Civil Aeronautics Administration U. S. Department of Commerce REGULATIONS OF THE ADMINISTRATOR PART 400—Organization and Functions (Revised effective April 10, 195^) In accordance with the public Infor• responsible to the Under Secretary of Public Law 674. 76th Congress, dated June mation requirements of the Administra• Commerce for Transportation. 29. 1940 (54 Stat. 686) as amended, to tive Procedure Act. the description of the (b) The Civil Aeronautics Administra• provide for the administration of the organization and functions of the Civil tion shall consist of the following or• Washington National Airport. Aeronautics Administration Is revised in Public Law 289, 80th Congress, dated July ganizational units; 30, 1947 (61 Stat. 678) as amended by its entirety to read: (1) Office of the Administrator, which Public Law 311, 81st Congress, dated Oc• SUBPART A—INTRODUCTION includes the: tober 1, 1949 (63 Stat. 700) to expedite the disposition of government surplus Sec. Administrator. 1. Addresses, airports, airport facilities, and equipment, Assistant Administrator for Administration. 2. Inquiries. and to provide for the transfer of com• Assistant Administrator for Program Co• pliance functions with relation to such SUBPART B—ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS ordination. property. Executive Assistant. 11. Organization. (b) The Administrator shall also 12. Delegation or authority. (2) Staff and Program Offices, includ• carry out the power and responsibility 13. General functions. ing: 14. Functions of the Office of tne Adminis• vested in and delegated to the Secretary Genera! Counsel's Office. trator. of Commerce under the Defense Pro• 15. Functions of Start and Program Offices. Aviation Information Office. duction Act of 1950. as amended, with 16. Functions of Major Field Organizations. Budget Office. respect to those portions of the defense- Organization and Methods Office. SUBPART C FUNCTIONS AND LOCATIONS OF FIELD Personnel OfucB. production program relating to civil OFFICES Office of General Services. aviation not otherwise reserved or Office of Airports. assigned. 21. Airport District Offices. 22. Aviation Safety District Offices. Office of Aviation Safety. (c) The Administrator may redel- 23. Air Route Traffic Control Centers. Office of Federal Airways. egate and authorize the successive re- 24. Airport Traffic Control Towers. (3) Major Field Organizations, In• delegation of the authority granted 25. Interstate Airway Communications Sta• cluding: herein to any officer of the Civil Aero• tions. nautics Administration and prescribe Regional Offices. 26. Overseas Foreign Aeronautical Communi• limitations, restrictions, and conditions cations stations. Washington National Airport. 27. International District and Field Offices. Aeronautical Center. in the exercise of such authority. Technical Development and Kvaluation SEC. 13. General functions. The Civil SUDPART D—AIR NAVIGATION DEVELOPMENT BOARD Center. ' Aeronautics Administration fosters and 31. Services provided by the Civil Aeronautics SEC. 12. Delegation of authority, (a) encourages the development of civil Administration. Subject to such policies and directives aeronautics and air commerce in the SUBPART ft—INTRODUCTION as the Secretary of Commerce may pre• United States and abroad. Principal scribe the Administrator shall carry out operations are the establishment of a SECTION 1. Addresses. Headquarters the responsibilities and authority of the offices of the Civil Aeronautics Adminis• system of airways, including the opera• Secretary with respect to civil aeronau• tration are located in Tempo Buildings tion of air navigation facilities and the tics and air commerce in the United T-^i and T-5, Seventeenth and Constitu• control of air traffic; technical develop• States and abroad more specifically de• tion Avenue NW., Washington, D. C. ment work in the field of aeronautics: scribed in, but not limited to, the ap• The locations of the various field activ• collection and dissemination of informa• plicable provisions of the following ities of the Civil Aeronautics Adminis• tion relative to civil aeronautics; regis• statutes: tration are listed in Subparts B and C tration of aircraft nationality and with the functional description of those The Air Commerce Act of 1926, as amended recordation of ownership; promotion of activities. (49 U. S. C. 171). safety in flight through inspection and The Civil Aeronautics Act of X938, as certification of aircraft, airmen, air SEC. 2. Inquiries. Further informa• amended (49 U. S. C. 401 i. agencies, and air carriers in accordance tion regarding the organization and The Federal Airport Act. as amended (49 with standards prescribed under Civil functions of the Civil Aeronautics Ad• V. S. C. 1101). Air Regulations; planning and coordi• ministration may be secured from the The International Aviation Facilities Act (62 Stat. 450). nating the establishment of a nationwide Aviation Information Office. Civil Aero• Public Law 762. 81st Congress, dated Sep• system of airports suitable to the. needs nautics Administration, Washington 25, tember 7, 1950 (64 Stat. 770) authorizing of civil aviation and national secuity, D. C. the construction and operation oi a pub• including the granting of funds neces• SEC. 11. Organisation, (a) The Civil lic airport in or In the vicinity of the sary to assist in carrying out such a District of Columbia, except selection of Aeronautics Administration, a primary program; and operation of the Washing• the site" which function is reserved to the ton National Airport. In the perform• organizational unit of the Department Secretary of Commerce. ' of Commerce shall be under the au• ance of these functions the Civil Aero• The Alaska Airport Act, as amended (62 nautics Administration collaborates with thority and supervision of the Under Stat. 277). public, military, private, and foreign or Secretary of Commerce for Transporta• Public Law 867, 81st Congress, dated Sep• tion and shall be directed by an Ad• tember 30, 1950 (64 Stat. 1090 J authoriz• international agencies in the develop• ministrator who shall report and be ing action to promote the development ment of standards and policies intended of imDroved transport aircraft. For Sate by Superintendent af Documents, V. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price .10 cents. 1 to loster and facilitate the use of aircraft assistance to the Office of the Adminis• connection witn aisposal 01 government in air commerce and civil aviation. trator in the development, application, property for airport purposes; develops SEC- 14- Functions of the Office of the and execution of budgetary policies re• and promulgates administrative policies Administrator. The functions of the quired to assure financial support of the and technical standards governing air• principal officers of the Office of the Ad- agency through: participation in the port planning, design, construction, and nurustrator are as fol'.oa-s: preiemat.on and justification of regular maintenance; develops for issuance by (a> The Administrator, in eoriformity and supplemental budget estimates, and the Administrator, regulations govern• with the policies and direct.ves of the allocating funds for authorized activities ing the administration of the Federal- Secretary of Commerce, determines the which are controlled by definitive fiscal aid Airport Program, transfer of Fed• policies of the Civil Aeronautics Admini• work programs. The Budget Office has erally owned land for airport use, and stration and directs the development and an Estimates Division and a Fiscal Man• the repair and rehabilitation of public execution of its programs. agement, Division. airports damaged by Federal agencies, <b> The Assistant Administrator for • d> The Organization and Methods under the Federal Airport Act: develops Administration acts as the principal Office provides staff assistance to the and issues standards and instructions assistant to the Administrator in the Office of the Administrator and to all for administration of a program to fos• planning, coordination, and evaluation other offices of the Civil Aeronautics ter airport development: formulates of the budgetary management, personnel Administration on major organization standards, procedures, and definitions administration, organization planning, matters: in connection therewith de• for the collection and maintenance of and general administrative services of velops plans to cope with new or an• airport facility records and maintains the Civil Aeronautics Administration, ticipated requirements, and makes sur• airport facility record data for airports in the United States: and effects com• to The Assistant Administrator for veys and recommends improvements in pliance with laws and regulations affect• Program Coordination acts as the prin• organization, administrative techniques, ing the operation of civil airports con• cipal assistant to trie Administrator in ar.d rrur.jgement practices throughout structed with Federal funds. The Office the planning, coordination, and evalua• the Civil Aeronautics Administration; of Airports has an Airport Engineering tion of Csvi! Aeronautics Administration provides direction to the records, corre• Division and an Airport Operations program operations, domestic and inter• spondence, ar.d forms management pro• Division. national: plans, directs, and coordinates grams, and coordinates the management the program planning activities of the improvement program of the agency; <h; The Office of Aviation Safety Office of the Assistant Administrator
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