I REGD. GOA-S 1 Panaji, 10th July, 1980 (Asadha 19, 1902) SERIES III No. 15 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU Works, Education and Tourism Department Public Works Department . Works Division I (Bldgs. & Com.) North - Panaji Tender Notice No. B/Adm-8/16/8().81 The Executive Engineer, Works Division I (Bldgs. & Com.) North, Panaji invites on behalf of the President of Iz.1dia Perce~tage Rate Tenders from approved and eligible con tracto,rs upto 3.00 p. m. on 15th July. 1980 for the work of: - Estimated Earnest Time limit Class of Cost of Sr. No DescrIptions amount money in days contractors tenders ______________________~, ____________________Rs~. ________Rs~. __~ ______~ __________ Rs. 1. Demolition of structures on the western side O'f Rua de Ourem............................................................ 13,123-92 329/- 45 days V & above. 20/- incl. Monsoon. 2. Making of partitions in the newly opened Wireless Station at POlice Head Quarters Panaji..................... 1,387-50 35/- 30 days V & above. 10/- incl. Monsoon. 3. Provision of pumping Installation for Directorate of Education Bldg. at Panaji. ................................... 10,000-00 250/- 45 days V & above. 10/- incl. Monsoon. ~ Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. Contractor must produce Income - Tax Clearance Certificate Conditions . and tender forms can be had from the above before issuing the tenders. office upto 12.00 a. In. on July 14th 1980, during working hours. Tenders of contractors who do not deposit earnest. Panaji, 1st July. 19~O. - The Executive Engineer, 8. Y. money in the prescribed fOrm. are liable to be rejected. Kharangate. • Works Division III (PHE) NO~r(Ponoii - Goa) • Tender "'otice No. PHE-N/ADM-6/10/8Q..81 The Executive Engineer, PHE-N (WDill) , PWD,Panajl­ eligible contractors/supliers upto, 3.00 p. m. on 18-7-80 for -Goa, re-invites on behalf' of the President of India, Sealed the below mentioned work/supply. Item rate/percentage rate tender from the approved and Estimated Earnest Time Cost of tender Sr. No. Name of the work/supply . cost money limit Form 1. Construction of staff quarters A. B, & C type at P.HE Complex, Mapusa, Goa .................. ", ..................... Ro. 3,40,669-40 Rs.8520-oo 360 days Rs. 30/- , TeDders, will be :opened. at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. who do not deposit Eaniest Money in prescribed form are Conditions and tender forms can be had from his office on liable to be rejected. any working days ;upto 4.00 p. ro. on 17-7-80. If required The Executive Engineer, reserves the right to accept or by post an amount of Rs. 15/- will be charged extra. reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Tender forms will be issued only on production of a vaUd , Income Ta,x cleat."ance certificate. Tenders of Contractors Panajl, 28th June, 1980. -- The .Executlve Engineer. Bd/-. 122 SF;RIES III No. 15 Works Division VIII (8 & C - South) - Fatorda, Mar9llo Time: 120 days including monsoon., Cost of Tender Rs. 20/-. I Tender Notice No. PWD/EE8/B & C-South/7/80 9. Extension of 6.5mt. span culvert on Abade Faria Executive Engineer 8, Public Works Department, Build­ Road at Old Market Margao. ings and Communications (South) Fatorda-Margao, invites on behalf of President of India, sealed Percentage rate Estimated at Rs. 9,752-65. tenders from approved and eligible contractors upto 3.00 p. m. Earnest 'Money Rs. 244-00. on 19-7-80 for the following works:- Time: 120 days including mOJ;lsoon. Percentage Rate Cost of Tender Rs. 20/-. 1~ Construction of Temporary Stalls at Colva Beach. The Tender will be opened immediately on the same day at 3.15 p. m. Conditions and Tender forms can be had from Estimated at Rs. 63,151-82. the Office upto 4.00 p. m. till 17-7-80 on all working days. Earnest Money Rs. 1,579-00. , . Time: 120 days including monsoon. The intending tenderer will. have to, produce Income TaX Clearance Certificate at the time of. .buying the tender; Cost of Tender Rs. 20/-. 2. Construction of Police· Lock up for Vasco Police The tender of the Contractor who do not deposit the Station at Vasco (Retendered for 7th time). money in the prescribed form- is liable to be rejected. Estimated at Rs. 57,636-02. Right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning Earnest Money Rs. 1,441-00. any reason thereof -is . res~rved. Time: 120 days including monsoon. Margao, 27th JWle, 1980. - The Executive Engineer, Sd/-. Cost of Tender Rs. 20/-. 3. Construction of Proposed Lock up for Mormugao Police Station at Mormugao Harbour (Retendered • at 7th time). Office of the. Executive Engineer (Zuari Bridge). Fatorda-Margao Estimated at Rs. 46,069-15. Earnest Money Rs. 1,152-00. Time: 120 days including monsoon. Tender/Auction Notice No. 5/9/80/Zuari Bridge/PWD/ZBD! Cost of Tender Rs. 20/-. /2/80-81. 4. Renovation and painting to fish meru. plant at Baina- Sealed tenders superscribed "Tender for sale of scrap from -Vasco. Zuari Bridge" are hereby invited by the undersigned on behalf Estimated at Rs. 28,360-40. of the President of India for the sale of belOW mentioned material so as to reach by 15.00 hours on 11th July, 1980. Earnest Money Rs. 709-00. Time: 120 days including monsoon. Earnest Cost of Tender Rs. 20/-. Sr. No. Description Qty. Upset value '''oney Deposit ,_0 5. Substituting of Mangalore tiles roofing to G. I. Sheets R •. Ro. roofing for three Rooms school building at Bogmalo­ -Vasco. Estimated at Rs. 25,672-20. 1. Tor-steel cut pieces. 1 M/Tons.l Earnest Money Rs. 642-00. f 31.510-80 788-00 2. M.S. Rounds cut pieces. 17.506 Time: 120 days including monsoon. t J Cost of Tender Rs. 20/-. 6. Construction of Proposed Check-Naka in Village The tenders should be sent in the prescribed form only. Panchayat Sancoale, No.2. which can be had from this office upto 12 hours on 10th July, Estimated at Rs. 21,750-54. 1980, on payment of Rs. 20-00 (Rupees twenty only) (Non refundable). E. M. D. should be deposited in any scheduled Earnest Money Rs. 544-00. banks in the form of Deposit Call ... Receipt in favour of the Time: 120 days including monsoon. Executive Engineer, Zuari Bridge, Div. XIV, Fatordaw Margao­ Cost of Tender Rs. 20(-. wGoa, and enclosed with the tender. Tenders received without E.M.D. in the prescribed manner win be summarily rejected. 7. COnstruction of Proposed Check-Naka in Village Panchayat Sancoale, No.3. The prospective tenderers can inspect the material through Estimated at Rs. 21,750-54. the Assistant Engineer, Sub. Division II, Works Div. XIV, 1 PWD, .Cortalim-Goa. Earnest Money Rs. 544-00. Time: 120 days including monsoon. The other terms and conditions of the auction can be seen Cost of Tender Rs. 20/-. in the office of undersigned during office hours. 8. Replastering the external walls of 'C' type building Right to reject any or all tenders without assigning reason of Electricity Department at Aquem-Margao. thereof has been reserved by the undersigned. Estimated at Rs. 14,846-70. Margao, 30th June, 1980. - The Executive Engineer, G. N. Earnest Money Rs. 371-00. Kapadl. • Works Division xvn (RWS) Panaji Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXVIT/ACCTS/F.64/RWS/2/S0-81 The EXecutive Engineer, Works Division XVII{RWS) P. w. D. Panaji reinvites on behalf of the President of India, sealed percentage rate tenders from approved and eligible Contractors of C. P. W. D. and. those of approved list of Umon Territories/State P. W_ D./MES/RailwayB upto l5.oo hours on 15-7-1980 for the following works:- Sr.' No. Description Estimated Earnest Time Limit Cost of cost Money. Tender Rs. Rs. Ro. y- 1. _Rpral."wat~ isupply, .Scheme-.to village.: Assolda' in Quepem Taluka. ............................................ , ..... _, 45,857/- 1,146/- 80 days 20/- excluding monsoori ~[fu: __ 10TH JULY, 1980 (ASADHA 19, 1902) 1:23 Estimated Earnest Time limit Cost of Tender' Sr. No. Description Cost money .:as. Ro. Bs.--- 2. COnstruction -of "250m3 capacity R. c~ c.' Growid Level Reservoir at Bastora............................. .- .. ;\............ ,.. 57,913/- 1,448/- 120 days 20/- excluding monsoon S. Con.strUctlon d.r 'dtinki~g -water open wells in Saleete Taluka. a) At CUncolim, Babsora and Barachi villages (6 Nos.) l,08,064C67 2,702/- 180 days 30/- excluding monsoon b) At Chinchinim and Sarzora villages (5 Nos.) ..... 1,04,560-30 2,6B/- 180 days 30/- excluding monsoon c) At Nuvem.Betalbatim and Varca villages (3 Nos.) 55,748-95 1,394/" 180 days 20/- ex~luding monsoon The tenders will be opened at 15.30 hours on the same day. The tender of the contractor who do not deposit earnest Earnest money_ agairiSt the workS' should be _" ,deposited by money in the prescribed manner is liable to be rejected. challan in the state Bank of India or any other schedule The contractor must produce Income-Tax Clearance Cer­ tificate before the issue of ,the tender. "Bank in the form .of Deposit at Call Receipt-to be enclosed with the tender. Conditions arid tender forms can be had Right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof is reserved. from ~is office upto lS.OO.hours on 14-7-1980,during working hours on payment of fees (non-refUndable) in cash. If PaIJ,aji, 30th June, 1980. - The Executive Engineer, -R. q.
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