Acta Chiropterologica, 11(2): 471–478, 2009 PL ISSN 1508-1109 © Museum and Institute of Zoology PAS INDEX TO VOLUME 11 AUTHORS ADAMS, M. D. CARDIFF, S. G. see FISCHER, J., 127 see KOFOKY, A. F., 375 AIHARTZA, J. CARRERA, J. P. see NAPAL, M., 425 see BAKER, R. J., 1 ALFANO, S. E. see SOLARI, S., 279 see WEAVER, K. N., 220 CHEN, T.-C. AMMERMAN, L. K. see SOUTHWORTH, L. O., 451 see BAKER, R. J., 1 CIMÉ, B. B. ANDREAS, M. see MACSWINEY G., C. M., 139 see LUČAN, R. K., 61 CLARE, E. L. BAKER, R. J., M. M. MCDONOUGH, V. J. SWIER, P. A. LARSEN, see DZAL, Y., 307 J. P. CARRERA, and L. K. AMMERMAN CLARKE, F. M. New species of bonneted bat, genus Eumops (Chiroptera: see MACSWINEY G., C. M., 139 Molossidae) from the lowlands of western Ecuador and COLEMAN, J. L. Peru, 1 A strange tale of taillessness in a vespertilionid bat, 212 BAKER, R. J. COLLINS, J., and G. JONES see SOLARI, S., 279 Differences in bat activity in relation to bat detector height: BARTONIČKA, T. implications for bat surveys at proposed windfarm sites, 343 see LUČAN, R. K., 61 ÇORAMAN, E. BATES, P. J. J. see BILGIN, R., 53 see FUREY, N. M., 225 CSORBA, G. BENDA, P. see FUREY, N. M., 225 see LUČAN, R. K., 61 CURCÓ, A. BILGIN, R., E. ÇORAMAN, A. KARATAŞ, and J. C. MORALES see FLAQUER, C., 149 Phylogeography of the greater horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus DAVY, C. fer rum equinum (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae), in southe ast - see MURRAY, K. L., 415 ern Europe and Anatolia, with a specific focus on whether DZAL, Y., L. A. HOOTON, E. L. CLARE, and M. B. FENTON the Sea of Marmara is a barrier to gene flow, 53 Bat activity and genetic diversity at Long Point, Ontario, an BOGAN, M. A. important bird stopover site, 307 see VALDEZ, E. W., 443 ESTÓK, P., and B. M. SIEMERS BOGDANOWICZ, W., R. A. VAN DEN BUSSCHE, M. GAJEWSKA, Calls of a bird-eater: the echolocation behaviour of the enig- T. POSTAWA, and M. HARUTYUNYAN matic greater noctule, Nyctalus lasiopterus, 405 Ancient and contemporary DNA sheds light on the history FAHR, J. of mouse-eared bats in Europe and the Caucasus, 289 see WEBER, N., 317 BOGDANOWICZ, W. FENG, J. see SZTENCEL-JABŁONKA, A., 113 see LIU, Y., 105 BONACCORSO, F. J. FENTON, M. B. see GORRESEN, P. M., 331 see DZAL, Y., 307 BONTADINA, F. see MURRAY, K. L., 415 see ZAMBELLI, N., 216 see SKOWRONSKI, M. D., 191 BRADLEY, R. D. FISCHER, J., J. STOTT, B. S. LAW, M. D. ADAMS, and R. I. FOR- see SOLARI, S., 279 RESTER BŘE ZI NOVÁ, T. Designing effective habitat studies: quantifying multiple see LUČAN, R. K., 61 sources of variability in bat activity, 127 BROWN, A. D. FLAQUER, C., X. PUIG-MONTSERRAT, U. GOITI, F. VIDAL, A. CUR- see SOLARI, S., 279 CÓ, and D. RUSSO BUDENZ, T., S. HEIB, and J. KUSCH Habitat selection in Nathusius’ pipistrelle (Pipistrellus Functions of bat social calls: the influence of local abun - nathusii): the importance of wetlands, 149 dance, interspecific interactions and season on the production FLEMING, T. H. of pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) type D social calls, 173 see MURRAY, K. L., 415 BULL, R. J. FORRESTER, R. I. see SOLARI, S., 279 see FISCHER, J., 127 472 Index FRASER, E. JAMESON, J. W., and J. F. HARE see MURRAY, K. L., 415 Group-specific signatures in the echolocation calls of fe- FUREY, N. M., V. D. THONG, P. J. J. BATES, and G. CSORBA male little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) are not an artefact Description of a new species belonging to the Murina ‘suil- of clutter at the roost entrance, 163 la-group’ (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae: Murininae) from JENKINS, R. K. B. north Vietnam, 225 see KOFOKY, A. F., 375 GAJEWSKA, M. JESUS, J. see BOGDANOWICZ, W., 289 see TEIXEIRA, S., 183 GANNON, M. R. JIN, L.-R. see KRICHBAUM, K., 157 see LIU, Y., 105 GARIN, I. JONES, G. see NAPAL, M., 425 see COLLINS, J., 343 GOITI, U. see SZTENCEL-JABŁONKA, A., 113 see FLAQUER, C., 149 see ZHANG, L., 71 see NAPAL, M., 425 KALKO, E. K. V. GONZÁLEZ-TERRAZAS, T. P. see WEBER, N., 317 see ORTEGA, J., 259 KARATAŞ, A. GOODMAN, S. M. see BILGIN, R., 53 see RATRIMOMANARIVO, F. H., 25 see WHITAKER, JR., J. O., 393 GORRESEN, P. M., F. J. BONACCORSO, and C. A. PINZARI KARUPPUDURAI, T. Habitat occupancy and detection of the Pacific sheath-tailed see NATHAN, P. T., 435 bat (Emballonura semicaudata) on Aguiguan, Common - KNÖRNSCHILD, M., C. HARVIEW, R. MOSELEY, and O. VON HEL- wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, 331 VERSEN GOTTFRIED, I. Remaining cryptic during motion — behavioral synchrony Use of underground hibernacula by the barbastelle (Bar - in the proboscis bat (Rhynchonycteris naso), 208 bastella barbastellus) outside the hibernation season, 363 KOFOKY, A. F., F. RANDRIANANDRIANINA, J. RUSS, I. RAHARINAN - GREGORIN, R. TENAINA, S. G. CARDIFF, R. K. B. JENKINS, and P. A. RACEY Phylogeny of Eumops Miller, 1906 (Chiroptera: Molos - Forest bats of Madagascar: results of acoustic surveys, sidae) using morphological data, 247 375 GUERRERO, J. A. KRICHBAUM, K., S. PERKINS, and M. R. GANNON see SOLARI, S., 279 Host-parasite interactions of tropical bats in Puerto Rico, GUNNELL, G. F., S. R. WORSHAM, E. R. SEIFFERT, and E. L. 157 SIMONS KRONQUIST, A. R. Vampyravus orientalis Schlosser (Chiroptera) from the see WEAVER, K. N., 220 Early Oligocene (Rupelian), Fayum, Egypt — body mass, KRUTZSCH, P. H. humeral morphology and affinities, 271 The reproductive biology of the cave myotis (Myotis ve - HARADA, M. lifer), 89 see WU, Y., 237 KUNZ, T. H. HARE, J. F. see REICHARD, J. D., 457 see JAMESON, J., 163 see SOUTHWORTH, L. O., 451 HARUTYUNYAN, M. KUSCH, J. see BOGDANOWICZ, W., 289 see BUDENZ, T., 173 HARVIEW, C. LACK, J. B., and R. A. VAN DEN BUSSCHE see KNÖRNSCHILD, M., 208 A relaxed molecular clock places an evolutionary timescale HEIB, S. on the origins of North American big-eared bats (Vesper - see BUDENZ, T., 173 tilionidae: Corynorhinus), 15 HELVERSEN, O., VON LAMB, J. see KNÖRNSCHILD, M., 208 see RATRIMOMANARIVO, F. H., 25 see RUDOLPH, B.-U., 351 LARSEN, P. A. HOFFMANNOVÁ, A. see BAKER, R. J., 1 see LUČAN, R. K., 61 see SOLARI, S., 279 HOLICK, M. F. LAW, B. S. see SOUTHWORTH, L. O., 451 see FISCHER, J., 127 HOOFER, S. R. LIEGL, A. see SOLARI, S., 279 see RUDOLPH, B.-U., 351 HOOTON, L. A. LIU, Y., L.-R. JIN, W. METZNER, and J. FENG see DZAL, Y., 307 Postnatal growth and age estimation in big-footed myotis, HORÁČEK, I. Myotis macrodactylus, 105 see LUČAN, R. K., 61 LUČAN, R. K., M. ANDREAS, P. BENDA, T. BARTONIČKA, T. BŘE- HULOVÁ, Š. ZI NOVÁ, A. HOFFMANNOVÁ, Š. HULOVÁ, P. HULVA, J. NECKÁ- see LUČAN, R. K., 61 ŘO VÁ, A. REITER, T. SVAČINA, M. ŠÁLEK, and I. HORÁČEK HULVA, P. Alcathoe bat (Myotis alcathoe) in the Czech Republic: dis - see LUČAN, R. K., 61 tributional status, roosting and feeding ecology, 61 Index 473 MACSWINEY G., C. M., B. B. CIMÉ, F. M. CLARKE, and P. A. RATRIMOMANARIVO, F. H., S. M. GOODMAN, W. T. STANLEY, RACEY T. NAIDOO, P. J. TAYLOR, and J. LAMB Insectivorous bat activity at cenotes in the Yucatan Geographic and phylogeographic variation in Chaerephon Peninsula, Mexico, 139 leucogaster (Chiroptera: Molossidae) of Madagascar and MARIMUTHU, G. the western Indian Ocean islands of Mayotte and Pemba, see NATHAN, P. T., 435 25 MATTEI-ROESLI, M. REEDER, D. A. M. see ZAMBELLI, N., 216 see WEAVER, K. N., 220 MCDONOUGH, M. M. REICHARD, J. D., and T. H. KUNZ see BAKER, R. J., 1 White-nose syndrome inflicts lasting injuries to the wings of MEDELLÍN, R. A. little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus), 457 see ORTEGA, J., 259 REITER, A. METZNER, W. see LUČAN, R. K., 61 see LIU, Y., 105 ROSSI TER, S. J. MORALES, J. C. see ZHANG, L., 71 see BILGIN, R., 53 RUDOLPH, B.-U., A. LIEGL, and O. VON HELVERSEN MORETTI, M. Habitat selection and activity patterns in the greater mouse- see ZAMBELLI, N., 216 eared bat Myotis myotis, 351 MOSELEY, R. RUSS, J. see KNÖRNSCHILD, M., 208 see KOFOKY, A. F., 375 MOTOKAWA, M. RUSSO, D. see WU, Y., 237 see FLAQUER, C., 149 MURRAY, K. L., E. FRASER, C. DAVY, T. H. FLEMING, and M. B. ŠÁLEK, M. FENTON see LUČAN, R. K., 61 Characterization of the echolocation calls of bats from SALSAMENDI, E. Exuma, Bahamas, 415 see NAPAL, M., 425 NAIDOO, T. SEIFFERT, E. R. see RATRIMOMANARIVO, F. H., 25 see GUNNELL, G. F., 271 NAPAL, M., I. GARIN, U. GOITI, E. SALSAMENDI, and J. AIHARTZA SIEMERS, B. M. Selection of maternity roosts by Myotis bechsteinii (Kuhl, see ESTÓK, P., 405 1817) in the Southwestern Iberian Peninsula, 425 SIMONS, E. L. NATHAN, P. T., T. KARUPPUDURAI, H. RAGHURAM, and G. MARI- see GUNNELL, G. F., 271 MUTHU SKOWRONSKI, M. D., and M. B. FENTON Bat foraging strategies and pollination of Madhuca latifolia Detecting bat calls: an analysis of automated methods, (Sapotaceae) in southern India, 435 191 NECKÁŘO VÁ, J. SMITH, P. G., and P. A. RACEY see LUČAN, R. K., 61 Selection of timber mortises in a church roof by Pipistrellus ORTEGA, J., M. TSCHAPKA, T. P. GONZÁLEZ-TERRAZAS, G. SU- sp. at 52°N, 205 ZÁN, and R. A. MEDELLÍN SOLARI, S., S. R. HOOFER, P. A. LARSEN, A. D. BROWN, R. J. Phylogeography of Musonycteris harrisoni along the BULL, J. A. GUERRERO, J. ORTEGA, J. P.
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