San Franciso Planning 49 South Van Ness Ave .. !4th Floo1 ~an Francisco. CA 94103. 415.558.6378 www.stplanning.org 2020-0000041 F I L E D SAN FRANCI~CO County Clerk Octpber 23,, 2020. ~:?-- , by: Fallon Lim ~ Approvo!Date: · . June.3Q, 2020 . Dep<Jty County Oeri< ·~ Case No.: 2020-005472.ENV ~ l Transportation Recovery Plan: COVID-19 Emergency Temporary ~ ' 1 Project Title: Transit La_nes & COVID- 19 Emergency Temporary· Bikeways· Project .....(....) 0 I Zoning: N/A I Block/Lot: N/A Lot Size: N/A Lead Agency: San Francisco Planning Department _ fil Project Sponsor: Michael Rhodes, Sari Fran.cisco Muriicipal Transportation Agency ~ 00 (415) 579-9702 0 0 . [email protected] · ~ ~ ··Staff Contact: Jenny Delumo (628) 652-7568 Jenny:[email protected] ' . To: county clerk, citY, and County of San Francisco · cityHallRoom16s· · 1 Dr. Carlton B. Gobdlett.Place San Frandscci, GA 9.4102 Pu'rsuant to the· Califor11ia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Guideli'nes of the Secretary for Resources, and San Francisco requ'irements, this Notice of Exemption is transmitted to you for filing. · At the end of the postfng p"eriod, prease return this Notice to the Staff Contact with a·notation of the period it was posted. ·· · · . Attached fee: $71 filing fee A. Project De.sc_ription and Location: San Francisco Municipal Tr~nsportation Agency's ·(SFMTA) Tran,sportation. Recovery Plan: COVID-19 Emer.gency Temporary Transit Lanes and Emergency Temporary Bikeways· project (the project) w9uld establish·temporary transit lanes high-occupahcy vehicle (HOV) lanes, and temporary bicycle facilities on 36 project corridors spread across severa I neighborho.ods throughout San Francisco. The project corrido~s are listed in Table 1. Tt1e SFMTA Bo~rd of Directors approved emergency temporary transit .lines on. the www.sfplonriing.org Pa.ra informacion en Espanol Uamar al Para saimpormasyon sa Tagalog tumawag sa 628.652.7550 Notice of Exemption CASEN0.~02D-005472ENV Transportation Recovery Plan: COVID-19 Eme.rgenc;y.Tern"poraryTransit Lanes & COVID-19 Temporary Em.erge~cy Bik~ways Project . following nine project corridors: La.guna Honda Boulevard from Clarendon Avenue to Dewey Boulevard; O'S~aughnessy Boulevard from Portola .Drive to 800 feet sou·therly; Mission Street from 11th Street to 1st Strei?t; 7th Street from Townsend Street to Market Street; 8th Street from Market Street to Townsend Street; Masonic Avenue from Haight Street to Geary Boulevard; Woodside Avenue from Laguna Honda Boulevard to Portola Drive; Bosworth Street from Elk Street to Arlington Street; and Presidio Avenue from Sacramento Street to Geary Boulevard. The SFMTA Board of Directors delegated their authority to the City Traffic Engineer to approve the remainder of th.e corridors. Table 1: COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Transit Lanes & COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Bikeways,Project Corridors · · · · .. ~ ... ·•· ... · Stre.et.s .... '· . ! From. ' . ,. " . To Potrero Avenue Cesar-Chcivez Division Street - Bayshore Boulevard Silver Avenue Cesar Chavez Laguna Honda Boulevard Clarendon Avenue Dewey Boulevard Woodside Avenue Laguna Honda Boulevard Portola Drive I O'Shaughnessy Boulevard Portola Drive 800 feet southernly Bosworth Street Hk Street Arlington Street Mission Street 11th Street lst Street Castro Street Divisadero Street buboceAvenue Divisadero Street Castro Street Sacramento Street. California Street .Argue! lo Boulevard steiner street .. Front Street Larkin Street Sacramento Street Gough Street Larkin Street · Gough Street Van Ness Avenue Van Ness Avenue Larkin Street Larkin Street Powell Street Clay Street Powell Street Sansome Street 7th Street and 8th Street Townsend Street Market.Street· .. Masonic Avenue Haight Street GearyBoulevard Presidio Avenue· Geary Boulevard Sacramento Street Fulton Street Stanyan Street 48thAvenue 4th Street Channel Street ' Berry Street Geary Boulevard Stanyan Street 34th Avenue Haight Street Webster Street . Buchanan street Lincoln Way 2nd Avenue 23rd Avenue. Park Presidio .~ Boulevard/Crossover o·rive Lincoln Way Lake Street Post Street Gough Street Market Street Kearny Street Gough Street Sutter Street Market Street Kearny Street Junipero Serra Ocean Avenue .· · · Geneva Aven.ue Bouievard .. Mission Stree·t 30th Street Huron Street 2 Notice of Exemption CASE NO. 2020~005472ENV Transportation Recovery Plan: COVI0-19 Emergency Temporary Transit Lanes & COVID-19 Temporary Emergency Bikeways Project ; .. .. I ; . Streets· .. •... F.rom, . To .. Hyde Street Eddy Streer Market Street Eddy Street Polk Street Hy.de Street Larkin Street Market Street Geary Street Geneva Ave Ocean Al/eilue Santos Street 19th Avenue/ Junipero Serra Boulevard Lincoln Way Alemany Boulevard Veterans Boulevard/Presidio ·Parkway/ Richardson Avenue/Lombard 5treet ·Van Ness Avenue . Lake Street The installation of the proposed temporary transit lanes and temporary HOV lanes 'NOUld not require'lane removal, but woo Id require either' the conversion of an existing mixed-flow lane, a parking lane, or conversion of an existing part time transit orily lane into full-time transit only arid bus/taxi/bicycle Only lanes.To accommodate the temporary bicycle facilities, the project would temporarily remove metered and unmetered parking spaces and temporarily relocate yellow, white, and blue loading zones on some · portions of the project corridors. The installation of the temporary oicycle facilities wou Id not require lane removal. The proposed project would also amend Article 200 ofDivision II and Article 600 of Division ll of the San Francisco Transportation Code authorizing the· City Traffic Engineer to designate temporary transit-only lanes and create associated tow-away zones, as authorized in Section 602 of the Transportation Code. The City Traffic Engineer would only be permitted to approved temporary transit lanes and tow-away zones on project corridors listed in Table 1. ' The identified street segments would revert to pre-project conditions within 120 days after the retraction of the February 25, 2020 proclamation of the COVID-19 local emergency issued by Mayor London Breed. B. Determination: The City and County of San Francisco decided to carry out or approve the project on June 30, 2020 when the SFMTA Board of Directors approved the project under Resolution No. 200630-062.' SFMTA is a_lso the project sponsor and will carry out the project. On September 29, 2020, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors affirmed the CEQA determination (Motion No. M20-138). A copy of the project documents may be examined at the San Francisco Planning Department under file no. 2020-005472ENV, the SFMTA under Resolution No. 200630-062, and San Francisco Board of Supervisors Board File 200903. An Exemption from Environmental Review has been prepared pursuant to the provisions of CEQA under: l. _Ministerial (Sec. 21080(b)(l); 15268) 2. _Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(a)) 3. _x__Emergency Profect (Statute Sec. 21080(b)(4); Guidelines Sec. 15269(c)) 3 NoJice of Exemption CASE NO. 2020-0054 72ENV Transportation Recovery Plan: COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Transit Lanes & COVID-19 Temporary Emergency Bikeways Project 4. __x__categorical Exemption. Class l, Existing Facilities (Guidelines Sec. 1530l(c)) 5. _Statutory Exemption_ Sfate code number: ___ 6. _Community Plan Exemption (Sec.-21083.3; 15183) This project in its approved fo,rm has been determined to be exempt from environmental review. The project would mitigate a public health emergency and thus meets the definition ofan emergency project; none of the exclusions to issuing an emergency project statutory exemption apply to the project. The project woul~ make operational and minor alterations to existing public facilities and thus' also meets the definition of a Class l, Existing facilities categorical exemption; none of the exceptions to issuing a categorical exemptionrapply to ttie p·roject. Note: This .noUce is being issue9 during the susp~nsion of certain CEQA filing and posting requirements pursuant tC! executive orders N-54-20 and N-80-20, and its issuance complies with the alternative posting requirements stated in the orders. This notice also complies with local requirement's under the March 23rd Fifth Supplement to t~e Mayoral Proc(a.mation Declaring the Exister:ice of a Local Emergency Dated February25, 2020. Rich Hillis ,­ Planning Director I for October 21, 2020. --~-- By Lisa Gibson Date Erwironmental Review Officer· cc: Michael Rhodes, SFrylTA Mary Miles David Pilpel 4 State of California - Department of Fish and Wildlife 2020 ENVIRONMENTAL FILING FEE CASH RECEIPT DFW7S3.5a (REV.12101/19) Previously DFG 753.5a Print Finalize&Email RECEIPT NUMBER: 38-10123/2020-037 STATE CLEARINGHOUSE NUMBER (ff applicable) SEE INSlRUCTIONS ON.REVERSE. TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY. LEAD AGENCY LEADAGENCY EMAIL DATE SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING DEPARTMENT [email protected] 10/23/202Q COUNTY/STATE AGENCY OF FILING DOCUMENT NUMBER SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY 2020-0000041 PROJECT TITLE TRANSIT LANES & COVID-19 EMERGENGY TEMPORARY BIKEWAYS PROJECT PROJECT APPLICANT NAME PROJECT APPLICANT EMAIL PHONE NUMBER JENNX. DELUMO jenny [email protected] (628) 652-7568 PROJECTAPPLICANT ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE ) 49S.VANNESSAVE 14THFL SAN FRANCISCO !CA 94103 PROJECT APPLICANT (Check appropriate box) 18] Local Public Agency 0 School District D Other Special District 0 State Agency 0 Private Entity CHECK APPLICABLE FEES: D Environmental Impact Report (EIR) $ 3,343.25 $.--~-----­ D Mitigated/Negative Declaration (MND)(ND) $ 2,406.75 $ --------­ D Certified Regulatory Program (CRP) document - payment due directly to CDFW $ 1,136.50 $ --------- [El Exempt from fee Im Notice of Exemption (attach) D CDFW No Effect Determination (attach) D Fee previously paid (attach previously issued cash receipt copy) D Water Right Application or Petition Fee (State Water Resources Control Board only) $ 850.00 $ ---------- IE! County documentary handling fee $ J1 .oo $ ---'------7_1_.o_o D Other $ ~~~~~~~~~~~ '\ PAYMENT METHOD: 0 Cash D Credit D Check · [El Other JE# 321774 TOTAL RECEIVED $ 71.00 SIGNATURE AGENCY OF FILING PRINTED NAME AND TITLE Fallon Lim Deputy Clerk ORIGINAL -PROJECT APPLICANT COPY - CDFW/ASB COPY - LEAD AGENCY COPY - COUNTY CLERK DFW 753.Sa (Rev. 12012019) .
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