APPLICATIONS RECOMMENDED FOR DECISION Eastleigh Local Area Committee Tuesday 17 October 2017. Application F/17/81167 Number: Case Officer: Dawn Errington Received Date: Friday 28 July 2017 Site Address: North Stoneham Park, Chestnut Avenue/Stoneham Lane, Eastleigh, SO50 9HT Applicant: Highwood Land LLP Proposal: Erection of 18 dwellings (additional to the 1,100 dwellings granted under outline permission O/15/76023), landscaping, boundary treatments, roads and footways, car parking, drainage and other supporting works and infrastructure for Stage 4 following demolition and site clearance on land previously identified as part of parcel 2B of outline permission ref. O/15/76023 (Application includes an Addendum to the Environmental Impact Assessment). Recommendation: Permit subject to completion of S106 agreement and to the submission of amended plans and details and/or amended conditions to address consultation responses CONDITIONS AND REASONS 1 The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the following plans numbered: 14-159-10 Rev B, 14-159-2028 Rev A, 14-159- 2029 Rev A, 14-159-2034, 14-159-2034 Rev A, 14-159-2036, 14-159-2040, 14- 159-2041, 17.003.600, 17.003.605 Rev A, 17.003.610 Rev A, 17.003.620 Rev A, 17.003.630, 17.003.631, 17.003.632 Rev A, 17.003.633 Rev A, 17.003.634 Rev A, 17.003.635 Rev A, DD145D01 Rev B, DD145D04, DD145L31 Rev A, DD145L37 Rev A, DD145L43 Rev A , DD145L48 Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. 2 The development hereby permitted shall start no later than three years from the date of this decision. Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 3 The development shall be implemented in full accordance with the submitted Design Code. Reason: To ensure a comprehensive approach to high quality design across the site. 4 Details of all street furniture for the public areas shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to its installation. Reason: In the interests of amenity 5 No development shall start until details and samples of all external facing and roofing materials in respect of buildings within this approved phase of development must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before development commences. The development must then accord with these approved details. Reason: To ensure that the external appearance of any building is satisfactory. 6 The details and provisions of the submitted Foul Drainage Strategy and Design Statement Addendum July 2107 and Surface Water Strategy and Design Statement Addendum to the FRA July 2017 shall be fully implemented unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure satisfactory provision of foul and surface water drainage. 7 The details and provisions of the submitted Detailed Landscape Plan and Planting Schedule, Green Infrastructure Strategy, and Landscape and Ecology Management Strategy Revision A shall be fully implemented for this phase of development unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure satisfactory landscape and green infrastructure provisions. 8 The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the submitted Reptile Translocation, Mitigation, Management and Monitoring Strategy July 2017, Otter Protection and Enhancement Strategy July 2017, Bat Mitigation, Enhancement and Monitoring Strategy July 2017 and Dormouse Mitigation Strategy July 2017. Reason: To ensure the protection of protected species. 9 The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the submitted Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Method Statement July 2017 and in accordance with British Standards Institution Code of Practice for trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations British Standard BS 5837:2012. Reason: To protect trees both on and adjacent to the site. 10 The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the submitted North Stoneham Park Phase 1 Remediation Strategy July 2017 and shall not be occupied / brought into use until there has been submitted to the LPA verification by competent person that any remediation scheme required has been implemented fully in accordance with the approved details (unless varied with the written permission of the LPA in advance of implementation). Unless agreed in writing with the LPA such verification shall comply with the guidance contained in CLR11 and EA Guidance for the Safe Development of Housing on Land Affected by Contamination - R&D Publication 66: 2008. Typically such a report would comprise: a. A description of the site and its background, and summary of relevant site information, b. a description of the remediation objectives and remedial works carried out c. verification data, including - data (sample locations/analytical results, as built drawings of the implemented scheme ,photographs of the remediation works in progress, etc. d. Certificates demonstrating that imported and / or material left in situ is free from contamination, gas / vapour membranes have been installed correctly Thereafter the scheme shall be monitored and maintained in accordance with the scheme approved. Reason: To minimise the risks of pollution and to ensure the site is satisfactorily de-contaminated. 11 Before development commences, details of all crime prevention measures in respect of this phase shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development of that phase shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the approved details. Reason: In the interest of crime prevention. 12 All works and development hereby approved shall be undertaken in accordance with approved Land South of Chestnut Avenue Stage 1 Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) dated 20.7.17. Reason: to ensure the protection of wildlife and its supporting habitat, avoid deterioration to a Water Framework Directive Waterbody, and secure opportunities for the enhancement of the nature conservation value of the site in line with national planning policy and as identified in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Addendum accompanying the planning application and in the interests of amenity, highway safety and protection of ecological features. 13 No development shall commence until full details of tree protection fencing have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and this shall include a minimum of 15m buffers for all woodland. Work must not commence until a site meeting attended by the Arboricultural Consultant, Site Manager and local planning authority officer has taken place including an inspection and subsequent approval of the tree protection fencing by the Local Planning Authority. Once approved no access by vehicles or placement of chemicals, fuels, soil or other materials shall take place within the fenced area. The tree protection fencing shall be retained in its approved form for the duration of the construction period pf that phase. Reason: To retain and protect the existing trees which form an important part of the amenity of the locality. 14 No development shall take place until a detailed method statement for either the removal or the long-term management/control of any invasive non-native species on the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The method statement shall include proposed measures that will be used to prevent the spread of invasive species during any operations e.g. mowing, strimming or soil movement. It shall also contain measures to ensure that any soils brought to the site are free of the seeds/root/stem of any invasive plant covered under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, as amended. Development shall proceed in accordance with the approved method statement. Reason: To prevent the spread of invasive non-native species. Without it, avoidable damage could be caused to the nature conservation value of the site. 15 Prior to the commencement of development, details of paving and construction within the root zones of retained trees and hedges in accordance with the approved plans and particulars in respect of that phase must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These details shall be in accordance with the British Standards Institution Code of practice for trees in relation to design, demolition and construction - Recommendations British Standard BS 5837:2012. The development of each phase must not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To conserve the trees adjacent to and within the proposed development 16 Prior to the commencement development, details of a technology and communication strategy for the provision of broadband, fibre optic and audio visual technology within that phase must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The infrastructure must then be provided for use upon first occupation of the buildings hereby permitted within that phase and retained thereafter. Reason: To improve the opportunities to work from home and to reduce the proliferation of individual masts, aerials, satellite dishes and wiring on flatted and commercial blocks in the interests of visual amenity. 17 The roads and footways within each phase must be laid out and made up in accordance with the specification, programme and details for that phase approved and in any event shall be
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