Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-81431-7 - Emperor Charles V, Impresario of War: Campaign Strategy, International Finance, and Domestic Politics James D. Tracy Index More information Index accounts, balancing of, 18, 19 Amadeo VI, count of Savoy, 18 Achioli, Rafael, 96 n19 Amsterdam, 68, 69, 72; and “coronation Adige/Etsch River, 210, 238 subsidy,” 261; and sales of renten, 270 Adorno, Antoniotto, 43 Anabaptists, 33 n47; as enforced oarsmen, Adorno family, of Genoa, 40 146 Adrian VI, pope (1521–3), 66, 89 n97, 104 Andalusia, 80; and caballeros, 84; and grandee “adventurers,” 139; see also aventuriers estates, 83 Aigues-Mortes, meeting of Charles V and Andelot, Jean d’, 206 Francis I at, 164 Angevin dynasty (1268–1442), 41, 54 Alarcon, Fernando de, marquess of Rende, 44, Angouleme,ˆ duke of, 158, 163, 164 125, 277, 278 Anne Jagellio, princess of Hungary, wife of Alba, Fadrique Alvarez´ de Toledo, second duke Ferdinand I: death of, 215; dowry of, 106 of, 24, 26, 274, 297 Anne of Brittany, and Maximilian 1, 73–4 n28 Alba, Fernando Alvarez´ de Toledo, third duke Antibes, 43, 161 of, 24–5, 176 n42 Antwerp, 68, 72 91; bankers of, 225;asa Albrecht-Alcibiades, margrave of Brandenburg, leading financial center, 99; merchant fairs 215, 233, 238, 239, 242 n26, 315; defeat of by in, 96 John Frederick, 222, 223; and Moritz, 235; Antwerp Toll, 50 and Treaty of Chambord, 234 Aragon,´ 2; Cortes of, 2 n1, 200; rebellion in, Albuquerque, Beltran´ de la Cueva, duke of, 135 n8 81 n59, 297 Aramon, Gabriel d’, 233 alcabala (traditional sales tax), 50, 87 nn86,92, arcabuceros, 31, 42–3; and Pavia, 45; wages of, 112 252, 300; average annual value of, 294 n16; arquebuses, 31 and capitation, 295–6, 298, 302–3; definition Artois, 73; French invasion of, 186; and a special of, 293; farming of, 294; increase by Isabella land tax, 265 in rate of, 63 Arze, Diego de, 221 Alfonso V of Aragon´ (1416–58), 22, 25, 41, 55, Asperen, burning of, 74 56, 57, 277 assignation (consignacion´ ), 100 Algiers, ejection of Spaniards from (1516), 134 Asti, 43, 125 Algiers campaign, 170–6; and Barbarossa Asturias, expansion of, 80 Khair-ad-Din, 7; failure of (1541), 109, 312, Atahualpa, 155, 156, 157 314; number of ships and men, 175 n39, 176–7 Atrapalda, Fernando de Castriota, marquess of, n43, 179, 180; payroll for, 179–80, 180 nn56, 143, 279 58; planning for, 180; and second armada of Augsburg, 209, 210, 214; and celebration of Charles V, 7; source of troops, 176 n41; storms Catholic mass, 217; Diet of (1530), 123, 137, prevent landing, 175; and Villegagnon, 14 168; Diet of (1547), 219, 230, 233; indemnities Alkmaar, burning of, 74, 75 n35 from, 224–5; and silver- and copper-mining Alonso de los R´ıos, Mart´ın, 172, 198, 200, 201, boom, 98 225 Augsburg Confession, 237 329 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-81431-7 - Emperor Charles V, Impresario of War: Campaign Strategy, International Finance, and Domestic Politics James D. Tracy Index More information 330 Index Augsburg Interim, 217–20, 230, 315; Lutheran Bejar,´ duchess of, 107 opposition to, 233; proclaimed by Charles V Bejar,´ Francisco de Zuniga,˜ duke of, 297 (1548), 219–20 Belgium: linguistic frontier in, 2 n4; urban Avalos, Costanza d’, 160 n9 population of (1550), 68 Avalos, Hernando de, 289 Belgrade, Ottoman conquest of (1521), 311 aventuriers, 32 n43, 41, 42, 47 Bergen-op-Zoom, lord of, 262 Avignon, military camp at, 161 Bernuy, Hernando, 10 n22 Avila,´ and a Holy Union (Santa Junta), to Berot,´ Jean, see Etrobius, Johannes oppose the crown, 89 Binche, 8 Avila´ y Zuniga,˜ Luis de, 13, 220; and a biremes, 135 n10 collection of maps of Germany, 213 Black Band, 74, 75 Aytta, Viglius van, 205 Bohemia, Hussite armies of, 205 ayuntamientos (town councils), 83, 84, 85, 86 Bologna: and coronation of Charles V as emperor, 119–20; Palazzo Pubblico, 121; Baba Oruc¸, 134 reconvening of Council of Trent, 217 Baeca, Alonso de, 107 bombardment (bater´ıa), 147 baking ovens, prohibition of, 55 Bomelberg, Conrad von, 241 Bamberg, prince-bishop of, 238, 239 Bomy, armistice signed at, 163 bankers: of Antwerp, 225; of Augsburg, 129; and Bona (Anaba), 173, 179 effect on economics, 309; Florentine, 95 n15, Bonnivet, Guillaume de Gouffier, lord of, 43 96; interest paid to, 284; Italian, 95 n15; and Boulogne, 194, 207 juros, 246–7; of Lyons, 229; New Christian, Bourbon, Charles, duke of, 44, 47, 160, 291 n7; 96, 97; and parliamentary bodies, 253; army of, 125; death of, 48 n29; and a false prefered having loans assigned to Castile, 108; truce, 46 n23; joins imperialists, 29, 43; and and rates for short-term loans, 256; role of in march to Marseilles, 124–5; and Sack of European wars, 18; Spanish, 96 n22; Venetian, Rome, 34; and trouble with Spanish troops in 95; see also Fugger firm; Gentile firm; Milan, 45–6 Grimaldi firm; Herwart firm; Schetz firm; Brabant, 2, 4, 72;archivesof,249 n2; Spinola firm; Strozzi firm; Welser firm representative assemblies in, 68; revenues Barbarossa Khair-ad-Din (c. 1466–1546), 117, (1535), 50 n1; and subsidy for war, 73, 76; 158; biography by Lopez´ de Gomara,´ 14, 154, subsidy renten in (1520–30), 258 155, 157; and blockade of Castilnuovo, 165; Brandenburg, Joachim, elector of, 217, 219 and Christian slaves, 133, 144; and Corfu, 164; Brandenburg, Johann von, 222 death of, 232; fleet of, 37, 134–5, 137, 144, Brandenburg-Kustrin,¨ Hans von, margrave of, 171; and Fondi, 145; and funds on board, 308; 230, 233, 241 and Gulf of Prevesa, 164, 165, 282;askapudan Brandi, Karl, 165, 188, 197, 205 pasha(admiralofthesea)of Suleyman, 144, 313; Bremen, 209, 220; unsuccessful siege of (1547), and Naples, 7, 145, 146; and Penon,˜ 148 n35; 223 sails from Istanbul (1534), 280; and Sicily and Brenner Pass, 210, 224, 233 Calabria, 191; and Tunis, 7, 145, 148–9, 157 Bresse, Jean de, bishop of Bayonne, 233, 235 Barbary Coast, 7, 134; extent of, 133 n2; slave Briarde, Lambert de, 143 n25 raids along, 312 bridge-boats, seizure of, 216 Barbary corsairs, 14, 29, 117, 133, 302 bronze arm bands (manilhas), 100 Barcelona, Treaty of (1529), 117, 121, 230 Bruges, 72, 195; as a financial center, 99; as one of Bari, grain prices at, 284 n26 the Four Members of Flanders, 68, 69, 167 n21 Barlandus, Adrianus, Deeds of the Dukes of Brunswick, Henry, duke of, 34, 116, 183 Brabant (1526), 74 Brussels, 5, 68, 72; archives in, 9 barons (of Naples) authority of, 54–5; Bucer, Martin, 168–9 n24 confiscation of property of, 60; corruption Buda, 34, 170, 206 of, 61; and marriages within comparable Buren, Floris van IJsselstein, count of, 74, 262 rank, 278; and privilege of appearing covered, Buren, Maximilaan van Egmont, count of, 279; and trading outside the barony, 56; and 176 n42, 195, 210, 211, 213, 220, 221, 222, unauthorized taxes, 57 225–6 “bastion trace,” 188 Burgos, 96, 298 Bazan,´ Alvaro´ de, 137, 146, 153, 154, 158 Burgundy, Adolph of, 256 Bazan Pasha, 165, 313 Burgundy, Charles the Bold, duke of, 31, 35, 70, beden, 252 n8 183 n1 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-81431-7 - Emperor Charles V, Impresario of War: Campaign Strategy, International Finance, and Domestic Politics James D. Tracy Index More information Index 331 Burgundy, duchy of, 70 n15; and rejection of treasure, 272; and tension between lords and Treaty of Madrid, 45 their subjects, 81, 83 Burgundy, dukes of (1384–1477), 51, 68 Castilnuovo, battle for, 165 Burgundy, Philip the Bold, duke of, 70 n15, 256 Cateau-Cambresis,´ citadel of, 190 Burgundy, Philip the Good, duke of, 69 Catherine de Medici, 95, 158, 230 n4; marriage Busto, Bernabe,´ 13, 194, 208, 220, 223 n55; and of, 145 bombardment of Ingolstadt, 213; and Catherine of Aragon,´ and annulment petition of Charles V’s collection of maps of Germany, Henry VIII, 121 213 cavalry: recruitment of in Germany, 33; wages of, 112 caballeros, 84; requirements of, 83, 83 n68 Centurione, Adamo, 94, 97, 98, 144, 154, 157, Cachiadiabolo, 135 178, 180 Cadzand, Peace of, 71 Centurione family, 94, 100, 101t, 226 Caesar, Julius, 302; Gallic Wars, 13 n38, 301 n38 Cerda, Ana de la, 180 Calabria, Antonio, 102 Cervantes, Miguel de, 84 Calabria, attacked by Barbarossa, 191, 198 Ceuta, taking of (1415), 134 calamine mining, 99 Chalons-sur-Marne,ˆ 193, 194 Caligari (Sardinia), 147, 154 Chambord, Treaty of (1552), 234 cambi payments, 60, 131 Chancery, regents of, 276 cambios, 253 Charlemagne, 23 Cambrai, Treaty of (1529), 106, 110, 119, 137, Charles, duke of Anjou, 54 n14 153, 159, 163, 254 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (1519–56): Camerario, Bartolommeo, 61, 62, 63, 79 n47, abdication of, 5, 269; and 284 Albrecht-Alcibiades, 238, 239, 315; and cannon balls: collected for reuse at battle of Alessandro de Medici, 160; and Algiers Ingolstadt, 213; stone, not iron shot, 144 campaign, 7, 13, 172, 282; ambassadors for, 25; capitation (encabezamiento), 294–5, 295–6, 299, archives of, 5 n10, 9–10; banner and device 300, 302–3; definition of, 294 of, 26–7, 146; birth of, 2, 12 n33; cambios Capito, Wolfgang, 168–9 n24 remitted for, 1543–4, 203t; “Castilianization” capitoli (requests), 77, 78, 280 of, 88, 108, 302; and Cateau-Cambresis,´ 190; Capri, 288 as Christendom’s leader against Islam, 37, 289; Caracciolo, Giambattista, 276 and Christian war flotilla at Regensburg, 37; Carande, Victor Bernardo, 15 n55 and Cleves-Guelders, 195; compared with the Carande Thobar, Ramon,´ 16 n56, 18, 110, 128, Caesars of Rome, 13 n38, 22, 301; coronation 152, 200, 201, 225; Carlos V y sus banqueros, as emperor, 36, 42, 115–16, 119–20, 121,
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