ISSN 1980-7694 ON-LINE INVENTORY OF URBAN FOREST IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA OF MANGUEIRINHA, PARANA STATE, BRAZIL Leonardo Serpa Schallenberger1 2, Gilmara de Oliveira Machado3 ABSTRACT This study investigated the urban trees in the downtown area of Mangueirinha town Paraná State, Brazil. We inventoried tree species on 19 public streets and avenues and collected data regarding damages caused by trees to public infrastructure as well as damages to trees caused by human activities. We also evaluated the need for management practices such as cleaning and repair pruning; pest, parasite and disease control; removal and replanting of trees. We observed that urban afforestation in the region comprises 28 species; however, 74.4% of the population is represented by only three species. Regarding damages to public infrastructure, 36.5% of the tree species are causing damages to sidewalks and pavements, and 16.25% are conflicting with the aerial power and telephone grid. Regarding damages caused by human activities, 58% of the damages are caused by drastic pruning and 2.2%, by vandalism. Appropriate management practices and pruning are necessary in 48.19% population. There are 26 dead trees that have to be removed and all avenues and streets have trees that need replanting. However, no tree requires sanitary treatments. We recommended the city government to create a Master Plan for Urban Afforestation (MPUA) aimed at improving the management of the urban forest. Keywords: urban forest, urban management, public roads, environmental quality. INVENTÁRIO DA ARBORIZAÇÃO NA REGIÃO CENTRAL DO MUNICÍPIO DE MANGUEIRINHA – PR RESUMO Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal estudar a arborização da região central do Município de Mangueirinha – PR. Foi realizado o levantamento das espécies componentes de 19 vias públicas, análise de danos causados pelas árvores à estrutura pública bem como os danos causados nas próprias árvores por ação antrópica. A necessidade de práticas de manejo como podas de limpeza e correção, controle de pragas, controle de doenças, controle de parasitas, remoção de árvores e replantio também foram avaliadas. Foi observado que a arborização é composta por 28 espécies, porém, 74,4% da população é representada apenas por três espécies. Em relação aos danos públicos causados pelas árvores, 36,5% dos indivíduos se encontram promovendo danos às calçadas e pavimentos, e 16,25% à rede de distribuição de energia e fiação de telefonia. Quanto aos danos causados nas árvores por ação antrópica, em 58% dos casos são decorrentes de podas drásticas e em 2,2% devido ao vandalismo. Práticas adequadas de manejo e podas são necessárias em 48,19% da população, onde 26 árvores mortas devem ser removidas. Todas as ruas apresentam árvores com necessidade de replantio, porém, não há casos que exijam tratamento fitossanitário. Recomenda-se ao município a elaboração de um Plano Diretor de Arborização Urbana (PDAU) visando o planejamento e melhoria da arborização da cidade. Palavras-chave: Floresta urbana; Planejamento urbano; Vias públicas; Qualidade ambiental. 1 recebido em 20.12.2011 e aceito para publicação em 15.03.2013 2 Engenheiro Florestal, Mangueirinha – PR. [email protected] 3 Graduada em Ciências Exatas,PhD., Professora da UNICENTRO, Irati – PR. [email protected] Soc. Bras. de Arborização Urbana REVSBAU, Piracicaba – SP, v.8, n.1, p.51‐60, 2013 INTRODUCTION Currently, there is great concern for improving life adequate management of urban trees, which quality in cities, which often translates into consists of the planting and maintenance of trees on measures aimed at achieving harmony between public roads. This requires the development of a artificial elements of urban environments and Master Plan for street afforestation to select and nature elements, such as trees. In this sense, plant trees, maintain them and replace them as afforestation of streets, parks and squares has needed. Therefore, the management of urban trees become an excellent alternative for the municipal consists of planning, selecting, establishing, administration, due to the numerous benefits that maintaining and removing trees on public roads to urban trees provide to the population and the provide potential benefits to the urban community environment (DALCIN, 2000; SOUZA, 1995). (MILLER, 1998). The benefits provided by urban trees involve The Master Plan for Urban Afforestation (MPUA) aesthetics, related to visual effects, enabling a should be a document prepared, discussed and contact between people and nature, producing a approved by the municipality, taking into account harmonious effect through their smooth and organic people's participation, complementing the City lines, shapes, colors and textures, creating a unique Master Plan and in accordance with the Municipal landscape and providing identity to the streets. Organic Law. The MPUA should be based on an Regarding the environment, we observe noticeable dynamic inventory system, reflections of benefits in improving the microclimate by community values, targets for the short, medium alleviating air and noise pollution, providing soil and long-term, prioritizing tree planting and protection and shelter for wildlife, decreasing wind maintenance, as well as the establishment of a effects and providing shade to the population, policy for tree removal and replacement (ARAUJO; absorbing ultraviolet radiation and reducing surface ARAUJO, 2011). runoff through increased soil permeability. Benefits Gerhold and Sacksteder (1982) define inventories are related to the physical comfort that trees provide of street trees as the method of obtaining data on to microclimate changes. Urban trees bring trees and organizing the data into usable incalculable psychological benefits to humans, information, which is an important tool for planning especially by alleviating stress. Urban afforestation management procedures of the urban forest. Bassett is also positive in promoting tourism, encouraging (1978) states that an inventory provides updated physical and recreational activities that decrease data on resources for planning programs and sedentarism, expanding social circles and monitoring maintenance activities as well as for developing environmental education and, therefore, assisting in making management decisions, urban afforestation is related to political, social and especially regarding budget allocations, i.e., it economic values (BIONDI; ALTHAUS, 2005; provides subsidies for MPUA. MILANO; DALCIN, 2000; SOUZA, 1995). The data to be collected in an inventory should However, to produce beneficial and positive effects, provide the necessary information at a reasonable urban afforestation should be taken seriously with cost, avoiding the collection of superfluous data. Leonardo Serpa Schallenberger and Gilmara de Oliveira Machado 52 Soc. Bras. de Arborização Urbana REVSBAU, Piracicaba – SP, v.8, n.1, p.51‐60, 2013 The first phase to perform the inventory is to municipality is considered the largest grain carefully plan the objectives and determine what producer in the southwest of Paraná, with the data should be collected. In the case of participation highest GDP per capita in the region. The of volunteers, training is essential to explain the municipality houses the Indian Reserve of purpose of the inventory, the rules in data collection Mangueirinha, which together with the lake of the and expectations regarding the quality of work. hydroelectric dam “Ney Braga” and the waterfalls Another phase is supervision, which can be done by of Marrecas River, form a considerable tourist checking the data already collected and conducting potential to be explored. brief daily meetings to discuss problems and seek There are no records in the specialized in literature solutions. Subsequently, while using the inventory, on urban trees in the municipality of Mangueirinha. the use of information from the reports should be The present study collected data on the local maximized and inventories should be regularly afforestation status to provide data for the state updated. Finally, the data management and the final government and the municipal public report, recommended to be carried out using administration. This inventory allows to identify the computers, generating fast and accurate data, mistakes and successes of managing afforestation making a report with quality that must contain of public roads, enabling to carry out a plan to decision drivers for the management plan, budget improve the municipal urban forest, in addition to justifications, schedules and availability of official providing more information about afforestation in information to public disclosure (GERHOLD; southwestern Paraná. SACKSTEDER, 1982; MILLER, 1988). Agricultural activities are the economic basis for the town of Mangueirinha, Paraná State, Brazil. The MATERIALS AND METHODS The municipality of Mangueirinha situated at 25º months (June-August), with average rainfall 350- 56’ 28” south latitude and 52º 10’ 32” west 450 mm. The average high temperature in the longitude, in the southwestern region of Paraná warmer months (December-February) is 26ºC, with State, Brazil. Inserted in the region, there is a Rain average rainfall 400-600 mm. The annual Forest, the water basin of Iguaçu River, and the evapotranspiration ranges from 1,000 to 1,200 mm, relief to the Third Plateau, with average altitude of relative humidity 75-80%, with winds 620 meters. Its territorial area covers 1,073 km², predominantly to northeastern direction (IAPAR, with a population of 17,526
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