

∂ÈÎÔÈÓˆÓ›· ∫À¶ƒπ∞∫∏∫À¶ƒπ∞∫∏ ¢∏ª√∫ƒ∞∆π∞¢∏ª√∫ƒ∞∆π∞ À¶√Àƒ°∂π√À¶√Àƒ°∂π√ °∂øƒ°π∞™,°∂øƒ°π∞™, ºÀ™π∫ø¡ºÀ™π∫ø¡ ¶√ƒø¡¶√ƒø¡ REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS ∫∞π∫∞π ¶∂ƒπµ∞§§√¡∆√™¶∂ƒπµ∞§§√¡∆√™ ∆Ì‹Ì· °ÂˆÏÔÁÈ΋˜ ∂ÈÛÎfiËÛ˘ MINISTRYMINISTRY OFOF AGRICULTURE,AGRICULTURE, NATURALNATURAL RESOURCESRESOURCES ¢È‡ı˘ÓÛË ÁÚ·Ê›ˆÓ: ANDAND ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENT §Â‡ÎˆÓÔ˜ 1, 2064 ™ÙÚfi‚ÔÏÔ˜, §Â˘ÎˆÛ›·, ∫‡ÚÔ˜ ∆ËÏ.: +357-22409213, º·Í: +357-22316873 ∏ÏÂÎÙÚ. Ù·¯˘‰ÚÔÌ›Ô: [email protected] πÛÙÔÛÂÏ›‰·: ∆·¯˘‰ÚÔÌÈ΋ ‰È‡ı˘ÓÛË: ∆Ì‹Ì· °ÂˆÏÔÁÈ΋˜ ∂ÈÛÎfiËÛ˘ 1415 §Â˘ÎˆÛ›· ∫‡ÚÔ˜ Geological Survey Department Physical address: 1 Lefkonos Street, 2064 Strovolos, Lefkosia, Cyprus Tel.: +357-22409213, Fax: +357-22316873 E-mail: [email protected] Website: ∆ª∏ª∞∆ª∏ª∞ °∂ø§√°π∫∏™°∂ø§√°π∫∏™ ∂¶π™∫√¶∏™∏™∂¶π™∫√¶∏™∏™ Mailing address: ∂∆∏™π∞ ∂∫£∂™∏ 2009 Geological Survey Department 1415 Lefkosia Cyprus Contact ∆Ì‹Ì· °ÂˆÏÔÁÈ΋˜ ∂ÈÛÎfiËÛ˘ Geological GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT Survey Department ANNUAL REPORT 2009 °.∆.¶./PIO/345/2010-1.500 ISSN 1986-0374 ∂ΉfiıËΠ·fi ÙÔ °Ú·ÊÂ›Ô ∆‡Ô˘ Î·È ¶ÏËÚÔÊÔÚÈÒÓ Published by the Press and Information Office ∂ÎÙ‡ˆÛË/Printed by Zavallis Litho Ltd ºˆÙÔÁÚ·Ê›· Â͈ʇÏÏÔ˘: ∂Ó·ÏÏ·Á¤˜ Ú·‰ÈÔÏ·ÚÈÙÒÓ, Ú·‰ÈÔÏ·ÚÈÙÈÎÒÓ ËÏÈÙÒÓ Î·È ·Û‚ÂÛÙÔÏ›ıˆÓ ÙÔ˘ ™¯ËÌ·ÙÈÛÌÔ‡ ∂È- ÛÎÔ‹˜, ∫ÔÈÏ¿‰· ¢È·Ú›˙Ô˘, ∂·Ú¯›·˜ ¶¿ÊÔ˘. Photograph on cover: Alternating layers of radiolarites, radiolaritic pelites & limestones of the Episkopi formation. Diarizos valley, Pafos District. ∂∆∏™π∞ ∂∫£∂™∏ 2009 ∆ª∏ª∞ °∂ø§√°π∫∏™ ∂¶π™∫√¶∏™∏™ ∫À¶ƒπ∞∫∏ ¢∏ª√∫ƒ∞∆π∞ ANNUAL REPORT 2009 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS ¶∂ƒπ∂Ã√ª∂¡∞ - CONTENTS ™ÂÏ. / Page ¶ƒ√§√°√™ PREFACE . 5 1. ∆√ ∆ª∏ª∞ °∂ø§√°π∫∏™ ∂¶π™∫√¶∏™∏™ THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT . 7 1.1. ∏ ∞¶√™∆√§∏ ∫∞π √π ¢ƒ∞™∆∏ƒπ√∆∏∆∂™ ∆√À ∆ª∏ª∞∆√™ THE MISSION AND ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT. 7 1.2. ∏ ¢√ª∏ ∆√À ∆ª∏ª∞∆√™ THE STRUCTURE OF THE DEPARTMENT . 8 1.3 ∆√ √ƒ∞ª∞ ∆√À ∆ª∏ª∞∆√™ THE VISION OF THE DEPARTMENT . 9 2. °∂¡π∫∂™ ¢ƒ∞™∆∏ƒπ√∆∏∆∂™ GENERAL ACTIVITIES . 10 3. µ∞™π∫∏ °∂ø§√°π∫∏ ∂ƒ∂À¡∞-°∂ø§√°π∫∞ ¢∂¢√ª∂¡∞ BASIC GEOLOGICAL RESEARCH-GEOLOGICAL DATA . 12 3.1 °∂ø§√°π∫∏ Ã∞ƒ∆√°ƒ∞º∏™∏ GEOLOGICAL MAPPING . 12 3.2. °∂øª√ƒº√§√°π∞ GEOMORFOLOGY. 13 3.3 °∂ø£∂ƒªπ∫∏ ∂¡∂ƒ°∂π∞ GEOTHERMAL ENERGY . 15 3.4 ™À™∆∏ª∞∆∞ °∂ø°ƒ∞ºπ∫ø¡ ¶§∏ƒ√º√ƒπø¡ GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS . 16 4. √ƒÀ∫∆√π ¶√ƒ√π MINERAL RESOURCES. 17 5. À¶√°∂π√π À¢∞∆π∫√π ¶√ƒ√π GROUNDWATER RESOURCES. 20 5.1 À¢ƒ√°∂ø§√°π∫∂™ ∂ƒ∂À¡∂™ HYDROGEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS . 20 5.1.1. ªÂϤÙ˜ ÂÊ·ÚÌÔÁ‹˜ Ù¯ÓËÙÔ‡ ÂÌÏÔ˘ÙÈÛÌÔ‡ Groundwater recharge studies . 20 5.2. ∂º∞ƒª√°∏ ¡√ª√£∂™π∞™ IMPLEMENTATION . 20 5.2.1. √‰ËÁ›· 91/676/∂√∫ Directive 91/676/EEC . 20 5.2.2. √‰ËÁ›· Ï·›ÛÈÔ ÁÈ· ⁄‰·Ù· 2000/60/∂∫ Water Frame Directive 2000/60/EE . 22 5.2.3. √‰ËÁ›· 2006/118/∂∫ Directive 2006/118/EC . 22 5.3. ∫∞£√ƒπ™ª√™ ∑ø¡ø¡ ¶ƒ√™∆∞™π∞™ À¢ƒ∂À∆π∫ø¡ °∂ø∆ƒ∏™∂ø¡ DELINEATION OF PROTECTION ZONES FOR WATER SUPPLY BOREHOLES . 23 5.4. ¶∞ƒ∞∫√§√À£∏™∏ À¶√°∂πø¡ ¡∂ƒø¡ GROUNDWATER MONITORING . 23 5.5. ∫∞§Àæ∏ À¢ƒ∂À∆π∫ø¡ ∞¡∞°∫ø¡ ∫√π¡√∆∏∆ø¡ PROSPECTING FOR COMMUNITY DOMESTIC SUPPLY NEEDS. 25 6. °∂ø∆∂áπ∫∂™ ª∂§∂∆∂™/°∂ø¶ƒ√µ§∏ª∞∆∞ GEOTECHNICAL STUDIES/GEOPROBLEMS . 26 6.1. À¢∞∆π∫∞ ∂ƒ°∞ WATER PROJECTS. 26 6.2. ∂ƒ°∞ √¢√¶√ππ∞™,°∂ºÀƒ√¶√ππ∞™ ∫∞π ¶∞ƒ∞∫∆π∞™ ∑ø¡∏™ ROAD,BRIDGE AND COASTAL ZONE PROJECTS . 27 6.3. ∂ƒ°∞ √π∫π™∆π∫∏™ ∞¡∞¶∆À•∏™ PROJECTS FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT . 27 6.4. ∞™∆√Ãπ∂™/∞™∆∞£∂π∂™ ¶ƒ∞¡ø¡ SLOPE FAILURE/INSTABILITY . 28 6.5. ª∂§∂∆∂™ °∂ø¶ƒ√µ§∏ª∞∆ø¡ GEOPROBLEMS STUDIES . 28 6.5.1. ∂Ú¢ÓËÙÈÎfi ¶ÚfiÁÚ·ÌÌ· ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÂÎfiÓËÛË ªÂϤÙ˘ ÙˆÓ ∫·ÙÔÏÈÛı‹ÛÂˆÓ Û ÂÚÈÔ¯¤˜ Ù˘ ·گ›·˜ ¶¿ÊÔ˘ Research program for the study of landslides in the Pafos District 28 6.5.2. ∑ÒÓ˜ ÁˆÏÔÁÈ΋˜ ÂÈÎÈÓ‰˘ÓfiÙËÙ·˜ Geological vulnerability zones. 32 7. ™∂π™ª√§√°π∫√ ¢π∫∆À√ SEISMOLOGICAL NETWORK . 33 7.1 ™∂π™ªπ∫∏ ¢ƒ∞™∆∏ƒπ√∆∏∆∞ ∫∞∆∞ ∆√ 2009 SEISMIC ACTIVITY OF 2009 . 34 8. °∂øºÀ™π∫∂™ ∂ƒ∂À¡∂™ GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS . 37 8.1. ∞∫√À™∆π∫√ ¶∂πƒ∞ª∞-METNET 9 ACOUSTIC INFRASOUND EXPERIMENT-METNET 9 . 38 9. ∂ƒ°∞™∆∏ƒπ∞∫∂™ ∂ƒ°∞™π∂™ LABORATORY WORKS . 40 9.1. Ã∏ªπ∫√ ∂ƒ°∞™∆∏ƒπ√ CHEMICAL LABORATORY . 40 9.1.1. °Âˆ¯ËÌÈÎfi˜ ÕÙÏ·ÓÙ·˜ Ù˘ ∫‡ÚÔ˘ The Geochemical Atlas of Cyprus . 42 9.2 ∂ƒ°∞™∆∏ƒπ√ ª∏Ã∞¡π∫∏™ °∂ø§√°π∞™ ∫∞π µπ√ª∏Ã∞¡π∫ø¡ √ƒÀ∫∆ø¡ ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL MINERALS LABORATORY . 44 10. °∂ø∆ƒ∏™∂π™ DRILLING . 45 11. ∂∫¢√™∂π™ PUBLICATIONS . 45 12. ª∂§∂∆∂™ ∫∞π ¢∏ª√™π∂À™∂π™. 46 12.1 ª∂§∂∆∏ ∆∏™ °∂øª√ƒº√§√°π∞™ ∆∏™ ∫À¶ƒ√À . 46 12.2 ¢√∫πª∂™ ¶ƒ√™¢π√ƒπ™ª√À ™À¡∆∂§∂™∆∏ ∞¶√™∞£ƒø™∏™ ∞¢ƒ∞¡ø¡ À§π∫ø¡: ¶∞ƒ∂§£√¡, ¶∞ƒ√¡ ∫∞π ª∂§§√¡ . 48 12.3 ª∂§∂∆∏ °π∞ ∆∏¡ ∞¶√∫∞∆∞™∆∞™∏ ∂°∫∞∆∞§∂πªª∂¡ø¡ ª∂∆∞§§∂πø¡ ª∂π∫∆ø¡ £∂π√ÀÃø¡ . 52 ¶ƒ√§√°√™ PREFACE ∏ ÂÙ‹ÛÈ· ¤ÎıÂÛË ÙÔ˘ ∆Ì‹Ì·ÙÔ˜ °ÂˆÏÔÁÈ΋˜ ∂ÈÛÎfi- The annual report of the Geological Survey Depart- ËÛ˘ ¤ÁÈÓ ϤÔÓ ıÂÛÌfi˜ Î·È Ù·˘Ùfi¯ÚÔÓ· ·ÔÙÂÏ› ment constitutes a commitment for its staff but ‰¤ÛÌ¢ÛË ÁÈ· ÙÔ ÚÔÛˆÈÎfi ÙÔ˘ ∆Ì‹Ì·ÙÔ˜ ·ÏÏ¿ Î·È also for me personally. It presents our work and ÁÈ· ̤ӷ ÚÔÛˆÈο, ÁÈ· ·ÚÔ˘Û›·ÛË ÙÔ˘ ¤ÚÁÔ˘ ÙÔ˘ activities as defined and derived from our duties ∆Ì‹Ì·ÙÔ˜, fiˆ˜ ·˘Ùfi ηıÔÚ›˙ÂÙ·È Î·È ·ÔÚÚ¤ÂÈ ·fi and responsibilities. Our Department achieves its ÙȘ ·ÚÌÔ‰ÈfiÙËÙ¤˜ ÙÔ˘, ÂÎÏËÚÒÓÔÓÙ·˜ ÙÔ ÚfiÏÔ Î·È role and mission, consistent with its ongoing effort ÙËÓ ·ÔÛÙÔÏ‹ ÙÔ˘, Û˘Ó¤˜ ÛÙË Û˘Ó¯‹ ÚÔÛ¿ıÂÈ· for production, with work of high quality and scien- ÁÈ· ·Ú·ÁˆÁ‹ ¤ÚÁÔ˘ ˘„ËÏ‹˜ ÔÈfiÙËÙ·˜ Î·È ÂÈÛÙËÌÔ- tific completeness. ÓÈ΋˜ ·ÚÙÈfiÙËÙ·˜. The 2009 report presents the geological happen- ∏ ¤ÎıÂÛË ÁÈ· ÙÔ 2009 ·ÚÔ˘ÛÈ¿˙ÂÈ Ù· ÁˆÏÔÁÈο ings that were implemented last year and aims to ÂÚ·Á̤ӷ Ô˘ ˘ÏÔÔÈ‹ıËÎ·Ó ÙÔ ¯ÚfiÓÔ Ô˘ ¤Ú·- inform for the work that was conducted, the ÛÂ Î·È ¤¯ÂÈ ÛÎÔfi Ó· ÂÓËÌÂÚÒÛÂÈ ÁÈ· ÙȘ ÂÚÁ·Û›Â˜ Ô˘ research programs that were planed and complet- ¤ÁÈÓ·Ó, Ù· ÂÚ¢ÓËÙÈο ÚÔÁÚ¿ÌÌ·Ù· Ô˘ ۯ‰ȿÛÙË- ed, as well as the services and expert advice that Î·Ó Î·È ÂÎÔÓ‹ıËηÓ, ηıÒ˜ Î·È ÙȘ ˘ËÚÂۛ˜ Î·È were given to the public and the private sector. Áӈ̷Ù‡ÛÂȘ Ô˘ ‰fiıËÎ·Ó ÛÙÔ ‰ËÌfiÛÈÔ Î·È È‰ÈˆÙÈÎfi ÙÔ̤·. The duties and responsibilities of the Department cover a wide spectrum of activities. The three main √È ·ÚÌÔ‰ÈfiÙËÙ˜ ÙÔ˘ ∆Ì‹Ì·ÙÔ˜ ηχÙÔ˘Ó ¤Ó· ¢ڇ thematic units, namely Water Resources – Mineral Ê¿ÛÌ· ıÂÌ¿ÙˆÓ Î·È ‰Ú·ÛÙËÚÈÔًوÓ. √È ÙÚÂȘ ‚·ÛÈΤ˜ Resources – Urban Environment, constitute the ıÂÌ·ÙÈΤ˜ ÂÓfiÙËÙ˜, À‰·ÙÈÎÔ› ¶fiÚÔÈ – √Ú˘ÎÙÔ› ¶fiÚÔÈ – backbone of the Department’s work, where most ¢ÔÌË̤ÓÔ ¶ÂÚÈ‚¿ÏÏÔÓ, ·ÔÙÂÏÔ‡Ó ÙÔÓ ¿ÍÔÓ· ÙˆÓ of its human and economic resources are made ÂÚÁ·ÛÈÒÓ ÙÔ˘ ∆Ì‹Ì·ÙÔ˜ fiÔ˘ ‰È·Ù›ıÂÙ·È ÙÔ ÌÂÁ·Ï‡- available. The primary fields of the Department’s ÙÂÚÔ ÔÛÔÛÙfi ÙˆÓ ·ÓıÚÒÈÓˆÓ Î·È ÔÈÎÔÓÔÌÈÎÒÓ work include the detection of aquifers and the sat- fiÚˆÓ. √ ÂÓÙÔÈÛÌfi˜ ˘fiÁÂÈˆÓ ˘‰ÚÔÊÔÚ¤ˆÓ Î·È Ë isfaction of the modern society’s needs in terms of ÈηÓÔÔ›ËÛË ÔÈÔÙÈο Î·È ÔÛÔÙÈο ÙˆÓ ·Ó·ÁÎÒÓ Ù˘ quality and quantity, the guarantee of suitable, Û‡Á¯ÚÔÓ˘ ÎÔÈÓˆÓ›·˜, Ë ÂÍ·ÛÊ¿ÏÈÛË Î·Ù¿ÏÏËÏˆÓ Î·È good quality mineral resources for raw material in ηϋ˜ ÔÈfiÙËÙ·˜ ÔÚ˘ÎÙÒÓ fiÚˆÓ ÁÈ· ÚÒÙ˜ ‡Ï˜ the construction and building industry, as well as ÛÙË ‚ÈÔÌ˯·Ó›· Î·È Î˘Ú›ˆ˜ ÛÙÔÓ Î·Ù·Û΢·ÛÙÈÎfi Î·È the development of a safe urban environment in ÔÈÎÔ‰ÔÌÈÎfi ÙÔ̤·, ηıÒ˜ Î·È Ë ·Ó¿Ù˘ÍË ÂÓfi˜ ·ÛÊ·- combination with the knowledge of geohazards ÏÔ‡˜ ‰ÔÌË̤ÓÔ˘ ÂÚÈ‚¿ÏÏÔÓÙÔ˜ ÛÂ Û˘Ó‰˘·ÛÌfi Ì ÙË and the evaluation of its vulnerability. ÁÓÒÛË ÙˆÓ ÁˆÎÈÓ‰‡ÓˆÓ Î·È ÙËÓ ÂÎÙ›ÌËÛË Ù˘ ÂÈÎÈÓ- ‰˘ÓfiÙËÙ¿˜ ÙÔ˘˜ Â›Ó·È ÔÈ ÚˆÙ·Ú¯ÈÎÔ› ÙÔÌ›˜ ÙˆÓ Climatic changes, with prolonged and repeating ÂÚÁ·ÛÈÒÓ ÙÔ˘ ∆Ì‹Ì·ÙÔ˜. drought years, deplete groundwater resources and the natural environment making the risk for deser- √È ÎÏÈÌ·ÙÈΤ˜ ÌÂÙ·‚ÔϤ˜, Ì ·ÚÈ· ¯·Ú·ÎÙËÚÈÛÙÈο ÙȘ tification an evident hazard. ·Ú·ÙÂٷ̤Ó˜ Î·È Û˘¯Ó¿ ·ӷϷ̂·ÓfiÌÂÓ˜ ·ÓÔÌ- ‚ڛ˜ Î·È ÍËڷۛ˜, ÚÔηÏÔ‡Ó ·ÚÓËÙÈΤ˜ ÂÈÙÒÛÂȘ In parallel, ongoing water pollution and contamina- ∂Ù‹ÛÈ· ŒÎıÂÛË 2009- Annual Report 2009 5 ÛÙ· ˘fiÁÂÈ· ÓÂÚ¿ ·ÏÏ¿ Î·È ÛÙÔ Ê˘ÛÈÎfi ÂÚÈ‚¿ÏÏÔÓ, tion hazard, depletion of the natural environment fiÔ˘ Ô Î›Ó‰˘ÓÔ˜ Ù˘ ·Âڋ̈Û˘ Â›Ó·È Ï¤ÔÓ ÔÚ·Ùfi˜ due to natural and anthropogenic causes, reduction ÁÈ· ÙÔÓ ÙfiÔ Ì·˜. of mineral reserves necessitate the sustainable management with environmentally friendly meth- ¶·Ú¿ÏÏËÏ·, Ô Û˘Ó¯‹˜ ΛӉ˘ÓÔ˜ Ú‡·ÓÛ˘ Î·È ods. ÌfiÏ˘ÓÛ˘ ÙˆÓ ÓÂÚÒÓ, Ë ˘Ô‚¿ıÌÈÛË ÙÔ˘ Ê˘ÛÈÎÔ‡ ÂÚÈ‚¿ÏÏÔÓÙÔ˜ ·fi Ê˘ÛÈΤ˜ Î·È ·ÓıÚˆÔÁÂÓ›˜ It is my appreciation that our Department corre- ·Èٛ˜, ·ÏÏ¿ Î·È Ë Ì›ˆÛË ÙˆÓ ·ÔıÂÌ¿ÙˆÓ ÔÚ˘ÎÙÒÓ sponds sufficiently, professionally and effectively in fiÚˆÓ ÂÈ‚¿ÏÏÔ˘Ó ÙËÓ ·ÂÈÊfiÚÔ ‰È·¯Â›ÚÈÛË Ì ÌÂıfi- its role and mission that it has undertaken for the ‰Ô˘˜ ÊÈÏÈΤ˜ ÚÔ˜ ÙÔ ÂÚÈ‚¿ÏÏÔÓ. state and its citizens. The Department methodizes the confrontation of challenges by planning and ∂ÎÙÈÌÒ fiÙÈ ÙÔ ∆Ì‹Ì· Ì·˜ ·ÓÙ·ÔÎÚ›ÓÂÙ·È Ì ¿ÚÎÂÈ·, applying rational strategy in the framework of sus- ·ÁÁÂÏÌ·ÙÈÛÌfi Î·È ·ÔÙÂÏÂÛÌ·ÙÈÎfiÙËÙ· ÛÙÔ ÚfiÏÔ tainability and protection of the environment.

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