1928· . CONGRESS! ON AL RECORD-HOUSE '6029 MEMOB:A:.".DUM RELATL"G TO GEORGE WA.SIIIXGTOX ' :UE~IORIAL BUILDING ADJOURNMENT U~TIL SU~DAY It seems very strange that when we are planning to celebrate in 1932' Mr. CURTIS. I move that the Senate adjomn until Sunda.Y - the two hundredth anniversary of Washington's birth we do not con- next at 3 o'clock p. m., the hour fixed for· memorial addresses ider the importance of finishing the George Washington Memorial on the late Senator .To Es of New Mexico. · Building, for which Congress has given the land for the distinct purpose The motion was agreed to; and (at 4 o'clock and 45 minutes of carrying out George Washington's wish as expressed in his lastj p. m.) the Senate adjourned until Sunday, April 8, 1928, at 3 message to Congress, " Promote an institution for the diffusion of o'clock p. m. knowledge." · , Thjs building is. a peoples' building, a place where all national and 1 COI"FIRUATIOXS - international societies can meet. All State conventions pertaining to· ducational matters will be wel'Comed. What is more fitting than to E.recuti1:.e nomination confirmed by the Senate April 5 (legis­ hold this 1932 celebration in this auditorium, where can be seated from lative day ot April ~), 1928 seven to eleven thousand persons? Sevt>ral smallet· halls with a seating1 AMBASSADOR EX'IRAORDIN ARY AKD PLENIPOTENTIARY capacity from 500 to 2,500. A banquet ball seating 900. The people .Jo. eph C. Grew to be ambassador extraordinary and pleni­ should be roused to the importance of completing this building. potentiary to Turkey. (Tllis confirmation was omitted from Each State must have a room as au educational feature, also rooms, the Co~GRESSIONAL RECORD of April 5, 1928.) for research work. There will also be an organ endowed so that each Sunday we may give a concert free to the populace. E::cecutil:e nominations confirmed by the Senate April 6, .1928 NO TIME MUST BE LOST PROMOTIOKS IN THE ~A\Y We mnst begin this spring, so that it may be completed in 1932. To be Ueutenrr:nt commanders Let each one of us as citizens of this great country give as much as Frederick 'V. ~eilson. we can afford toward this great national work. Allen I. Price. It will be one of the most important and beautiful Government build-: To b.e lieutenants (jttnior grade) jngs. When finished it will be turned over to the Government and the Francis :u. Heddens. control and administration shall be in the Board of Regents of the Harold B. Edgar. Smithsonian Institution. To be e11sign Mr. BRUCE. In conclusion I will simply add that the officers Walter C. Winn. and managers of the George Washington Memorial Building are To be dental surgeon as follows: Tyler ,V. Spear. President: Mrs. Henry F. Dimock, 1301 Sixteenth Street, Washington, To be cir;il c11gincer D. C. Lewis Thornburg. "Vice Presidents: Mrs. Daniel Manning, ~fi!'!s B. J. Kibbey, Mrs. Joseph .. · To be cliief pay clerks B. Foraker, Mrs. Charles J. Bell, Mrs. H. R. Mallory, Mrs. E. H. Harri­ Frank G. Bither. Raymond .J. Kilton. man. · Raymond H . .Jordan. Rudolph T. Sommers. Treasurer: Mrs. Frank Northrop. Louis .J. Barta. Vans R. Pope. Trustees: ~frs. C. S. Hamlin, Mrs. P. N. Mol!re, Mrs. J. Mayhew Wain'wright. · · George F. Wenzler. Horace B. Gould. Ca-rl F. Stuby. George 0. R. Roberson . Advisory council : Hon. Elihu Root, Hon. J. B. Payne, Ron. William Charles l\1. Waidner. Jack :M. Page. · H. Taft, Dr. C. W. Dabney, Dr. William H. Welch, Dr. Thomas E. Ralph E. Mapps. .Joseph F. Batzer. Green, Prof. H. F. Osborn, Mr. Charles J. Bell. Nathaniel Grauel. Samuel R. l\fichael. J3IDICJAL ~~4-R~~ ·- (S! ,~(J •. NO, 81) POS'IIDSTERS Mr. OVERMAN presented . the report of the special commit­ CA.Ln'OBXIA. tee on salarie · of Federal judges submitted to the meeting of the American Bar Association at Buffalo, N. Y., August 30-31, .Jane M. Powell, Angel I lanu.' -1927, which was ordered to be printed as a Se11.ate document. Catherine E. Ortega, Sonora. MICHIGA~ CHANGE OF REFE~CE Mr. BLAINE. Mr. President. on March 27 the House of Rep­ Albert ·s. Stieg, Temperance. resentatives passed House bill 6844, and it was referred to the NEW JERSEY Committee on the District of Columbia. There wa · a star Rosteen H. .Tones, Bayhead." print of the. same bill on March 28 ; and according to tp..at bill, Clarence E. Glover, Blackwood. being the same number, H. R. 6844, it was referred to tJ:le .John ·w. Barnett, Hillsdale. Committee on the .Judiciary. A bill of the same char~cter-m Elsie Brown, River Edge. fact exactly the same wording-was introduced in the Senate and' referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. SOuTH CA.ROLU<"A That committee held a hearing upon the Senate bill and the ·Katherine L. "Buckley, ·Moultrieville. ·House bill and ordered the bill reported out f3;vorably, sub­ Thomas W. Blakely, Langley. stituting the House bill for the Senate bill. The subject in­ volved is one relating to banking in the District of Colu!llbia. I therefore, ask unanimous consent. that the Committee on HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the' judiciary be discharged from the further consideration of House bill 684:4 and that it be refer'red to the Committee on the FRIDAY, April 6·, 1928 Dis'trict of Col~bia. · The Hou e met at 12 o'clock noon. The PRESIDING OFFICER. W'itbout objection, it is so The Chaplain, Rev. .Tame ~ Shera ~Iontgomery, D. D., offered ordered. · t~e following prayer : _ SuPREME COURT OF_ THE UNITED STATES Almighty God, hear our prayer. He was wounded for our 1\Ir. HEFLIN. Mr. President, just a word in regard to the transgressions; He was brui-sed for om· iniquities; the · chas­ public-buildings program. tisement of our peace wa upon llim, and with His stripes we As I understand, we have not yet agreed to construct a are healed. As we stand in bushed silence before His cross Supreme Court Building where the Supreme Court will sit to we feel the nightly stillne:::;s of the world's winter ; we turn try cases. I for one am opposed to moving the Supreme Court pale with the sense of something fearful. Like a fountain of out of the Capitol. I think we ought to keep it right where fire cruelty has broken loose and every word burns with it is; I am willing to have a building constructed for the hat~. Thou God, have mercy, for the earth is cursed by justices to occupy and have their libraries and their working the hopes it has wasted and by the truth it bas outraged. rooms there; but I for one should hate to see the Supreme Hearken unto the voice of om cry and consider our medita­ Court moved out of the Capitol. As I say, I think it ought to tion, for great is our fall, demoralized is our condition, and remain where it is. without Thee om thralldom i · complete. Our souls wait in the EXECUTIVE. SESSIO:N solemnity of these momenb~. 0 hear us; whatever this life Mr. CURTIS. I move that the Senate proceed to the con­ may. bring u , may it never take from us the full faith that sideration of executive business. Thou art our Saviour. On Calvary's cross is the expression The motion was agreed to ; and ·the Senate proceeded to the of our utmost need and our utmo~t hope. Set it up in all consideration of executive business. · After five minutes spent our breasts and reign there in the fullness of Thy grace ; in executive session the doors were reop~ne~. then life and the long forever shall be our inheritance. Thou 6030 -CONGRESSIONAL R.ECORD-HOUSE APRIL 6 Christ ! ·Marr's ·holy child ! from beyond the limits of the -S. J. Res. 97. A joint re. ohiti{)n authorizing the Pre ident t worlds Thou shalt- come aga in on eternity's high day; clothed· appoint three delegate ' to the Twenty"thil·d International- Con­ ":ith infinite glory. Amen. gress of Americanb-ts, and making an appropriation for the ex­ Tlte Journal of the proceedings of ye. tel'day was read and penses of such congre ·s; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. · approv-ed. S. J. Res. 111. Senate joint resolution authorizing the aC<.'eJ)t­ SENATE BILLS REFERRED ance of title to certain lands in the counties of Benton and Walla Walla, Wash., adjacent to the Columbia River bird refuge in Bills of the following_ titles were taken from the Speaker's said State established in accoruance with the authority con­ table and, under the rule, referred to the appropriate commit­ tained in Executiv-e Order No. 4501, dated August 2 , 1926; to tee ·, as follows: the Committee on Agriculture. S. 445. An act for the relief of the Florida East Coast Car Ferry Co. ; to the Committee on Claims. MESSAGE FROM THE SEXATE S. 471. An act for the relief of Agnes McManus and George A message from the Senate, by ~r. , Craven, its principal J. McManus; to the Committee on Claim . clerk, announced that the .Senate. ha.d azreed to the amend­ , '. 726. An act to make it the duty of certain courts of the ments of the Ho. u~e of Repres~ntatives to bills of the following United States to render decisions within certain maximum titles: limit of time; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
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