November Issue 2015 ADNOC SCHOOLS MS/HS Campus — Ruwais Newsletter Commemoration Day Time flies and thus National Day already approaching the end of trimester 1. November was quite a busy month. In ad- dition to our usual ac- ademic life many ex- citing events took place. Just to men- H.H. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al tion a few: National Nahyan has declared that from Day, National Sports Day, Com- this year, November 30 will be a memoration Day, and many oth- national holiday to honor and re- ers. The final exams will start On 25th Nov. the school celebrat- ed the National Day of the UAE. It member Emiratis who have fallen soon and our students are re- in the line of duty. Each year the viewing the material to achieve was a fun day with lot’s of events: in addition to students’ perfor- country will pay tribute on Martyrs’ their best scores. We wish them Day to the honor and loyalty of its a lot of success ! mances, there were a traditional tent and food, henna painting, national heroes in recognition of As this will be our last newsletter camel and horse rides, and even the sacrifices they made. To en- for this term, we hope to see a falcon with which the students courage social participation on the you all back again on Jan. 10th. were eager to take photographs. occasion, all schools in the UAE started their day at 8am with the Inside this issue: lowering of the UAE flag across the country. This was followed by Principle's message 1 a minute of silence at 11.30am, National Day Celebration 1 after which the UAE flag was Commemoration Day 1 raised again, with the playing of DELF Exam 2 the national anthem. Book Fair 2 MVP of November 2 Parent Teacher Conference 2 A big thank you to Innovation Day 3 the Arabic and Is- Measles vaccination 3 lamic Dept. and all Spirit Week 3 parties in- volved for all their Sports events 4 hard work to help Test-taking tips 4 make this event an Students’ projects and art work 5 amazing success! Admission office decorations Volume 4, Issue 3—ADNOC SCHOOLS MS/HS Campus—Ruwais ADNOC SCHOOLS ABU DHABI DELF Exam Book fair Parent-Teacher In order to Conference The DELF (Diplôme d'études encourage en langue française) is the Parents are our partners in edu- our students official French-language diplo- cation. An ideal educational envi- to read, and ma awarded by France's Minis- ronment is reached when school to open new try of National Education. It is and parents cooperate to the horizons for recognized around the world best of the students. On 10th them, our and is valid for life. More than November the parents were in- school host- 300,000 diplomas are awarded vited to the PT conference. It ed the annual Book Fair during the each year . was a successful evening and days from 8 to 11 November. A different issues were discussed. We are proud to announce that wide array a different types and our students Fatmah Taha genres of books was on display . (12), Al-Reem Al-Hosani (11) The book fair was open to the Ru- and Reyan Syed (12) have wais community. participated in this year’s DELF exam. They have been award- ed the official certificate. Con- MVP of November gratulations! MVP November—Male Campus November’s MVP’s have been an- Congratulations! nounced! For the female campus: Mrs. Suzanne Watson awarding Al- Reem Al-Hosani and Fatmah Taha Amna Almansoori (10A) Ms. Gael Thomlinson (Music) For the male campus: Sriphani Bellamkonda (10B) Mr. Brad Thomlinson (Math) MVP November—Female Campus Page 2 Volume 4, Issue 3—ADNOC SCHOOLS MS/HS Campus—Ruwais UAE Innovation Day Measles Vaccination Spirit Week UAE Innovation Week is a week- In a bid to combat the threat of As per the request of the Stu- long event held annually during the the measles virus, the Ministry of dents Council, the school ar- month of November to celebrate innovation across the UAE. health involved schools in a na- ranged a Spirit Week. During This event is very important to our tionwide vaccination project . this week students were allowed students as it provides unique to wear different outfits accord- learning opportunities. Therefore Vaccinations were administered ing to an agreed schedule. This the school arranged an Innovation by the school’s health clinics in year’s week included: Hero / Day , where the classes on that day conjunction with HAAD . incorporated innovation. Character Day, PJ Day, and The vaccine aims to improve the The country celebrated Innovation Twin Day. The students (and immunity of Week 2015 with 800 events and teachers!) had a lot of fun. initiatives for six days. All emirates the targeted took part along with 214 partici- classes and pants from federal and local gov- avoid occur- ernments and the private sector. rences of this disease in the UAE . ECO Week Students experimenting with “Aurasma” App. Students will be The first rainy day for this year: back for trimester 2 Students exploring the meaning of on Sunday, “innovation” through projects November 12th! Jan. 12th 2016 Page 3 ADNOC SCHOOLS Sports events On Nov. 25th the school celebrated Na- Over the last weeks two tional Sports Day, a major sport events took day involving aero- place. bics as well as sports, On Nov. 14th our stu- recreational, promo- dents participated in the tional, communal, ed- Inter ADNOC Tourna- ucational and com- ment in Madinat Zayed. petitive activities, We won all the sports: which epitomize the basketball high school cohesion of communi- girls, football middle ty segments and re- school girls and football flect the harmony and high school boys. positive interaction Basketball middle among multi cultures school boys came sec- living in the UAE. ond place. Joserie Reyes winning first place in athletics (running) Test taking tips Now that the exams are before the test. computers (unless Taking about the test near, parents and stu- If you are anxious closely monitored). with your child can re- dents alike may experi- about your child’s Mark down test days lieve stress about test ence different stages of test it’s ok, but try to on your family calen- taking. anxiety. Please make keep calm around dar so you and your If your child is struggling sure that your child is your child, you don’t child are both aware on their tests, talk to getting enough sleep want them to get of testing dates. them about it and meet and eats balanced anxious about their Make sure that your with their teacher and/or meals, as the body tests too. child gets enough counselor to find out the needs more energy Encourage your sleep on the night best way to help your during the exam time. child to do well but before the test. child. The following tips will don’t pressure them. Ensure that your Praise/reward your child provide suggestions for You may stress your child eats a healthy when they do well on a parents on how to ap- child out. It is im- breakfast and avoid test or for their hard proach test taking with portant for your child heavy foods that work preparing to a test. their children. to stay relaxed on may make them Encourage them to do Make sure that your the test. groggy and avoid better if they don’t do child does all their Keep a positive atti- high sugar foods well. homework and tude about tests. that may make them Review the test with reading assign- Provide a quiet, well hyper. your child after they ments which will lighted area with lit- Make sure that your have taken it and go help make sure tle distractions to child gets up early over any mistakes they your child is pre- help your child study enough to that they have made and make pared for the test. efficiently. For ex- will be on time to sure that they under- Encourage your ample, not near a school. stand what they did child to space out window or door Let your child relax wrong and how they can their studying and where they can be for a few hours be- improve for the next homework assign- easily distracted and fore bedtime, it can test. ments so that they no electronics- be stressful for a won’t be forced to phones, radio, mu- child to study all We wish all our students the cram on the night sic, television or night. best and a lot of success! Page 4 Volume 4, Issue 3—ADNOC SCHOOLS MS/HS Campus—Ruwais Bits and Pieces A page dedicated to students projects and art work THE FLAG OF MY COUNTRY علم بﻻدي The flag of my country is waving high علم بﻻدي يرفرف عاليا،، :And the echoes of my country rejoice and say وصدى وطني يغرد قائﻻ،، ,long live my country, long live my country "عيشي بﻻدي عيشي بﻻدي، عاش اتحاد إماراتنا" long live the unity of my Emirates In the name of this country poems we recite كلمات وأشعار رفعت باسم هذا الوطن،، songs and melodies to its glory and pride ألحان ونغمات نشدت عزا بل مع فخر،، :and my words send the deepest message with a big smile ومن كلماتي أرسل أعمق رسالة،، ,long live my country, long live my country مملوءة بالوجدان مع أكبر ابتسامة،، long live the unity of my Emirates My emirates rise day after day إماراتي تعلو يوما بعد يوم،، :my Emirates grow in pride and I say إماراتي تسمو فخرا وقيما،، .It will be in my heart until my hair turns gray إماراتي في قلبي حتى الهرم،، ,long live my country, long live my country بقيادة رشيدة وصلت أعالي مجيدة،، long live the unity of my Emirates With a wise leadership it reaches glorious stands َو ِب ِق َّص ٍة ابتدأت بالتراب حتى انتهت بالعمران،، a story that ended in prosperity, and started from sands وأياد توحدت في القلب تجمدت َولل َس َما ِء وصلت،، and united to the sky reach hearts and hands: ,long live my country, long live my country رواها الراوي،، long live the unity of my Emirates فداها الغالي،، This is the tale the storyteller told A tale of precious sacrifice that will never grow old وﻷجل ترابها تعب أبناؤنا،، and for this land its sons sacrifice, walk and stumble نسير ونتعثر،، :and rise again, jubilating, proud and humble وتعيش بﻻدنا.
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