, Universal Behaviour of Thermal and Electrical Transport Coefficients near the Neel Temperature of Cr99.94Al0.06, Solid State Communications 31 (1979) 209-212. 38. J.B. Sousa, R.S. Pinto, M.M. Amado, J.M. Moreira, M.E. Braga, M. Ausloos, and D. Hukin, Transport Properties in Ferromagnetic Rare Earth Alloys (Tb-Gd) and TbZn Compound, Portugalia Physica 10 (1979) 85-99. 39. M. Ausloos, J.B. Sousa, M.M. Amado, R.S. Pinto, J.M. Moreira, M.E. Braga and M.P. Pinheiro, On Various Anomalies in the Temperature Derivative of Transport Properties in RE Metallic Compounds, in 14th Rare Earth Research Conference, Ed. G.J.McCarthy, J.J. Rhyne and H.B. Silber (Plenum Press, 1980) pp. 273-278. 40. M. Ausloos, J.P. Leburton and P. Clippe, Effect of Magnetic Do- mains on the Electrical Resistivity of a Ferromagnet just below the critical Temperature, Solid State Communications 33 (1980) 75-77. 41. J.B.
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