ti DOCUMENT RESUME ED 111 616 SE 017 453 TITLE. Space Technology: Propulsion, Control and Guidance of Space Vehicles. Aerospace Education III. Instructional Unit II. INSTITUTION Air Univ., Maxwell AFB, Ala. Junior Reserve Office Training Corps. PUB DATE Sep 72 NOTE 62p.; For the accompanying textbook, set' SE 017 452 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 BC-$3.32 Pius Postage DESCRIPTORS *Aerospace Education; *Aerospace Technology; Course Organization; Curriculum Guides; Energy; *Fundamental Concepts; *Instructional Materials; *Physical Sciences; Secondary Education; Teaching Guides; Technology; Unit Plan IDENTIFIERS *Air Force Junior ROTC ABSTRACT This curriculuaguide is prepared for the Aerospace Education III series publicatiarentitled "Space Technology: . Propulsion, Contr'al-and Guidance of Space Vehicles."It provides guidelines for each chapter. The guide iddlua4g objectiies, behavioral objectives, suggested outline, orientation, suggestedkey points, suggestions for teaching, instructional aids, projects,and further readings. Page references corresponding to the textbookare given where appropriate. (PS) 71( *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished *materials not available from other sources. ERIC makesevery effort* *to obtain the best copy available. nevertheless, items of marginal * *reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality *. *of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * *via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). MS isnot * *responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions* *supplied by EDRS are the best that can,be made from- the original. * *********************************************************************** U.S MINT OF WEALTH, EDUCATION &WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION TIMS, DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRO SEPTEMBER 1972 DUCE° EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE ERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED CO NOT NECESSARILY RERE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY INSTRUCTIONAL UNIT II SPACE TECHNOLOGY: PROPULSION? CONTROL AND GUIDANCE OF SPACE VEHICLES INSTRUCTIONAL UNIT OBJECTIVES: EaCh student should a. Know the characteristics of engineswhich use the principle of oxidation in their operation. Understand the differences betweenthrust requirements for 41) launching vehicle from the earthand for movement space. r-4 c. Be familiar withothertypes of propulsion systems., d. Know the methods and problems ofproducing electric power w for use in space vehicles. e. Understand the principles involvedin control, guidance, and navigation of spacecraft. f. Understand the interrelationshipof celestial mechanics and,man-made means of maneuveringspacecraft in various, types of apace flights. PHASES IN INSTRUCTIONAL UNITII: Page I. Vehicles in Aerospace 1 II. Chemical Propulsion and the Basics of.Thrust 8 III.Chemical Propulsion Systems 19 IV. Beyond Chemical Propulsion 28 V. Control and Guidance Systems 37 VI. Pathways Thrbugh Sp.ace 47 5' PHASE I - INTRODUCTION -- VEHICLES IN AEROSPACE This phase reviews and builds upon' background students have acquired in previous units of the Aerospace Education curriculum. It establishes the basis of space flight in Newton's law of gravitation, Kepler's three laws of planetary motion, and Newton's three laws of motion. Then it compares the conditions of aeronautical flight with those of space flight, touching on various aspects of propulsion, control, and guidance that will be treated more fully in later phases. 1. PHASE 1 OBJECTIVES: Each student should dr la. Know Kepler's laws of planetary motion, Newton's law-of gravitation and three laws of motion, and the differences between physical conditions prevailing in air and space. b. Know the meanings of the terms mass, inertia, momentum, friction and acceleration. c. Understand the ways in which these phenomena (listed in b) ,affect or do not affect the'motion of vehicles in air or r pace. d. Be familiar with-the behavior Of vehicles in air or space as: ffected by natural and man-made forces. 2. BEHAVIORAL BJEKWES: Each student should be able to -- a. State Keple 's three laws of planetary motion. b. State Newt.. s three laws of motion and apply them toany example of notion on the ground, in air, or in space. c. Discu the principles of reaction motors, whether of a craft or spacecraft. Compare the conditions of motion in atmosphere d in space with regard to vehicle control, friction, airfo is and streamlining, and propulsion needs for launch an flight. 3. SUGGESTED OUTLINE: a. Principles discovered in the seventeenth century. (1) Gravity and gravitation. (2) Kepler's laws of planetary motion. (3) Newton's.laws of motiorr. (4) Terms associated with these laws: mass, inertia, momentum, friction, and acceleration. b. Vehicles in air. (1) Propulsion. (2) Aircraft control. (3) Missiles and spacecraft in air (a) Escape from atmosphere. (b) Reentry into a here. c. Vehicles in space. I, (1) Propulsion. (2) Control and guidance. 4. ORIENTATION: a. This phase is one of review and introduction, with limited advancement of knowledge over that which might be assumed to be part of the student's background. The average high school 'student growing up in the space age has acquired quite a bit of its lore, but in a somewhat disorganized fashion. Some of it comes from a typical exposure to elementary and junior high level general science courses, some from the unfolding drama of space exploits in the press and television. Specific high school course's' in , physics, chemistry, or mathematics are not assumed to/be . to be part of the student's background. On the other hand, certain specifics of this phase have been touched. upon in previous units of the Aerospace Education curriculum. b. The main object of this introductory phase is to consider and compare the different conditions of aerodynamic and space flight before building a more thorough understanding of,the latter. With this eject in mind, the student should recall what he knows of aerodynamics and aircraft propulsion through study of Theory of Aircraft Flight and Propulsion Systems for Aircraft, in the previous year's curriculum (AE II). His memory may need some prodding in regard to aspects of the space environment and the rudiments of space-vehicle motion as dealt with in Space and the Uni 'rse and Spacecraft and Launch Vehicles, or the revisions these, Aerospace Environment and Spacecraft and Their Boos rs (AE I). Nevertheless, he probably knows (and considers ba- 1) the facts that air has substance, space is essentiay a vacuum, and that weightlessness is a peculiar conditio experienced in space flight. He has probably not thoug 2 4 out at these facts imply in regard to the art of maneel vering a body through space. c. As far as new knowledge is concerned, this phase*)Vciably p esents more explicit statements of Kepler's laws of lanetary motion and Newton's law ofgravitation and laws of motion than the student has previouslyencountered. It offers only a foretaste of knowledgeabout space vehicle propulsion and maneuver to be covered infollowing phases of the unit. 5/SUGGESTED KEY POINTS: (J-9111) pp 2 a. All vehicles, including space vehicles,move in accordance (J-9132)pp 1 125 with physical laws discave in the Seventeenth Century (J-9146)pp 14-15 by Kepler, Galileo, and dwton. Only in the modern space age has man ex erienc many of these laws in action. (1) Gravitation defined by Newton as the attractio bodies in ace with a force proport o the pro- / duct of eir masses and to e- nverse squares of / (J -9033) pp 44-47 the di ances between Gravity is the same thing, but usually d ed as gravitation as we experience t n earth- e overwhelming attraction of the earth pork in tely smaller objects very near to it, with a f that includes a vector for the earth'srotat n. (2) To better understand Newton's law ofgravitatio as it affects celestial mechanics, itisnecessary,t go back to Johannes Kepler, who set down the ws f planetary motion: (a) Planets follow ellipticalpa s 'around the sun. (J -903 ,pp 60-66 (b) A planet's radius vector eeps out.equal areas ,(J-9 2)pp 100-112 in equal time (textbookFig. 2). Putting this (J-9158)pp 22-32 fact more simply, the lanet travelsfaster while closer to the sun. (c) The square of the time it takeseach planet to orbit the sun is proportionalto the cube of its mean distance from the sun. Putting it more simply, inner planets travelat higher velocity .than outer planets; they complete theirorbits faster for tworeasons: the shorter distance traveled and their highervelocity. (3) Newton's law of gravitationand three laws of motion explain not only the Keplerianbehavior of planets and other orbiting bodies but alsoany motion on earth or in spade. The three laws of motionare: 3 (a) A body will either remain stationary or continue prior motion without change of direction or (J-9132)pp 100-125 velocity unless acted upon by an outside force. (b) A change in a body's motion indicates thepresence of a force and is proportional to and in the direction of that force. (c) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. (4) Mass, inertia, momentum, and acceleration are theterms that describe the behavior of bodies according to New- ton's law in ..../y.at environment. Another term, friction, is important to know for understanding the limits on vehicle motion en earth and in the air. b. Vehicles in a must be adapted to an environment that resists, ap,. ies pressure, and produces friction. (1) For/ar.bodyto move through air, propulsion must be (J-9023H)pp 11-21 constantly applied to overcome resistanceeven if a co ant speed is to be maintained without acceleration. e very limitations of this medium, however, are advan tages in terms of control and maneuverability. (2) Aircraft and rockets in aircan both be maneuvered-by the use of airfoils. A vehicle in air can also regulate its velocity by variations in propulsivepower output without changing course (unlike a vehicle in space).
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