DOI 10.22394/1818-4049-2017-80-3-8-19 УДК 338.45:621.31(571.64) Evgeniy Fyodorovich Avdokushin – Doctor of Economics, professor of "The World economy" chair, the Moscow State University (Moscow). E-mail: [email protected] Pavel Valeryevich Igumnov – Candidate of Technical sciences, associate professor of the chair "The rolling stock of the railroads", the Far-Eastern Federal University of means of communication (Khabarovsk). E-mail:[email protected] Asian vector of development of the energy complex of the Sakhalin region The resource potential of the energy complex of the Sakhalin region is considered in the article. The largest oil, gas and coal deposits in the region are listed. The analysis of the electric power industry of the region is carried out. The main directions of its development are shown. The analysis of all international energy projects in the Sakhalin region is presented. Problems and prospects of development of oil and gas and coal branch of the region are considered. Perspective international energy projects with the countries of the Asian region are analyzed. The analysis of the existing infrastructure necessary for the further development of the energy complex of the region was carried out. The state and prospects of development of the sea coal terminals of the Sakhalin region are shown. Positive aspects of the current and planned energy projects of the Sakhalin Oblast have been identified. Favorable economic and geographic location, proximity to Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the other Asian countries, which are the largest importers of fuel and energy resources, enables Sakhalin Oblast to play a more significant role in providing these countries with energy resources. The need for further integration of the energy industry of the Sakhalin Oblast with the countries of Asia is shown with a view to developing the energy complex of the region. Keywords: energy complex of the Sakhalin region, oil, gas, coal, electric power industry, oil refining, petro-chemistry, sea coal terminals. Азиатский вектор развития энергетического комплекса Cахалинской области В статье рассмотрен ресурсный потенциал электроэнергетической отрасли Сахалинской области. Проведен анализ и показано состояние существующей инфраструктуры, необходимой для дальнейшего развития энергетического комплекса региона. Проанализированы настоящие и перспективные международные энергетические проекты со странами Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона (далее – АТР). Выявлены положительные аспекты реализуемых и планируемых энергетических проектов Сахалинской области. Отмечено выгодное экономико-географическое расположение, близость к Японии, Южной Корее, Тайваню и другим азиатским странам, которые являются крупнейшими импортерами топливно-энергетических ресурсов, что дает возможность Сахалинской области играть более значимую роль в обеспечении этих стран энергетическими ресурсами. Показана необходимость дальнейшей интеграции энергетической отрасли Сахалинской области со странами Азии в целях развития энергетического комплекса области. Ключевые слова: энергетический комплекс Сахалинской области, нефть, газ, уголь, электроэнергетика, нефтепереработка, нефтехимия, морские угольные терминалы. Despite the rather high resource potential, geographical proximity to the world's largest importers of energy resources, the Far-Eastern federal district isn't a significant player in the energy markets of the Asia-Pacific countries. Now the total volume of export deliveries from the subjects of the Far- Eastern federal district is 20,6 bln. dollars of the USA. The main share (56%) of this volume of deliveries is the share of the Sakhalin region. [1] The volume of export deliveries of the Sakhalin region in 2016 was 11,58 billion US dollars from which 10,47 billion are the share of production of fuel and energy complex. Specific weight of this commodity group in a total amount of deliveries abroad in 2016 was 90%. It should be noted that in 2015 this indicator was 95,7%, in 2013 – 94,7%. [1] The fuel and energy complex is the main making the economy of the Sakhalin region. Commercial production of oil in the territory of the Sakhalin region is conducted since 1928. The oil and gas industry of the region is one of the oldest and most developed branches of the Russian economy, and oil and gas production is the main source of export. According to the oil and gas extraction companies the total amounts of oil and gas condensate production in 2015 were 16,7 million t, gas – 28,4 billion m3; oil products – 50,8 thousand tons. [2] In general for 2015 12,8 million t of crude oil for the sum of 5,8 billion US dollars are exported. The physical volume of this commodity position remained at the level of 2014, the cost – has decreased by 45,2%. Oil was delivered to the Republic of Korea (54,1% of physical volume), Japan (35,1%), China (10,7%). [3] Export supply of the liquefied natural gas (further – LNG) produced within implementation of the Sakhalin-II project in 2015 have grown, in comparison with 2014, by 3,9%, value has decreased by 13,4%. In total in 2015 LNG was exported in a volume of 21,3 million m3 for the sum of 4,5 billion US dollars. The main import countries of LNG (76,4%) are Japan, Republic of Korea (21,6%), China (0,7%). [3] In total in the Sakhalin region 66 fields are found: 12 oil, 15 gas, 22 gas-oil, 4 oil and gas, 7 gas-condensate and 6 oil-gas condensate. From them 31 are developing, 1 is prepared for development, 9 reconnoitered and 25 preserved (unclaimed fund). [4] On the sea shelf 8 fields are known: 2 gas, 1 oil and gas, 5 oil-gas condensate. From 8 found fields 7 settle down on the shelf of the North-Eastern Sakhalin and one in the Strait of Tartary at the southwest coast of the island. All fields of the northeast shelf, except for the gas Veninsk field, small on the stocks, belong to the large. Total geological resources of the Sakhalin region are estimated at 7,8 billion t of conditional fuel, including 3,8 billion t of oil and 3,3 trillion m3 of gas. In a shelf zone of the region there are 2,9 billion t of oil and 3 trillion m3 of gas; only 23% (0,9 billion t) of resources of oil and 11% (0,36 trillion m3) of gas resources are concentrated on the land of the island. In resources of the island oil prevails, are approximately equal in the resources of the shelf of a share of oil and gas. On the basis of reconnoitered fields 9 projects have been placed: from "Sakhalin-I" to "Sakhalin-IX". [4] In the early nineties it was supposed that the projects on development of oil and gas fields will be developed by the foreign investors and operators within the production sharing agreements which are regulated by the Federal law of the Russian Federation "About production sharing agreements" (further –PSA). Several such agreements have been concluded, however, implementation was reached only by the Sakhalin-I projects (stocks – 264,2 million t of oil and 481,5 billion m3 of gas) and "Sakhalin-II" (stocks – 182,4 million t of oil and 633,6 billion m3 of gas). Now the works on implementation of the Sakhalin-III project are conducted. We will remind that in 1993 the competition on the right of development of 3 blocks of Sakhalin-III – Kirinsk, East Odoptinsk and Ayashsk – on the terms of agreement about the section of production (further – PSA) has won consortium of the companies Exxon, Mobil (nowadays ExxonMobil) and Texaco (was a part of Chevron). However the agreement hasn't been concluded and the licenses haven't been obtained by the investors. [5] Today Gazprom owns the licenses for the Kirinsk, Ayashsk and the East- Odoptinsk blocks, the license for development of the Veninsk block belongs to Rosneft. Gas from these fields is the main resource base for filling of the gas transmission system (further – GTS) Sakhalin – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok. In Vladivostok, within this project, Gazprom plans to construct the plant on liquefaction of natural gas (further – LNG) – LNG Vladivostok. In 2018 is planned to begin the full-scale gas production and to start the LNG Vladivostok plant. By 2020 on the main field of the project Southern Kirinsk it is planned to get natural gas of 11,4 billion m3 a year. As for implementation of the Sakhalin-IV project, in 2009 the Rosneft company and British Petroleum have refused it in connection with the economic inexpediency of further work on the West-Shmidtovsk block. [6] In the long term within the development of oil production in the Sakhalin region it is planned to realize the projects "Sakhalin — 5,6,7,8,9". The list and placement of the oil and gas projects of the Sakhalin region are presented in the table 1 [8, 9]. Except the oil and gas complex the fuel and energy complex of the Sakhalin region is presented by the coal industry and power. As for the coal branch, it, along with oil and gas, is one of the primary branches of economy of the Sakhalin region. Table 1 Oil and gas projects of the Sakhalin region Project Stocks Operator Related organizations "Rosneft" "RN-Astra" (8,5%) and "Sakhalin-I"1 [10] Sakhalinmorneftegaz Shelf (11,5%); Taken: 307 million t of (Chayvo, Odoptu, Affiliated Exxon Neftegaz Limited oil, 485 billion m3 of gas Arkutun-Dagi fields) ExxonMobil enterprise, (30%), Japanese consortium Sodeco (30%), Indian state oil company "ONGK Videsh Ltd." (20%) Operator of the Sakhalin Energy 2 "Sakhalin-II" Investment Company Ltd project. Taken: 150 million t of (Piltun-Astokhsk, [11] Shareholders of the company oil, 500 billion m3 of gas Lunsk fields) are: Gazprom (50% + 1 action), Royal Dutch Shell plc. (27,5%), "Sakhalin-III" Mitsui & Co. Ltd., (12,5%), Recoverable reserves of (Kirinsk, Ayashsk Mitsubishi Corporation (10%) the main Southern and the East Kirinsk field of 706 Odoptinsk sites) «Gazprom» (100%) billion cubic meters of Kirinsk, Southern gas and 110 million t of Kirinsk, Mynginsk condensate.
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