How to read and write Kashmiri in Devanagari ? M.K.Raina ------------------------------------------------------------- kçÀç@Mçáj çÆkçÀLçò Hçç@þîç HçjJç lçò uçíKçJç? How to read and write Kashmiri in Devanagari? By M.K.Raina Updated January 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------- Kashmir News Network 1 http://iKashmir.net/mkraina/index.html How to read and write Kashmiri in Devanagari ? M.K.Raina ABOUT KASHMIRI LANGUAGE AND DEVANAGARI-KASHMIRI SCRIPT: Introduction: In olden times, Kashmiri was written in Sharada, one of the oldest scripts which was developed around 10th century. Some scholars are of the view that Sharada used to be our script for writing Sanskrit, which we subsequently used to write Kashmiri. Indo- Roman type was used for writing Kashmiri for quite some time, but it could not become popular. The Persio-Arabic script has been recognised as the official script for Kashmiri by the government. Devanagari-Kashmiri did not receive any official patronage but it continued to be used by Kashmiri Pandits as a medium of writing. However there was one lacuna. Writers used different set of diacritical marks to represent peculiar Kashmiri sounds and this resulted in chaos and confusion among the readers. In 1995, a committee of scholars agreed on adopting a particular set of diacritical marks for the peculiar Kashmiri sounds. This set of diacritical marks continued to be used in Devanagari-Kashmiri till the year 2002, when another committee of experts led by Dr. Roop Krishen Bhat, under the auspices of Northern Regional Language Centre of the Central Institute of Indian Languages (Ministry of Human Resources Development), decided to further modify some of the diacritical marks. The said Committee agreed upon a set of modified vowels and diacritical marks, leading to finalisation of the Standardised Devanagari-Kashmiri script towards end of the year 2002. This Script is now being used, or set to be used by all for uniformity in writing Kashmiri in Devanagari. The Standardised Devanagari-Kashmiri Alphabet has the following set of Vowels and Consonants: Vowels (mJçj) Dç, Dç@, Dçò, Dçó, Dçç, Dçç@, F, F&, G, T, $çÝ, S, Sô, Sí, Dççí, Dççô, DççÌ, Dçb Dç@, Dçò, Dçó, Dçç@, Sô, and Dççô have been introduced in Kashmiri Vowels to represent the peculiar Kashmiri sounds which are strange to Nagari. There is no place for Visarga (Dç:) in Kashmiri. ³ç and Jç are considered vowels when they represent second members of a conjunct (as in y³çuç and KJçj ) Consonants (J³çbpçvç) kçÀ, Kç, iç ®ç, s, pç ]®ç, æ s, ] pç ì, þ, [ lç, Lç, o, vç Hç, HçÀ, yç, cç Kashmir News Network 2 http://iKashmir.net/mkraina/index.html How to read and write Kashmiri in Devanagari ? M.K.Raina ³ç, j, uç, Jç Mç, mç, n $ç There are three affricative consonants in Kashmiri which are strange to the Nagari alphabet. They are, as you see above, ]®ç, æ s and ] pç. Kashmiri has no aspirated sonants like Iç, Pç, {, Oç and Yç. So Iççì can be written as iççì and Yç³ç as yç³ç in Kashmiri. Similarly <ç, #ç and %ç are also not part of the Kashmiri alphabet. They are often but not always retained in Kashmiri to write words directly borrowed from Sanskrit and Hindi. * and Cç are generally replaced by Anusvara ( b ) in Kashmiri, but can also be used to represent words borrowed from Sanskrit and Hindi. For example, yç´cççCç[ can also be written as yç´cççb[. Vowels (mJçj) Dç, Dç@, Dçò, Dçó, Dçç, Dçç@, F, F&, G, T, $çÝ, S, Sô, Sí, Dççí, Dççô, DççÌ, Dçb and ³ç & Jç (when they represent second members of a Conjunct). We all know how to read and pronounce the Vowels which already exist in Hindi alphabet viz: Dç, Dçç, F, F&, G, T, $çÝ, S, Sí, Dççí, DççÌ, Dçb, -³ç, -Jç Some illustrations using these vowels (and their matras) in Kashmiri are given here: Dç : DçVç, DçKç, Dçjoçn, Dçþ Dçç : DççMç, Dççiçáj, Dççsáj, Dççj ç : jçpç, Mççcç, oçvç, Jççboáj F : FMçìçcç, Fpçç]pçLç çÆ : çÆkçÀpç, çÆoJçlçç, çÆyç®ççíj, çÆyçlçáj F& : F&cççvç, F&éçj çÇ : mççÇj, MççÇvç, lççÇj Kashmir News Network 3 http://iKashmir.net/mkraina/index.html How to read and write Kashmiri in Devanagari ? M.K.Raina G : GpçjLç, GuçHçÀLç á : Jçás, kçÀjávç, niçáj T : T³ç&, TvççÇ Ó : mçÓj, ªo, kçÓÀvç $çÝ : $çÝiJçío = : kç=À<Cç, lç=Hlç S : SçÆlçjç]pç í : cçíKç, nuçíuç, cçíþ Sí : Síyç Ì : JçÌkçábÀþ Dççí : Dççímç, Dççíì, DççíuçáJç çí : iççíKç, cççíj, DçHççíj DççÌ : DççÌMço, DççÌ]pççj çÌ : iççÌ Dçb : Dçbiç, jbiç b : içboáKç, yçbovç, yççb[ -³ç : od³çKç (ÐçKç), nd³çkçÀLç (¿çkçÀLç) -Jç : odJço (Üo), yJço, odJçKç (ÜKç) Now, we will learn reading and pronouncing the Vowels which have specially been introduced in the Standardised Devanagari-Kashmiri alphabet to represent some peculiar sounds of the Kashmiri language viz: Dç@, Dçò, Dçó, Dçç@, Sô, Dççô Kashmir News Network 4 http://iKashmir.net/mkraina/index.html How to read and write Kashmiri in Devanagari ? M.K.Raina Dç@ : Dç@[ (half), vç@j (arm) o@pç (a piece of cloth) o@j (hard), Dç@uççÇuç (ill) kç@ÀçÆlçpç (swallow), lç@n@j (yellow rice) iç@jçÇyççÇ (poverty), kç@ÀçÆcçmç (whom) Dçò : kç@Àoòuç (bridge), ìòKç (run) yçò (me), cçòmçuçò (skin) JJçuçò (come), Jççjò Jççjò (slowly) iJç[ò (first), Kçòj (slip) oámçò (a type of shawl) Dçó : DçóçÆþcç, Dçóþîçácç (eighth), Kçócçò (tent) lçój (cold), oóHç cççuçç (deep mala) içóbiçþ (veil), (one who speaks through nose) KçóbKç Dçç@ : Dçç@mç (mouth), Dçç@j (plum) oç@j (window), nç@j (maina) uçç@j (cucumber), yçç@Mç (similarity) Sô : Sônmççvç (favour), jôn (flame) oôn (body), lçôçÆuç (then) ñçôn (wetness), yç´ôn (sparks) Dççô : Dççôyçáj (clouds), Dççôvç (blind) (frail), (bribe) Dççôæs kçÀçôæs (flock) K³ççôuç Kashmir News Network 5 http://iKashmir.net/mkraina/index.html How to read and write Kashmiri in Devanagari ? M.K.Raina Let us now combine Anusvara b with @, çB, ò, ó, ô and çô : B : uçB[ (branch), DçB]pç (swan) DçBpççÇj (fig), jBiççÇvç (coloured) DçBÐç Hç@K³ç (around), içB]pç©vç (to count) çB : cççBLçòj (stone of the fruit) vçççÆJç nçB]pç (boatman) kçÀçBHçávç (to shiver), iççBþ (kite) yççBmçáJç (made of bamboo) bò : Dçòbn-jçj³ç (to groan) içòb[ò (scoundrel), Hçòb]®çón (twentyfive) ób : Dçób]®çòn-Hçób]®çòn (make excuses) kçÀóbm³çd kç@Àì (younger female child) ô b : kçÀôbn (somethimg) çôb : Dççôbiçòpç (finger), ]pççôbiç (fire) mççôbyçáuç (a flower) Before proceeding further, we will have a look at the symbols and diacritical marks in Indo-Roman script, devised by ‘Project Zaan’, to represent Vowels and diacritical marks of the Devanagari-Kashmiri alphabet: Kashmir News Network 6 http://iKashmir.net/mkraina/index.html How to read and write Kashmiri in Devanagari ? M.K.Raina Kashmiri in Indo-Roman Script – Vowels: Dç is represented by a Dç@ is represented by å Dçò is represented by û Dçó is represented by ü Dçç is represented by à Dçç@ is represented by ä F is represented by í F& is represented by ì G is represented by ú T is represented by ù $çÝ is represented by r S is represented by è Sô is represented by é Sí is represented by æ Dççí is represented by ò Dççô is represented by ó DççÌ is represented by au Dçb is represented by n Kashmir News Network 7 http://iKashmir.net/mkraina/index.html How to read and write Kashmiri in Devanagari ? M.K.Raina Kashmiri in Indo-Roman Script – Consonants: In the last Lesson, we learned the symbols and diacritical marks in Indo-Roman script, to represent Vowels and diacritical marks of the Devanagari-Kashmiri alphabet. In this Lesson, we will learn about those Consonants, which have varied applications in the Indo-Roman script: Kç is represented by kh ®ç is represented by ch ]®ç is represented by ts s is represented by chh ]s is represented by tsh ]pç is represented by z ì is represented by » þ is represented by »h [ is represented by º lç is represented by t Lç is represented by th o is represented by d HçÀ is represented by ph Mç is represented by sh $ç is represented by tr Kashmir News Network 8 http://iKashmir.net/mkraina/index.html How to read and write Kashmiri in Devanagari ? M.K.Raina Exercise 1 Using Vowels in Indo-Roman Script a sar (lake) (mçj) mas (hair) (cçmç) å ånz (swan) (DçB]pç) lånº (lame) (uçB[) ä där (window) (oç@j) lär (cucumber) (uçç@j) à yàr (friend) (³ççj) nàr (fire) (vççj) û bû (I, me) (yçò) rûs (slip) (jòmç) au aushad (medicine) (DççÌMço) daulath (wealth) (oçÌuçLç) ê rêth (month) (jd³çLç) dên (days) (Ðçvç) è dèg (cauldron) (oíiç) nèr (go) (vçíj) é réh (flame) (jôn) sréh (wetness) (ñçôn) ì sìr (secret) (çÆmçj) chìran (fat of the entrails) (çÆ®çjvç) í sír (brick) (mççÇj) vír (willow) (JççÇj) i i vål (quickly) (Jç@u³çd) i kål (dumbs) (kç@Àu³çd) ô môkh (face) (cJçKç) sôn (gold) (mJçvç) ò mòr (peacock) (cççíj) sònth (spring) (mççWLç) ó dór (hard) (oçôj) kónº (thorn) (kçÀçôb[) ú kúl (tree) (kçáÀuç) Kashmir News Network 9 http://iKashmir.net/mkraina/index.html How to read and write Kashmiri in Devanagari ? M.K.Raina búsar (very hot water) (yçámçj) ù mùl (root) (cçÓuç) sùr (ashes) (mçÓj) ü tür (cold) (lçój) düph (lamp) (oóHçÀ) Kashmir News Network 10 http://iKashmir.net/mkraina/index.html How to read and write Kashmiri in Devanagari ? M.K.Raina Exercise 2 Reading Words with å (Dç@) Dç@s åchh (eye) Dç@[ åº (half) Dç@çÆ[pç åºíj (bone) Dç@pççÇyç åjíb (strange) DçB]pç ånz (swan) kç@À]®ç kåts (how many) kç@ÀcççÇ]pç kåmíz (shirt) kç@ÀçÆlçpç kåtíj (swallow) kç@ÀçÆcçmç kåmís (whom) kç@ÀcççÇvçò kåmínû (mean) iç@æçÆsvç gåtshín (let go) iç@j går (watch) iç@jçÇyççÇ gåríbí (poverty) ]pçcççÇvç zåmín (land, earth) lç@cççÇ]pç tåmíz (manners) lç@jçÇkçÀò tåríkû (way) lç@n@j tåhår (yellow rice) o@]pç dåz (burnt) o@j dår (hard) Hç@æsd³ç påtshi (guests) Hç@çÆjvç pårîn (let read) yçbmç@jçÇ bansårí (flute)
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