EISTEB NUMMBE M3 ITashungton, Thursday, February 15, 1945 ee. CONTENTS Regulations 702.607 Appeals. 702.608 Area bulletins, Instructions and REGULATIONS AND NOTICES forms. TITLE 7-AGRICULTURE 702.609 DdfnitionB. AGncurnnAsLAnxus irAG=cz: Pa 702.610 Authority, availability of fund3 and Ifsular agricultural conserva- Chapter IV-War Food Administration applicability. tion pro=7am--.......- 1851 (Crop Insurance) A=Ho=r: §§ 702.801 to 702.610. inclusive, AL=nn PnoPrsT Cusoxxnu: issued under 49 Stat. 1148. 1915; 52 Stat. 31. Vesting of copyrights of certain PART 414-WHEAr CRop IzzsuRA C 204, 205; 53 Stat. 550; 54 Stat. 210, 727; 55 German nationals __ _ 1914 REGULATIONS Stat. 257,860; 56 Stat. 761; Pub. Law 425. 78th Bibliographlsches Institut Cong., 2d Sea-; E.O. 9322. 8 PY.R 3807; U.O. AG 1913 Correction 9334, 8 P.R. 5423; E.O. 9392, 8 P.R. 14783. Springer, Julius ......... 1913 Springer, Julius, and R. 01- In Federal Register Document 45- § 702.601 Farm allowances, Practices denbourg__ _ 1915 2152, appearing at page 1585 of the issue and rates of Payment-(a) Farm allow- ances. Farm allowances shall be estab- FrzniAL Chop IR;u=,xzic Conron- for Wednesday, February 7, 1945. the lished in each area upon recommenda- headnote of § 414.1 should read "Avail- tion of the State office and approval of Wheat crop insurance regula- ability of wheat crop tnsurance." The the Agricultural Adjustment Agency for tions (Corr.) 1951 last sentence of § 414.13 should read as the purpose of limiting payments to FEaEnn Powvn Conssox: follows: available funds. Farm allowance shall Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Co., notice of application "The wheat crop shall be deemed to be based upon practices which will pro- vide for the equitable distribution of for certiflate ........ 1912 have been substantially destroyed if the payments on the basis of individual farm Fo.G,zsEco:.oucAmosTnArzon: Corporation determines that it has been conservation needs. Blanket license "BIT"; vege- so badly damaged that farmers gener- (b) Conservationpractices-t) Basis table oils and fats-...... 1924 ally in the area where the farm is located for approval. The conservation prac- General licenses; French India and on whose Farms similar damage oc- tices for which payment will be made (2 documents)- 19 curred would not further care for the shall be those which are recommended Ho=, Owmn' Losms CoxorArxo: Housing credit; insufficient pay- crop or harvest any portion thereof." by the State office of each area of the ments.....1854 Insular Region and approved by the Chief of the Agricultural Adjustment IT;r -ms-TECo==cz Coruesox: Bunker and retop ilng, restric- Agency, as best adapted for each of the tIon 1911 Chapter VII-War Food Admmnstration areas to maintain and increase soil fer- tility, control and prevent erosion caused Relcing permit; oranges and (Agricultural Adjustment) grapefruit at Charleston, by wind or water; encourage conserva- S. C1912 J1945 Bulletin] tion and better agricultural use of water; or conserve and increase range and pas- O c or Dekn TnAsrcn0Axrox: PART 702-INsUL.R AGRICULTURAL CoNSER- ture forage. Common carriers, coordinated VATION PROGRA=I Payment will be made within the limit operations: of the farm allowance for carrying out Dallas and Palestine, Tex--- 1919 Paymentwill be made for participation Greenville, Pa., and Youngs- in the calendar year 1945 conservation town, Ohio-........ 1916 in the 1945 Agricultural- Conservation practices approved for each area. To Program in Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto qualify for payment practices must be Maryland 1917 Rico (hereinafter referred to as the 1945 carried out by methods and with the New York City and Long Is- land, N. Y___ _ 1917 program) in accordance with the pro- kind of seed and other materials that New YorL, N. Y., New Jersey, visions of tis bulletin and such modifi- conform to good farming practice, and and Baltimore, d.d____ 1918 cations thereof as mayhereafter be made. must conform with prescribed spclflca- Te=s ..... _ 1916 se. tions. Orc or Pum: ADiudsx&io:: '102.601 Farm allowances, practices, and (2) Practicescarried out wtith State or Adjustments and pricing or- rates of payment. Federal aid. The extent of any practice ders: 702.602- Division of payments. shall not be reduced because It Is carried Alvarez, Manuel, et aL___ 1921 "702.603 Increase in small payments. out with materials or services furnished Armstrong, 1., Sr., et al-_. 1923 '102.604 Payments limited to $10.000.00. by the Agricultural Adjustment Agency, Beaton & Corbin 'Manufactur- 702.605 General provisions relating to pay- furnished by the Soil Con- ing Co _ ____ 1925 ment. equipment 702.606 Application for payment. (Continued on next p2ge) (Continued on next pa ga) 1851 1852 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, February 15, 1945 CONTENTS-Continued (2) The rates of payment for engi- OFFCE OF PRICE ADIwNIsTRATIoN- neering and construction practices may Continued. Page not exceed the estimated average cost of labor, materials and use of eqipment. Military purpose articles, sales (3) The FEBEiMA REGISTER and fabrications (MPR 157, rates of payment for other Am. 16) --------------- 1910 practices may not exceed 75 percent of Pig iron (RPS 10, Am. 10) --- 1910 the estimated average cost of perform- ing the practice. WAR DEPARTMENT: Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Supplies and equipment: § 702.602 Division of payments. The and days following legal holidays, by the Procurement: payment earned In carrying out practices Division of the Federal Register, the National Contracts -------------- 1862 shall be paid to the producers who car- Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Fohns -------------- 1902 ried out the practices. If more than one in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Instructions, general ------ 1855 producer contributed to the carrying out 1935 -(49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., of the practices on the farm in ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Labor ---------------- 1865 1945, the Administrative Committee, approved by the Purchases: payment shall be divided in the propor- President. Distribution is made only by the General policies ------- 1855 tion that the State office determines the Superintendent of Documents, Government Interbranch and inter- producers contributed to the carrying Printing Office, Washington 25, D. 0. departmental ------ 1863 out of the practices. All persons contrib- The regulatory material appearing herein is Miscellaneous instruc- uting to any practice carried out on a keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, tions ------------ 1896 particular acreage shall be deemed to which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant have contributed equally to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Renegotiation and price to the carrying amended June 19, 1937. adjustment --------- 1897 out of that practice unless they establish The F-MAT REGT will be furnished by Property disposal: to the satisfaction of the State office that mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Appendix ---------------- 1904 their respectiVe contributions thereto per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad- Non-repairable property-- 1903 were not in equal proportion, in which vance. The charge for individual copies Serviceable non-military event the participation shall be deter- (minimum 150) varies in proportion to the property ----------- 1903 mined by the proportion which the State size of the issue. Remit check or mpney office order, made payable to the Superintendent WAR FOOD ADmINISTPA-TION: finds each person contributed of Documents, directly to the Government See also Agricultural Adjust- thereto. Prlnting Office, Washington 25, D. C. ment Agency- Federal Crop § 702.603 Increase in small payments, There are no restrictions on the republica- The total payment tion of material appearing In the F' ar. Insurance Corporation. computed under REGLSTER. Milk and cream, fluid; delega- § 702.601 for any person with respect to tion of authority to market any farm shall be increased as follows: agents (WFO 79-102, Am. (a) Any payment amounting to 71 cents or less shall be Increased to $1, NOTICE 8) ---------------------- 1854 (b) Any payment 1)---- amounting to more Poultry (WFO 125, Am. 1854 than 71 cents but less than $1 shall be Book 1 of the 1943 Supplement to WAR PRODUCTION BOARD: increased by 40 percent; the Code of Federal Regulations Canners, enameled cold pack (c) Any payment amounting to $1 or may be obtained from the Superin- (L-30-b, Dir. 2) --------- 1910 more shall be increased in accordance tendent of Documents, Government Controlled materials plan; spe- with the following schedule: Printing Office, at $3.00 per copy. cial allotments (CMP Reg. Inercase in 1909 This book contains the material in 1, Dir. 22) -------------- Amount of payment comptited: payment $1.00 to $1.99 -------------------- $0.40 Titles 1-31, including Presidential Farm chain, deliveries by chain manufacturers (PR 19, Dir. $2.00 to $2.09 --------------------- .80 documents, issued during the period $3.00 to $3.99 --------------- --- 1.20 2) ---------------------- 1904 from June 2, 1943, through Decem- $4.00 to $4.99 ------------------ 1.00 Imports of strategic materials $5.00 to $5.99 -------------------- 2,00 ber 31, 1943. (M-63) --------------- 1905 $6.00 to $6.99 --------------------. 2.40 Suspension order; Buzzell Elec- $7.00 to $7.99 -------------------- 2.80 $8.00 to $8.99 -------------------- 3.20 trio Works -------------- 1904 $9.00 to $9.99 --------------------. 3,0 CONTENTS-Continued Woodpulp, ureferred status of $10.00 to $10.90 -------------- _- 4.00 $11.00 to $11.99 ------------- _--- 4.40 OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION- deliveries and uses (M-93, Dir. 1) ---------------- 1909 $12.00 to $12.90 ------------------ 4.80 Continued. $13.00 to $13.99 --------- _-----_--.20 Adjustments and pricing or- $14.00 to $14.99 ------------------ 5...,0 ders-Continued. Page $15.00 to $15.99 ------------------ 0.00 Bonnie Butter Products Co., servation Service, materials or services $16.00 to $16.99 ------------------ 0,40 et al ------------------- 1924 furmshed by an agency of a Territory or $17.00 to $17.99 ------------ 0........
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