THE POETICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING VOLUME II. THE POETICAL 'VORI<:S OF ROBERT BROWNING WITH PORTRAITS lN TWO VOLUMES VOLUME If LONDON SMITH, ELDER, & CO., 15 WATERLOO PLACE lAil 1·igllts reserved) CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. THE RIXG AXD THE BOOK- PACCHIAROTTO, AND HOW HE PA<:R WORKED IN DISTEMPER, I. THE RIXG A~D THE BooK. ETCETERA- II. HALF-RmiE 21 III. THE OTHER HALF-l{om: . 41 PROLOGUE • I\". TERTIU~t Qum . 64 OF PACCHIAROTTO, A!"D HOW IU: Y. Cou~·r Gumo FRA~CES· WORKED IN DISTE~ll'ER. , 469 CHI~! Si AT THE "MERMAID" . 477 rr. GwsEPPE CAPo:'\~Accm . 116 HOUSE . 479 \"II. Po~rPILIA . q6 SHOP • ' 479 nrr. Dm!I!\US HYAC!YfHUS m: l'!SGAH-S!GHTS. I. 481 ARCHA:'\GELIS . 173 II. 482 IX. JURIS DoCTOR }OHAI'i~Es- FEARS A:\IJ ScRUPLES . 482 BAPT!STA BoTTl!\IUS • 195 NATURAL MAGIC 483 X. THE PO!'E . 216 :\IAGICAL NATURE . 484 XI. Gumo. 245 BIFURCATION . 484 XII. THE BooK A:"IJ THE 'NUMI'HOLEI'TOS . 484 . 279 APPEARANCES . 487 Sr. MARTI?><'s SuM~IER · 4S7 HERVE RIEL . 488 PRIXCE IIOIIENSTIEL-SCIIWAX­ A FORGI\'El'iESS . 491 GAU, SAVIOUR OF SOCIETY 292 CENCIAJA . 496 FILIPPO HALI>IKUCCI 0~ THE PRIVILEGE OF BURIAL . soo FIFIXE AT THE FAIR. 320 EI'Il.OG0E • . 507 KED COTTO~ NIGHT-CAP COU.HRY, OR TURF AXD :THE AGAMEMNON OF A~SCH\'LUS . 511 TOWERS . 371 1 I i THE lXX ALBU!\1 . • 426 LA SAISIAZ . 542 vi CONTENTS ----------------------,---------------------- PAGE FERISHTAH'S FANCIES-Conti11ucd. THE TWO POETS OF CROISIC. 556 !'AGE SHAH ABBAS . 659 THE FAMILY . 661 DRAMATIC IDYLS: FIRST SERIES- THE SU:'< • . 662 MARTIN RELPH • . 579 1\IIHRAB SHAH . 665 PHEIDIPPIDES . 582 A CAMEL-DRIVER . 667 HALBERT AND HoB . 585 Two CAMELS . 669 IVAN IVANOVITCH . 587 CHERRIES , . 671 TRAY • . 596 PLOT-CULTURE . 673 NED BRATTS . 596 A PILLAR AT SEBZEVAR . 674 A BEAN-STRIPE: ALSO, APPLE- EATING • 676 DRAIIIATIC IDYLS: SECOND SERIES- EPILOGUE • . 683 EcHETLOS • . 604 CLIVE. 6os :MULEYKEH. 61o PARLEYINGS WITH CERTAIN PIETRO OF ABANO • 613 PEOPLE OF 11\IPORTA~CE DocTOR- . 623 IN THEIR DAY- PAN AND LUNA • • 628 APOLLO AND THE FATES: A l'RO· LOGUE , 684 fOCOSERIA- WITH BERNARD DE 1\IANDEYILLE 690 WITH DANIEL BARTOLI . 695 "WANTING IS-WHAT?" • 630 WITH CHRISTOPHER S~IART , 700 DoNALD • 630 WITH GEORGE BUBB DODINGTON 704 SOLOMON AND BALKIS . 633 WITH FRANCIS FURINI . 709 CRISTINA AND 1\IONALDESCHI . 635 WITH GERARD DE LAIRESSE • 718 llfARY WoLLSTONECRAFT AND WrrH CHARLES AVISON • 724 FUSELI • 637 FUST AND HIS FRIENDS: AN ADAM, LILITH, AND EVE • . 637 EPILOGUE • 731 IxiON • . 637 JOCHANAN HAKKADOSH • 640 NEVER THE TIME AND THE ASOLANDO: FANCIES AND PLACE • 655 FACTS- PAMBO · 655 PROLOGUE . 743 ROSNY, . 744 FERISHTAH'S FANCIES- DUBIETY . 744 Now . 745 PROLOGUE • • 657 HuMILITY . 745 THE EAGLE • 657 POEl'ICS THE MELON-SELLER • 658 • 745 CONTENTS vii ASOLA::\DO-Co11ti11ued. ASOLANDO-Continued. PAGE PAGE Sumw~1 Ro:'\tT~f . 745 IIIUCKLE·l\IOUTH l\IEG 752 A PEARL, A GIRL 745 ARCADES AMBO • 753 SPECllLATI\'E 746 THE LADY AND THE PAINTER 753 \YHITE WITCHCRAFT , 746 PONTE DELL' ANGELO, VEr-no; . 753 BAD DREA~IS. I. 746 BEATRICE SIGNORINI , . 757 II. 746 FLUTE-1\IUSIC, WITH AN AccOM· III. 747 PANIMENT . 761 1\'. 748 "h!PERANTE AUGUSTO NATUS I:-JAPPREHE"SI\'ENESS . 748 EST-" . 764 WHICH? 749 DF.\'ELOP~IF.NT 766 THE CARDI:'\AL AND THF. Don i50 REPIIAN . 768 THE POPE AND THE NET 750 REVERIE 770 i THE BEA:-J·FEAST . 751 l EPILOGUE . 773 A CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF ROBERT BROWNING'S POEMS AND PLA \'S . 775 INDEX TO FIRST LINES OF SHORTER l'OE!IIS AND SONGS . 779 GENERAL INDEX • 783 PORTRAIT OF ROBERT BROWNING (1!il:i1) hwttispiece. ROBERT BROWNING'S WORKS AND "LIFE AND LETTERS" THE COMPLETE WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. Edited and Annotated by AUGIJSTJNE BIRRELL, Q.C., M.P., and FREDERIC G. KENYON. In 2 vols. large crown Svo, bound in cloth, gilt tep, with a Portrait-Frontispiece to each volume, 7S. 6d. per volume. • • An Edition has also been printed on Oxford India Paper. This can be obtained only thr;ugh booksellers, who will furnish particulars as to price, &c. UNIFORM EDITION OF THE WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. Seventeen Volumes, small crown Svo, lettered separately, or in set binding, price ss. each. This edition contains Three Portraits of Mr Browning, at different periods of life, and a few illustrations. CONTENTS OF THE VOLUMES z. PAULINE: and SORDELLO. n. BALAUSTION'S ADVENTURE : PRINCE HOHENSTIEL-SCHWAN­ 2. PARACELSVS: and STRAFFORD. GAU, Saviour of Society: and FIFINE 3- PIPPA PASSES: KI~G VICTOR AT THE FAIR. AND KING CHARLES: THE RE­ 12. RED COTTON NIGHT-CAP TURN OF THE DR USES: and A COUNTRY: and THE INN ALBUM. SOUL'S TRAGEDY. With a Portrait of Mr. Browning. 13. ARISTOPHANES' APOLOGY, in­ cluding a Transcript from Euripides, being 4 A BLOT I~ THE 'SCUTCHEON : the Last Adventure of Balaustion: and COL0~1BE'S BIRTHDAY: and MEN THE AGAMEMNON OF .£SCHYLUS. AND WO:\!EN. 14. PACCHIAROTTO, and How he 5- DRAMATIC RO~IANCES: and Worked in Distemper: with other Poems; CHRISTMAS-EVE AND EASTER-DAY. LA SAISIAZ: and THE TWO POETS 6. DRAMATIC LYRICS: and LURIA. OF CROISIC. 7· IN A BALCONY: and DRAMATIS 15. DRAMATIC IDYLS, First Series: PERSON.£. With a Portrait of Mr. DRAMATIC IDYLS, Second Series: and Browning. JOCOSERIA. 8. THE RI~G A:'\D THE BOOK. 16. FERISHTAH'S FANCIES: and PAR­ Books 1 to 4· With Two lllustrations. LEVINGS WITH CERTAIN PEOPLE 9· THE RI~G AND THE BOOK. OF UIPORTANCE IN THEIR DAY. Books s to 8. With a Portrait of Mr. Browning. to, THE Rl~G AND THE BOOK. 17. ASOLANDO: Fancies and Facts ; and Bo>ks 9 to 12. With a Portrait of Guido BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL Franceschini. NOTES TO THE POEMS. 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