HOLY SPIRIT (PNEUMATOLOGY) By Simon Kande OUTLINE 1. Introduction – Perceptions and Realities about the Holy Spirit 2. Understanding the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit in the Trinity The Holy Spirit in Biblical History both in OT and NT Personhood of the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Visibility to human beings Conditions for Holy Spirit Indwelling The Fruit verses the Gift of the Spirit 3. Theological Divides - Baptism, Filling in/with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues 4. The Work of the Holy Spirit 5. Reflection and Implication to Christian life 6. Conclusion 1. CURRENT PERCEPTIONS AND REALITIES While the work and the gifts of the Holy Spirit can easily be recognized, the Holy Spirit himself can be termed as; Anonymous, Faceless aspect of the divine being Distant and impersonal by comparison with the Father and the Son Power Imbalanced inclination - there are many Christians whom everything rotate around the Holy Spirit while both the Son and the Father remain in the periphery. Why seek to study/know the Holy Spirit – because he is: Mis- understood Mis- quoted Mis- Judged Mis - represented Prologue Questions - Who is the Holy Spirit 1 - What in you makes you know you have the Holy Spirit (As he real or theoretical) - What are the marks or expressions of a Spirit filled person in (a) Bible (b) today 2. UNDERSTANDING THE PERSON OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (a) Holy Spirit in the Trinity It’s apparently important to mention that, the doctrine of the trinity remains a mystery and it’s only through the written word (Bible) that we can get grips of the threefold in the Godhead. The word trinity comes from the Latin word trinitaswhich means ‘threeness’. The doctrine of the trinity upholds that even though God is ONE, he exists in three persons; God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. Each person in the trinity is self-conscious and self-directing and yet never acting in opposition. Equality in dignity of the three persons There is perfect equality in nature, honor and dignity between the persons. Fatherhood belongs to the very essence to the first person and it is so from all eternity. The Spirit is God himself in the innermost essence of his being. The Spirit is revealed as the only one who knows the depth of God’s nature “for the spirit searches everything even the depth of God (1 Corinth. 2:10). The three persons are divine. The Holy Spirit is given divine attributes; Everlasting (Heb 9:14), Omnipresence (Psalms 139:7-10), omniscience (1Corinthians 2:10-11), omnipotent (Luke 1:35). The appearance of subordination is not in nature but in their redemptive roles Unity in the persons Jesus (the Word – John 1:1) and the Holy Spirit and the father cannot be separated. Key references: Creation story in Genesis 1 (the three are present – Spirit hovers over the earth, the father speaks the Word) You can’t have either/OR (Jesus or the Spirit). If you do not have the Spirit, you do not belong to Christ (Romans 8:9) United for your redemption and victory – Sword of the Spirit which is the Word (Ephesians 6:17), your counselor, teacher and reminder of the Word (John 14:23-25) 2 (b) The Holy Spirit in Biblical History both in OT and NT Root word in OT and NT related (OT Ruach generally carries the meaning of wind or breath (Ps. 148:8, Ezek. 1:4) and NT Pneuma (also covers the notion of wind or breath in the Greek language. Ruach is identifiable with Pneuma and are the same (Acts 2:16-21, 4:25, 7:51, 28:25, 1 Peter 1:11, 2 Peter 1:19-21). Present at Creation (Gen 1:2) Redemption and formation of Israel (Moses, Joshua deliverances – Ex 28:3, 31:3, Num 11:17. Judges – empowered warriors and involved in the leadership by judges (Jug. 3:10, 6:34, 11:29) Monarchy – Key in anointing kings (1 Sam 10:1-10, 16:13) Prophecies - There are several OT prophecies that predicted the coming of the Holy Spirit in greater fullness after God makes a new covenant with his children – Ezek 36:26-27; 37:14; 39:29; Joel 2:28-29. Inter-Testamental period – waiting for the fulfillment of the messianic hope The early church – fully involved in the Acts of the Apostles 15th Century church reformation 19th Century evangelical/Pentecostal revivals (c) Personhood of the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit is NOT a power BUT a person who gives power The way also the apostles following Jesus refer to the Holy Spirit shows that they looked on the Spirit as a person and indeed is a person. In the scripture, the Spirit inspires scriptures, is lied to (Acts 5:3,9), desires and decides what is good and what is not (15:28), bears witness, is resisted (Acts 7:51), directs (Acts 8:29), carries somebody away, informs (Acts 10:19), is pleased (Acts 15:28) commands (Acts 11:12), calls & appoints (Acts 13:2), sends, forbids & prevent (Acts 16:6-7), warns (Acts 20:23), can be grieved (Ephesians 4:30) and reveals prophet truth (Acts 1:16). This shows that the Spirit is self conscious and directing but one in God. (d) Holy Spirit Visibility and Recognition by human beings 3 Is the Holy Spirit completely hidden from human visibility? The Holy Spirit gives recognizable evidences that make his presence known. Always? – Visible instances – Descended as a dove on Jesus (John 1:32), Came as a sound of rushing wind with visible tongues of fire on Pentecost (Acts 2:2-3), people spoke in tongues (Acts 2:4, 10:44-46; 19:6). Spiritual Gifts - Tongues In the lives of believers, He bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God (Romans 8:16) He will be like a might river flowing from our inner most being (John 7:39) – a simile that suggests that people would be aware of a presence that would be somehow perceptible. He reveals his desires to us so that we can be led by those desires and follow them (Rom. 8:4-16; Gal. 5:16- 25). (e) Conditions for Holy Spirit Indwelling Many examples in both OT and NT indicate that the Holy Spirit will indwell, bestow or withdraw blessings according to whether or not he is pleased by the situation he sees. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit {Eph 4:30} or quench his fire {1 Thes 5:19} The conditions seems to be; Holiness - Jesus was without sin and the Holy Spirit “remained on him” (John 1:32) and was given to him without measure (John 3:34). He came mightily upon Samson several times (Judges 13:25; 14:6; 19; 15:14) but left him when he persisted in sin (Judges 16:20) Knowledge and Obedience to Gods Word - He also left Saul when he persisted in disobedience (1 Sam 16:14). Personal choice, desire and seeking for God’s gift – The Holy Spirit is a gift from God that must be sought for (Luke 11:11). The Holy Spirit does not force himself to people, he can be resisted. Stephen rebuked the Jewish leaders “you always resist the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51). Total surrender of will/mind and self/emotions – (through prayer, reflection and listening). Be led of the Spirit and let your mind be controlled by the Spirit (Romans 8: 5-8) 4 (f) The Fruit verses the Gift of the Spirit Facts about the Holy Spirit gifts o Gifts given for common Good (1 Cor. 12:7), o Given for the service to others (1 Peter 4:10) o Given for the sake of strengthening the church and not for individual gratification (1 Cor 14:26). o The Spirit gives just as he determines (1 Corinthians 12:11) o There is room to desire the spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:31) o Think yourself soberly and not highly in line with the measure of grace (Romans 12:3) Types of Spiritual Gifts 1 Corinthians 12:8 (word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, working of miracles, prophecy, healing, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues). 1 Corinthians 12:28 (healing, helping others, administration, speaking in tongues) Romans 12:6 (Prophesying, serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leadership, mercy) Ephesians 4:8 (Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and Teachers) Fruit of the Spirit The fruit on the other hand is not a gift (Charisma verses Character). It is a product that comes after one walks with the Holy Spirit (Galatian 5:22) – Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. It does not necessarily come instantly but is gradual process that takes time, discipline and commitment. The fruit is the sure way that one have faithfully and diligently walked with the Holy Spirit. (g) THEOLOGICAL DIVIDES ON THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, FILLING IN/WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT AND SPEAKING IN TONGUES Issues around the Holy Spirit – Infilling of the Holy Spirit, Baptism by the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues Can the HS leave or re-enter somebody? Are there measures of the HS -10%, 30% 98% full of the HS or 110% (overflowing)? Does the Holy Spirit need to be invited or he just comes? 5 A. Baptism/infilling with/in the Holy Spirit There are two major theological persuasions surrounding the aspect of baptism in the Holy Spirit and the divide is whether this baptism happens when one believes/during conversion or it is a second experience after conversion. This Phrase “baptism in the Holy Spirit” which means the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and is borrowed from Greek term baptize which means “to deep or immerse” is used seven times in the NT (Math 3:11, Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16, John 1:33 – speaking of Jesus), (Acts 1:5, Acts 11:16 – related to Pentecost), (1 Corinthians 12:13).
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