Temple Beth El 10 TO Ore-hard Ave. hovlde11c_e, R. r.· . ':?LE BETH-El L1Bfl.(RY NEWS To· Install , I BltiejlL New Knesset This Month DELEGATES TO A NATIONAL JERUSALEM - Israel's new Jewish ·youth convention in Star­ THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. Knesset, the fifth since the es- light, Pa., this week criticized their parents for failing to give VOL. XLV, No. 26 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1961 16 PAGES tablishment of the State in 1948, them a more adequate Jewish;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.----------------------------- - is expected to be convened here on Monday, Sept. 4. That wlll be ~~:ro~~ID ARAB BOYCOTT Religious Zealots the date for the official convoca­ Only Yiddish Literary Review tion of the new Parliament, re­ which has barred some major sulting fi;wn last week's elections, brand cigarettes from shipment to Still Hold Some Makes Debut lil Soviet Union if the final vote tabulation - in­ Israel since 1956 is near the break­ MOSCOW - The first Yiddish- early as 1956, shortly after the ex- eluding the ballots cast by service­ ing point," according to Congress- Israeli Children language periodical published in posure of Stalin's "cult of per- men and women in Israel's Army man Alfred E. Santangelo. A PLAN TO INSTITUTE COM- JERUSALEM (Israeli Sector), the Soviet Union since 1948 made sonality" and the posthumus re- - are completed. Should a hitch pulsory savings as one of the - A few immigrant children were it debut here. habilitation of leading Yiddish develop in the final counting, the means to meet the needs of in- still missing last week following a The first ~ue of the publlca- writers executed in 1952. Among Knesset may not meet until after tegration programs for new Im- raid yesterday by religious zealots tion, a bimonthly literary review them were David Bergelson, Leib the forthcoming Jewish High Holy migrants is to be submitted for on the children's reception center called Sovietish Heimland (Soviet Kvitko, Perets Markish and Issik Days. Knesset approval by the Govern- at Ramat Hadassah Srold. Homeland>, was exhibited with Fefer. In any event, the opening meet- ment Treasury. compulsory sav- More than 100 of a group of evident satisfaction by its editor Writers' Union Decision Ing of the Knessetwlll be largely ings, it is f'stimated, would bring zealots calling themselves the during an interview in his new of- When asked about the five-day ceremonial. Members of the Parli- in about $25,200,000 toward the "Torah Camp" of the ultra-Ortho­ fices near the center of Moscow. delay, Mr. Vergelis replied: ment will take their oaths. After expected raising of about $56,000,- dox Agudat Israel party broke in- The editor, Aaron Vergelis, who "The decision was up to us in that, President Izhak Ben - Zvi 000. • to a center near Haifa last week is a Yiddish poet, said a printing the Soviet Writers Union. We did will call on the party receiving the POLICE AT GRAZ LAST WEEK with a bus and two trucks. of 25,000 copies would go to sub- not know at first whether there largest number of votes to form a arrested a former Nazi SS officer, With loudspeakers they sum­ scribers and appear on newsstands was interest in Yiddish-language Government. That means that Stephen Rojko, on charges of moned the children to leave with over the week-end. publications. We began by publish- Premier David Ben-Gurlon, as . having murdered "a number" of them lest they be "converted" from The 130-page Issue covers July Ing Yiddish works In Russian head of Mapa!, will once more be Jews in the Theresienstadt con- Orthodox Judaism. According to and August. translation. Two years ago, on the given an opportunity to form Is- centration camp during 1944 and personnel at the center, the zea- The Soviet Union has had no occasion of the hundredth an- rael's next Government. 1945 Czechoslovakian authorities lots distributed candy, cigarettes national Yiddish-language pert- nlversary of Sholom Aliechem's The Knesset's only other busi­ recently requested the Federal and money to the children and in odical since 1948, when publish- birth; we · printed a selection of ness, at the opening session will government in Vienna that Ro- Ithe ensuing panic and confusion Ing houses, theatres and other his works in Yiddish. be the election of the Speaker. It jko be extradited to Czechoslo- left with between two and three Yiddish cultural institutions were "Then followed publication in is believed that the Speaker of vakia. dozen children. The children were closed by the Stalin regime. A Yiddish of works of two other the last Knesset, Kaddish Luz, of THREE ISRAELI ACTORS LEFT between 9 and 16 years of age. small Yiddish newspaper in Bir- classic writers, Mendele Moiker- Mapa!, will be elected unani­ Tel Aviv for Poland last week to According to an instructor at obldzhan, a Jewish autonomous Sforimand I. L. Perets. The de- mously to head the House again. stage readings of works by Sholom the center, the police, who had region in the Soviet Far East, has Imand for these books demon-I Aleichem, by invitation of the Po- been summoned from Haifa, over­ been of local importance. Blrobid- strated a wide interest and we (Continued 00 Paire 3> lish Government's Ministry of took the bus ten minutes after it zahn contains less than 5 per cent felt Justified in starting a Yid- CUiture. left the center and when it stopped of the Soviet Union's 2,000,000 dish-language literary review." Keren Hayesod Marks THE 50 MOROCCAN JEWS WHO the children ran out and dispersed Jews. Mr. Vergelis said the decision were arrested recently and charg- in the countryside. Publication of a Yiddish lit- to publish the new Journal was 40 h A • ed with attempting to lllegally (Continued on Paire 3) erary review was predicted as encouraged by leaders of the t nnlVersary emigrate to Israel, were released Writers Union, including Ilya NEW YORK - Forty years ago, in Rabat last week but will have to To Ehrenburg and Konstantin Fedin. stand trial on charges of attempt­ Conduct Enrollment In The Yiddish editor noted that cir­ a newly ordained young rabbi ing to leave the country without culation of his review compared played a minor role in the first exit visas. favorably with Russian-language fund raising campaign of Keren A JOINT SENATE-HOUSE CON- Providence Jewish Schools published by the Writers Union. Hayesod on behalf of the Yishuv ference began last week to act on Enrollment in the Jewish Schools the existing requirements for Jew- Staff is Introduced (Jewish community) in Palestine, compromises, including reconcil- in Greater Providence will be ish education in the congregation Mr. vergelis introduced mem- according to the New York Times. ation of differences, between the conducted during the coming where the Bar Mitzvah will take bers of the editorial board. They Last week, this spiritual leader, strong House antiblas clause in week according to an announc- place. Since this resolution goes included Moshe Teif, Avram Dr. Israel Goldstein, rabbi emeri­ the foreign aid bill and the ment of the Bureau of Jewish into effect in September, 1966, Gontar and Nokhem Oislander. tus of Congregation B'nai Jesh­ weaker Senate clause - conflict- Education. The School Council has parents whose children are now Mr. Teif and Mr. Gontar have run, noted that Karen Hayesod, Ing legislation on Arab discrim- set Wednesday and Thursday, eight years of age should check contributed material to the first known as the United Israel Ap­ inatory practices having been em- Sept. 6 and 7 as opening days for with their schools about this edu- Issue. Mr. Oislander is the author peal, had reached its fortieth an­ bodied In the bills passed last mid-week Hebrew Schools and cational requirement. of a recent Yiddish-language book niversary. week by the two bodies of Con- the completion of the enrollment Affiliated schools of the Bureau on Osher Shvartsman, an early Rabbi Goldstein is the world general chairman of Keren Haye­ gress. program. Sunday, Sept. 10, will which are now accepting enroll- Soviet Yiddish poet. sod. HADASSAH CONSIDERS IT A · be the first Sunday School session ment include Beth Am, 40 Oar- Asked whether there had been Karen Hayesod was established "cardinal" principle "not to be and also to arrange for additional diner stret, Warwick; Beth David, any difficulty in obtaining a suf­ forty-one years ago ·1n London at affiliated or identified with any registrations. For variations in 145 Oakland Avenue; Beth El, 70 ficient number of Hebrew type a meeting of the World Zionist political party in Israel," the local school enrollment practices, Orchard Avenue; Beth Israel, 155 iaces that are used in Yiddish th Organization. Its. main purpose 1,500 delegates attending e 47th parents may communicate with Njagara Street; Beth Sholom, 275 printing, the editor replied: was to aid those entering Pale­ national convention of Hadassah their schools. Camp Street; Community Hebrew (Continued on Page 3) stine. were told last week by Mrs. Sieg- Parents whose children have High School of the Bureau; Cran- ;:=========================::::;; But it was not until 1921 that fried Kramarsky, national presi- reached or are reaching their ston Jewish Center, 330 Park Ave­ dent. Karen Hayesod launched its first SEVERAL THOUSAND PERSONS eighth birthday may enroll them nue; Emanuel, 99 Taft Avenue; campaign in this. country, headed from all over Israel, led by Prime in mid-week Hebrew school, since Ohawe Sholom, 12 Jackson Street, BERYL SEGAL by the .late Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Minister Ben-Gurlon and other most of the schools in the state Pawtucket; Providence Hebrew scientist and Israel's first presi­ members of the Cabinet, partici- do not offer one-day-a-week Jew- Day School, 295 Morris Avenue, Resumes dent, and the late Albert Einstein.
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