Sthe officialTUDENT newspaper of ♥ at Washington University in St. LouisLOVE since eighteen seventy-eight Valentine’s Day Special www.studlife.com Friday, February 13, 2009 Sex Issue 2009 MATT MITGANG AND EVAN WIISKUP | STUDENT LIFE X2 STUDENT LOVE | NEWS ♥ FRIDAY | FEBRUARY 13, 2009 This data is based on the responses of 1727 undergraduate students to a survey administered by e-mail between Monday, February 9 and Wednesday, February 11. The e-mail was sent to the entire student body. more than 1 time a week, 42.18% I am still a virgin 37.72% 2-3 times a month, 20.31% 2-3 times a semester, 11.56% younger than 16 less than 1 time a year, 8.07% 1 time a month, 6.41% 17-18 2-3 times a year, 4.66% 1 time a year, 3.50% 19-20 1 time a semester, 3.30% 21 or older 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 80 Always, 72.35% 70 Often, 13.68% 60 Occasionally, 4.26% 50 40 Rarely, 3.17% 30 Never, 6.54% 20 10 0 both sides say it's a date 86.71% 64.79% we go to a fancy restaurant/ente rt ainment ve nue 64.12% one par tner treats the other 52.36% we spend the night in m y dorm roo m 18.19% dinner at Center Cour t/Bear's Den/V illage Commons 10.41% 0 20406080100 you are hooking up with an individu al on a regular basis 25.07% you are ex clusi ve 90.22% you go on dates regularly with an individ ua l 56.00% your F ac ebook status says y ou are “in a relationshi p” 26.19% something else 8.03% 0 20406080100 FRIDAY | FEBRUARY 13, 2009 ♥ FRIDAY | FEBRUARY 13, 2008 X3 sexual health sexual BUSINESS MATT MITGANG | STUDENT LIFE MATT MITGANG | STUDENT LIFE EVAN WISKUP | STUDENT LIFE ENGINEERING Heart-Shaped Pizza! ART February 4th-15th, 2009 ARCHITECTURE Two Heart-Shaped thin crust pizzas EVAN WISKUP | STUDENT LIFE la withh one topping EVAN WISKUP | STUDENT LIFE Heart-Shaped thino crust pizza with onets* $19.99$ topping and Chocolate Pastry Delights*9 Chocolate $14.99 Pastry Delights! sex at school *Offer good with onee Sweetreat or one orderrder ofof Chocolate Pastry Delightselights Expires Feb. 15, 2009. Offer good for a limited time at participating Papa John’s restaurants only. Additional toppings extra. Not valid with any other coupons or discounts. Limited delivery area, ARTSCI charges may apply. Customer responsible for all applicable taxes. X4 STUDENT LOVE | NEWS News Editor / Ben Sales / [email protected] FRIDAY | FEBRUARY 13, 2009 Professor-student At WU, students labor, sacrifi ce couplings remain for long-distance relationships awkward fantasies David Song distance relationship. the church both their families at- more than a friend, but we couldn’t Professor crushes are common on Managing Editor “I know how that absurd that tended. say it, because we both had this sounds,” observed Fellows, who The two surprised themselves feeling that it was impossible to campus, but dating is rare formally met Pennington at a fu- when they formed a deep rapport be together,” Fellows said. Two summers ago, when Wash- neral. “Our parents were like, after Fellows, who had not been By winter break, Fellows and ington University senior Sean Fel- ‘Sean and Jordan would be so in a serious relationship before at Pennington decided—with trepi- lows met Jordan Pennington, a ju- cute together.’ Both of us thought, Washington University, asked the dation—to initiate their long-dis- Professors,” with 15 apparently nior at the University of Michigan, ‘That is such a stupid idea.’” University of Michigan student on tance relationship. Becca Krock serious nominations for “truly the two Des Moines natives never Fellows and Pennington had several dates. Washington University senior Staff Reporter bangable male profs.” imagined they would begin a long- only known each other through “Each of us liked the other as Kenzie Allen also met her long- So why don’t more people tell distance boyfriend Aaron Trimble, their professors how they feel? now an oil landman, at their home- If the Washington University “A lot of times it’s joking, town Midland, Texas. Though Al- student body had a Facebook pro- like, ‘Oh my God, this professor len and Trimble were “high school file, its relationship status would is so cute,’ but not in a practical, sweethearts,” they resumed dating be “It’s complicated” when it actual sense. In a practical, actual last Thanksgiving after a three- comes to professors. sense I think it would make [stu- year separation. Allen cited great- When most people think of dents] a little bit uncomfortable,” er maturity of both partners as one student-professor relationships, junior Deva Estin said. of the reasons for their new rela- the kind of advances that come Student-professor relation- tionship. to mind are those that can force ships can be uncomfortable be- “Probably, it wouldn’t be work- faculty to resign. But the Univer- cause a professor may be an ing out, if we weren’t adults by sity’s official policy allows these authority figure or belong to an now,” Allen said. relationships to exist, as long as older generation. Professors may Freshmen Eric Teng and Nicole the professor does not exercise also be reluctant to become clos- Chu from Buffalo Grove, Ill., who academic power over the student, er to their students, romantically respectively attend Washington or as long as the professor offi- and otherwise, for fear of incur- University and Case Western Uni- cially removes himself or herself ring sexual harassment charges. versity, attended the same junior from that power. This policy thus One junior compared dating a high and high schools, and be- creates the possibility of legiti- professor to dating a floormate or gan dating in the middle of their mate flirting and dating. someone with the same group of sophomore year. When the couple Despite the potential for awk- friends—if drama occurs, it can began looking at colleges, the two wardness, many students said be dangerous. resolved not to allow college ap- they would be comfortable with On the other hand, dating a plications to affect their relation- the idea. professor may make sense when ship. “I think if you talk to the av- shared interests often ignite amo- Teng was accepted into Wash- erage student, they’d be comfort- rous feelings. ington University, but Chu was able with the concept if the pro- “Having a crush on a profes- placed on the University’s wait- fessor wasn’t in a position to give sor can make you fall in love with list. The couple decided to main- you a grade or better you some- a subject,” the anonymous junior tain their relationship after leaving how,” said one student who asked said. Buffalo Grove for college. not to be named. Dean Jami Ake, professor of “We were confident we could Students say that while real English and women and gender make it,” Teng said. advances and dating are rare, it studies, who serves as a co-chair is common to be attracted to and of the Committee on Sexual As- Serious commitment, physical develop crushes on teachers. One sault, agreed that there is a poten- meetings help bridge the gap student knew a professor who of- tial connection between academic ten attracted crushes, although “it and romantic interest. Like Fellows and Pennington, was very one-sided.” “Even the vocabularies over- Allen and Trimble communicate “She’s the kind of teacher lap. ‘I want you to be passion- daily with each other through who, through no strategy of her ate about something. I want you telephone calls, e-mails and text own, attracts a lot of student at- to be inspired by it,’” Ake said. messages. Last year during spring tention, which I don’t think be- “It’s easy to see how that kind break, after Fellows and Penning- gins as a crush, but sort of fer- of intense interest in somebody ton had been dating for about two vently becomes one,” the student and everything they stand for can months, Fellows discovered he said. “We start talking about her translate more in terms of pas- had sent 700 text messages—well and the whole physiological thing sion.” over his base limit of 50. happens, with the pupils and the Ake said that navigating the “It’s hard because a lot of breathing.” boundaries between close and the expression is limited by how Junior Eddy Lazzarin was en- too-close relationships is diffi- you’re able to facilitate it,” Allen thusiastic about the prospect of cult, in part because of the worry said. “You can tell someone you becoming more intimate with his that the student will feel uncom- love them on Skype, but pixels teacher. fortable or harassed. aren’t the same as holding the per- “I do have a really f------ hot “It’s at the extreme end that we son. What you have to do for that professor, but no sexy anec- don’t know how to have a conver- is visit each other as often as pos- dotes,” replied Lazzarin when sation about how to draw the line sible.” asked whether he had ever flirted that conserves regular, important, When their relationshp began, with a professor. Jesus, I wish I close relationships with students Fellows and Pennington resolved did.” but also ensures that they’re the to try to visit each other about One of the most discussed empowered party and they have PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY EVAN WISKUP | STUDENT LIFE once a month.
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