16932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE DECEMBER 21 Edward C. Fritsche, Homestead, OREGON experience that if we pray in ordinary Jerome E. Whalen, Jefferson. Donald B. Estes, Coquille. days we shall know how to pray with con­ Arlie V. Otto, Johnston. Elv"1. G. Varnum, Crater Lake. quering power when we are beset by Lloyd M. Crumly, Letts. Harlan W. Cohrs, Lewis. PENNSYLVANIA trials and tribulations, by moods of P aul J. Vollmer, Manning. William L. Bedsworth, Belle Vernon. cowardice and fear, and by despondency Henry C. Pendergraft, Mason City. Elizabeth S. Whitesell, Washington Cross· and despair. Doris B. Kimzey, Milo. 1ng. In Christ's name we bring our peti­ Robert E. Allmon, Missouri Valley. Samuel R. Klinger, Wiconisco, tions. Amen. Mark H. Booth, Montour. SOUTH CAROLINA John L. Weno, North Liberty. The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Elder 0. Bottolfson, Northwood. Sam W. Lytchfield, Jr., Bonneau. terday was read and approved. Mary A. Boldra, Randolph. SOUTH DAKOTA MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Harold A. Berg, Ruthven. R obert J. Balik, Spillville. Marion E. Peterson, Arlington. Laverna L. Marshall, Draper. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Gerald J. Svacina, Tama. James_W. Sweaney, Sturgis. Carrell, one of its clerks, announced that Berle G. Keck, Washta. the Eenate had passed, with amendments Matthew J. Blong, Waucoma. TENNESSEE in which the concurrence of the House KENTUCKY Andrew J. Frazier, Bon Aqu a. is requested, a bill of the House of the P arker D. Moore, Bardwell. Ted L. Rozell, Chapel Hill. following title: Donald McDonald, Hardyville. Charles H. Settle, Gainesboro. Vesta C. Locke, Mount Julfet. H. R. 9827. An act to provide revenue by LOUISIAN A Charles R. Byrn, Murfreesboro. imposing a corporate excess-profits tax, and Dan \V. Graves, Bogalusa. James A. Britton, Whitesburg. for other purposes. Loy R. Gaar, Dodson. TEXAS The message also anno'Qnced that the Arthur H. Prevey, Elizabeth. Et na C. Ducote, Hr.ckberry. E i; han L. Upshaw, Belton. Senate insists upon its amendments to Thomas F. Mahaffey, Jennings. Claude B. Lynch, Jr., Como. the fore going bill, requests a conference Clifford Duplechi:1, Mamou, Arlon T. Carroll, Crane. with the House on the disagreeing votes Joe B. Chast ain, Emory. Ti~on M. O'Bier, Shongaloo. of the two Houses thereon, and appoints Clarence R. Wiley, Fort Stoc -ton. MAINE R bland A. Johnson, McCamey. Mr. GEORGE, Mr. CONNALLY, Mr. BYRD, John A. Merriman, Sedgwick. Thomas J. Agnor, Marshall. Mr. MILLIKIN, and Mr. TAFT to be the conferees on the part of the Senate. MINNESOTA Bonnie F. Goldsmith, Needville. J ohn 0. E C1rklow, Kasota. UTAH EXCESS-PROFITS-TAX ACT OF 1950 Fritz R. Greenfield, Pease, Alva G. Boman, Lewiston. Mr. DOUGHTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask Leslie J. Henderson, Roosevelt. Arvin L. Bellon, Roosevelt. unanimous consent to take from the Franklin G. Slaugh, Vernal. MISSISSIPPI Speaker's table the bill (H. R. 9827) · to Ruth Seale, Lyon. VERMONT provide revenue by imposing a corporate Mary Bell Smith, Midnight, Fredric ·L. Pierce, Barnet. excess-profits tax, and for other pur­ Jimmy Griffith, Sunflower. Frederick L. Kemp, Craftsbury. poses, with Senate amendments thereto, MISSOURI John P. Dudley, East Montpelier. disagree to the Senate amendments, and Reginald F. Pelow, Lyndon. Charles E. Jones, Rolla. agree to the conference requested by the VIRGINIA NEBRASKA Senate. Chester A. Koza, Clarkson. Charles F. Shuler, Elkton. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Burton E. McKee, Lyman. ' Hidclen B. Quillen, Jr., Gate City. the request of the gentleman from North Charles T. Braswell, Norton. Carolina? [After a pause. J The Chair Dean J. Ehle, Ponca. Howard S. Myers; Virginia Beach. NEW JERSEY M :iffett E. Bibb, Jr., Weyers Cave. hears none, and appoints the following Frank A. Brown, Arlington. Samuel H. Hale, Wise. conferees: Messrs. DOUGHTON, COOPER, Gladys A. Rysinski, Cliffwood Beach. Mayo H. Worrell, Zuni. DINGELL, MILLS, RE~D of New York, WOODRUFF, and SIMPSON of Pennsylvania. Dorothy B. Jahn, Mantoloking. WEST VIRGINIA Edna M. Thompson, Mickleton. Charles W. Maloney, Bradshaw. CALL OF THE HOUSE Edward J. Brennan, Ocean Gate. Elizabet h D. Burch, Smithers, Francis E. Davenport, Pitman. Mr. SMITH of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, Harry F. Kolbert, Skillman. I make the point of order that a quorum Fiore V. Romeo, Stirling. is not present. John F. Carroll, Teaneck. The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum Joseph S. Chamberlain, Titusvme. -HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is not preEent. NEW YORK Mr. PRIEST. Mr. Speaker, I move a Harold James Hyland, Arcade. THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 21, 1950 call of the House. George A. Christensen, Clymer. The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. A call of the House was ordered. Abraham ·Finkle, Far Rockaway. The. Clerk called the roll, and the fol­ Michael S. Valvo, Forestville. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D. D., offered the following prayer: lowing Members failed to· answer to their Marjorie H. Schneider, Islip, names: Jesse J. Bridge, M r-,c'.ison. 0 Thou blessed and eternal God, we Horace V. Orton, Wingdale. [Roll No. 299] thank Thee for the high and holy privi­ Abernethy Cannon Elston NORTH CAROLINA lege of coming unto Thee through the Allen, Ill. Case, s. Dak. Engel, Mich Emmett Ro}Jinson Wooten, Kinston. old and familiar way of prayer. Allen, La. Cavalcante Engle, Calif, Willie H. Smith, Rocky Mount. Anderson, Calif.Chatham Fellows Grant that in these perilous times we Andrews Chesney James P. McPherson, Snow Camp. may not rely only upon the might and Fisher Kent Haynes, State Road. Angell Christopher Fogarty . power of material resources, but may we Barden Cole, Kans. Gamble NORTH DAKOTA seek to develop strength of spirit and Baring Colmer Gary Barrett, Wyo. Combs Gathings Mary S. Tomlinson, Benedict. faith with which we shall be prepared Bates, Ky. Cotton Gavin OHIO and able to cope with anything that the Battle Coudert G!'!orge future may hold for us of suffering and Bennett, Mich. Crook Gillette Gwendolyn M. Flack, Bettsville. Blackney Crosser Goodwin Jacob Benjamin Romine, Galion. sacrifice. Boggs, La. Davenport Gordon Dennis E. Hurst, Marietta. We are confident that no enemy from Bonner Davies, N. Y . Gorski Fred A. Luhnow, North Madison. the outside can ever conquer us and that Boykin Davis, Ga. Graham Florence V. Needler, Poland. if defeat should overtake us it would be Brehm Dawson Gregory Verdi C. Von Thron, Port Clinton. Brooks Denton Gross because of our inner failures and the Buchanan D'Ewart Guill OKLAHOMA spiritual weakness of our hearts. Buckley, Ill. Dondero Hagen Buckley, N. Y. Doyle Hall, Paul Hampton, Hinton. Inspire us to cultivate the habit of Burke Durham Leonard W. Elsie V. Fulfs, Randlett. daily prayer for we have the testimony of Burleson Eaton Hand 1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 16933 Hare McDonough Rogers, Fla. · 3966) to confer jurisdiction upon the fend.ant shall be heard and determined by Harrison McGrath Roosevelt the court in accordance with the provisions Harvey McMillan, S. C. Sabath . Court of Claims.to hear, determine, and Hays, Ark. McMUlen, Ill. Sadlak render judgment 1,lpon the claim ·of the of section 2508 of title 28 of the United States Hays, Ohio Mack, Ill. St. George Forest Lumber Co. Code. Hebert Macy Saylor SEC. 4. Any part of any judgment rendered Hedrick Madden Scott, Hardie The Clerk read the· title of the bill. hereunder which represents sums actually Heffernan Mahon Scudder The SPEAKER. Is there objection to deposited to the credit of said Klamath and Heller Mansfield Shafer· the request of the gentleman from New Modoc Tribes and Yahooskin Band of Snake Herlong Marcantonio Short York? · Indians for timber cut from tribal lands shall Herter Marshall Sikes Hill Martin, Iowa Simpson, Ill. Mr. TABER. Mr. Speaker, reserving be paid by. t}fe Secretary of the Treasury, Hobbs Martin, Mass. Simpson, Pa. the right to object, will the gentleman upon appropriation by the Congress, from Hoeven Mason Sims tell us what this bill is? any funds in the Treasury of the United Hoffman, Ill. Miller, Nebr. Smathers States to the credit of said tribe. Any other Hoffman, Mich. Morgan Smith, Kans. Mr. BYRNE of New York. Mr. Speak­ part of any judgment rendered shall be pay­ Holifield Morrison Smith, Ohio er, this is a bill to confer jurisdiction able in the same manner as in the case of Horan Morton Smith, Wis. upon the Court of Claims to hear, de­ Huber Moulder Stanley claims over which the Court of Claims has Irving Murray, Tenn. Stefan termine, and render judgment upon the jurisdiction under section 1491 of title 28 Jackson, Calif. Nicholson Sutton claim of the Forest Lumber Co., which, of the United States Code. Jackson, Wash. Noland Talle as I understand it, has been cleared. Jacobs O'Brien, Ill. Taylor with the objectors. The bill was ordered to be read a third James O'Brien, Mich. Teague time, was read the third time, and Jenkins Pace Th'ompson Mr. TABER. How much is involved? Jennings Patman Thornberry Mr. BYRNE of New York. I cannot passed, and a motion to reconsider was Johnson Patterson Towe say what the terms of the claim may be. laid on the table. Jonas Peterson Underwood ALGOMA LUMBER CO. Jones, Mo. Pfeifer, Vorys The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Jones, Joseph L. Wagner the request of the gentleman from New Mr. BYRNE of New York. Mr. ·speak­ Hamilton C. Pfeiffer, Walsh York? · Karst William L. Welch er, I ask unanimous consent for the Kearns Plumley Werdel There was ho objection. immediate consideration of the bill <S. Kee Poage Wheeler The Clerk read the Senate bill, as 3967) to confer jurisdiction upon the Keefe Potter· Whitaker follows: Kennedy Poulson White, Calif. Court of Claims to hear, determine, and Keogh Powell White, Idaho Be it enacted, etc., That, nothwithstanding render judgment upon the claim of the Kerr Preston Whitten the provisions of section 2103 of the Revised Algoma Lumber Co.
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