Volume 25, No. 5 “And Ye Shall Know The Truth...” November 20, 2013 Architect Terrence E. O’Neal “Each initiative Terrence has undertaken has had …wide-ranging and enduring reverberations. He has emphasized and advocated for architects to be engaged with government and elected officials, both of which greatly affect the practice of architecture and the quality of design.” - James McCullar, FAIA, Past President, AIA New York Chapter In This Issue... Jay Black Book Review BlackMarket- African American Economy Section Letter to an Place Chamber of Commerce Incarcerated Page 14 The Economy Tifffany’s Tips Pages 2-3 Productive Living Page 7-8 Brother Page 7 Page 12 Classifieds UT @ TPS How to Protect Assets Page 15 Page 4 Financial Planning Page 10 Minister’s Take Page 7 on Today’s Cover Story; Don’t Let the Grinches TCDC’s DEEP Credit Union’s Banquet Get You Music Terrence O’Neal Page 6 Page 7 Page 11 Page 13 Page 16 Page 2 The Sojourner’s Truth November 20, 2013 Reversing the Poverty Trend By Jay Black, President TAACC The Truth Contributor In this week’s article we continue For instance, most government pro- settling for less quality. the discussion of why our commu- grams are designed to keep us depen- When, in fact, the issue of quality and nity is amongst the poorest communi- dent on government-sponsored pro- professionalism is really color blind. ties in America and what we can do grams (especially the social programs How many times have we gone to a to reverse the trend. We offer reasons promoted by many good old Demo- majority-owned business and received seven through five today. crats). bad customer service or a product that TAACC Mission Statement When is the last time you saw local proved to be inferior in quality? The Toledo African American Democrats using their political influ- Yet we do not label all majority-owned Chamber of Commerce (TAACC) ad- ence to champion causes that help businesses as offering inferior quality vocates and promotes the economic pump public dollars into the black products or customer service. Yet many growth and development of African business community? What we get of us are quick to label all of our busi- American owned businesses by focus- is champions of social programs that nesses as inferior if we have a bad expe- ing on the development of business lead to more dependence (charity pro- rience with them. We tend to hold each opportunities, business alliances, and grams like feed the hungry; clothe the other to a much higher standard that we legislative advocacy. poor, discount senior coupons, etc.). will hold others. Number 7. Fear of indepen- Don’t get me wrong, some of these I am both amazed and frustrated by dence. For decades we have been programs are good and needed, but the fact that the message of “self-help conditioned to be dependent on others they are rarely sustainable and rarely economics” has not resonated with and not work together to be economi- lead to the type of economic indepen- middle-class blacks and above. We are Jay Black cally independent. In fact, if you are a dence that will allow a man to fend for ignorant to the fact that we have a sig- child of the 1950s and 1960s (or older) themselves and take care of their fam- nificant amount of collective purchasing munity we once had during the 60s you were conditioned to go to school, ily. power. where we owned the majority of “get a good education” and work for a As a community we must get back to On a national basis we have over businesses that were in our commu- large corporation. not caring what “Mr. Charlie” thinks $1trillion dollars in purchasing power. nity. This included corner grocery Very few of us were conditioned to and work together to be independent Locally, and as of the last economic cen- stores, gas stations, clothing stores, become entrepreneurs with the intent of him. Then and only then will we be sus that I’ve seen for this area (2009), doctors and lawyer’s offices, fu- of becoming economically indepen- independent of “Mr. Charlie”. we have over $1.5 billion in purchasing neral homes, auto mechanic shops, dent. Our fore-parents in slavery were A good place to start is for all of us power. hardware stores, pharmacies, movie conditioned for centuries to never to find black businesses to support on What do you think would happen if theaters, restaurants, bowling alleys, trust other blacks and conditioned to a regular basis; stop voting for any- we made the commitment to spend just skating rinks, and retail outlets. believe that it was wrong to think (let one (individual or institution) who 10 percent of that amount with black- What will it take to get back to alone seek) about being independent does not use their political influence owned businesses? I contend that we this type of community? A change of the master. to pump dollars into the Black Busi- could begin to transform our community in thinking coupled with a call to ac- This mentality could explain why a ness Community; when you do have and become an economic (and political) tion. Some of the actions are out- well known local pastor is known for a choice, stop financially supporting force to be reckoned with. lined in the previous section but, in discouraging other community lead- any business that will not hire you son, You would think that this group would general, we need to return to sup- ers from “rocking the boat” because daughter or the Pookies or Sheniquas be the one that understands this issue porting our own first and holding we don’t want to “make the white in our families or churches. And quit more than anyone and would be leaders each other to the same standards of folks mad.” supporting those pastors and leaders in promoting this concept. Unfortunate- accountability (and quality) that we It is could also explain why many of who consistently allow politicians ac- ly this is not the case. More than anyone hold other groups to. us see something wrong with working cess the flock who have a track record in our community, the majority in this Lastly, we need to know that there collaboratively to determine our own of showing up only when its election group appears to be oblivious to the idea are plenty of quality black-owned destiny. Lastly, the very people that we time. of promoting economic independence businesses that exist in Toledo, blindly support (to include politicians, Number 6. Ignorance or Lack of within our community. Ohio who could grow and prosper some pastors, and some community Knowledge. I am amazed at the num- Conversely, I am convinced that we leaders) feed into this mentality of de- ber of black folks whom I talk to who can have they type of business com- ... continued on page 3 pendence rather than independence. honestly believe that there is some- The more they can get us to depend on thing inherently wrong with doing them and their programs, the less we business with other black folks. It’s as will think for ourselves and the less though they believe that by supporting independent we will become. black-owned businesses that you are Community Calendar November 23 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc Diabetes Information Fair: Noon to 2 pm; The Sojourner’s Truth Prevention, management and overcoming diabetes; Pickett Academy Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway: Southern Missionary Baptist Church; 10 am Toledo’s Truthful African American to 2 pm Owned and Operated Newspaper Fletcher Word – Publisher and Editor November 24 Becky McQueen – Business Manager First MBC 74th Anniversary: Women in Red; Wanda Dorn speaker Folasade Oladokun – Office Manager November 27 Artisha Lawson – Reporter Carla Leonard – Social Editor United Community Church Annual Thanksgiving Dinner: Noon to 2 pm Michael Hayes – Entertainment Critic Rev. D.L. Perryman – Columnist November 28 Pilgrim Church 10th Annual Thanksgiving Day Community Meal: 11 am to 2 pm Jennifer Retholtz – Webmaster Kathy Sweeny – Graphic Designer Andrew’s Free ThankZgiving Feast: Paddy Jack’s; Noon to 3 pm; Courtesy of Andrew Z A Certified MBE The Sojourner’s Truth, 1811 Adams Street, Toledo, OH 43604 December 8 Phone 419-243-0007 * Fax 419-255-7700 St. Stephen’s COGIC “Jubilee of Praise Celebration:” 4 pm [email protected] New Prospect Baptist Church Annual Candlelight Service: 4pm; Guest Rev. www.thetruthtoledo.com Jerry Boose and Second Baptist congregation November 20, 2013 The Sojourner’s Truth Page 3 Rep. Ashford Announces Funding to Repair NW Ohio Developmental Center $3.2M to replace HVAC system Special to The Truth “The Developmental Center is in The project will convert the cam- desperate need of a heating and cool- pus from a centralized boiler and State Rep. Michael Ashford (D-Tole- ing system that functions properly, chiller operation to individual, high do) announced this week that the State especially with cooler temperatures energy HVAC units in each build- Controlling Board has released funds on the horizon this winter,” said Ash- ing. The current HVAC equipment in the amount of $3,265,952 to replace ford. “Because a large number of in- is 37 and can no longer be main- the HVAC system on the campus of the dividuals reside on the Center’s cam- tained. The new equipment is more Northwest Ohio Developmental Center pus, it is essential that its buildings energy efficient and will reduce util- located in Toledo. are properly heated.” ity costs. Michael Ashford Jay Black....continued from page 2 sit down and think about time you heard of politi- life.
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