Attack DarkDark MagicMagic Basic Attack Basic Dark Magic Increases damage dealt by your creatures in melee combat by AllowsAllows hheroero ttoo llearnearn DarkDark MagicMagic spellsspells ofof thethe thirdthird circlecircle andand 5%. makesmakes DarkDark MagicMagic moremore effectiveeffective overall.overall. Advanced Attack Advanced Dark Magic Increases damage dealt by your creatures in melee combat by AllowsAllows hheroero ttoo llearnearn DarkDark MagicMagic spellsspells ofof thethe fourthfourth circlecircle andand 10%. makesmakes DarkDark MagicMagic eveneven moremore effective.effective. Expert Attack Expert Dark Magic Increases damage dealt by your creatures in melee combat by AllowsAllows hheroero ttoo llearnearn DarkDark MagicMagic spellsspells ofof thethe fifthfifth circlecircle andand 15%. givesgives maximummaximum powerpower toto DarkDark Magic.Magic. Archery Master of Curses IncreasesIncreases damagedamage dealtdealt byby hero’shero’s creaturescreatures inin rangedranged combatcombat GrantsGrants mmassass effectseffects toto WeaknessWeakness andand SSufferinguffering spells,spells, butbut by 20%. doublesdoubles thethe castingcasting costcost ofof thesethese spells.spells. HeroHero wasteswastes onlyonly halfhalf ofof hishis currentcurrent initiativeinitiative toto castcast thesethese spellsspells Battle Frenzy Master of Mind MinimumMinimum andand maximummaximum damagedamage inflictedinflicted byby eacheach creaturecreature GrantsGrants mmassass effectseffects toto SlowSlow andand ConfusionConfusion spells,spells, butbut dou-dou- under hero’s control is increased by 1. Especially effective for blesbles thethe castingcasting costcost ofof thesethese spells.spells. HeroHero wasteswastes onlyonly halfhalf ofof armiesarmies ofof lowlow levellevel ccreatures.reatures. hishis currentcurrent initiativeinitiative toto castcast thesethese spellsspells Tactics Master of Pain Increases the area in which the hero can rearrange creatures GrantsGrants aarearea effectseffects ttoo DecayDecay andand VulnerabilityVulnerability spells,spells, butbut before combat doublesdoubles thethe castingcasting costcost ofof thesethese spells.spells. HeroHero wasteswastes onlyonly halfhalf ofof hishis currentcurrent initiativeinitiative toto castcast thesethese spellsspells Cold Steel Corrupted Soil The hero enhances weapons of all troops in his or her army to The hero calls upon forces of nature to affect enemy melee- strikestrike withwith aadditionaldditional iceice powerspowers (Not(Not onlyonly undeadundead creaturescreatures attackingattacking creatures.creatures. AnyAny timetime anan enemyenemy creaturecreature movesmoves itit willwill receivereceive thesethese enchantments).enchantments). receive fire damage. Inflicted damage equals hero’s level. Necromancer: Battle Frenzy Necromancer: Spirit Link, Dark Revelation (Enlightenment) Wizard: Flaming Arrows, Mark of the Wizard (Artificer) Ranger: Master of Mind Excrucia ting Strike Dark Renewal ExcruciatingExcruciating StrikeStrike improvesimproves MarkMark ofof thethe DamnedDamned ability.ability. Should it happen that any magic spell is resisted by target, the There’sThere’s a 40%40% chancechance thatthat a MarkMark ofof thethe DamnedDamned performedperformed herohero gainsgains backback allall thethe manamana spentspent toto castcast thatthat spell.spell. byby DemonDemon LordLord willwill dealdeal doubledouble damagedamage toto a target.target. Demon Lord: Master of Mind, Weakening Strike Demon Lord: Battle Frenzy, Mark of the Damned (Gating) Warlock: Master of Mind Wizard: Seal of Darkness, Fiery Wrath (Destructive Magic) Flaming Arrows Fallen Knight BallistaBallista underunder hero’shero’s commandcommand negatesnegates eenemynemy ddefenseefense aandnd DedicatedDedicated toto learninglearning allall thethe secretssecrets ofof DarkDark Magic,Magic, thethe deals additional elemental fire damage. Knight becomes a pariah among his or her own kind. Troops Ranger: Nature’s Wrath, Deadeye Shot (Avenger) underunder knight’sknight’s controlcontrol suffersuffer -1-1 penaltypenalty toto morale,morale, butbut allall DarkDark MagicMagic spellsspells castcast bbyy thethe KKnightnight areare nownow moremore powerfulpowerful (effec-(effec- Wizard: Archery tivetive SpellpowerSpellpower isis +5+5 forfor castingcasting thosethose spells).spells). Knight: Master of Curses Nature’s Wrath Seal of Darkness All Sylvan creatures in Ranger’s army gain +1 to maximum EnemyEnemy hheroero isis forcedforced toto spendspend twicetwice moremore manamana toto castcast DarkDark damage. MagicMagic spellsspells inin combat.combat. Ranger: Battle Frenzy Rangeranger: Corrupted Soil, Imbue Arrow (Avenger) Wizard: Master of Mind Power of Speed Spirit Link HeroHero acquiresacquires HasteHaste spellspell aandnd tthehe aabilitybility ttoo castcast iitt withwith nono Grants a Necromancer the ability to tie his or her own spirit cost. toto thethe sspiritspirits ofof anyany creaturescreatures onon thethe battlefield.battlefield. IfIf linkedlinked crea-crea- Demon Lord: Excruciating Strike turestures receivereceive anyany damagedamage thethe NecromancerNecromancer willwill ggainain somesome mana,mana, feeding upon those creatures’ suffering.’ Knight: Retribution, Last Stand (Defense), Weakening Strike (Dark Magic) Necromancer: Master of Curses Necromancer: Cold Steel, Eternal Servitude (Necromancy) Warlock: Tactics Retribution Weakening Strike Troops under hero’s control deal increased amount of damage WeakeningWeakening StrikeStrike improvesimproves MarkMark ofof thethe DamnedDamned ability.ability. NowNow accordingaccording toto theirtheir moralmoral state.state. MarkMark ofof thethe DamnedDamned notnot onlyonly damagesdamages thethe target,target, butbut alsoalso Knight: Expert Trainer curses it with a Weakness spell. Warlock: Power of Speed, Empowered Spells (Irresistible Demon Lord: Mark of the Damned (Gating) Magic) Knight: Fallen Knight, Aura of Swiftness (Leadership) Defense DestructiveDestructive MagicMagic Basic Defense Basic Destructive Magic DecreasesDecreases damagedamage dealtdealt toto youryour creaturescreatures inin meleemelee combatcombat byby AllowsAllows hheroero ttoo llearnearn DeDestructivestructive MMagicagic spellsspells ooff thethe thirdthird 10%. circlecircle andand makesmakes DestructiveDestructive MagicMagic moremore effectiveeffective overall.overall. Advanced Defense Advanced Destructive Magic DecreasesDecreases damagedamage dealtdealt toto youryour creaturescreatures inin meleemelee combatcombat byby AllowsAllows hheroero ttoo llearnearn DeDestructivestructive MMagicagic spellsspells ooff thethe fourthfourth 20%. circlecircle andand makesmakes DestructiveDestructive MagicMagic eveneven moremore effective.effective. Expert Defense Expert Destructive Magic DecreasesDecreases damagedamage dealtdealt toto youryour creaturescreatures inin meleemelee combatcombat byby AllowsAllows hheroero ttoo llearnearn DeDestructivestructive MMagicagic spellsspells ooff thethe fifthfifth circlecircle 30%. andand givesgives maximummaximum powerpower toto DestructiveDestructive Magic.Magic. Evasion Master of Fire Decreases damage dealt to your creatures by ranged attacks GrantsGrants armor-damagingarmor-damaging effecteffect toto FireballFireball andand ArmageddonArmageddon by 20%. spells. Creatures affected by these spells suffer additional -50%-50% defensedefense penalty.penalty. Protection Master of Ice Decreases damage dealt to your creatures by magic attacks GrantsGrants freezingfreezing effecteffect toto IceIce BoltBolt andand CircleCircle ofof WinterWinter spells.spells. by 15%. Vitality Master of Storms IncreasesIncreases hithit pointspoints ofof allall yyourour creaturescreatures byby 2 (Particularly(Particularly GrantsGrants stunningstunning effecteffect toto LightningLightning BoltBolt andand ChainChain LightningLightning effectiveeffective forfor largelarge armies)armies) (first target only) spells. Chilling Bones Cold Death EnhancesEnhances allall undeadundead troopstroops uundernder NNecromancer’secromancer’s ccontrolontrol Makes Necromancer’s spells Ice Bolt and Circle of Winter withwith powerfulpowerful iceice enchantments.enchantments. AnyAny enemyenemy ccreaturereature wwhichhich moremore powerful.powerful. ThoseThose spellsspells willwill killkill atat leastleast oneone creature,creature, ifif thatthat engagesengages inin meleemelee combatcombat wwithith tthosehose troopstroops wwillill rreceiveeceive iicece creaturecreature hashas nono ImmunityImmunity toto Cold.Cold. damage.damage. Necromancer: Master of Ice Necromancer: Protection Hellwrath Fiery Wrath Hellwrath improves Hellfire ability. Additional fire damage to AdditionalAdditional elementalelemental firefire damagedamage isis dealtdealt toto enemyenemy unitsunits onon allall enemyenemy ccreaturesreatures willwill bbee ddealtealt onon retaliationretaliation strikesstrikes asas well.well. melee and ranged attacks. Demon Lord: Evasion, Hellfire (Gating) Knight: Master of Fire, Expert Trainer (Counterstrike) Wizard: Sap Magic, Mark of the Wizard (Artificer) Last Stand Mana Burst All troops under hero’s control are blessed with amazing vital- The hero calls upon the forces of nature to affect enemy cast- ity.ity. IfIf eenemynemy creaturescreatures attackattack thethe hero’shero’s troopstroops andand killkill themthem all,all, ers.ers. AnyAny timetime anan enemyenemy creaturecreature castscasts a spellspell itit willwill receivereceive firefire thethe lastlast ofof thethe troopstroops wwillill survivesurvive tthehe aattackttack withwith 1 hithit ppoint.oint.
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