- CIF- Project Submission- 10/17/2012 PROJECT INFORMATION • Beneficiary (including authorized representative, postal address and bank account details) WaterLex International Secretariat Aline Baillat, Project Coordinator Titulaire de CoMpte : WaterLex (Suisse) Rue de Montbrillant 83 NuMéro de coMpte: 240-103228.01K IBAN: CH39 0024 0240 1032 2801 K 1202 Genève 0041-22-733-83-36 BIC: UBSWCHZH80A http://www.waterlex.org About WaterLex: WaterLex is a Geneva-based NGO working for the iMpleMentation of the human right to water and sanitation in various context and regions of the world through applied research, advocacy, facilitation and training. Because access to water resources are central to the realization of many human rights, WaterLex’s activities use a human right based approach to water governance. WaterLex has a large network of partners in the North as in the South and receives the support of many experts such as the UN Special Rapporteur on the HuMan Right to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation. • SuMMary of the project to be funded Context: In 2010, adopting the new Water Code, Benin recognized the ‘right to water’ laying out clear legal obligations in this field (article 6). Since the first coMMunal elections in 2003, the coMMunes are responsible for the water and sanitation services. They are also responsible for the adoption of WASH sectorial plans. In Many places these sectorial plans are often neglected and not integrated into the Local DevelopMent Plans (PDC). The decentralization process faces Many obstacles including central governMent resistance, lack of funding for coMMunes and lack of coMpetence transfers. Project: This project is a pilot project of seven months (January 2013-July 2013). It will provide training on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation for two types of audience: for coMMunal representatives (Association Nationale des ComMunes du Benin-ANCB partnership) and civil society (LaMbassa ICA partnership). This training will build upon and strengthen Helvetas support prograM to the coMMunes in the WASH sector (PACEA1) in two departMents of Benin: Borgou and Atacora (project ownership assistance, WASH comMunal planning and technical support). This training aiMs more specifically to build capacities to understand the Meaning, iMplications and how to contribute to the realisation of the huMan right to water and sanitation in practice. It will contribute to balance the power relationship between the coMMunes and the central governMent on the one hand, and between the comMunes and water third parties - public or private (including SONEB)- on the other hand. Knowledge regarding the huMan right to water and sanitation can contribute to deep changes including financial, institutional and technical Mobilization for the universal access to water and sanitation. Local population’s training on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation aiMs at supporting the comMunes’ efforts (water and sanitation price sensitization) as well as the reinforceMent of citizen Monitoring. After the pilot-project/Long term objectives: After this pilot phase, LaMbassa ICA, their partners and the National Association of the CoMMunes of Benin (ANCB) will continue the training in all the other departMents of Benin. This training will reMain strongly linked to the Helvetas support prograM to the ComMunes in the WASH sector (PACEA). A WASH plateform within the ANCB will be created for local authorities to share experience and best practices in the field of the human right to water and sanitation. 1 ProgramMe d’Appui aux CoMMunes dans le secteur Eau et Assainissement 1 - CIF- Project Submission- 10/17/2012 • Project location: DeparteMent of Atacora and Borgou Benin : 2 places for the training of trainers : Parakou for the 8 Natitingou for the 8 coMMunes of coMMunes of BeMbèrèkè, N’Dali, Boukoumbé, Cobly, Nikki, Kalalè, Parakou, Kérou, Kouandé, Pèrèrè, Sinendé, Matéri, Natitingou, Tchaourou. Pehonko, Tanguiéta, (Borgou Department). and Toucountouna Atacora (Atacora department). Borgou • Population benefiting froM the project intervention: The population concerned by the project is the population of the departeMents of Atacora2 (719 484 inhabitants) and Borgou3 (1 035 910 inhabitants)(2011). Although significant progress has been realized in the last few years, access to safe drinking water reMains a challenge (especially quality of water sources). The official drinking water coverage rate in Atacora is 70,3% and 52,2% in Borgou with great discrepancies between rural and urban settings. In these two departments, there is a general lack of sanitation facilities. Rainwater and wastewater are not collected and there is no safe disposal strategy. So far, sanitation has often been neglected in coMMunal planning. • Previous experience of the beneficiary in this type of activity - WaterLex undertook various water governance country mapping consisting in the analysis of the legal and institutional fraMeworks for water resources ManageMent and access to safe drinking water and sanitation: Benin (2009), Paraguay (2009), Togo (2011), and Niger (2012). - WaterLex recently undertook a feasibility study on decentralized solidarity MechanisMs in Niger for the UNDP Global Water Solidarity. - WaterLex has trained Many NGOs on the huMan right to safe drinking water and sanitation including courses at the University of Dundee – UNESCO Center for Water Law, Collège Henry Dunant (Geneva), AGUASAN (Swiss ComMunity of Practice), University of Geneva, UNESCO Centre of the Basque Country, Franciscans International. - WaterLex also developed tools for the integration of the huMan right to safe drinking water and sanitation in developMent projects (ODA and cooperation partners4). - LaMbassa ICA is specialized in training of civil society organizations in the field of huMan rights. It has recently taken part in the creation of Drinking Water ConsuMers Associations (ACEP) and their training. - Helvetas is impleMented in Benin since 1995. It has two offices in Parakou (Borgou) and Natitingou (Atacora). The PACEA program provides support to the coMMunes of Borgou and Atacora with regards to water and sanitation project ownership, WASH plans design, and impleMentation of sustainable Maintenance and operating systeMs (financial strategy) and facilitates the creation of private initiatives in the sanitation sector. 2 Atacora : superficy of 20,459 km2, and density of 29,4 hab/kM² 3 Borgou: has a superficy of 25 856 kM², and a density of 28 hab/kM². 4 http://www.triagonal.net/files/waterlex/course/ 2 - CIF- Project Submission- 10/17/2012 • Planned date of start-up/completion and TiMetable for the project Organization in Jan Feb Mar Ap Ma Jun Jul Activities- January –July 2013 charge Phase 1- Preparation (2 months) Training Module developMent for local authorities WaterLex Helvetas Preparation of sensitization and participation Material for civil WaterLex society Lambassa ICA Logistics of trainings and civil society meetings Lambassa ICA Phase 2- Training of trainers Trainings of trainers (for ANCB, LaMbassa ICA, social WaterLex intermediation NGOs, CSOs) in Parakou Helvetas Phase 3- Pilot Training and Follow-up (3 months) Pilot Training in Parakou and Natitingou for coMMunal WaterLex authorities ANCB, Helvetas Training follow-up and support to local planning, financial Helvetas strategy WaterLex Facilitation of IntercoMMunal Networking ANCB PNE Civil Society Training (ACEP, Water user associations, Comité de WaterLex Gestion Points d’Eau) Lambassa ICA Phase 4- Evaluation (1 Month) Online Training Module WaterLex Evaluation/Final Report Lambassa ICA ANCB, Helvetas WaterLex • Consistency with the actions in favor of access to water highlighted by the 6th WWF This project contributes to the realization of the following targets of the World Water ForuM: Target 1 : Guarantee access to water for all and the Right to water 1.1.1 National policies delivering on the Major coMponents of the Right to Water in practice 1.1.2 Global rural access to safe water 1.1.3 Global urban access to safe water 1.1.4 Financial MechanisMs that suit the needs of local authorities and local operators 1.2.2 Access to appropriate wastewater collection and treatMent 1.2.5 CoMprehensive strategic sanitation plans for urban, peri-urban and rural areas 1.2.6 Local authorities’ strategies and action plans covering the whole sanitation chain Conditions for success : CS1 Good Governance CS.1.1 Institutionalized and inforMed participation MechanisMs CS.1.2 PerforMance MeasureMent of water policies and capacity building on governance tools Africa Region Target : AF1. Develop and iMpleMent sanitation and water plans to bring back on track the neglected areas including post conflict countries, inforMal settleMents and sluMs, rural coMMunities, and sMall towns by 2015. • Relationship with one or several solutions/commitments of the Platform of Solutions and ComMitMents: The project will concretely iMpleMent part of the Butterfly Effect NGO commitments adopted during the World Water ForuM5. The project will More specifically ‘provide sufficient detail on the duties of States and the rights and obligations of citizens with regard to the realization of the huMan rights to water and sanitation’, ‘promote a holistic understanding of the linkages between sanitation, water, 5 http://www.solutionsforwater.org/comMitMents/butterfly-effect-network-of-ngos-coMMitMents 3 - CIF- Project Submission- 10/17/2012 environMent, agriculture, health –including food security and nutrition– in order to effectively
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