Page iii Landmarks in Mechanical Engineering ASME International History and Heritage Page iv Copyright © by Purdue Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 01 00 99 98 97 5 4 3 2 1 The paper used in this book meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences– Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48­1992. Printed in the United States of America Design by inari Cover photo credits Front: Icing Research Tunnel, NASA Lewis Research Center; top inset, Saturn V rocket; bottom inset, Wyman­Gordon 50,000­ton hydraulic forging press (Courtesy Jet Lowe, Library of Congress Collections Back: top, Kaplan turbine; middle, Thomas Edison and his phonograph; bottom, "Big Brutus" mine shovel Unless otherwise indicated, all photographs and illustrations were provided from the ASME landmarks archive. Library of Congress Cataloging­in­publication Data Landmarks in mechanical engineering/ASME International history and Heritage. p. cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN I­55753­093­9 (cloth:alk. paper).— ISBN I­55753­094­7 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Mechanical engineering—United States—History 2. Mechanical engineering—History. 1. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. History and Heritage Committee. TJ23.L35 1996 621'.0973—dc20 96­31573 CIP Page v CONTENTS Preface xiii Acknowledgments xvii Pumping Introduction 1 Newcomen Memorial Engine 3 Fairmount Waterworks 5 Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Scoop Wheel and Steam Engines 8 Holly System of Fire Protection and Water Supply 10 Archimedean Screw Pump 11 Chapin Mine Pumping Engine 12 Leavitt­Riedler Pumping Engine 14 Sidebar: Erasmus D.Leavitt, Jr. 16 Chestnut Street Pumping Engine 17 Specification: Chestnut Street Pumping Engine 18 A. B Wood Low­lift Screw Pump 18 Reynolds­Corliss Pumping Engine 21 Worthington Horizontal Cross­compound Pumping Engine 22 Specifications: Pumping Engine No. 2, York Water Company 23 Mechanical Power Production Water Introduction 24 Great Falls Raceway and Power System 27 Lowell Power Canal System and Pawtucket Gatehouse Turbine 29 Sidebar: James B. Francis, the Maker of Lowell 32 Holyoke Water Power System 33 Morris Canal Scotch (Reaction) Turbine 35 Sidebar: James Lee and Plane No. 9 West 36 Boyden Hydraulic Turbines, Harmony Mill No. 3 37 Sidebar: Uriah Atherton Boyden 38 Page vi Steam Introduction 40 Boulton & Watt Rotative Steam Engine 43 Sidebar: Horsepower 44 Hacienda La Esperanza Sugar Mill Steam Engine 46 Harris­Corliss Steam Engine 48 Sidebar: George H. Corliss and the Corliss Engine 50 Specifications: Harris­Corliss Engine, Randall Brothers 51 Internal Combustion Introduction 52 Roosa Master Diesel Fuel­injection Pump 55 Electrical Power Production Water Introduction 57 Vulcan Street Power Plant 60 Folsom Powerhouse No. 1 62 Idols Station, Fries Manufacturing & Power Company 63 Michigan Lake Superior Power Company Hydroelectric Plant 65 Childs­Irving Hydroelectric Project 68 Rocky River Pumped­storage Hydroelectric Plant 69 Kaplan Turbine 72 Hiwassee Dam Unit 2 Reversible Pump­Turbine 74 Specifications: Hiwassee Dam Unit 2 Reversible Pump­Turbine 75 Steam Introduction 76 Edison "Jumbo" Engine­driven Dynamo 78 Marine­type, Triple­expansion, Engine­driven Dynamo 80 Pratt Institute Power Plant 82 5,000­kilowatt Curtis Steam Turbine­Generator 84 Specifications: 5,000­kilowatt Curtis Steam Turbine­Generator 85 Georgetown Steam Plant 86 East Wells (Oneida) Street Power Plant 88 Edgar Station, Edison Electric Illuminating Company 90 State Line Generating Unit No. 1 92 Port Washington Power Plant 93 Page vii Internal Combustion Introduction 95 Neuchâtel Gas Turbine 97 Belle Isle Gas Turbine 98 Specifications: Belle Isle Gas Turbine 100 Nuclear Introduction 101 Shippingport Atomic Power Station 103 Geothermal Introduction 106 The Geysers Unit 1, Pacific Gas & Electric Company 108 Power Transmission Introduction 111 Kingsbury Thrust Bearing 113 Minerals Extraction and Refining Introduction 115 Saugus Ironworks 119 Cornwall Iron Furnace 121 Ringwood Manor Iron Complex 123 Drake Oil Well 125 Sidebar: How Oil Wells Were Drilled 126 Pioneer Oil Refinery (California Star Oil Works Company) 129 Reed Gold Mine Ten­stamp Mill 130 Fairbanks Exploration Company Gold Dredge No. 8 132 Hanford B Reactor 134 First Basic­Oxygen Steelmaking Vessel 136 "Big Brutus" Mine Shovel 138 Manufacturing Facilities and Processes Introduction 140 Portsmouth­Kittery Naval Shipbuilding Activity 144 Springfield Armory 146 Jackson Ferry Shot Tower 148 Wilkinson Mill 150 Page viii American Precision Museum/Robbins & Lawrence Armory and Machine Shop 153 Westmoreland Malleable Iron Works 155 Watkins Woolen Mill 157 Creusot Steam Hammer 159 Joshua Hendy Iron Works 161 Owens AR Bottle Machine 162 A. O. Smith Automatic Frame Plant 165 Corning Ribbon Machine 167 Fusion­welded Test Boiler Drum 169 Alcoa 50,000­ton Hydraulic Forging Press 171 Wyman­Gordon 50,000­ton Hydraulic Forging Press 173 First Hot Isostatic Processing Vessels 174 Food Processing Introduction 177 Graue Mill 179 Anderson­Barngrover Continuous Rotary Pressure Sterilizer 180 FMC Citrus Juice Extractor 182 Sidebar: Whole­Citrus Fruit Juice Extraction: How It Works 184 Materials Handling and Excavation Introduction 185 Samson Mine Reversible Waterwheel and Man­Engine 187 Buckeye Steam Traction Ditcher 189 "Pit­cast" Jib Crane 191 Sidebar: The Manufacture of Pit­cast Pipe 192 Quincy Mining Company No. 2 Mine Hoist 193 PACECO Container Crane 195 Environmental Control Introduction 198 Holly System of District Heating 201 Stirling Water­tube Boilers 202 Detroit Edison District Heating System, Beacon Street Plant 203 Holland Tunnel Ventilation System 206 Magma Copper Mine Air­Conditioning System 208 Equitable Building Heat Pump 209 Page ix Water Transportation Introduction 213 SS Great Britain 216 TV Emery Rice Engine 218 Turbinia 219 Sidebar: The Compound Steam Turbine 221 Vertical Reciprocating Steam Engines, USS Olympia 222 Evinrude Outboard Motor 224 Reciprocating Steam Engines, USS Texas 226 Specifications: Reciprocating Steam Engines, USS Texas 228 SS Jeremiah O'Brien 229 Sidebar: EC2 Cargo Vessels (Liberty Ships) Delivered in 1943, by 231 Shipyard Sidebar: U.S. Liberty Ship Engine Builders, Number Built 231 NS Savannah 233 Rail Transportation Introduction 235 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Old Main Line 238 St. Charles Avenue Streetcar Line 240 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Roundhouse and Shops 242 Mount Washington Cog Railway 244 Monongahela and Duquesne Inclines 246 Sidebar: Pittsburgh's Inclines 248 Ferries & Cliff House Railway 249 Sidebar: Ferries & Cliff House Railway: How It Works 251 Manitou & Pikes Peak Cog Railway 252 Geared Locomotives of the Roaring Camp & Big Trees Narrow Gauge 255 Railroad: Shay Dixiana, Climax Bloomsburg, and Heisler Tuolumne Sidebar: The Geared Locomotives of Roaring Camp & Big Trees 256 Interborough Rapid Transit System (Original Line) 258 Alternating­current Electrification of the New York, New Haven & Hartford 260 Railroad Pullman Sleeping Car Glengyle 262 Texas & Pacific No. 610, Lima "Super­Power" Steam Locomotive 265 Specifications: Texas & Pacific No. 610 266 Pioneer Zephyr 268 Page x Pennsylvania Railroad GG1 Electric Locomotive No. 4800 271 Electro­Motive FT Freight­service Diesel­Electric Locomotive 273 Norfolk & Western No. 611, Class J Steam Locomotive 275 Specifications: Norfolk & Western No. 611, Class J Steam Locomotive 276 Southern Pacific No. 4294 "Cab­in ­Front" Articulated Steam Locomotive 277 Specifications: Southern Pacific No. 4294, Class AC­12 "Cab­in ­Front" 278 Locomotive Disneyland Monorail System 280 Road and Off­Road Transportation Introduction 282 Lombard Steam Log Hauler 284 Holt Caterpillar Tractor 286 Jacobs Engine Brake Retarder 288 Sidebar: The Engine without the Jake Brake/The Engine with the Jake 289 Brake Crawler Transporters of Launch Complex 39 291 Air and Space Transportation Introduction 294 Sikorsky VS­300 Helicopter 296 Specifications: Sikorsky VS­300 (Final Variant) 297 Atlas Launch Vehicle 298 RL­10 Rocket Engine 301 Saturn V Rocket 303 Research and Development Introduction 306 Alden Research Laboratory Rotating Boom 309 100­inch Hooker Telescope, Mount Wilson Observatory 310 Cooperative Fuel Research Engine 313 Aerodynamics Range, Aberdeen Proving Ground 315 Icing Research Tunnel, NASA Lewis Research Center 317 Rotating­arm Model­test Facility 320 McKinley Climatic Laboratory 322 Experimental Breeder Reactor I 324 Page xi Association of American Railroads' Railroad­wheel Dynamometer 326 Vallecitos Boiling Water Reactor 329 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 331 Communications and Data Processing Introduction 334 Edison Phonograph 336 Paige Compositor 338 Pitney­Bowes Model "M" Postage Meter 339 Xerography 341 Sidebar: The Xerographic Process 343 IBM 350 RAMAC Disk File 345 Biomedical Engineering Introduction 347 Blood Heat Exchanger 349 Further Reading 351 Page xiii PREFACE Historic mechanical engineering landmarks are machines, systems, or devices that help shape our civilization, either in industry or the personal lives we live. The variety of those presented on these pages is remarkable, ranging from marine steam engines to food­processing equipment to manufacturing plants to postage meters to medical devices to nuclear power plants to the collection of a specialized technical museum. They are found in every region of the United States as well as in other countries. The spectrum of significance is equally broad, stretching from the steam engine of Thomas Newcomen (1712), which was
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