EAF2502 | University of Exeter

EAF2502 | University of Exeter

09/24/21 EAF2502 | University of Exeter EAF2502 View Online Shots in the Dark Abrams, Jerold J. 2009. ‘"A Homespun Murder Story”: Film Noir and the Problem of Modernity in Fargo.’ In The Philosophy of the Coen Brothers, edited by Mark T. Conard, The philosophy of popular culture:211–24. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. http://encore.exeter.ac.uk/iii/encore/record/C__Rb3355862?lang=eng. Allen, Robert C., and Douglas Gomery. 1993. ‘The Formation of the US Film Industry.’ In Film History: Theory and Practice, 143–52. New York: McGraw-Hill. https://contentstore.cla.co.uk/secure/link?id=6bb8df93-3066-e611-80c6-005056af4099. Allen, Woody, Diane Keaton, Tony Roberts, and Carol Kane. 2006. ‘Annie Hall.’ Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Anderson, Robert. 1985. ‘The Motion Picture Patents Company: A Reevaluation.’ In The American Film Industry, Revised ed, 133–52. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. https://contentstore.cla.co.uk/secure/link?id=51078ffc-2266-e611-80c6-005056af4099. 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