The Journal Of The Ganganatha Jha Research Institute Volume XXII, Part – 1-2, November-February 1965-66 Sl. Subject Author Page Nu. 1 Karma and Rebirth Prof. K. C. Varadachari 1–12 2 What anandavardhan Meant by Dhvani? Dr. Chandikaprasada Shukla 13-22 Reviews on some Alleged causes of the 3 Lal Mani Joshi 23-38 Decline of Buddhism in India Kali as a Metaphysical concept in the 4 Navjivan Rastogi 39-54 Krama system of Kashmir Shaivism 5 Appreciation of yaska as an Etymologist Dr. S. K. Gupta 55–96 6 Source of Kalidasa’s Rtu-Samhara R. B. Kulshrestha 97-102 Three Jain Inscriptyions from Jabalipur 7 Sadhu Ram 103-110 (Jalor) Interpretation of a passage in Rock Edict 8 Sadhu Ram 111-114 IV of Ashoka 9 Rebellion of Khan Sahib of Madurai Dr. K. Rajayyan 115-128 “Glories of the later Veershaiva Rulers of 10 the Sangama Dynasty of Vijayanagar B. V. Sreenivasan 129-150 Empire” on chronological Basis 11 A note on the nativity of the Kriyayogasara Om Prakash 151-154 12 The Series of “Know Thyself” books Antony Philip Halas 155-157 Volume XXII, Part – 3-4, May-August 1966 Sl. Subject Author Page Nu. Jayantabhatta and Vacaspatimishra : Their 13 Date and Their Significance for the Dr. B. H. Kapadia 159-176 chronology of Vedanta 14 God as the Author of vedas Hem Chandra Joshi 177-192 Revisions of the Manusmriti and the 15 Dr. R. S. Betai 193-202 Background of there : A fresh study Rhetorical Embellishments in the 16 Dr. Santosh Kumari Sharma 203-236 Haravijaya Glories of the Later Veerashaiva Rulers of 17 the Sangam Dynasty of Vijayanagar Empire B. V. Sreenivasan Rao 237-250 on chronological Basis 1 Obituary : Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. 18 Dr. Gopinath Kaviraj 251-258 Umesha Mishra Volume XXIII, Parts – 1-4, January-December 1967 Sl. Subject Author Page Nu. 19 Meaning of History Dr. K. Varadachari 1–12 20 The Date of Govindananda Dr. Bhabatosh Bhattacharya 13-18 21 Idealistic Loyalism in the Smrtis Shivaji Singh 19-28 22 Buddhist atmavada and Asanga Karunesha Shukla 29-50 Shrinatha Acarya-Cudamani, the Target of 23 Dr. Bani Chakravorty 51-60 Govindananda’s Attack The Dasharupa of Dhananjaya and 24 Dr. Rajmani Pandey 61-72 Avaloka, Its commentary by Dhanika Glories of the Later Veerashaiva Rulers of 25 the Sangama Dynasty of Vijayanagar B. V. Srinivasa Rao 73-90 Empire Influence of Bana’s Harsh charita on 26 Dr. Ramakanta Shukla 91-106 Ravisena’s Padmapurana Vidyapati’s Goraksavijaya - A Socio- 27 Shankar Kumar Jha 107-112 political study A critical Evaluation of the Theory and 28 practice of kingship as Revealed in the Rudrakanta Mishra 113-146 Raghuvamsha 29 Note on the original Home of Gunadhya S. Nath 147-150 The Allahabad High Court and the 30 Yudhisthira 151-158 Mitaksara 31 The New Era Antony Philip Halas 159-164 32 Sanskrit Texts from the Ch’ien-Lung Period Dr. Lokesh Chandra 165-170 Theory of the Aesthetic and poetry in 33 Dr. Rameshchandra Sundarji Betai 171-186 Kalidasa Bhagavadbhaktimahatmya Ki Hastalikhita 34 श्रीमꅍनारायण द्विवेदी 187-192 prati श्रीगꅍधर्राजपु�पदꅍतद्विवर椿ता 35 मद्वि륍नः तुद्वितः 193-196 श्रीप्रद्यु륍नशर्द्विवर椿तवृत्तिसद्विता 2 Volume XXIV, Part – 1-4, January-October 1968 (Umesha Mishra Commemoration Volume I part 1-3) Sl. Subject Author Page Nu. The Doctrine of ishvara as Exposed in the 36 George Chemparathy 25-38 Nyayakandali 37 Statistics of the Bhagavadgita R. Morton Smith 39-46 Vedanta philosophy in philosophical and 38 Hajime Nakamura 47-64 Religious works 39 A Discourse on Saccidananda R. K. Garg 65-80 On the Interpretation of a Karika of Ishvara 40 Dr. V. Varadachari 81-86 Krsna 41 Nilakantha as a Mimamsaka Dr. S. G. Moghe 87-100 Shri Vedanta Deshika (1268 A. D. 1368 A. 42 Prof. K. C. Varadachari 101-110 D.) On Some Important Citations in the 43 Dr. H. G. Narahari 111-114 Nyayamanjari of Jayanta Bhatta 44 The Causal Relation Dr. P. S. Sastri 115-128 45 Some Missing Portions of the Gotrabhumi Dr. Karunesh Shukla 129-138 Brahmasutrakara – As Interpreter of the 46 Dr. P. M. Modi 139-150 Gita Dinnaga’s Remark on the Concept of 47 Bimal Krishna Matilal 151-160 Anumeya 48 Authentic Works of shankaracarya Sangam Lal Pandey 161-178 Pre-shankara Upanisadic philosophy as 49 T. K. Gopalaswamy Iyengar 179--186 Expounded by Kalidasa आग椿मक ईश्वरायवाद तथा शांकर अैतवाद या 50 Dr. Ramamurthi Tripathi 187-192 ब्रह्मवाद 51 ब्रह्मसूत्रⴂ का बादरायणैककर्तक配व Dr. Ramakrishna Acharya 193-206 52 ꅍयायदर्ने द्वित्रलोनमत द्विवमर्ः Dr. Kishora Natha Jha 207-214 53 शांकर वेदाꅍत मᴂ ईश्वरवाद Dr. Yogesha Pandey 215-248 54 椿मत्तिथला तथा तꅍत्र : एक 紿ꥍपणी Shrimannarayana Dwivedi 249-260 “Mother-In-Law V. Daughter-in-Law” A 55 Translation of Anonymous Svashru-Snusa- J. Duncan M. Derrett 261-278 Dhana-Samvada 3 56 State of Criminal Law in Manusmrti R. S. Betai 279-300 57 धर् के द्विꅍ饂 त्तिसद्धाꅍत की उ配पत्ति एवं द्विवकास Dr. Ranajita Simha 301-329 Volume XXV, Part – 1-4, January-October 1969 (Umesh Mishra Commemoration Volume II Part 4-5) Sl. Subject Author Page Nu. An Additional Notes on Sundarapandya’s 58 Dr. Ludwik Sternbach 333-366 Nitidvisastika New Light on Life and Works of 59 Prof. Buddha Prakash 367-376 Rajashekhara Kavindracarya Sasaswati - A Native of 60 Dr. M. D. Paradkar 377-380 Maharastra 61 The Tamil Society of the Sangam Age Shri V. Perumal 381-396 Vedic Sources of the sharngaka Legend of 62 Dr. Ram Gopal 397-402 the Mahabharata 63 Vopadeva and Hemadri on Bhaktirasa Dr. K. Krishnamoorthy 403-410 64 Return of Kalidasa’s Rtu-Samhara Prof. R. B. Kulshreshtha 411-416 The Sangamaniya Gem Episode in the 65 Dr. S. G. Kantawala 417-424 Vikramorvasiyam Kubera in Sanskrit Literature with Special 66 Shri V. M. Bedekar 425-452 reference ro the Mahabharata Bhavaprita-Sangeeta or A New Lyric Note 67 Shri Ramanatha Jha 453–458 in Maithili Poetry 68 Amrtakar : A Dramatist and His patron Dr. Shailendra Mohan Jha 459--468 क्षेमेꅍद्रकृत बृ配कथामंजरी मᴂ भारतीय संकृ द्वित 69 Dr. (Mrs.) Pratibha Tewari 469–478 तथा सामा焿जक आधुद्विनक द्विवारधारा 70 The Meaning of Vedic Karu Prof. J. Gonda 479-488 A Note on the Epic Folk-Etymology of 71 Prof. Minoaru Hara 489-500 Rajan 72 Shiprin and shipivista Dr. Sadashiv A. Dange 501-510 73 Apropos the Rgveda Dr. V. G. Rahurkar 511-516 74 Rv. X, 14-1a : A Fresh Approach Prof. N. M. Kansara 517-520 75 The Word ‘Garta’ in the Rgveda Dr. B. M. Kapadia 521-526 76 An Aspect of Pali Semantics Shri S. Bhattacharya 527-530 A Syntactical Agreement between the 77 S. N. Bhatracharya 531-536 Ashokan Prakrita and Ardh-Magadhi 4 78 Phonology of a Decan Dialect Shri Animesh K. Pal 537-550 A Historical Study of Caarpeluttu in tamil Dr. C. R. Sankaran and R. M. 79 551--564 Grammar and Their Commentaries Sundaram 80 Change of OIA 5th Conj. > 9th Conj. In Pali Sri Raviprakash 565-566 संकृत भाषा मᴂ प्रयुक्त कुछ प्राीनतम द्विवदेशी 81 Dr. Bhola Nath Tiwari 567-572 श녍द Volume XXVI, Part 1-3 ; January-December 1970 (Mm. Umesha Mishra Commemoration Volume III Part 6-9) Sl. Subject Author Page Nu. 82 Social world in the Mahabharata DR. A. D. Pusalker 575-580 Note on Ashok’s Seventh and Ninth Rock- 83 Sri M. A. Mehandale 581-586 Edicts A Fragment of a Frescoed Frieze Depicting 84 Dr. M. S. Bhat 587-590 Dipankara Buddha in Miran, Central Asia Gwalior Inscription of the Gurjara-pratihara 85 Sri Sadhu Ram 591-616 King bhoja (A Revised Study) Some ovservations on the Hisse-Borala 86 Dr. Ajay Mitra Shastri 617-628 Inscription of Vakataka Devasena 87 The Buddhist Temples of Eastern Siberia Dr. Lokesh Chandra 629-636 88 The Satavahana Coinage Dr. C. B. Pandey 637-656 Religlous Tolerance and Intolerance as 89 Sri B. N. Sharma 657-668 Reflected in Indian Sculptures King Candra of Meharauli iron pillar 90 Sri S. S. Rana 669-676 Inscription Balance of Force in the Nayaka polity of 91 Dr. K. Rajayyan 677-684 Madurai Recognition of Merit in caste System in 92 Dr. Jogiraj Basu 685-694 Ancient India 93 Some problems in Huna History Dr. Upendra Thakur 695-702 Were the Western ksatrapas Viceroys of 94 Rasesh C. Jamindar 703-708 the kusanas An Interesting Stone panel from the 95 Dr. Bhagawant Sahai 709-716 Visnupad Temple Original Sites of Some Important Temples 96 Sri Kubera Nath Sukul 717-724 of Varanasi Identification of the Ancient Land of Uttara 97 Dr. Shyam Narain Pande 725-736 Kuru 5 98 The aryan problem Dr. S. K. Gupta 737-742 99 The Date of the Arthashastra Sri K. C. Ojha 743-746 100 जल-ꥍलावन – एक ऐद्वितात्तिसक घ9ना डा. ा섿रकाप्रसाद स啍सेना 747-756 101 ध्रुवदेवी की जाद्वित श्री एस. एन. प्रसाद 757-762 Economic Self-Sufficiency of Ancient 102 Sri Lallanji Gopal 763-770 Indian villages A Note on the study of Feasts and 103 Sri Chintaharan Chakravarti 771-774 Festivities of the Hindus 104 Folktales of the Miris Dr. Praphulladatta Goswami 775-780 105 बृ配संद्विताया द्विवमर्ः श्री बलदेवउपा鵍यायः 781-790 106 Vopadeva and Hemadri on Bhakti Rasa Dr. V.
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