M a y / J u n e 2 0 1 1 V o l u M e 1 0 , n u M b e r 3 1 0 t h a n n i V e r s a r y y e a r I n s I d e Critical Writing from a Local Perspective The Curator Mansion: An Impossible Place of Infinite Possibilities Performance Art in Southwest China Features on Cui Xiuwen, Wen Fang, O Zhang, Leung Chi Wo, Lam Tung Pang, Morgan Wong, Lee Kit Reviews of Chen Chieh-jen, Michael Lin US$12.00 NT$350.00 pT r i N e d i N Ta i wa N http://yishu-online.com New Archive Web Site 22 VOLUME 10, NUMBER 3, May/J U NE 2 0 1 1 CONTENTS 2 Editor’s Note 36 4 Contributors 6 Critical Writing from a Local Perspective: First Yishu Awards for Critical Writing on Contemporary Chinese Art Conference 22 The Curator Mansion: An Impossible Place of Infinite Possibilities Beatrice Leanza 55 36 Conceptual Archaeology: Performance Art in Southwest China Sophia Kidd 47 A Conversation Between Huang Du and Cui Xiuwen 55 Wen Fang: The Path of Art— From Observing to Getting Involved Alice Schmatzberger 63 63 O Zhang’s Recent Works Patricia Eichenbaum Karetzky 72 Four Discussions with Hong Kong Artists: Leung Chi Wo, Lam Tung Pang, Morgan Wong, and Lee Kit Stephanie Bailey 87 A Time of Critical Reflection: Chen Chieh-jen’s Factory Revisited Milena Hoegsberg 87 94 Chen Chieh-jen: Empire’s Borders II–Western Enterprises Inc. Pamela Kember 101 Michael Lin: The Colour Is Bright, the Beauty Is Generous Katie Hill 107 Chinese Name Index 101 Cover: Cui Xiuwen, Emptiness in Non-emptiness & Being in Non-being No. 20 (detail), 2009, C-print, 95 x 300 cm. Courtesy of the artist. We thank JNBY, Canadian Foundation of Asian Art, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Li, Stephanie Holmquist and Mark Allison for their generous contribution to the publication and distribution of Yishu. Vol.10 No.3 1 Editor’s Note YISHU: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art president Katy Hsiu-chih Chien legal counsel Infoshare Tech Law Office, Mann C.C. Liu With Yishu 44, we are entering our tenth year ounding editor Ken Lum as one of the most important English language editor-in-chie Keith Wallace publications devoted to contemporary Chinese anaging editor Zheng Shengtian art. Over the past decade, we have published associate editors Julie Grundvig more than 500 essays, interviews, conference Kate Steinmann proceedings, and reviews that together track editorial assistant Chunyee Li circulation anager Larisa Broyde the evolution of artists, events, and issues that adertising coordinator Ioulia Reynolds are central to China’s singular and complex web site editor Chunyee Li contemporary art history. The staff at Yishu adisory board extends its thanks to all—artists, writers, Judy Andrews, Ohio State University subscribers, and sponsors—who have supported Melissa Chiu, Asia Society Museum us and contributed to our success. Special John Clark, University of Sydney thanks goes to Katy Hsiu-chih Chien, who has Lynne Cooke, Dia Art Foundation Okwui Enwezor, Critic & Curator been unwavering in her belief in the importance Britta Erickson, Independent Scholar & Curator of disseminating writing on Chinese art to all Fan Di’an, National Art Museum of China corners of the world. Fei Dawei, Guy & Myriam Ullens Foundation Gao Minglu, University of Pittsburgh Hou Hanru, San Francisco Art Institute Yishu 44 opens with a panel discussion on critical Hu Fang, Vitamin Creative Space and the shop art writing that was part of the conference Katie Hill, University of Westminster component of the First Yishu Awards for Critical Claire Hsu, Asia Art Archive Writing on Contemporary Chinese Art. This panel Martina Köppel-Yang, Independent Critic & Historian Sebastian Lopez, Critic and Curator addresses art writing from a Chinese perspective Lu Jie, Independent Curator and explores a number of crucial issues such Charles Merewether, Director, ICA Singapore as critical autonomy, the difficulty of translating Ni Tsaichin, Tunghai University Western terminology, and the lack of writing on Apinan Poshyananda, Ministry of Culture, Thailand Philip Tinari, Independent Critic & Curator contemporary art that is accessible to readers. Chia Chi Jason Wang, Independent Critic & Curator Wu Hung, University of Chicago Beatrice Leanza offers a text about her own Pauline J. Yao, Independent Scholar curatorial practice in which she explores ways to publisher Art & Collection Group Ltd. maintain independence from market forces and 6F. No. 85, Section 1, institutionalization, as well as foster a creative Chungshan N. Road, space for critique, issues not unrelated to the Taipei, Taiwan 104 panel discussion on writing. Sophia Kidd takes Phone: (886)2.2560.2220 Fax: (886)2.2542.0631 us to southwest China and identifies the distinct E-mail: [email protected] qualities that make the performance art scene there, especially in Chengdu, so strong. ice general anager Jenny Liu Alex Kao arketing anager Joyce Lin We have three texts on women artists— circulation executie Perry Hsu Cui Xiuwen, Wen Fang, and O Zhang—who Betty Hsieh endeavour to make their work more than just webaster Website ARTCO, Taipei critical, and to actually have impact upon the printing Chi Wei Colour Printing Ltd., ways we think and perceive by provocatively questioning the function of art each in her own web site http://yishu-online.com way. Stephanie Bailey brings us four interviews web design Design Format 1683 - 3082 with Hong Kong artists who have emerged from the alternative gallery system and who offer Yishu is published bi-monthly in Taipei, Taiwan, and edited personal insights into the current Hong Kong art in Vancouver, Canada. The publishing dates are January, scene. We end with three texts discussing two March, May, July, September, and November. All subscription, advertising, and submission inquiries may be sent to: of Taiwan’s most significant artists, two texts examine the films of Chen Chieh-jen, and one Yishu Office text that explores Michael Lin’s recent survey in 200–1311 Howe Street Prato, Italy. Vancouver, BC, Canada V6Z 2P3 Phone: 1.604.649.8187 As I write this, the arrest of artist Ai Weiwei on Fax: 1.604.591.6392 April 3 in Beijing has been met with shock and E-mail: [email protected] deep concern around the world. Our thoughts subscription rates are with him, and we hope that before you 1 year (6 issues): $84 USD (includes airmail postage) read this issue of Yishu 44, he will have been 2 years (12 issues): $158 USD (includes airmail postage) exonerated and able to return to his multifaceted 1 Year PDF Download (6 issues): $49.95 USD (http://yishu-online.com) art making. There are numerous petitions in design and production Leap Creative Group circulation demanding his release, and we creatie Raymond Mah encourage you to add your voice to them. art Director Gavin Chow designer Philip Wong Keith Wallace No part of this journal may be reprinted without the written permission from the publisher. The views expressed in Yishu are not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art 典藏國際版創刊於 2002年5月1日 典藏國際版‧第10卷第3期‧2011年5–6月 社 長: 簡秀枝 法律顧問: 思科技法律事務所 劉承慶 創刊編輯: 林蔭庭(Ken Lum) 總 策 劃: 鄭勝天 2 編者手記 主 編: 華睿思 (Keith Wallace) 副 編 輯: 顧珠妮 (Julie Grundvig) 4 作者小傳 史楷迪 (Kate Steinmann) 編輯助理: 黎俊儀 行 政: 藍立杉 (Larisa Broyde) 6 本地情境下的藝術評論— 廣 告: 雷幽雅(Ioulia Reynolds) 網站編輯: 黎俊儀 (Chunyee Li) Yishu學刊中國當代藝評獎2010年 主題論壇記錄 顧 問: 王嘉驥 田霏宇 (Philip Tinari) 安雅蘭 (Judy Andrews) 巫 鴻 22 策展人領地—有限中的無限可能 林似竹 (Britta Erickson) 范迪安 Beatrice Leanza 招穎思 (Melissa Chiu) 洛柿田 (Sebastian Lopez) 胡 昉 36 觀念考古學:中國西南地區的行為藝術 侯瀚如 徐文玠 (Claire Hsu) Sophia Kidd 姜苦樂 (John Clark) 姚嘉善 (Pauline J. Yao) 倪再沁 高名潞 47 崔岫聞與黃篤的對話 費大爲 楊天娜 (Martina Köppel-Yang) 盧 杰 55 文芳藝術之路: 從旁觀到參與 Lynne Cooke Okwui Enwezor Alice Schmatzberger Katie Hill Charles Merewether Apinan Poshyananda 63 張鷗近作 出 版: 典藏雜誌社 Patricia Eichenbaum Karetzky 副總經理: 劉靜宜 高世光 行銷總監: 林素珍 發行專員: 許銘文 72 與四位香港藝術家的談話:梁志和、 謝宜蓉 林東鵬、黃榮法和李傑 社 址: 台灣臺北市中山北路一段85號6樓 電話: (886) 2.2560.2220 Stephanie Bailey 傳真:(886) 2.2542.0631 電子信箱:[email protected] 87 批判思考的年代:重溫陳界仁的 編 輯 部: Yishu Office 200-1311 Howe Street, 《加工廠》 Vancouver, BC, V6Z 2P3, Canada 電話: (1) 604.649.8187 Milena Hoegsberg 傳真:(1) 604.591.6392 電子信箱: [email protected] 94 陳界仁:《帝國邊界II —西方公司》 訂閱、投稿及廣告均請與編輯部聯系。 Pamela Kember 設 計: Leap Creative Group, Vancouver 創意總監: 馬偉培 藝術總監: 周繼宏 101 林明弘:《 顏色是靚的,美是慷慨的》 設 計 師: 黃健斌 印 刷: 臺北崎威彩藝有限公司 Katie Hill 本刊在溫哥華編輯設計,臺北印刷出版發行。 一年6期。逢1、3、5、7、9、11月出版。 107 中英人名對照 網 址: http://yishu-online.com 管 理: Design Format 國際刊號: 1683-3082 封面:崔岫聞,真空妙有,No, 20 (局部), 2009, 售價每本12美元。 C-相紙,300 x 95公分,藝術家提供 訂 閲:一年84美元,兩年158美元(含航空郵資)。 網上下載: 一年49.95美元 網上訂閱: http://yishu-online.com 感謝 JNBY、加拿大亞洲藝術基金會、李世默夫婦、 版權所有,本刊內容非經本社同意不得翻譯和轉載。 Stephanie Holmquist 和 Mark Allison 對本刊出版與發行的慷慨支持。 本刊登載內容並不代表編輯部與出版社立場。 Contributors Stephanie Bailey, who is of mixed Chinese and Katie Hill is a curator and lecturer specializing British descent, is originally from Hong Kong. in contemporary Chinese art with an interest in She studied in the United Kingdom and has been culture, politics, and criticality. She is currently living and working in Athens, Greece, for the co-editing a special issue of the Journal of Visual past four years. Her interests lie in contemporary Art Practice on contemporary art and criticality in art in relation to social, cultural, and political China. Her recent activities include Ai Weiwei in contexts, and she views her work as an ongoing Conversation, a public discussion which took place education. She is an arts editor of Athens Insider at Tate Modern during the exhibition of the artist’s and has contributed to international publications Unilever Series commission Sunflower Seeds.
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