m il WE ARE PROMPT If fou want an Impress, Truck or Dray, phone us. Wellington Coal PACIFTC TRANSFER CO. 737 Cormorant. Phones 248 and 249. Hall A Walker BAGGAGE STORED 111* Government St Phene If m__________ i VOL. 43. VICTORIA, B. C., THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1913 NO. & THREE HUNDRED MILUK13 AMOUNT REPORT FIVE DIE IN GLORIES ER FIRE WHEN HOME RULE BECOMES OPERATIVE RUSSIA MENES OF CAPITAL ES1WAID TO HAVE COME TAMALPAIS FUMES JOHN REDMOND WDi FORM GOVERNMENT . BALKAN MR AT END INTO CANADA DURING LAST FEW MONTHS Forecast of Procedure is Given Towns May Be Saved, but May Mrs, Edith Rigby Surrenders to JOHN REDMOND Bulgaria Places Her Affairs it» by the London Daily ] Go Jf Afternoon Police and Tells Militant Hands of Foreign Power Canadian Pacific Brings in One Hundred Million Dollars by Trades Blow Exploits Without Reserve New Stock Issue and Bankers' Estimates Are That One Hundred and Fifty Millions Have Been Realized HOPE TO RESTORE OLD SIX THOUSAND MEN BURNED LEVER’S HOME ROUMANIAN ACTION by Sales of Municipal Securities COLLEGE GREEN HOUSE FIGHTING THE FIRE AS BEACON FOR KING WILL BE PREVENTED Present Hope That Duke of STRONG TIDE OF IMMIGRATION CREDITED Commander of Dakota Says Scotland Yard Believes Suffra­ Connaught Will Be Lord- France to Negotiate With Ser- WITH IMPORT OF FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS Men’s Lives More Valuable gettes Planned to Kidnap Lieutenant via and Greece on Than $4,000 House His Majesty Terms of Peace Montreal, July 10.—The estimate was made to-day by a financial authority |hat possibly close to 1800,000,000 has come Into Canada In the last few months PLANS OF ULSTERMEN through exports of grain and through Immigration, and that despite the talk COMMISSARY ORDERED DYNAMITE USED ON TERMINATE HOSTILITIES »f continued stringency, the Canadian situation must have been relieved to that ARE LITTLE OBSCURE extent since the pinch began to be felt. Estimates of the outflow of money TO CUT OFF RATIONS YORKSHIRE RAILWAY BY END OF THE WEEK from Canada in Interest payments, in the adjustment of trade balance, In the repurchase of Canadian securities sold by foreign investors, etc., are more London, July 10.—The Home Rule San Francisco, July 10.—Five soldiers Liverpool, July 16.—A dramatic con­ bill which passed its third reading In lifficult. V Nationalist leader who will prob­ 8t. Petersburg, July 10.—Because of are reported to have been burned to the House of Commons on Monday is The $300,000,000 estimate, however, does not include sales of Canadian se­ fession of Incendiarism was made to­ now in something like its final form. ably be first premier of Ireland the terrible slaughter attending the death and half a dozen little hamlets day by a well-known militant suffra­ curities, other than those by municipalities. The C. P. R., through its new In a forecast of the procedure as re­ when Home Rule’ Is a fact. second Balkan war between the allies, and towns "at the foot of Mount gette, Mrs. Edith Rigby, wife of a gards the institution of Home Rule, the stock issue is bringing in close to $100,000.000 of outside money and despite a Russia has decided to intervene at Tamalpais await their salvation, or physician at Preston, to the magistrate Dally News says: “On the act becom­ once, it is reported in official circles tight money market good sized blocks of railway and Industrial securities have ing operative It ip understood the King their doom, from the afternoon trade sitting in the police court here. She to-day. Russia expects to terminate been disposed of abroad in the first half of the year, so over and above the will be advised to send for John. Red­ winds, while the fire which swept the was remanded for further hearing. hostilities before the end of the week $800.000,000 the Inflow of money has been one of fairly large volume. mond, who will be asked to form a DEMOCRATS MUST AT mountain for three days to reaching Mrs. Rigby declared it was she who government. On the final passage of and prevent Roumanie engaging in Bankers estimate that close to $160, toward the Pleasant plains and vine­ last Tuesday burned down the country the bill Irish privy councillors will be war against Bulgaria. 000,000 must have been realized in re­ yards to the north and the Muir Woods residence at Rlvington. near Horwlch, conferred on Messrs. Redmond and cent months In the sale of municipal National Park on the south. Dillon and their leading colleagues. In ONCE RATIFY TREATY securities alone. The sum might seem Every available soldier In the San Lancashire, of Sir William H. Lever, due course Mr. Redmond will retire St. Petersburg, July 10.—Later to­ «MEDIT TO excessive, but when the large Issues and caused damage estimated at $100,- day Bulgaria placed herself unre­ Francisco Presidio and Fort Winfield from the active leadership of the Na­ servedly in the hands of Russia with like those of Montreal, whose financing Scott, on this side of Abe bay, and 000. She further confessed to being the tionalists in the House of Commons and this# year amounted to about $17,- Forts Baker and Barry,| across th» will doubtless be succeeded by T. P. the viewof bringing about a cessation perpetrator of the outrage at the Liv­ Dominion Government May 000.000. and of Edmonton, which dis­ Golden Gate, to fighting the fire, side O'Connor. of hostimies in the Balkans and in erpool cotton exchange on July 6, when Withdraw on Fisheries Agree­ order to prevent further bloodshed. HANDLE WHEAT CROP posed of some $10,000,000 debentures, by side with civilians and sailors. "Mr. Redmond's retention of office are added to the Issues made by the Probably Six thousand men are on the a bomb exploded but caused little will depend upon the result of the Irish ment With United States smaller municipalities (which outside fire lines, seeking to beat back or wear damage. election. There to little doubt that he London, July 10.—It is officially con­ Negotiations Linder Way Be­ cities, through lack of understanding out a blaze which burst out with in­ Mrs. Rigby surrendered voluntarily will obtain a working majority and firmed here that Bulgaria has taken the methods which the banks have credible fury late yesterday and ex­ to the police. When arraigned to-day the first duty of his government will the initiative of asking the European tended early this morning over a ten- tween Canadian and London been pursuing have overlooked), the she gloried In her achievements, say­ be to establish a responsible admin Ottawa, July 10.—That unless the powers to try to end the Balkan war. financial men here say it Is a n mile sweep. ing she wanted Sir William H. Lever istratlon in Dublin on a firm and dur­ The resurging of the fire came like Democratic party at the session be­ Banking Institutions why the outlook can be faced without to consider whether his house was able basis. Vienna, July J#.—France has under­ lightning. Late yesterday afternoon ginning at Washington In December uneasiness, and how the large figures more valuable as a ehowplace than as “With the final passage of the bill the taken to negotiate with Servia and the town at Mill Valley lay. hot and are soon reached. si beacon lighted for the King and the self-denying ordinance whereby the takes up the ratification of the treaty Greece on behalf of Bulgaria to ascer­ quiet between the big ridges which The banks have consistently urged country to see women suffering an In Nationalists refuse to take office under with Canada regarding the Joint pro­ tain what terms of peace can be ar­ Montreal, July 10.—Negotiations are radiate like apçkes from Mount the municipalities large and small Into supportable grievance. the crown or attend state functions tection of fisheries in tfitéftigttonal ranged. the market. Those which kept putting A smoulder over one of She told the magistrate: *T lighted will be cancelled, the Lord Lieutenant’s at present under way between Can- waters, the Canadian government will The. French government has advised adtan chartered bank, end tk.lr Lee- •ttmattmnU, H tlw eerty that beacon. I also placed the ex­ court will become for the first time the Greeks and the Servians not to of last year when being fought into apparent plosives in the Liverpool stock < representative * Irish society and the withdraw from the treaty, U til* mate­ don connections which. If carried to a on the north slope of the mountain demand too much or otherwise Bul­ easy have had to pay smartly for their change to show how easy it to to pro­ question of a royal residence in Ire­ rnent made here to-day. Early this garia Is likely to prefer to take the successful t^sue, will probably hare a while slope toward the Muir Woods ’ loans* cure them and to place them In publié land can be practically considered. year Hon. J. D. Hazen went to Wash­ .chances of fighting out the quarrel. distinct bearing on the money market showed never a smudge. In front of buildings. I might Just as easily have "It If hoped in Nationalist circles The action of the banks, however, Muir Woods Inn a company of soldiers ington and interviewed Predident Wil­ on. Hitherto Canadian banka blown up the Nelson monument. that arrangements may be made with has been necessary in Hew of the went through a desultory roll call and Belgrade, July 10.—The Bulgarian I chose the Liverpool cotton ex­ the Bank of Ireland whereby the old son as to the attitude of the Democrats hid their resources more or less heavy demands for money In commer­ inspection.
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