Volume 14 Number 8, July/August 2011 $5.50 “The one thing that is never taught by any chance in the atmosphere of public schools is this: that there is a whole truth of things, and that in knowing it and speaking it we are happy.” —G.K. Chesterton Faith Reason Culture of Life Order the Conference talks from the 2011 St. Louis, Missouri Conference! Or download them from www.chesterton.org the american chesterton society qty. Dale ahlquist (President of the qty. Dr. pasquale aCCarDo (Professor of qty. leah Darrow (Former contestant on the American Chesterton Society) Developmental Research in Pediatrics reality TV show America’s Next Top Model) at Virginia Commonwealth University, The Poetic Prophet, and author of several books on medicine, The Mysticism of Modesty The Prophetic Poet literature, and detective fiction) and the Poetry of Purity qty. Christopher CheCK (Executive Vice The Christian Epic of qty. Dale ahlquist President of the Rockford Institute) Freedom – Chesterton’s The Chesterton and Lepanto: The Battle Ballad of the White Horse Father Brown and the Poem reDD Griffin (Instructor at Triton qty. qty. eleanor bourG niCholson College and founding director of the qty. Carl hasler (Professor of (Assistant executive editor of Dappled Philosophy at Collin College) Ernest Hemingway Foundation) Things and assistant editor for the Saint Austin Review, and editor of the Chesterton: A Battling for Elfland: Ignatius Critical Edition of Dracula) Franciscan Thomist? Chesterton and William Butler Yeats Damned Romantics: qty. robert Moore-JuMonville (Professor Chesterton, Shelley, Poetry, of Religion at Spring Arbor University qty. John C. “ChuCK” ChalberG (Actor and columnist for Gilbert Magazine) who specializes in G.K. Chesterton) and of course, Vampyres qty. Dr. toD worner (Doctor of Paying Attention: The The End of the Armstice Internal Medicine, and Lecturer on Poetry of Prayer the History of World War II) single talk: $6.00 each OR order the Complete set of CDs for $60.00 (save $6) Cigar-Smoking Prophets: shipping and handling: $3 for 1st disc, plus $1 for each additional disc; conference bundle $10 Chesterton and Churchill NAME: # single # sets Amount Enclosed ADDRESS: I’m paying by: q Check q VISA q MC q DISC q AMEX card Card #: SIgnatuRE: EXP:____________ CITY: Order online at www.chesterton.org or mail to: STATE/ZIP: 4117 Pebblebrook Circle, Minneapolis, MN 55437 952-831-3096 [email protected] E-MAIL : ______________________ PHONE: ( ) : Ta b l e o f C o n T e n T s : Volume 14 Number 8, July/August 2011 4 |:treMenDous trifles: Story, darn it! Story! Chesterton’s Bloodthirsty Heirs BY DANIEL COLLINS BY STEVE MILLER 5 |:lunaCy & letters: The Coldness of Chloe Sleuths Saved From Obscurity BY KARA HEYNE 7 |:eDitorial: BY CHRIS CHAN A Message for the Home The Father Brown Casebook 30 |:the ballaDe of Gilbert: BY STEVE MILLER 8 |:straws in the winD: A Ballade of Bad Beer The Intolerable Thing BY g.K. CHESTERTON 42 |:booK reviews: BY g.K. CHESTERTON The Father Brown Reader II 31 |:Chesterton university: REVIEWED BY David PAuL Deavel 10 |:alarMs anD DisCursions: Chesterton’s Pulpit The Lost Arts of Modern What is the most Chestertonian THE ILLustrated LONDON NEWS 1905-07 Civilization book you’ve ever read that VOLuME XXVII OF THE COLLECTED WORKS OF g.K. CHESTERTON REVIEWED BY JOHN M. DEJAK was not by G.K. Chesterton? 14 |:Chesterton aCaDeMy report: 32 |:the siGnature of Man: 44 |:the Distributist: Chesterton Academy H. M. Bateman The Immigrants Still BY Emily DE ROTSTEIN BY g.K. CHESTERTON Believe in God, Part II BY RICHARD ALEMAN 18 |:sChall on Chesterton: 33 |:the flyinG inn: On the Safest Way to Drink Hunting 46 |:Chesterton’s Mail baG: JAMES V. SCHALL, S.J. BY David BERESFORD From Mr. Nicholson re: Marriage 19 |:rollinG roaD: 34 |:the flyinG stars: 48 |:news with views: Bury Me Under a A Good Mystery Christian Stone BY NANCY CARPENTIER BROWN 50 |:letter to aMeriCa: BY DALE AHLquIST The Old Vigilance 35 |:JoGGinG with G.K.: BY g.K. CHESTERTON 22 |:tales of the short bow: A Circular Argument Food for Thought BY ROBERT MOORE-JuMONVILLE BY JAMES g. BRuEN JR. A Bedtime Story 37 |:all i survey: BY KELSEY MCINTYRE I Don’t See Why It Has to Be That Way BY David W. FAgERBERg 26 |:all is Grist: Home Invasions BY JOE CAMPBELL 38 |: the Detection club: Trick or Treat Divorce Court Tango BY JAMES g. BRuEN JR about the Cover: The Chesterton Academy BY Walt SARAFIN Report Page 14 publisher: Dale Ahlquist, President, ACS EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sean P. Dailey ART DIRECTOR: Ted Schluenderfritz LITERARY eDITOR: Therese Warmus COPY eDITOR: Susan Meister senior writer: Art Livings ton ContributinG Editors: Richard Aleman, David Beresford, James g. Bruen Jr., Nancy Carpentier Brown, Joe Campbell, John C. Chalberg, Christopher Chan, David Paul Deavel, David W. Fagerberg, Kyro Lantsberger, Art Livingston, Robert Moore-Jumonville, James V. Schall SJ “news with views” Editors: Nathan Allen, Mark Pilon, Larry Pavlicek, Joseph grabowsk, Leo Schwartz SubsCriptions: (See Coupon Page 6) Credit Card Orders: call 1-800-343-2425 or fax 1-270-325-3091 Letters anD artiCles: gilbert magazine, American Chesterton Society, 4117 Pebblebrook Circle, Minneapolis, MN 55437 [email protected] www.gilbertmagazine.com Letters to the editor may be edited for length or clarity. Gilbert MaGazine is published every six weeks by The American Chesterton Society, a non-profit corporation established under Paragraph 501(c)(3) of theu .S. Tax Code. Donations to the American Chesterton Society are tax-deductible in the united States. Your contributions help support the publication of gilbert magazine. Please send your donations to: The American Chesterton Society, 4117 Pebblebrook Circle, Minneapolis, MN 55437. The views expressed by gilbert magazine contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher, the editors, or the American Chesterton Society. CopyriGht ©2011 by the aMeriCan Chesterton soCiety. Gilbert Magazine Outlining Sanity 3 : T r e m e n d o u s T r i f l e s : by Sean P. Dailey he 2011 G.K. Chesterton Conference is now history, Chesterton’s masterpiece of rhyme and meter but full coverage will be in the next issue of Gilbert and storytelling, the ballad of the White Magazine. In the meantime, you can relive it—or years100 aGo Horse, was published. It is the one of the live it for the first time—through recordings of all great epics of English poetry, and perhaps Chesterton the talks. You can order CDs using the ad on the insideT front cover, or order directly from www.chesterton. should have written only it and nothing else, because his org. Mp3s of the talks also are available for download. critics have actually complained that he wrote too much. Start planning for next year’s conference, to be held One anonymous reviewer, however, admitted that this in Reno, Nevada! age has been too timid and too grudging to acclaim great- ness, but Chesterton deserves the distinction, and this is ¶¶One of the speakers at this year’s conference was “a book to stir the blood and exalt the mind with the great Leah Darrow, who spoke on “The Poetry of Purity.” gusto of living.” Leah is the great-grand-niece of Clarence Darrow, whose biographer Kevin Tierney repeats the familiar story of the Darrow-Chesterton debate before a packed house at the good idea. And it is old.” Warstler quotes from the Wiki- Mecca Temple in New York City in 1930. As the audi- pedia definition of Distributism (wikipedia.org/wiki/ ence listened to Darrow explain his unquestioning faith in Distributism) that ends with the Chesterton maxim, “Too science (which, according to Tierney, was as naive as any much capitalism does not mean too many capitalists, but literal fundamentalist’s faith in the Bible), a power failure too few capitalists.” cut off the microphones. While Darrow waited helplessly for repairs, Chesterton brought a roar from the crowd by ¶¶A commentator on the American Chesterton Society’s shouting, “You see, science is not infallible!” [Darrow, Facebook page writes, “Discovered Chesterton through New York: Crowell, 1979, p. 360] reading about C.S. Lewis’s influences. Finished Napoleon of Notting Hill and am reading Orthodoxy. I’ve never read ¶¶If you have not checked out Paul Nowak’s Web site, The from an author who summed up human beings in such a Eternal Revolution, you should. Paul is a Chestertonian who beautiful and accurate fashion.” may be the only other person on earth attempting to do what Dale Ahlquist does: earn his bread solely by promot- ¶¶Parting Trifle: Lots of ink and cyberspace has been ing G.K. Chesterton. Paul sells Chesterton-inspired T-shirts, spilled analyzing the London riots of early August. Few books (The Way of the Christian Samurai and The Incon- people noticed, however, that heirs of Adam Wayne were venient Adventures of Uncle Chestnut), and games. Or, one on hand to defend innocent people against the marauding game: Uncle Chestnut’s Table Gype. What is Table Gype? barbarians. And in London’s Notting Hill neighborhood, “In his Autobiography, G.K. Chesterton mentions ‘the no less. As reported by The Telegraph, “Chefs and wait- well-known and widespread national game of ers leapt to the defence of members of the Gype’, which he and H.G. Wells invented,” Have a Trifle? Send it to public enjoying an evening at The Ledbury, Paul writes. “Specifically, Chesterton men- [email protected] an upmarket restaurant in Notting Hill, tions ‘I myself cut out and coloured pieces of London. Thugs and rioters armed with bats cardboard of mysterious and significant shapes, the instru- and wearing hooded tops forced their way into the two ments of Table Gype; a game for the little ones’.
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