Index Afghanistan, 1 oil seep discovery in, 116 Agnew, Spiro, 123 Outer Continental Shelf and, Airline industry, 162–163 141 Alabama, 59 Point Barrow, 116–117 Alaska, 138, 166–167, 184 Prince William Sound, 37, 154, ARCO and, 118 156 BP and, 118, 165 Prudhoe Bay, 3, 43, 118–119, Bush (George W.) and, 2 174 coastal residence and, 133–134 public domain and, 117 Deadhorse, 123 U.S. Department of the Interior energy independence and, and, 117–118, 120–121, 123, 115–127 125–128 Exxon Valdez and, 17 (see also Valdez, 36, 38–39, 122, 175 Exxon Valdez oil spill) Yukon River, 123 Gravel Amendment and, 123 Alaska Marine Highway, 134 Hickel (Walter) and, 118–121 Alaska Native Claims Settlement highways and, 133–134 Act (ANCSA), 121 Humble and, 118 Alaskan Federation of Natives, Klondike gold rush in, 116 117 limited resources of, 175–176 Alaskan pipeline litigation by State of, 140 Prudhoe Bay and, 43 logistics of drilling in, 116 rupture of, 41 Native protests in, 117–119, Trans-Alaskan Pipeline Autho- 121 rization Act, 123 North Slope, 33, 43, 115–117, Trans Alaska Pipeline System 119, 174 (TAPS), 3, 102, 118, 120, oil leases in, 116–119, 122–123 124–126 Valdez and, 36 226 Index Alyeska Pipeline Service Com- U.S. Department of the Interior pany, 39, 120, 123 and, 172–173 Amerada-Hess, 118–119 Aspheron Peninsula, 66 “American oil,” 64 Associated Press, 43, 56, 59 American Planning Association, ASTM (American Society for 109–110 Testing and Materials) Inter- Amoco Caldiz spill, 156 national, 66 Anadarko Petroleum, 57–58, Astor, John Jacob, 76 165 Atchafalaya River, 135 Andrus, Cecil, 127 Atrophy of vigilance, 35–39, Andry, Albert III, x–xi 41–42, 159 Anglo-American Petroleum Automobiles, 20, 37, 143 Company, 78 advantage of oil and, 72 Anglo-Dutch Shell Oil Com- American “love affair” with, pany, 103 107 Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, dependency on, 85–86 103, 106, 114 Federal-Aid Highway Acts and, Anglo-Persian Oil Company, 90, 110–111 102–103 General Motors and, 88, Angola, 18 109–111 Antitrust laws, 197n24 Great Depression and, Justice Department and, 109 106–107 Sherman Antitrust Act and, housing and, 108–110 78–79, 84, 177 Model T Ford and, 79 Texas and, 80, 82 National Interstate and De- Arabian Light crude oil, 114 fense Highways Act and, Arabian Peninsula, 103 111–112 Arab-Israeli war, 114 oil consumption and, 106–107 Arab Oil Embargo of 1973, required parking for, 109–110 113–114, 143, 183 streetcar removal and, 109 Archbold, John, 80 World War II era and, 107 ARCO (Atlantic Richfield Com- pany), 118 Baku, 66 Arctic Circle, 115 Bankruptcy, 17, 111 Arctic Ocean, 2–3 Barab, Jordan, 169–170 Arctic Slope Native Association, Barge-mounted draglines, 96 117 Barrel unit, 71 Area-wide leasing Barron, Daniel, III, 192n5 environmental issues and, 139– Barry, Dave, 97 140, 144–149, 172–173, 186 Barton, Joe L., 19, 58, 60, 194n41 Index 227 Bayous, 94, 97, 134–135 casing installation decisions of, Bea, Bob, 162 47–49 Benzene, 41 casual approach to safety by, “Beyond Petroleum” slogan, 40 34–61, 161–162 Bird migration, 11–12 cement bond log and, 49 Bligh Reef, 36–37, 51 centralizers and, 48–49 Blowout preventers, 15, 29, 45, clean-ups and, 153, 155–166, 55, 93, 196n2 169 clean-ups and, 159–161 drilling mud removal and, development of, 93 50–51 explanation of, 29 environmental issues and, previous success of, 10–11 xii (see also Environmental Sepulvado (Ronald) and, 44 issues) shear ram and, 159–161, 164 exclusion (debarring) and, 43, Blowouts. See also Deepwater 164–166 Horizon (drilling rig) fines of, 41–42 backups and, 50 Hayward (Tony) and, xii, 12, cement bond log and, 49 40–42, 46, 58, 152 gushers, 11, 17, 31, 80–83, House Committee on Energy 116, 156 and Commerce and, 46–47 Loop Current and, 11, 54 job cutting by, 40–41 policy for reducing, 158–170 judicial branch and, 59 skimmers and, 14, 53–54, Macondo project and, 9–20, 154–157 25, 29, 41–42, 49, 55, 57, Spindletop and, 80–83 159, 164, 174, 188–189 Bourg, Wes, xi Marianas and, 33 Boycotts, 106 Oil Spill Response Plan of, 53, BP, 2, 74. See also Deepwater 157–158, 194n31 Horizon (drilling rig) public relations strategies of, Alaskan oil and, 118, 165 12–14, 39–40 Anarko Petroleum and, 58 refocusing and, 164, 170 as Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, reform commitments of, 40–41 103, 106, 114 as Renegade Refiner, 42 atrophy of vigilance and, 35– shear ram and, 159–160, 164 39, 41–42, 159 Subcommittee on Oversight Barton’s apology to, 19, 58, 60, and Investigations and, 194n41 46–47 Beyond Petroleum slogan and, Texas City refinery explosion 40 and, 41, 44, 169 as British Petroleum, 39–40 toxic chemical release by, 41 Brown and, 40 228 Index Blowout preventers (cont.) United States v. California and, Transocean and, 33–34, 43, 100 45–46, 52–53, 58–59, 159, U.S. Minerals Management 165 Service (MMS) and, 130–132 Britain, 90, 102–103, 106, California State Mineral Leasing 196n19 Act, 97 Brower, Charles, 116 Campaign finances, 58–61, 78, Browne, John, 40 195n4 Brunei, 18 Canada, 40, 65, 122 Bullwinkle (oil platform code Cancer, 41 name), 9 Carbon dioxide, 32, 40 Bureau of Land Management, Cartels, 78, 90, 103, 196n20 117–118, 138, 172 Carter, Jimmy, 5, 125–127, 140, Bureau of Ocean Energy Man- 143 agement, Regulation and Casing, 28–30, 45–51, 67 Enforcement (BOEMRE), 57, Catalytic converter, 89 167–168 Cement, 32, 59 Burning off natural gas, 14, bond logs and, 49 32–33 casing and, 28–29, 45, 48–50 Bush, George H.W., 6, 141–142 centralizers and, 48–49 Bush, George W., 2–3, 6, 53, 56, sealing with, 32, 43, 48 142, 178 sediment and, 22 Census of Marine Life, 11 Caddo Lake field, 92, 92–94, Center for American Progress, 196n2 150 California Central Intelligence Agency Fall, Albert, and, 116 (CIA), 106 Guadalupe, 13 Centralizers, 48–49 Montecito, 124 Chadman, John, 90 Oakland, 110 Chandeleur Islands, 94 Outer Continental Shelf and, Chandler, William U., 113 125–127 Cheney, Richard, 56 Santa Barbara channel and, 97, Chevron, 177 124, 131 Chicago, 76 Santa Barbara oil spill and, 10, China, 66, 177–178 91, 123–126, 153–154, 173, China National Offshore Oil 198n14 Corporation (CNOOC), 177 Summerland, 91–92, 124 Chumash people, 63 Tidelands Controversy and, Civil War, 75–76 98–101 Clark, William (explorer), 76 Clark, William P., Jr., 139 Index 229 Clarke, Lee, 53, 158, 193n7 Competitive bidding, 87, 101, Clay, Lucius, 110 146 Clean Development Mechanism, Conflicts of interest.See Corrup- 32–33 tion and conflicts of interest Clean-up of oil spills, 13, 124 ConocoPhillips, 42 blowout preventers and, Consumption of oil 159–161 American Way of Life and, BP and, 153, 155–166, 169 185–189 Deepwater Horizon spill and, automobiles and, 106–107 155–156, 159–160, 163–167 depletion rates and, 85, Exxon Valdez spill and, 154– 172–173 157, 166 during World War II, 105 fantasy documents and, 158 energy crisis and, 113, kill operations and, 156–157, 122–123 161 future and, 178–184 lack of technology for, Naval Petroleum Reserves and, 153–156 86–87 management issues and, oil shortages and, 85–86, 88, 158–164 115–116, 123, 143 National Research Council overadaptation and, 73 and, 154 remaining oil estimates and, policy recommendations for, 174–175 158–164 stretching of resources and, recovery rates of, 156 182–183 Santa Barbara spill and, United States’ lead in, 84–85, 153–154 106, 179–180 shear ram and, 159–160, 164 U.S. Fuel Administration and, skimmers and, 14, 53, 84–85 154–157 Containment efforts, 13–14, 39, staging of, 154–155 157 transparency and, 162–163 Cooper, Anderson, 33 Cleveland, Grover, 78 Corruption and conflicts of Cleveland, Ohio, 75–77 interest CNN, 33, 44, 51 bribed politicians and, 57–61 Coal, 71–72, 84, 86, 104, 181 (see also Politics) Coalition forces, 2 depletion allowance and, 84 Code names for oil platforms, 9 judicial branch and, 59 Cognac (oil platform code McKinley (William) and, name), 9 78–79 Colorado, 18, 24, 116, 150 National Recovery Administra- tion and, 89–90 230 Index Corruption and conflicts of in- drilling mud removal and, terest (cont.) 50–51 Pact of Achnacarry and, 90, drilling operations of, 33–36 103, 196n20 estimating size of spill at, reform and, 40, 77, 87, 164 12–14 regulators and, 59–60 (see also explosion of, xi–xii, 7, 43, 47, Regulation) 55 Standard Oil and, 78–79 false alarms and, 45 Tidelands Controversy and, gas pressure and, 33 98–101 Halliburton and, ix, 48, 59 U.S. Minerals Management location and, 33 Service (MMS) and, 51–57, Macondo project and, 9–20, 61 25, 29, 41–42, 49, 55, 57, War Revenues Act and, 85 159, 164, 174, 188–189 Cost-cutting, 15, 37, 42, 169, as nightmare well, 47 193n12 physical description of, ix–x Cox, Archibald, 125 policy recommendations from, Cracking (in oil refining), 71 166–167, 174 Crawford, Truitt, 43 public awareness and, 93 Cullinan, Joseph, 82 public relations strategies and, Curzon, Lord, 85 12–14 Cuttings, 30 record-setting status of, ix–x, Cyprus, 103 15, 33 recovery plans and, 13–14, 53 Dallas Morning News, 58 shear ram and, 159–160 D’Arcy, William Knox, 102–103 sinking of, xii Deepwater Horizon (drilling surviving members of, 33–34 rig), ix–xiii, 6–7, 35, 80, 129, technology of, ix–x, 15, 19 192n5 thrusters of, x casing installation decisions Deepwater Horizon Study on, 47–49 Group, 164 casual approach to safety on, Deepwater Horizon United 34, 36, 41–60 Command, 13 cement bond log and, 49 Deep Water Royalty Relief Act, clean-ups and, 155–156, 159– 149, 200n16 160, 163–167 Depletion allowance, 84 containment efforts at spill of, Derricks, 70, 80–81, 91, 95, 124, 13–14 132 crew size of, x Deterding, Henry, 90 deaths on, xi Dinosaurs, 4, 7, 22, 73–74, 175, disabled safety systems on, 45 180–182, 185 Index 231 Draglines, 96 Exclusive Economic Zones Drake, Edwin L., 25, 67–69, 71, and, 2 81–82, 102 Executive Order 9633 and, 99 Drake engine, 69 extraction costs and, 24 Drake’s Folly, 67 fines and, 41–42, 109, 162, “Drill, baby, drill!” slogan, 178 170, 193n13 Drilling bits, 2, 27–29, 67–68 foreign oil and, 5–6, 90, 113– Drilling mud, 28–31, 50–51 114, 121–122 Drilling rights.
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