www.ukrweekly.com І НИ І Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal поП'profit association| UbainianWeekl V Vol. LVl No. 17 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 24,1988 25 cents U.S. commission says 1932-33 famine Demjanjuk convicted was premeditated genocide by Stalin quoted as saying, "I am totally surprised by Maria Rudensky legislation that would prolong its life Defense to appeal at the brutality of the decision taken by Special to The Ukrainian Weekly beyond June 22, albeit without govern­ the State of Israel against John Dem­ to Supreme Court janjuk." WASHINGTON - The Commis­ ment funding, for two years, sion on the Ukraine Famine has deter­ "This means that we will continue to JERUSALEM - John Demjanjuk He said the court automatically mined categorically that the famine of depend on the generosity of the Ukrai­ was found guilty on Monday, April 18, rejected defense arguments. "My God in 1932-33 was premeditated genocide nian American community," said Com­ of crimes against the Jewish people, heaven, according to the judges, we against Ukrainians by "Josef Stalin and mission Staff Director James Mace. crimes against humanity, war crimes didn't do anything right. They ruled those around him." "We are extremely gratified at the level and crimes against a persecuted people. against us on every single point." The commission's findings are in its of community support." About In their 450-page verdict, the three Mr. Demjanjuk's family - his wife, most extensive report thus far, which 5140,000 has been donated since the Israeli judges who heard the case stated: Vera, son, John Jr., daughter Lydia, was to be presented to Congress on fall, assuring funds for the commission, "We determine conclusively, without with her husband Andrij Maday, and April 23. The report also states "the if its mandate is extended, until August. hesitation or doubt, that the accused is son-in-law Edward Nishnic — was American government had ample and Dr. Mace expressed confidence that Ivan, who was known as Tvan the present in the courtroom that day, but timely information about the famine Congress will enact the extension Terrible,' gas chamber operator at the left halfway through the reading of the but failed to take any steps which might legislation, citing the strong support the Trebiinka death camp." verdict. have ameliorated the situation." commission has enjoyed —especially in Reading of the verdict took 12 hours. Mr. Nishnic, whose wife, Irene, and It blasts New York Times reporter the House of Representatives. He also The audience that packed the court­ their two-year-old son, Eddie Jr., Walter Duranty for his lack of journa­ said he is optimistic that adequate room, a converted theater, stood and remained at home in Cleveland, told listic integrity in not submitting stories funding will be obtained from Ukrai­ applauded the judges' decision. The The Ukrainian Weekly in a telephone about the famine when he was aware of nian Americans to allow for continued judges immediately called for silence. interview: "The family on the whole was its existence and overwhelming magni­ commission operations at about the Mr. Demjanjuk will be sentenced on disgusted. The verdict was absolutely tude. same intensity as under direct govern­ Monday, April 25. He could face the ridiculous... it appeared as if we had not (For a summary of the commission's ment financing. death penalty, although some observers brought in any defense witnesses what­ findings, see adjoining box.) Among the main work remaining is have been quoted as saying they believe soever." Given the explosive findings and their transcription of original-language oral the sentence will be life imprisonment. "Our defense attorneys felt as if they potential effect on global perception of histories given by more than 200 eyewit­ The defense has stated that it will were simply spectators in a Hebrew the Soviet Union, the panel's life must nesses to the faniine, with short summa­ appeal the case to Israel's Supreme drama. I firmly believe that this case will be extended beyond June to provide for ries to be written in English. These Court. It must indicate its intention to go down in the annals of history as the fuller dissemination of the research, the persons' accounts are in addition to the do so within 45 days of the verdict. most one-sided, lopsided decision ever commission agreed at its April 19 57 witnesses who presented testimony at As he walked out of the courtroom, presented in any democratic society." Washington meeting, at which it re­ public commission hearings nation­ the 68-year-old Mr. Demjanjuk told Mr. Nishnic said. solved to formally accept the report and wide. The oral histories will total more reporters "I'm an innocent man. I will John Demjanjuk Jr. told the press in present it to Congress. than 2,000 pages, and are expected to appeal, and I'm sure I will win." Jerusalem, "As far as I'm concerned, And the outlook for the commission's (Continued on page 7) Defense attorney John Gill was this was nothing more than a Soviet future brightened considerably on April show trial. Whenever one of our wit­ 20 as Sen. Bill Bradley (D-N.J.) and Findings of Commission ш Шш Famine nesses came on, they got the hammer." Rep. James Florio (D-N.J.) introduced Below is a summary of the com­ ties in Ukraine to meet the grain Basis of verdict mission's findings as they appear in procurements quota forced them to The three-judge panel — consisting the executive summary portion of its introduce increasingly severe mea­ of Supreme Court Judge Dov Levin and House unanimously report. sures to extract the maximum quan­ District Court Judges Zvi Tal and Dalia tity of grain from the peasants. Dorner — began the verdict with a passes resolution 1) There is no doubt that large 8) In the fall of 1932 Stalin used history of the Jewish Holocaust. numbers of inhabitants of the Ukrai­ the resulting "procurements crisis" in They said their decision was based nian SSR and the North Caucasus Ukraine as an excuse to tighten his most strongly on the testimony of on Millennium Territory starved to death in a man- control in Ukraine and to further Trebiinka survivors, five of whom WASHINGTON - The U.S. House made famine in 1932-1933, caused by intensify grain seizures. testified at the trial and identified Mr. of Representatives on Tuesday, April the seizure of the 1932 crop by the 9) The Ukrainian famine of 1932- Demjanjuk as "Ivan the Terrible." 19, unanimously approved a resolution Soviet authorities. 33 was caused by the maximum The judges noted that the testimony deploring the Soviet government's 2) The victims of the Ukrainian extraction of agricultural produce of three survivors, Pinhas Epstein, persecution of religious believers in famine numbered in the millions. from the rural population. Josef Czarny and Yehiel Reichman, was Ukraine and discouraging the official 3) Official Soviet allegations of 10) Officials in charge of grain the most compelling. participation of the United States in any "kulak sabotage," upon which all seizures also lived in fear of punish­ The verdict stated, "All the horrific official Millennium celebrations in the "difficulties" were blamed during the ment. scenes they witnessed are as a fire Soviet Union. An identical resolution, famine, are false. 11) Stalin knew that people were imprisoned in their bones, etched deep S.J. Res. 235 was passed by the Senate 4) The famine was not, as is often starving to death in Ukraine by late in their memories." on Friday, March 4. alleged, related to drought. 1932. In addition, the judges said they Now that both the House and the 5) In 1931-1932, the official Soviet 12) In January 1933, Stalin used accepted as "positive proof" the Traw- Senate have passed the joint resolu­ response to a drought-induced grain the "laxity" of the Ukrainian autho­ niki identification card and said it tions, H.J. 429 and S.J. 235, respective­ shortage outside Ukraine was to send rities in seizing grain to further indicated Mr. Demjanjuk had been ly, it will be sent to President Ronald aid to the areas affected and to make strengthen his control over the Com­ trained as a camp guard. Reagan for his approval and signature. a series of concessions to the peasan­ munist Party of Ukraine and man­ The card, however, lists service at The House resolution was initially try. dated actions which worsened the Sobibor, not Trebiinka. Prosecution situation and maximized the loss of introduced by William Lipinski (D-Ill.) 6) In mid-1932, following com­ witnesses said the card was authentic; plaints by officials in the Ukrainian life. defense witnesses said it was a fake. last December. The Senate resolution 13) Postyshev had a dual mandate was introduced by Sen. Dennis DeCon- SSR that excessive grain procure­ The verdict said the defendant's alibi ments had led to localized outbreaks from Moscow: to intensify the grain was "a lie" and found his statement that cini (D-Ariz.). Over the last several seizures (and therefore the famine) in months it has gained over 140 sponsors of famine, Moscow reversed course he was a prisoner of war in Kholm in and took an increasingly hard line Ukraine and to eliminate such 1942 and 1943 "totally unacceptable in the House of Representatives. modest national self-assertion as On April 19, it was introduced in the toward the peasantry. and implausible." 7) The inability of Soviet authori­ (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 12) (Continued on page 3) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 24,1988 No.
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