North Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 1994 COISTE TIOBRAID ARANN THUAIDH MacDQNAGH PARK, NENAGH SUNDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1994 Senior Hurling Final TOOMEVARA v. KILRUANE MacDONACH 3.30 p.m. Reitoir: Johnny MCDonnell , (Roscreal Preceded by the 3rd Round Intermediate H. Championship Shannon Rovers v Templederry 2.00 p.m . Reitoir: MI . Lenihan (Ballinahinchl CLAR OIFIGIUIL Luach ............................................ £1 .00 Micheal6 Briain (Runail Nenagh Nehagh Milk Milk There's I nolhing I 1ubeatit! I 2 Teachtaireacht an Chathaoirligh A Cairdre Gael Mar Cathaoirlcach Bhoird Tiobrad Arano Thu"idh g3ch finne chung Pain,:: Mhic Donnchadha inniu. Deanrin comhghaidas leis na foireann Tuaim Ui Mheara agus em Ruadhan as uChl an Cluinc Ceannais seo a shroichint agus lti suil agam go mbeidh cluice ceannais brea spoirliul againn inniu. In my second year as chainnan of the C.l.G. North Board, I wish 10 ex­ lend a read mile Mihe to all 10 MacDonagh Park, Nenagh for loday's match, Today's finali sts Toomevara and Ki lruanc MacDonaghs meci for the seventh time in a North final. Both teams bring back memories of the three finals in 1958, '59 and '60. Toome 3rc seeking their 23rd North title while Kilruanc are seeking their 12th. Both teams mct four years ago when Kil· ruane were winners. Toomevara's last win was in 1991 but have since won two league titles. Our CUrtain-raiser for today's final brings together great rivals Shannon Rovers and Templederry in a vital intermediate ehampionship game. My thanks to all who have worked so hard during 1994 for c.L.G, an Runaf, Micheal 6 Briain, an Cisteoir, Micheal 0 Nuallain and other board members, and also our gate checkers and park committees. I wish to also thank all clubs and club officials for their co-operation dur­ tng the year. To Bord na nOg thanks for the great work they are doing for juvenile games and especially 10 Liam Hogan for his work with today's programme. Last but not least a sincere thanks to all our referees in North Tipp and I wish Johnny McDonnell and his officials the best of luck in loday's final SEAN S. MacLOCHAIDH, Catblaoirleach . .1 Toomevara's Path to the Final Round I: Toome ... ara 1·15, Ncnagh Eire Og 3-7 in ClolIghjordan 5-6-'94 Toomevara: Jod)' Grace, Brendan Spillane. ROTY Brislanc. Dcchm O'Meara, George Frend. Tony Delancy. Philip Shanahan II-I. Terry Dunne. Pal King. Michael Nolan 1-3 (2 frees). Michael Murphy O·l. Thomas Dunne 0.. 2, Liam Nolan 1J-4 (frees). Kevin KcnncdyO-2. Liam Flah­ eny. Subs: Michael O'Meara for Spillane. Tommie Carroll for Flaherty. Nenagh: Kieran O'Brien. Noel Coffey. COllor O'Donovan. Derek Con­ roy. Phil Hennessy. Frank Moran. Paul Kennedy, Philip Kennedy. Michael Cleary 2·1 (frees). Robbie Tomlinson 0-3. Eddie Tucker. Paul Dolan, John Kennedy n-l. John Heffernan, Kevin Tucker I-I. Referee: Michael Cahill 2nd Kound: Toomevara 2-8, Lorrha 1-11 al RoS(:rea 3·7·'94 Toomevara: Jody Grace. Pat M,!her. Rory Brislane. Deelan O·Meara. George Frend. Tony Delaney. Philip Shanah,m . Liarn Fhlherty. P,lt KingO­ I. Mich .. el Nol.. n 1-5. Michael Murphy. Terry Dunne. Liam Nolan I-I. Kevin Kcnncdy. Tommie Carroll 0-1. Subs: Michacl Bcvans for Carroll. Lorrha: Ken Hog,m. Don .. 1 O·Donoghue. Tom M .. dden. H. Hogan. Colm Haughton. Cathal Mcintyre. Dedan O·Meara. Sleven Hogan, John Mcintyre, Noel Hogan 0-3 (2 frecs), John Madden 0-6, Mich .. el Kinsella. Pal Kennedy 1-0. John Sherlock (I-I, Aidan Mcintyre 0-1. Subs: Michael O'MeaT;! for C. Haughton. Referee: Mich .. cl Cahill. Quarter linal replay: Toomevara 1·16, Lorrha 1-12 al Nenagh 17-7·'94 Toomevara: Jody Grace, Pat Mahcr, Rory Brisl .. ne. Declan O'Meara, George Frend. Michael O·Meilra. Philip Shan .. han. Terry Dunne. Pal King, Mi chael Nolan. Michael Murphy. Tony Delancy. Limn Nol,m. Kevin Ken­ nedy. Tommy Carroll. Subs: Liam Flaherty for Li am Nolan. Lorrha: Ken Hogan, Don .. 1O'Donoghuc. Tom Madden, Hubert Hogan. Colm Haughton, Cllhal Mcintyre. Ded .. n O·MeaT,I. 10hn Mcintyre. Stephen "Iogan 0-2. Aidan McI ntyre 0-1, John Madden 1·4 (frees). Michael Kinsella 0-2. Pat Kennedy. John Sherlock n-I. Michael O'Me,lTa 0-2. Subs: Eamonn Maher for Donal O'Donoghue; Martin Young for Deelan O·Me .. ra. Referee: Mich .. el Cahill. Semi·linal: Toomevara 1·13, Moneygall 0-8 al Nenagh 24-7-94 Toomevara: Jody Grace. Pal M .. her, Rory Brislane. Oeelan O'Meara, George Frend. Michael O'Me;lT<l 0-2 (65s), Philip Shan,!han, Terry Dunne 4 Best wishes to Kilruane in the North Final Before the Final, After the Final or Just anytime call to: JOH RYA 51, SUMMERHILL, NENAGH Quality drinks, excellent food in a pleasant atmosphere, hot lunches, evening meals Phone (067) 31928 EVENING MEALS IN The Half Door Restaurant Phone (067) 33692 ; ()..4 (2 fre~ s). Liam Aaherly 0-1. Jimmy Dunne ()-3. Pat King. Tony De­ laney. Kevin Kennedy. Kevin McCormuck 1-3 (2 frees). Tommy Ca rroll. Moncygall: Kevin Collison. Eddie Brereton, Jim Hoolan, Oedan Ryan, Oonagh l-l oolan. Brian O'Dwyer 0-2 (tl5 Hnd free). John Donovan. John Kenny. Eamon Troy. Mark Keeshan , Eamon Tuohy()..I . John Dough.tO ().. S (2 frees). Jimmy O'Dwyer. Joe Smith. Noel Ryan , Subs: John Shelly for John Kenny : John Costigan for John Donovan. Referee: Michael Linehan. AccBANK FIRST FOR BUSINESS FINANCE Loa n or Lease for Vehicles and Equipment Flexible Com merical Mortgages High Yield State Gua ranteed Investments for further details contact ACC pic, 16 Pearse Street, Nenagh, Co. TIpperary Telephone, (0671 311n & 31748 Fax (067) 33094 Wishing both North Tipperary finalists every success from ilool tl $ J!.jottl BIRR Tel (0509) 20032; Fax, (0509) 21332 GRADE A A historic 250 year old coaching inn in the centre of Birr. The Hotel has been modernised to a high standard of comfort and elegance. Bedrooms en suite, colour TV, video, radio, direct dial telephone, tea & coffee making fadlities. The Emmet Restaurant offers superbly cooked international dishes and is complemented by the elegant aide Bar. The spacious Coach-House Bar. with its private alcove lounges, open hearth fire, oak-beamed ceilings, and attractive brass-mounted lighting units, offers excellent bar lunches and a day long snack. service 6 ® Banl< Of Ireland Best of Luck to Toolllevara and Kilruane From North Tipperary branches NENAGH (067) 31099 ROSC REA (0505) 21877 TEMPLEMORE (0504) 31977 T HU RLES (0504) 21511 7 Kilruane's Path to the Final Round I: Kilruane J.7, Roscrea 1-11 . in Moneygall 4-6-'94 Kilruane: T . McDonnell. Sean Gaynor. Brian England. Joe Cahill. Ger Maher. Michael Cleary. Brian Gaynor 1).. 2. John Conroy. Michael Ryan. Mark O'Leary 0-1. M. Cahalan 0-1. Sleven O'leary 0-2. Pal Quinlan. Dinny Cuhill 1-0, Philip Quinlan. Sulls: Eoin Kennedy for Pal Quinlan: David Quinlan 2-\ for Philip Quinl:m. Roscr'ell: Donie Hogan. G. Kennedy. Dennis Kennedy. M. Wright. P. J. Hassett. Liam Fallon. V. Dooley. Michael Hogan 0-1 . Tony Hoctor 11-1. Michael Scully 0-7 (3 frees). Alan Tynan. Da ... id Pync. C. Egan. Brian Eng­ land I)-I. John Slone H·1. Subs: Donie Kealy for Hassell: Eoi" Maher for Wrighl. 2nd Round: Kilruane 3-11. 8orris-lleigh 0..13. in Roscrea 3-7·'94 Kilruane: Tommie McDonald. Joe Cllhil!. Brian England. Martin Hav­ erty. Brian Gaynor. Joe Banaghan. Michael Cleary. David Quinlan 0-5 (4 frees), John Conroy, Pat Quinlan I-II, Gerry Williams. Scan Sheppard. M<lrtin Cahalan (J-t. Dinny C<lhitt 2·2, Mark O'Le<lry 0-3. Su~: Michael Ryan for D<lvid Quinlan. Philip Quinlan for John Conroy. Borris-Ileigh: Gerry Stapleton. J. J. Maher. Mark Rabbille, Philip Rab· bille. Jody Boyle. Bobby Ryan. Joe loughnane. M. Hynes O·t. John McGrath . Seamus Maher0-2. Michael RyanO-I. Aidan Ryan , Jody Hurley. Conor Stllkelum 0-9. T. St<lplcton. Mmi·nnlll: Kilruane 2-10, Newport 1-10 in Nenagh 24-7-'94 Kilruane: Tommie McDonnell. Joe Cahill . Brian England. Martin Hav­ eny. John Conroy. Joe Banagh:Jn. Michael Cleary. Brian Gaynor 0-1 (65). David Quinlan 0-6 (frees). Mark O·Leary. Martin Cah:llan. Scan Sheppard. Gerry Williams O-J, Dinny Cahill 1-0. Pal Quinlan. Subs: Philip Quinlan 1-0 for O'Leary; Eoin Kennedy for John Conroy. Newport: Ger Floyd. Timmie Jones. Cecil Ryan. D. J. O·Brien. J. O'Brien. Manin McCilbc , B. Gleeson. Tom Moylan 0- 1. Ger Bradley (I-I. Peter Coleman 1),,1. Connie McGrath. Aidan O·Gorman. Dinny Ryan 1-7 JOhn Keallllg. John U·Mahoney. \l1'''O'''~ 'nI,,\G~ 1\\t FRiDAY· SATURDAY· SUNDAY \OU~OS.~f " .•. Sound .....allonai • .supe' UghUhDW , •••• 1.· DON'T MiSS THE HOTTEST ClUB ARDUNDi CRUiSE DOWN EASY STREET - BE PART OF THE NIGHT ATTHE @mooco)WID) OO@'IT'IEl1 HIEN'&crnOO ACC~~~~ON IDLB BUACHAILL BAR .tr,LL ROOMS EN SUITE LUNCH DAILY 12.30 - 3pm. m T.Y. & D.D.PHONE. RESTAURANT OPEN DAILY - SEST VALUE LUNCH IN TOWN ":'M=E-ETlN-G-R""'·OO-M-S-F-OR-HIR-i. SMALL OR LARGE GROUPS S1 KENYON STREET, NENAGH. PHONE: 06),31288 The Kilruane learn which derealoo Newport in the semi·nnal: Back: Joe Cahill. Michael Cleary. Martin Cahalant'. Joe Banaghan. John Conroy. Tommy Mdl<tnald. Brian England. Martin Haverty. Front: Jerry Williams. David Quinlan, Pal Quinlan. Oinny Cahill. Brian Gaynor. Sean Sheppard . Mark O·uary. l COMMUNITY SPIRIT At AlB, we're changing the way we think .
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