FIGHTING FANTASYBOO KIi Over 12 rnillion copiessold worldwldel ll o"o 4*LlVIIIGSTONE frF fr Puftrn Books TOWER OF DESTRUCTION Thirstingfor justice,you musl out on the L'ailof -5et the bizirre device.But wheredid it come From Mr'ho madeiL - and can it be sLopped?YOU must seeyour ouestthroueh to ils astoni+lngconclusion to ffnd the answersio il Lhesequestions. Eut beware - the sPhere is the key to a Fargreafer danger that threatensall Allansia! Two dice, a pencil and an eraser are all you n€ed to embark on this remarkable adventure, which comes complet with its elaboratecombat sysLem and a score sheetto ecordyour Progrcss. Many fearsomedangers lie aheadirnd successis by no meanscertain. Powe-rful adversaries are rahged against vou enemieswho wjll stop at nothing to foil you in vourquesr. lts up to YOU to decidewhich route Lo Follow,whi.h dangersto rish and which foesto fight Dare you takeup Lhechallenge? FightiflS Fant$y Gd Mbook Steve Jackson and Ian Living6tone PreEenr , THEFOREST OI DOOM rr DA€CEI5 Or DAX(N!S5 !Z BLACK!'EN PROPHECY 44 LECIM OF THE SIIADOW Martin Stev€Ja.ksnt SORCERYI Keith r (H,{Rl - cn-/PoRr or r&fs Iltuikatd W PeteKnifton FICI{TINC FANTASY lA€ r*ioducrory Role Playing Cde Th€ Adveea fighti$ FmtE y Sytle DUNCEONEER An Inhoduction to Advmed Fighhng Fantary BLACKsANDT - Mo,e Advmed Edtins Falasy OUI OF IHE PIT Fighting Fmtasy MonsteE TITAN The FighhnA lantasy wodd Th€ Fidting lebsy Novels THE TROLLTOOfi wAxS - ClEos lnvades All.nsia Pufffn Bmk6 DEMONSTEALER - Cladda Ddhnm€ Retms PUFfIN BOOKS CONTENTS Publded bY th€ Pcngum CrouP rval| ,rr^,'d E 'paeu,Bools.,J 'ws)- sldad Pqe IBoo" s'|. r7r H,o.oi, s"a \.\ o' \c. \o'l ll<A - roRN'rud! ouAL'l'"|" 'oo'. renern BoolsAs. " d renprn Boo- i"n.. r ro ,oA o'r 4\m; lo'o'o n eddvr\ 1s 'o ' I'enguin Books (NZ)Ltd, rs: r9o Wairau Road, Au.kland ro New zeahnd Pensuin Books Ltd, Rcs,stere,l Olffc€s Hamondsworth Middlese\' Enslmd INTRODUCTION Fmt Publkhed1991 7 ."p ,opy"Bl' \..," ld.rio1d dIr I'. ro r @ ADV!NTURT SHEET ' o a ' B Te.t.^ptr eht O rP th Mrrm roor rllustmtions.opynsk (O Petck lon, reer a8-a9 NhPcoPrflBhr.i LeoHa A rool Anghsle5ened BACKGROUND The moral iiSht ol the thor has b€en r$elted 20 Printed in Englmd by Clays Lt4 St Ives pl. Filmsetin Monophoto Palatino TOWER OF DESTRUCTION l 25 ' "o ..\er fl. o: d c of k" I .600l old LtF h:v'!" of ?d" o' D" .o Ge.;, dhor r 't nu b, " " ' ie sold hiftd out,'h,, or otheryk€ cn.ulated wltholl -llcath€ publEhs s oIbrc'1ao o\e' o 5. hr1 \" ' ''al r' puol'ldJ d h rrd' |: fud ond . .L s i, ' .ondition bfl.s imposed on the subsequentPunhaser INTRODUCTION Beforeembarking on ths adventure,you must6rst find out what your strengthsad weahessesare You use dice to discoveryour initial s(rLL,sr^MrN^ and r.ucx scoresOn pa8es16 19 thereis an,4/a?rhls Sreerwhich you may use to recordthe detailsof your advenfure.On it you will 6nd boxeswher€ you canwrite down your s(rLL,sraMrN^ and You areadvrsed erther to write your scoreson fhe,4fterf'./re Sheet1^ pe .il or to hake photocopiesof the pagefor use in tutureattempts to completethis adventue. Skill. Starninaand Luck Roll one dice.Add 6 to this numberand enterthe total in the SKILLbox o the AllDenturcSterl (the total will be betweenz and 12).This is your Irtfrrl sKrLLscore Roll both drce Add 12 to the nunber roled and enter this total in the srAMrNA box o the Aaoe ture SheEI(the total will be between14 and 24). This is your I'rltal sr^MrNA Roll one die. Add 6 to tlus numberand enter the total in the LUcx box on the AdoeflturcSleri (the total will be bet{@n z and 12). This is your lritial LUcr<saore- For reasonsthat will be explalnedbelow, srrrr- sr,rvrre dd LUcx scoreschange constantly during the advenfure Battles You must keep an accurate Ro.d of these sco.es and of You will often find yourself rcading paragraphsin the book Lhechanges to them,for this reasonyou areadvised either which instructyou to fight a creatur€of sohe sort An to write smallin the boxesor to keepan eraserhandy Bul option to fleemay be given,but if not or f you choose never rub out your lriti,/ scoresAlthough you may be to attackthe oeatureanyway - you mustresolve the battle awaded addrhonalsxrll, sraMtN^ and LUcxpoints, these additions cannot ralse any score above its /nrlal 6gure except on fare occasionswhen you will be rnshucted Iiht record)our opponent\5KIIL and qrAV N^ scoresin accordingly in a particular peagraph. ihe first empty MonsterEncouter Box on your Adoenture Sreei.The scoresfor eachcreature are given every time You sxrrr scorereflects you swordsmarshipand overall you encounterone- The sequencefol combatis then. ffghting expertise, the higher the better. Your srrrvrx,r scorerellects your generalconstitution, your will to suruive, r. Roll two dicefor the opponent.Add ih sKrLLscore This your deteminahonand physicalfitness, and your ability to total is the creature'sArta& Shength. take blows rn battle;the higher your srevrN,c score,the z RoJltwo dicefor yourself Add your own srlrr scoreto lonSer you wi[ be able to survive YouJ LUCK scoie the nurnberrolled. This total is your Atta& Strength. nndicateshow naturally lucky a rrson you are Luck, md magic,are facts of life in the excitingfantasy worro you ae i. li yow Attack Skength i, higher than that of your opponent,you have wourded it; proceedto step 4. If your opponent'sAttack Stren8this higher thanyours, it has wounded you; proceedto step j If both Attack Magic Strengthsarc the $me you have managedto avoid each other'sblows; start the next Atta& Roundfrom step 1, During your adventureyou may corheasoss rome magic items, although at first you may not realize that they are magicalor even know what they cah do! Suchitems may 4 lf you have wo'rndedyou opponent:subtract 2 points give you the ability to cdt a magic sp€ll or Geate a Fom its sr^MrNA score (You may useyou LUcx here magical effect, if you find such an object, you will be to do additionaldamage seebelow) Proce€dto st€p6 nstruct€d in its use ih th€ relevantparagraph. To begin 5 Your opponenthas wounded you; subtract2 poinh from wth however,you arenot a magebut a bravewanior, and your own sraMrN^ score (Again,you may use your you mustovercome your enemiesby your wits dd courage LUc( here, this tim€ to reducethe damageyour oppon€nt and by your prowess wrth you sv,/ord! do€s to you - s€€below ) Proce€dto st€p 6. a 5 Make the appropnatechange to the STAMINAscore of Tes!vaur Ltack.yol mvst deduct 1 point from your cunent eith€r your opponent or youJsell on the AdoentureSheel LUCKscor€, whether the outcomeis successtulor unsuccess (andto your r-ucxscore if you usedrucr - seebelow) 6:ll You will soon col1€ to r€alze thar, the more you rely on you LUcr, the morerisky th6 wiU become 7 Begin rhe next Attack Romd (repeat steps r 6). The s€qu€nce continuesuntil the sraMrNA of eitheryou or If thingseo so badly that your lucK is reducedto 1 or less, your opponenlhas been reduc€d to zero(death). you will autornaticallybe Unlucky whenever you are forced to Tesfyour Luck.So don't start out by squanderingyour supplyof rucr frivolously Fighting More Than One Creature lf you comeacross more fhan one opponentin Jny encoun- IlsinS Luck in Bnttles ter, the instructionsin the relevantparagraph will tell you In certainparaSraphs of the book you wi be inshuctedto how ro handlerhe barrle Somerimesyou will havero 6ght TELyo / Luck'you will then be told the consequencesof them all togethe.,sometimes you will be able to tacl<]e your being Lucky or Unlucky However during a battle themone afterthe other you alwayshave the option of usingyoE LUCK,either to innid a more serior.rswomd on a creature you hav€ just Luck wounded or to reduce the effech of a wound that the creaturehas just inflictedon you. At varioustimes during your adventure,either in battlesor If you have just woundedan opponentyou are 6shting, when you fhd yourselfin a sihation when you could be you may Lu.k as descnbedabove If you ae either Lucky or Unlucky (d€tailsof thes€are given in the T'st vour Lucky,you haveinnict€d a severewound and may deduct rel€vantpaJagraphs), you may call on you r-ucr to make 2 extra points Fom your opponent'ssr^MrN^ score (so the outcomemorc favourableto you. But beware!Usin8 that your reducesits sraMrNA by points, rather LUCKis a risky businessand, rf you are Unlucky,the result blow 4 the th€ points) Howeveaif you are Unlucky,the couldbe unfortunateor evendrsashousl usual2 womd was a mere grze and you must restore1 point to Theprocedure for usng your rucx isas follows, roll two chce. you opponent'ssraMrNA rcore (irutead of your blow IFthe number rolled rs less than or equalto your cunentLUcK causingthe usualz points of dmage to its sraMrNA,it is score, you have been Lucky and the r€sult w'll go in you reducedto only 1 point) favour.If th€ numberrolled is hiSherthan your curenr LUc( If your opponenthas just woundedyou, you rnay Tesiyorl score,you havebeen Unlucky and you will be penatized. Lrrt to try to minimiz€ ttus wound If you are Lucky, you This procedureis known as Testinsvour Luck.Ea.h tne yov have managedto avoid the tull impact of the blow and hay restore1 point to you own sraMrN-1(instead oi your 5tanfua and Proaisions oppon€nt'sblow causing 2 points of darnag€to your Your suvrra score wrll go up and down a lot during STAMINA,it is reducedto only I point).
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