Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA Vol. 574 Pretoria, 12 April 2013 No. 36369 N.B. The Government Printing Works will not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure 301531—A 36369—1 2 No. 36369 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 APRIL 2013 IMPORTANT NOTICE The Government Printing Works will not be held responsible for faxed documents not received due to errors on the fax machine or faxes received which are unclear or incomplete. Please be advised that an “OK” slip, received from a fax machine, will not be accepted as proof that documents were received by the GPW for printing. If documents are faxed to the GPW it will be the sender’s respon- sibility to phone and confirm that the documents were received in good order. 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CONTENTS • INHOUD Page Gazette No. No. No. GOVERNMENT NOTICE Justice and Constitutional Development, Department of Government Notice 290 Magistrates’ Courts Act (32/1944): Creation of sub-districts and the appointment of a place within the sub-district for the holding of a court ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 36369 STAATSKOERANT, 12 APRIL 2013 No. 36369 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT No. 290 12 April 2013 CREATION OF SUB-DISTRICTS AND THE APPOINTMENT OF A PLACE WITHIN THE SUB DISTRICT FOR THE HOLDING OF A COURT I, Jeffrey Thamsanqa Radebe, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, acting under section 2(1) (a) and (k) of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944) (the Magistrates' Courts Act) as amended hereby with effect from 15 May 2013- (a) Excise from the district mentioned under column "A" in the attached Schedule a portion consisting of areas listed in column "B" to form an area of jurisdiction of the detached court for the sub-district named under column "C" and appoint the place mentioned under column "D" as a place of sifting of the detached court; (b) prescribe the local limits of the sub-district under column "C" in both the relative maps and the attached point-to-point descriptions; (c) confer, on the detached court under column "C", civil jurisdiction conferred under the Magistrates' Courts Act and any other Notice published in terms of the Act- (i) in respect of the areas described under column "B" in the attached schedule in terms of section 26 of Magistrates Court Act; (ii) inrespectofpersonslistedunder section28ofthe Magistrates' Courts Act; and (iii) in respect of causes of action listed under section 29 of the Magistrates' Courts Act; 4 No. 36369 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 APRIL 2013 (d) confer, on the detached courts under column "C" criminal jurisdiction in terms of section 89 and 90 of the Magistrates' Courts Act; and (e) confer, on the detached courts under column "C",civil and criminal jurisdiction conferred on a Magistrate's Court by any other legislation including the Maintenance Act, 1998 (Act No. 99 of 1998), the Domestic Violence Act, 1998 (Act No. 116 of 1998), the Children's Act (Act No. 38 of 2005) and the Inquest Act, 1959 (Act No. 58 of 1959). Any criminal or civil proceedings which, on the date this Notice takes effect, has already been placed on the court roll for trial or hearing in the main court of such a detached court, which has not commenced or have not yet been concluded, shall be dealt with and be finalised by the main court concerned as if this notice has not been published. Any criminal or civil proceedings, other than those described in the preceding paragraph which have been referred to or filed at the main court or detached court as the case may be and which court would not have jurisdiction as a result of the Notice, shall be referred to the court having jurisdiction by the prosecutor or clerk of the court of such main court or detached court as the case may be. Given under my hand at Pretoria on the day of 01+ 2013 lea.etJ- J RADEBE, MP MINISTER OF JUSTICE AND CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE DISTRICT A TOCOURTPORTION FORM ANDETACHED AREA OF FROM GAUTENGJURISDICTION BTHE MAGISTERIALPROVINCE OF THE DETACHED DISTRICTSUB-DISTRICTC SHALLTHENAME BEBY DKNOWNDISTRICTWHICH Pretoria AGeradsville,Laudium,Mchenguville,Saulsville, portion consistingChristoburg, Laezonia LotusJeffersville, Gardens,of andtheErasmia, followingDoornrandjies Elandsfontein,Phumolong, areas;Sunderland as Atteridgeville,Kwaggasrant, shownVergenoeg, Ridge,in theAtteridgeville Atteridgeville Vanderbijlpark ASebokengmap portion marked Unitconsisting Atteridgeville. 7, Sebokengof Sebokeng, Unit 8, SebokengSebokeng UnitUnit 10,3, Sebokeng Sebokeng 2013APRIL 12 STAATSKOERANT, No.36369 PoortjieKatboslagteJohandeo,Sebokeng 338, Unit University 532,Poortjie 14,11, SebokengKlipkop 340, & College, Kaalfontein530, Unit Evaton, Hartebeestfontein16,12, Sebokeng529, Rietspruit Rietfontein Unit 532,366, 17,13, of Brakpan Aas631,Klopperskraal portion shown Evaton consistingin North,the 534, map Boitumelo, Evaton, of marked Tsakane, Evaton PolokongSebokeng. Exct West, and2, Tsakane EvertonWestside ExtNorth Park, 5,Tsakane Tsakane VlakfonteinLangavilleExtTsakane 15, Tsakane Ext ExctExtas 8, shown Tsakane 4,17,Proper,Langaville Labore,in the LangavilleExt map 9 Geluksdal,,Ext Tsakanemarked Ext5, 2,Langaville Tsakane.LangavilleVlakfonteinExt 13, Tsakane ExtExt and 3,6, 5 6 DISTRICT A COURTTOPORTION FORM ANDETACHED AREA OF FROM JURISDICTION BTHE MAGISTERIAL OF THE DETACHED DISTRICTSUB-DISTRICTC SHALLTHENAME BEBY DKNOWNDISTRICTWHICH No. 36369 2013 APRIL GAZETTE,12 GOVERNMENT DISTRICTA TOPORTION FORM ANDETACHED AREA OFMPUMALANGA FROM JURISDICTION BTHE MAGISTERIAL PROVINCE OF THE DETACHED DISTRICT SUB-DISTRICTC THENAME SUB-DISTRICT BYD WHICH Highveld Ridge 20,ASecunda portionSecunda consistingExt 8, ExtSecunda of28, Secunda, ExtTrichardt,COURT 12, Secunda SecundaNoordrand, Ext Ext 6, 15, SecundaSunset Secunda ExtPark, Ext 7,Secunda SecundaSHALL BE KNOWN WeltevredenHolfonteinBoschmanskraal,Constantia,111, Langsloot,99,116,Holfontein DieplaagteZwakfontein Riversdale573, 123,120, MoedigSpandowVanschalkwykspruit119, 574, 121,Brakfontein Weedraai Klipkraal 139,114,118,117, inMiddelbultGrootvleiFrischgewaagd, the map 293, 284, marked Vlaakspruit Sasolkraal Rooipoort Secunda.NORTH 292, 289143, andGoedehoop RooipoortWEST Winkelhaak PROVINCE 144, 290, Mines RietfonteinTwistdraai as shown 285,146, Klerksdorp A384RietfonteinGeldengenotBuffelsfontein portion as shown 388,consisting 355, in 389,Rooipoort the Goedgevonden mapDoornfonteinof marked354,Stilfontein Syferfontein 356,Stilfontein.358, 408,Palmietfontein 376EleazaBeatrix and Tertia 374,377,392,Stilfontein Stilfontein A B C D KlerksdorpDISTRICT ACOURTTOPORTION portion FORM DETACHEDAN AREA OF FROM ofJURISDICTION THE MAGISTERIAL OFNevada THE DETACHED DISTRICTVaal SUB-DISTRICTSHALLTHENAME BEBY KNOWNDISTRICTWHICH GoedgenoegDoornplaatMatjesspruitModderfonteinReef Park, 14,consisting Vaal19, 433, Yzerspruit440 Klerksdrift Park, Lourenspark, and VaalkopMapaiskraal 1134,16,Harrisburg, Klerksdrift Wolvehuis,Witkop 439, 441 Nooitgedacht 438, 23, as Yzerspruit Klerksdrift Orkneyshown inPark, 434, 15,31,the48,Orkney Orkney map marked Orkney. 2013APRIL 12 STAATSKOERANT, No.36369 7 8 No. 36369 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 APRIL 2013 r-) Existing magisterial district Point-to-point description of portions detached from the district to form an areaSeat of the court Pretoria ofFrom jurisdiction the North of Westthe sub-district. cornerGAUTENG beacon of PROVINCE portion 146 of Elandsfontein farm 352,Atteridgeville theproceedEastwardProceed M26, Southward EastwardSouthward,until along intersecting the toalong railway crossingthe theNorth the line R55 northernthe West to (Voortreker N4the corner until junctionboundary intersecting beaconRoad), with of the passingof theBroekFarmR55. railway the From LekkerhoekieScheur intersection line.the farm junction,Proceed 318. with411. 354WestwardswithboundariesNorthwardsProceed andthe HennopsWestwardsHennopsrivier alongof along the theFarms theRiver. northernalong eastern Lekkerhoekie 489 Proceed this boundaries until boundaryboundary theWestwards 411 South ofofand andthe the then WestFarmsLekkerhoekie Farm along Southwards cornerSkurweplaas the Hennops beacon450 along until 353, 353. oftheRiver,intersection Vlakplaats the Proceedwestern farmthen 2013APRIL 12 STAATSKOERANT, No.36369 Vanderbijipark StartingSchurvebergN1ProceedEastward until atthe Westalong the intersection 488.. intersection on its theProceedNorthern R551 with of Northward boundary untilR28.the R551the Proceed intersection to alongand meet Eastthe the the Eastern alongwestern startingwith R28N1. boundary boundarypoint Proceeduntil of the ofthis of intersectionSebokengSouth description.this farm, along farm. thenwith theSebokeng Brakpan StartingwithcontinuetheR54 intersection R551.to the withat intersection the the withintersection Western the with Houtkop boundary the of railway the farm of M45 Vlakfonteinlineboundary. and proceedthe Proceedfarm northern andNorth alongclose alongbeacon onthis railway the boundary of intersection the line farm untilandTsakane thealongmagisterialDunnottarGeluksdal. farm this Vlakfontein magisterialSAPS districtProceed area. boundary 161. southboundary
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