TRANzC tLt PT E,VA LL)ATOP '5 RM~ x:"c 63reuen (Cearsrnunlty KolleINe I ~ e ~ II /Ntii ~ FQta~-W@ I Qt ~i~Ig 'a - I il '~ I I 1997-98 1988 NEWMARK AVENUE COOS BAY OR 97420-2912 Catalog A non-discriminatory, equal opportunity college. SOUTIDllJESTERN OREGON COMMUI!tIITY COLLEGE 1988 Newark Avenue Coos Bay OR 97420-2912 non-discrisninatory, equal opportunity college 541 888-2525 tRip sti~ g~ i g ~~s "' ll~q- ABOUT THE AREA Southwestern Oregon Community College is located in the heart of Oregon's scenic south coast - an area known for its miles of open public beaches, vast forests, clear lakes and rivers, immense sand dunes, abundant wildlife and boundless recreational opportunities. Visitors and residents alike enjoy campbtg, fishing, hunting, clamming, crabbing, beachcombing, canoeing, kayaking, white-water rafting, surfing, swimming, scuba diving, sailing and sailboarding. Exploring the dunes via all-terrain vehicles or bicycling rugged coastal mountain trails and country roads offer other kinds of adventures. Organized sports off campus include softball, basketball, volleyball, baseball, golf, track and bowling leagues. A fitness center at Southwest- em and a regionally acclaimed racquetball facility in Coos Bay. along with several privately operated physical fitness facilities and a gymnastics academy, offer a wide choice of physical fitness activities. The south coast is rich in culture and history with many theater ensembles, art galleries, libraries, and museums, as well as the nationally acclaimed Oregon Coast Music Festival held in July every year. The Oregon International port of Coos Bay - the largest deep-draft ocean port between San Francisco and Seattle - is a major gateway to the Pacific Rim. TABLE OF CONTENTS Academic Calendar . 2-3 Degree Programs Overview 4 Associate in Applied Science 22-37 Admissions, Registration 5 Associate in Arts 38-41 Tuition and Fees 6 Associate in Science 42-47 Academic Information 7-11 Professional Certificate Programs 48-49 Student Services, 11-12 Certificate Programs 50-55 Financial Aid 12-16 Course Descriptions 56-92 Special Services and Programs 17-21 Administration 92-93 Full-time'aculty, 93-94 Index 95-96 - ACADEMlC CALENDAR.... I ' -tqhe academic year of Southwestern Oregon Community College begins on the first day of summer quarter classes at the main ""'afnpue in Coos Bny. The academic year continues through fall, winter and spring quarters and ends the day before the beginning ofthe next academic year. FALL TERM 1997 Enrly registration for winter term begins - Make payment anangemcnts with Cashier at time of .v;guguIt 25 ........,....r»Begin nwking advising aPPointmcnts with Registration ik Records tegisttatloa November 17-26 Registration /k Records and Financial Aid "-I.',h August 28 ...............Last day of summer hours workweek .... offices closed 12- ,''September I,...... CAMPUS CLOSED-LABORDAY I:30pm November in the Counseling Center September 5 ......... Advising appointment schedules distributed'to 19-,. Advising December faculty 26 - Scptembcr' ..'....... Faculty returns to campus November 27, 28 CAMPUS CLOSED THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY Septembei 8-12.... INSERVICE (campus may be dosed) Begin making adv/ring appointments for September 15-17.... Adv/ring by appoinunent in faculty offices Septomber 15-26-..... Formal fag rsgtrtraflon formal winter registriuon on sign-up shccts on doors September I7...ar.'.d. Financial Aid/Agency fail book sales begin foculty December 3 Last dny to change to audit or withdmw with SePtcmbcr 18; 19...1. Fnculty preparation days instructor consent September 19...-.;.I New Student Orientation I - 4 pm Last to process fall registrations and add/ September 22 ...~:,$ Day'and night classes begin day September'26 Lnst ........1 dfy to register or add classes without dmps'inal Decetaber 8-12 ,inspuctor consent ..... exam wack 10-12 October 3 ....„...,.... Last)ay for refunds December ..... Textbook buy-bsck December - Lrist day to rdl'um textbooks for full refund 24, 25 ... CAMPUS CLOSED CHRISTMAS Financial Aid Students should complete an HOLIDAYS December 26-. CAMPUS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC addidmps and waiting list clnsses for conect i check disbursement October 6 ........... Late fees begin October 9,10„„, Financial Aid nppoinunents to sign and receive WINTER TERM 1998 balance of Financial Aid awards Dcccmber 31 .„,....„ Financial Aid/Agency winter book sales begin - October 17,.......... Finnncial Aid students must complete the January I „„....„„, CAMPUS CLOSED NRW YEAR'S DAY Jnnuary Faculty regisuntion process by today 2 ............. returns October 27 ........... Begin maldng advising appointments for cirly Advaing nnd registration winter registration on sign-up sheets an New Student Orientation I - 3 pm faculty doors January 5 ........„... Day and night clmses begin 5-9 October 3I ..............Last day to withdraw without responsibility January .......... Formal registration for a grade or change to audit without January 9„„„....,... Last day to register or add classes wi/hen/ insiiuctor consent- instructor consent January'I6 Last for mfunds- November 3 ......... Begin nuld ng registration appointments ............. dby for early winter mgistration with Last day to return textbooks for full refund Registration di Records Financial Aid students should complete an add/ November 11....... CAMPUS CLOSED - VETERANS'AY drops and wniting list classes for conect check disbursement November 12-18... Adv/shrg by appoinuiwnt in faculty oflices ACADEMIC CALENDAR January - 19............ CAMPUS CLOSED DR. MARTIN LUTHER May 8 Last day to withdraw without responsibility for a KING, JIL DAY grade or change to audit vrithout instructor January 20 ............. Late fees begin consent January 22, 23 ........ Financinl Aid appoinunents'to sign for and May 1420 „„„........Adv/sing by appointmentin faculty oRices receive balance of Financial Aid awards May I 8 ..................Early vcgirtrai/on for sununer and fall term begins January 30 Aid students Financial must complete the Make payment srmngements with Cnshier at time registration pmcess by today of registration February 2 ............ Begin making advhhtg appointmcnts for early May 18-28 ............. Registration & Records and Financial Aid spring registrarion on sign-up sheets on offices closed 12- I:30pm faculty doors May 21- June 18 ..... Adviring in the Counseling Center February 9 ........... Begin making veg/saudoa nppointments for May 25 „.................CAMPUS CLOSED - MEMORIAL DAY early spring registration with Registration/ Records Junc 5 ...................Last day to change to audit or withdraw with February 13 ........... Last day to withdraw wflhoia responsibility instructor consent fora grade or change to audit without Last day to pmcess spring registrations and add/ instructor consent drops February 16 ........... CAMPUS CLOSED - PRESIDENTS'AY June 8-12 ...............Final exam week February 19-25 ........ Advlrfng by appointment in faculty offices June 10-12 ...............Textbook buy-back Februnry 23 ............ Early vcghtva//oa for spring term begins June 12 ....................Commencement Make payment arrangements with Cashier at time Junc 15 ....................College begins summer work week (M-Th) of registration Juno 15-18 ...............Term break February 23- .......... Registrationspring ik Records and Financial Aid March 4 ofgces closed 12- I:30pm SUMMER TERM 1998 (tentative) February 26- Advising in the Counseling Center March 27 Junc 17 Financial Aid/Agency summer book sales begin March 9 ............... Begin making advlriag appointments for June 22 Day and night classes begin formal registnuio on sign-up sheets on Junc 22-24 ...............Formal registration for summer term faculty doors June 24 Last day to register or add classes wghoui Mamh 13 Last day to change to audit or withdraw with l list nlctor c elise at instructor consent June 25. 29, 30 ........ Follow-up registration for summer term Last day to process wmter regt stlations iuld June 30 Lnst day for refunds add/drops July I Late fees begin March 16-20 .......... Final exam week Last day to rc:turn textbooks for full refund 18-20 March ........... Textbook buy.back Financial Aid Students should complete all March 23 27 """"" Spung reek add/drops and waiting list classes for correct check disburscnwnt SPRING TERM 1998 July 2 CAMPUS CLOSED - INDEPENDENCE DAY July 9 Financial Aid appointmcnts to sign and receive balance of Financial Aid awards March 25 Financial Aid/Agency Spring book sales begin July 16 Financial Aid students must complete the March 27 Ncw Student Orientation 1-3 pm registration process by today March 30 ................Fnculty returns August 6...............Last day to change to nudit or withdraw whh Day and night classes begin 'instructor consent March 30- .............Formal registration Lnst day to pmcess summer April 3 registrations and ndd/drops April 3 ..................Last day to register or add classes without instructor August 10-13 Textbook buy-back consent ......... August 13 .............. Last of classes Apnl 10 Last day for refunds day Early fall payment deadline Last day to return textbooks for full refund Financial Aid Students should complete all ndd/ drops and waiting list classes for correct check disbursement April I3 ..................Lnte fees begin April 16, 17..... Financial Aid appointments to sign nnd receive balance of Financial Aid awards April 24 Financial Aid students must complete the registration process by today April 27 ........ Begin making advising
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