WWW.BEVERLYPRESS.COM INSIDE • WeHo considers plastic bag ban. pg. 3 Partly cloudy, with temps • Fireman dies from around 57º injuries. pg. 4 Volume 21 No. 8 Serving the West Hollywood, Hancock Park and Wilshire Communities February 24, 2011 Mayor Wants Wall Built at Getty House Daggers Fly at 4th District n Proposed Height Exceeds Windsor Candidates Forum Square Assoc. Rules n Debate is Hotbed of Contention BY JOSE MARTINEZ BY JOSE MARTINEZ the Autry National Center’s Wells ost city residents who Fargo Theater, and incumbent he Los Feliz Improvement Councilmember Tom LaBonge and are worried about home Association, the oldest security either build a candidates Stephen Box and Tomas M neighborhood organization O’Grady each declared himself as wall to keep out intruders or buy a T in Los Angeles, held a forum dis- dog with a loud bark. But as the answer to improving the current cussion on Feb. 16 with the three predicament the district finds itself Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa candidates seeking election as learned when he wanted to erect a in. With a packed room, the councilmember to represent the 4th evening’s topics included public security wall, even he had to abide District, which includes the Miracle by the city laws. safety and security; parking; educa- Mile, Hollywood and Hancock tion; the partnership between public On Feb. 2, the mayor’s office Park, as well as Silver Lake, Los submitted paperwork to receive a and private sectors; Griffith Park; Feliz and North Hollywood. and the potential for development variance to city bylaws to build a The 90-minute forum was held at security wall surrounding the See Candidates page 20 Getty House in Windsor Square. photo by Jose Martinez Only the second mayor to reside Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has proposed putting up a six-foot wall at the Getty House (Tom Bradley around the Getty House for security purposes. being the first), Villaraigosa moved into the official residence planning and land use, was caught wall in the required, open, front of the Mayor of Los Angeles at off guard, even though the yard setback area of a single-fam- 605 S. Irving Blvd. in 2005. mayor’s office is not responsible ily residence says the reason is The newly developed plan is to notice the association. ‘for security.’ Should all of Los actually revised from the eight- “Because it appears that nobody Angeles, including its historic res- and-a-half-foot wall that was orig- from the mayor’s office or the idential neighborhoods, become a inally bandied about a couple of City Planning Department’s collection of walled compounds?” months ago and rejected outright Office of Zoning Administration Apparently placed on the fast by the Windsor Square has notified the Getty House track (some zoning decisions can Association. The new proposal neighbors of the filing of a vari- take months), a deadline for a rul- calls for a six-foot wall, still ance application, such an applica- ing has been set for April 18, greater than the allotted 42 inches tion has yet to be considered by meaning a public hearing will that is permitted. the Board of the Windsor Square have to be arranged soon. But When informed that the Association,” Welborne said. “I according to the Department of mayor’s office had filed the paper- would note, however, that virtual- City Planning, they “probably work seeking a variance, John ly everyone in the City of Los won’t make that deadline,” seeing photo by Jose Martinez Welborne, Windsor Square Angeles who erects, or seeks to how backed up the office is. Candidates Stephen Box (from left), incumbent City Councilmember Tom Association vice president for erect, an over-in-height fence or See Mayor page 22 LaBonge, and Tomas OʼGrady debated at a forum on Feb. 16. Motion on Fur Pulled Amid Criticism Congresswoman Bass Outlines n Horvath Relents Under Pressure Freshman Year Goals n Creating Jobs and Affairs and Budget Committees, BY RAFAEL GUERRERO Bass was appointed by Leader Fixing the Budget Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to the est Hollywood City Councilmember Lin- are Priorities See Bass page 22 dsey Horvath drew criti- W BY JOSE MARTINEZ cism from local animal rights groups this week and pulled a motion at Tuesday’s city council eclaring jobs and the bud- meeting to have the city work with get as the country’s prior- the West Hollywood Chamber of Dities, California Commerce to identify and educate Congresswoman Karen Bass held local businesses who could be a media roundtable Wednesday affected by the Truth in Fur morning with local reporters to Labeling Act. provide an update in the Los The legislation was passed by Angeles district office. President Barack Obama in The hour-long discussion with December and will go into effect the freshman congresswoman, March 18. The act closed a loop- photo courtesy of Ellen Lavinthal only 50 days into her position in hole in the law that allowed retail- Fur Free WeHo has been holding protests every Saturday calling for the congress, allowed Bass to get her ers to sell products that contained city to ban the sale of clothing made from animal fur. message across. photo by Jose Martinez fur without a label if the product “I feel like I went from the fry- U.S. Rep. Karen Bass discussed was sold for under $150. nesses before the law goes into be required to truthfully label all of ing pan into the fire,” Bass said “This action was taking a proac- effect,” Horvath said. “Once this their products.” about her new position in D.C. priorities as a new member of Currently serving on the Foreign congress on Wednesday. tive approach to educate our busi- act is enforced, all businesses will See Fur page 21 2 February 24, 2011 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press 25 Shakespeare Play it’s so crucial for life on Earth. Soil is he Actors-Coop presents stagings Calendar a hidden ecosystem that is teeming Tof “King Lear” running Friday, with life, and the event will include a Feb. 25 through April 3. The produc- screening of “Dirt! The Movie”, the tion company’s version of the ent artists on the subject of AIDS as a Mushrooms 101 workshop, and more. Shakespearean tragedy is set in 1850s public health emergency. The Alyce 900 Exposition Blvd. (213)763-DINO, California, which was newly awash in de Roulet Williamson Gallery, Art visit www.nhm.org. gold and was a place where ambition, Center College of Design, 1700 Lida power and morality were destined to St., Pasadena. (626)396-2446. www.artcenter.edu. Downtown Tour collide. Crossley Theatre. 1760 N. sotouric’s architecture and urban- Gower St. Tickets are $30. Eism bus tour series continues on (323)462-8460, ext. 300, Elephant Photos Saturday, Feb. 26 from 11 a.m. to 3 www.ActorsCo-op.org. he Greater Los Angeles Zoo p.m. with a tour titled “Reyner TAssociation (GLAZA) is hosting Banham Loves Los Angeles: The Russell Simmons a lecture by documentary photograph- Lowdown on Downtown”. The guided er Carol Stevenson titled “An Eye for he Grammy Museum presents tour includes Bunker Hill and Angels Elephants” on Saturday, Feb. 26 at “Icons of the Music Industry: Flight, Grand Central Market, T 11:30 a.m. Stevenson will discuss her Russell Simmons” on Friday, Feb. 25 Pershing Square, St. Vincent’s Court, techniques and experiences pho- at 8 p.m. As Def Jam Recordings cre- the Mercantile Arcade and artist David tographing elephants and mahouts ator and a Hip-Hop pioneer, Hollen’s live/work studio building. (keepers) at Thailand’s elephant res- Simmons’ vision has influenced Bus departs 11 a.m. from Café cue site, the Golden Triangle Asian music, fashion, finance, television, Metropol, 923 E. 3rd. St. Tickets are Elephant Foundation. Witherbee film and modern philanthropy. $58. (323)223-2767; Auditorium, 5333 Zoo Dr. Tickets are Museum executive director Bob www.esotouric.com/lowdown. $8 for GLAZA members; $10 for non- Santelli will lead the discussion on members, plus zoo admission. (323) Simmons’ entrepreneurial approach to 622-8114, or e-mail March business and philanthropy, and his lat- [email protected]. est book, “Super Rich: A Guide to Having it All”. 800 W. Olympic Blvd., 2 Business Forum Ste. A245 (213)765-6800), Peruvian Sports he Los Angeles Chamber of www.grammymuseum.org. TCommerce’s 3rd Annual Champion “Americas Business Forum” runs he Peruvian Chamber of Wednesday, March 2 and 3 at UCLA’s Commerce of California (PCCC) ‘Pinocchio’ T Covel Commons. The forum will he Adventures of Pinocchio – will honor Kina Malpartida, the World include information on how the Kicking off its 20th Anniversary, Boxing Association (WBA) Women’s T economies of Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Deaf West Theatre puts its own, Super Featherweight World Peru and many other nations affect the unique spin on “The Adventures of photo courtesy of The Harlem Globetrotters Champion, on Saturday, Feb. 26 at United States. The event will include Pinocchio” running from Friday, Feb. The Harlem Globetrotters return to the Staples Center on Sunday, Feb. Lawry’s the Prime Rib Restaurant. sessions on financial management, 25 through March 27. Tony Award 27 at noon during the teamʼs 2011 “4 Times the Fun” North American The ceremony will include comments global marketing and advertising, winner Lee Hall’s adaptation is tour. The Globetrotters have implemented the first-ever four-point shot, by Peruvian Consular representatives, logistics and supply chain manage- steeped in the Italian tradition of com- which is expected to generate more high-scoring action and competitive a performance by singer Andrea ment, legal issues and more.
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