WEEK'S C PLETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS T E NDAY NORTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL MAG ZINE News Highlights of Clifton East Paterson Fair Lawn Garfield Haledon Hawthorne .•odi Little Falls Mountain Vtew •. rfh Haledon •'=terson Passaic :-'ompfon Lakes rospecf Park $incjac •owa ayne Zest Paterson 4-H KING AND •UEEN CROWNED X_UGI'ST l-l, 1960 OL. XXXII, No. 33 435 STRAIGHT STREET PA'FEKSON, N.J. MUlberry 4-7880 Gift Department ß' ß Living l•ooms •• • •.•"..., , BedroomsDining Rooms• Bedding Carpeting Appliances THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE ß', ß:!.-,', - ß • SEAI:00D "5.' aq PECIALTY ' BROILED LOBSTER • -- DAILY FROGS' LEGS - •FT SHrUb CRAU• - B•UKrISH - RAINBO• TROUT- HALIBUT - SALMON - SHRIMPS- SCALLOP•- OYSTERS - CLAM - COD FISH - S•OltD FISH - DAILY DIN . - LAmbertS- IS • i ENCOREFOR 'ANDROID'-- Rip Torn (right) portraysa me- chanicalman and KevinMcGarthy and Sono Osato play his keepers,inAlfred Bester's science-fiction colorcast drama, "Mur- der and the Android,"which NBC-TV will repeatMonday, Sept.5. "Murder and the Android" isthe drama of a manof the futurewho inherits an androidfrom his father, then loses con- trol whenthe mechanicalman develops a mindof hisown. I. PARRILLO TheMan from Equitable asks- Willyou lea.e your family a home --or a mortgage? .. % THZ ODDSthat you •-'11die beforeyou:. pay o6 your mortgageare 16 thnesgreater than the chanceyour house will catch fire. Yet, most prudent families wouldn't think of beingwithout fire insurance.Why be without mortgageinsurance? Equitable'sremarkable mortgage repayment insur- anceplan protects your family against forced Sale... lossof savings...cr lossof home. Costsare low for this basicprotection. For full informationcall... I. PARRILLO 200 EAST RIDGEWOOD AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, N. J. GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 IN LINE OF DUTY -- Gene Barry, as Bat Masterson, shows that Cupid'sbow can be more effectivethan a .45 in "Dead-MenDon't Letthe man from Equitable bring you peace of mind Pay Debts,"a repeat episodeof "Bat Masterson"on the NBC-TV Network Thursday, Aug. 25. June Blair (shown with Barry) plays a gunman's sister entrusted to Mastersoh's care. THE CHRONICLE Page Two Published Weekly by -. • C•ON•• •O•AN• 170472 Bu-tl• S• P&temon, N.J. ß.•, VIN• S. PARRILLO, Publisher VIN• N. PAP•I•, Managing Editor ß a•• as •.c•d Class rnatt• August •, 1.q•, at the Post A FAMILY•Nv•iN6 VAF.A•ON O•fiee at P•m•so•, N. $., • fl•e act o• Mm'• a, 18•9. AUGUST 14, 1960- VOL. XXXII, No. 33 Single Copy 10 Cents ....,.• 22 $4.00 a Year by M•ii T,4E •RE SMALL.gug•.•49 HoT WA•. '• GET I•NPuNG AFWr.,9. ON THE COVER .Congressman Gordon Canfield (left) and Mrs. Canfield (extreme right) present trophies to Jean Van Delden and Jim MacFarland after the two teenagers were crowned king and queen of the Passaic County 4-H Fair last Saturday night, at the Wayne Township Grange on Hamburg Turnpike, Wayne. Save ... Borrow... and Check wilh Member Federal Reserve System ß Member Federal Deposit InsuranceCorporation THE FULL SERVICE BANK ooo CLIFTON - HALEDON LITTLE FALLS ß NORTH HALEDON ß PASSAIC STARS IN DIAMOND MYSTERY -- Rex Harrison and Tammy PATERSON ß WEST PATERSON Grimes play an engaged couple who accidentally become in- volved in the theft of $1,000,000 worth of gems in "The Datchet Diamonds." This play will be telecast Friday, Sept. 9, the first of nine special programs on "The Dow Hour of Great Mysteries" over the N BC-TV Network. THE CHRONICLE PaTe Three FUN S/iFEIY Women'sTravel Authority Alaska Bound? ATTI.IE Customer:"Please .weigh this. pack. Want a different vacationthis age for me." summer? Drive to Alaska. Butcher: "Sure..It weighs three.. The best time to go is between pounds." mid-Juneand late September.Tem- peratures will range from a low of 35 at night to a high of about 75. In Juneauand Fairbanks, hot July daysmay reachthe eighties. GI-IELLOIL COMPANY f WILL YOURNEXT 'rbui?.ET'i• TA• • To _ •"•'•. I ' A lAKEOFL-tHE SHORE ? HERE ARE TiPS • A SAFE IN 'LII:::E-GUARD•'AREAS.AT •'" .L/' " '-:•½ O.o o Customer:"Thanks. It containsthe bonesof the four-poundroast you WI4G•$•14G, OON'TI:•IC. sent me yesterday." •':.• •{,' I' _ TwoTexans x•alked iJito a restaurant- in Chicago,ordered a sumptuous dinner,got the bill and put a dime You'll have 16 to 20 hours of on the table. The dismayedwaiter daylightto enjoy the magnificent said:"You're from Texas--andyou scenery. call that a tip?.... We are from Texas You'll needtime. The trip from son," said one of them, "And that- ,, Washington or Montana to Fair- dime's for the meter in front. of banks takes about a week. You'll whichyour tip-is parkcal." travelon the Alaska Highway; meals, lodging,automobile repair service• ß •nd telephoneand telegraphservice •re availableover its entire length. - ø To go through Canada,you do not need a passport,but must have suf- ficient fundsto make the through trip. Naturalized U.S. citizensshould have their papers. For travelon the AlaSkalIighwa¾ and within Alask- (there's an ex- tellent.primary road system), fiKure on spending about twice as much as I :. ß ou wouldon a similartrip nearer ß ALW/Ay•HAVE ome. ß , , For campers,a light, insect-proof tent and sleepingand cookinggear 'Tin'so.rp/ sir," said the telepho• used in colder climates will be ade- operator, "but that number has been • AWAY• quate. Campers are urged to use taken out." establishedcampsites. Hunting and "Oh, really," said the c•11br.'"CouM fishinglicenses are required. you..give me any informationas to. For further information, write: who has taken her out?" Alaska Visitor's Association,Klein .Bldg.,Juneau; National Park Serv- Ice, 180 Ne• Montgomery St., San Francisco;or U.S. Forest Service, Box 1631, Juneau. The Bureau of Public Roads, Box 1961, Juneau, ;,. publishesa quarterly report on the current condition of all major roads. JERSEY FACTS ß '-.-,.',"} New Jerseyhas beencalled by - , •- -.:%! historians the "Cockpit of the American Revolution". General Washington's victories at Tren- ton and Princeton have been re- There was the Texan who"went to ferred to as the "turning point of LasVegas. He carrieda coupleoœ the Revolution." million dollarswith him, but •'fter' a coupleof dayshe found himsel/ Morristown National Historical runninõshort. Now being from real Pa,rk in New Jersey marking Western'counti T he didn't bother withtelephon e or teleõraph. General Washington's encamp- Smokesignals. merits in the winter of. 1779-,80 ßHe sentup smoke signals to his bank: was, the first National Historical "sendfive million at once."Later ß . Park established 'and maintained in theday,-at the proving grOUnds ' ß ,by the federal governmentß lhe atom was.tested. In notime he had a message/rora THEMALONES -. Dr. Jerry Malone (left, playedby William New Jersey was the only col- the bank... Prince) helps his wife Tracey (Augusta Dabhey) with her knit- ting during an evening at home while their son, Dr. David Malone ony -to have two colleges -- "Allright, . '.. themoney's onthe' way.DON'T SHOUT AND WATCH (John Cormell), looks on. They perform on the NBC-TV Network's Princeton and Rugers. YOUR/LANGUAGE! Monday-through-Friday daytime series, "Young Doctor Malone." Page Four 'l'•t• CHRONICT.• GRID GIANTS CASARES and PELLINGTON BILL PELLINGTON ReadyFor Another Season Hot weather notwithstanding,an- will be the team which requiresthe On the other hand, the Colts.have other footballseason has arrived mostsupport. Given sufficient endorse.- their own ideason that score.With and interestedgrid filberts, having ment by fans here, the team could JohnnyUnitas as their forward,pass- waited for this preciousmoment, are bringback the sort of local_touch miss- ing ace,the Baltimoretake-charge boys delighted,eager, and anxiousas the ing from importantgrid activitysince have beenriding herd on the rest of 1960 seasonwheels across the sports the departure.of the PatersonPanthers the league,providing a strongand-well- scene.The NationalFootball League is who were casualtiesof the leaguein balancedattack in additionto a tough beingjoined by anothermajor circuit, which they operatedfor someyears. defense. Besides Unitas, they have the American League which makes its speedand power with Alan Ameche a debutthis year and the prospectinjects As for Casaresand Pellington,t-hey big factor (like Casares)in that ball- more action in the pigskin pot. are returning for another year of war- carrying department. fare in the. National League and again The Patersonarea will be rootingfor are expectedto provideeffective aid to Pellington,a defensivestalwart, has its two local productsin the National their teams, having attained .suchdis- been extremely .importantto the Colts League action -- Rick Casares, hard tinction in recent years as they proved and his contributionsand ruggedpower bone-bruisingfull'back of the Chicago extremely vital in the successof their have won praise from his teammates Bears who made the climb to the big respectivesquads. and grid experts who real.izethat he time from his start on Paterson sand- has become an integral part of the Bal- lots and Bill Pellington, powerful line- Casares,now preparing for the new timore successstory. This is a saga, backer who will be returning for an- bowling emporium being built in Illinois fanned to the heights in recent seasons other seasonwith the championship-and with a sol.id phalanxof Chicago with successfulcoach Weeb Ewbank as flushed Baltimore Colts. rooters behind him, is working hard the happy pilot of the title-crusted in preparation for the Beam' campaign. Colts. .. In addition, Paterson will be home o1: The fullback, attaining veteran status /a football club playing in strong league as he points for another tough cam- The Pell,ingtonrole in the Baltimore ":competition,a coupleof pegs below the paign in the NFL, is a rugged ground- triumphs won considerable space in major league level.
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