Will hapas be part of JACL Pacific itiz agenda?-p.9 National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League Established 1929 ($1 .50 Postpaid U.S.) Newsstand 25¢ #2803/Vol 123, No. 1 ISSN : 0030-8579 7 Cupania Circle, Monterey ParI<, CA 91755 (213) 725-0083 July 5-18, 1996 Congressional Asian Pacific Caucus adds 10 members The Congressional Asian Pacific Ameri­ concern to t.he Asian and Pacific American can Caucus, under the leadership of Rep. community." Patsy T. Mink. of Hawaii, recently voted to Asian Pacific American Caucus .... ,ftI¥l-ftl!'ll... lI:!! expand its membershi p by 10 new House of The Congressional Asian Pacific Caucus Representative members. The new mem­ was formed on May 16, 1994, to establish New Members, CongresslonalAsian Pa· ~cutive Committ~ T ~rJ I#;: bers come from districts of which 15 per­ an organized effort within the Congress to cific Caucus: Asian PaCific Caucw:r. ' , ~ cent or more are represented by an Asian advocate for the needs of Asian Pacific • Rep. Tom Lantos (CA) - 26% • Rep. Patsy T. Mink (HJ). Chair .. i? Pacific American constituency or by special Americans. The caucus ensures that fed~ • Rep. Matthew Martinez (CA) ~ ;aSCII' • Del. AoiJert Underwood (Gaam);. Vit» request of the member, according to a eral legislation reflects the n eds of th • Rep, Xavier Becerra (CA) • 21 % Chaff . ~ spokesperson for the group. APA community; issues policy statements • Rep, Zoe Lofgren (CA} ~ 21 % • Sen. Daniel Akaka (Ht), Seet~f:UY on legislation pertaining to Asian and Pa­ • Rep. Nydia Velazquez ('NY) ~ 200/~ • Aep, Ned Abefcrombte (HI) "Since Asian and Pacific Americans rep­ cific Americans; educates other members • Rep, Pete Stark {CAl· 19% • Rep. Eni Fafeomavaega (Amerl¢-an$a- resentjust over three percent ofthis nation's and caucuses about the rustory, contribu­ • Rep. Ronald Dellums (CA) - 16% mOf:l) overall population, to have over 15 percent tions and concerns of the Asian Pacific • Rep. Bob Filner (CA) ·15% • Seo. Oanier Inouye (HJ) representation in any district is very sig­ American community; and works with otber • !=tap, Aona Eshoo (CA) • Rep. Robert Mat$ut (CA) nificant," Mink said. "The Caucus felt caucuses and members to protect and ad­ • Rep. Lucille Roybal Allard (CA) Son. Patty Murray (WA) strongly about bringing these new mem­ vance the civil and constitutional rights of • Rep. Nancy Pelosi (CA) bers on board to stand together on issues of all Americans. Gingrich calls Matt Fong VP House esourcesCommittee material for candidate Bob Dole pas es Manzanar legis alion 'Flattered' but probably not going The legislation now moves fotv.'ard to the Additional 300 acres full House of Representatives for consider­ to happen, Fang says ation. Although the original legislation added by voice vote creating the fanzaoar ational Historic Speculation over who will site was pa ed in 1992, the necessary land be Sen. Robert Dole's run­ transfers must be approved by Congress ning mate extended into Los before the ite can be­ Angeles County through its come a r a1ity own resident, California '!Ve re now one step State Treasurer Matt Fang clo.·er to preserving of Hacienda Height.s, as both the environment House Speaker Newt and a piece of history Gingrich recently reeled off MATTHEW FONG for the benefit offuture his name of Republicans generations,- Lewis across the country who have id. "'fbi i a biparti- vice presidential potential. an effort that Con­ "I'm flattered, but I reali ze that I'm not. in gressman l la ui and I the top tier," Fong told the San Gabri I int nd to pUT ue Valley Tribune reporters the nextday (Jun through the legislative 27). p -suntilthemeasurei ignedintola ' Gingrich and Dole appointed Fong last h . ~ id rit linton) I r thi -ear: year to the National Cl.lmmisssion on Eco- ORA announces new helpline number PC moves offices P lite Citizen mo ad Its operafan WASHINGTON-The Officc of RedT 8 wilhout huvin to go through til 'conr.,'T' - the • k 1 June 24 to an' address Administration (ORA) has returned to us sional budg ry proc , wllhm the sam bu iness center t of a toll-free Helpline numb r, 8881219- "If, howpv 1', Ihli Do I'd n' luirt B ,ddi­ onl ro Par ,Call 6900, as the program n ars its nd, Tho tional man 'y. wh ,th"for nol any n'm ,inl'd Phone. fa ,toll·he numbers and e­ regular telephone number, 2021219·6900, in thc CLI'f_F, til y would 00 rt'luir I to mad address rem n the same. remains in operation. r;ot 'ongr 8. ionallippr VIII t d o. Petite C I en a iz for an In- In face of the Aug. 10, 1998 suO/wI, clal • "ORA did not wan I /lny n(' till "It'll with conv 11 nce l\used b the 0 '9. when the program must end, the ORA plans th. impr ssion lhul w 'hm) I kl'n mOlll'Y Th n address: to step up its outreach through wor\U;hops from (hI' 1' .dul'~ltion hOllrd who I I'rrort W Pacific C tizen this fall. The dates and place are to be consid r qunlly imporlnnl in IIchi" 109 S ORAlp ge 11 7 Cupania Circle announced. Over the qUeBtion of a $5 million allocu­ Monterey Park, CA 91755 tion to the Civil Libt:rtif'.8 Public Kducntion Civil rights Fund (CLPEF) when $50 million WIl8 au­ thorized, ORA's quarterly Jetter (.Junl' 21i, Suspects held in death 1996) responded to c~mmunity leadc!r8; Chapters successful "In 1995, as a resuliofthe Ishida d 'ciKion of Fresno fish market owner itwllsestimat.ed thatapproximat ly2,OOO· in changing 'Jap Shop' nH' 5,000 additional claimants would be! 1·li · "1'11'1\ I rh Hlgt yCl\Jr nllm, ." Milh'r wrot gible. ORA recognized that mor£' mon(!y name in Boca Raton \1\ Il1'r h'lwr "It ill lin l'mlllr I llwnt,! oth WBB needed to make these payments from for you I1l1d for IIny Pl r. on wh 1 t 1t 1'-" of the CLPEF. This additional mon 'y at no 1'h( Seubrook unci HIIUtill'lIst ChupLIII'S, (hi It rill 1\ Ii nlelll! tllllr, III in \Ill. Hlld 1\ dl'lll t hll UI' I U. l time was earmark d for the gducution ,lAC)', W '(1' rl ,'ntty ln8trllllwntul ill PI'r­ '(minI( h,rlll h \l 1 to Board's use. Huadin" II Uncll HntcJI\ lJu imlllUlllU\ In dI'll niH' .Jupant lw il\ lilt' 1l1ll.1 IIl'Klli ' "ORA had th(~ authority to acce/ls this change Lilli numl ofhift bu im'N rrotll "JAI' lfltltl'xt " money because, for I"cderal budgetary pur­ Shop" to lIompthinl( 11>11 offl nHIVI' III r' pmltw, M ,J, "l\1tkl'" I' rt~, prt·. \fIt III hllll\b~ poscs, redress payments are considl'rNJ In Mardi, M isunt) Millur ,11I'PIIldll1l ufLllI' or thl' lit 1\ «ilion t .. ut Cot ,rtll' (\' rc l'ortl,t110 Mlllt'l' till t \\ l'hllnl \\' \, will entitlements while funding for Ow gducu Hf'uhrook Ch, pluf', wrute' " I, llt'r t (I Or lion Board is nolo This dist.incLirm nwunK landu i"'I:hllrd(), OWnl'r Ill' the lIutmllotivo that ORA may fleek the r(~muining fundfl bUliinl'Hs, liS Wl·1\ fill till' BIlI'll ItlltUII Chum 96 lACL Nau(Jllol COII~cnlion 14th BIEN I-----J c AUGUST 6 M 11, 1996 FAIRMONT HOTEL, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 4 weeks until the convention IlIr the Sake or the ( hildrcn For more Information, pleas cali (408) 295-1250 or FAX (408) 295 1291 2 Pacific Citizen luly 5-18, 1996 Non-member Readers JACL calendar Get all the news and features from across the country churches and community organizatlons. National JACL ST. LOUIS SUBSCRIBE TO THE PACIFIC CITIZEN Sat.-Mon., Aug. al·Sept. 2-Annual Pacific Northwest Please send the Pacific Citizen for: AT SAN JOSE Japan Festival. TWIN CITIES Tue.·Sun., Aug. 6-11-34th biennial OLYMPIA _1 yr/S30 _2 yrs/SS5 _3 yrs/S80 Chapter Board once a month, preceded National Convention, Fairmont Hotel, 170 Sat., Aug. 3--Obon celebration, 6 p.m., 5ubscripti(ln~ by potluck dinner; 7-9 p.m., open 10 Allow 6 weeks for address changes and new to begin. S. Market St., San Jose, Calif.: infol Capital Lake Parf<; info: Reiko Callner, Name: ______________________________________ __ brochure: San Jose JACL Office, 4081 visitors; Info: Joanne Kumagai, chapter president, 6121537-8076. 360/923-1641 . NOTE-Taiko, floating Address: ____________--,... ____ 295-1250. NOTE-Workshops all day lanterns and more. Sat. Aug. 10; Nlhonmachi walking tour Weds. July 10-3l-Cooklng ClaS$es, City, State, Zip: _______________ with Dr. Tokio Ishikawa; booster tours to 7-9 p.m., Perfect Host Catering, 219 SE All subscriptions payable in advance. Additional US $22 lor postage per year lor overseas Yosemite, San Francisco Bay, Monterey· Main St., Minneapolis (St. Anthony Main NCal-WN-Pacific Event Centre). Registration for first 25 subscribers. checks payable 10: Pacifi, Citizen, 7 Cuponia Circle, Mtlnlerey Por\, CA 91755 Carmel; Whing- Dlng/Homecoming. [JACL Convention block of rooms at people: Per night-$20 members, $25 DISTRICT COUNCIL Fairmont Hotel are a/l booked. Check non·members; Entire serles-$65 and Sun., Nov. 3-Fali DC session, Stockton with JACL Office for alternate $85; Info: Kathy Hara, 6121420·9562. (locale to be announced). accommodations.J SCHEDULE: (July 10) SUShi, Glnko CONTRA COSTA JACL MEMBERS Lundin. Instructor; (July 17) Sukiyaki, Chapter Board on first Thursdays, 7·9 Kiml Hara, instructor; (July 24) Noodles, p.m., East Bay Free Me\hodist Church.
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